Progressives had claimed the power to mandate Re-education. Is this America?

Re education mandates, is this America?

  • Yes

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  • No

    Votes: 7 100.0%

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Many people are discussing the story about the baker and the gay wedding cake, and debating merits of homosexuality.

First of all, although I personally avoid association with gays, so long as they are not harming anyone, they can be gay, they can even enter spiritual contract and union (marriage); however, I apply this rule to everyone, it's called the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP).

The issue of homosexuality is acutalyl TRIVIAL in comparison to the ramifications of what followed from this case. A crisis has emerged, where Progressive judges have assumed the authority to mandate "re-education" of persons who do not conform to their own beliefs.

Undoubtedly this is a move towards re-education policies and camps, which many nations have suffered through when hijacked by far-left regimes.

Also, we must ask ourselves, since Jews and Christians will be prohibited from the free exercise of their religion, will these re0educatin mandates also apply to Muslims? Or will Progressive judges give Muslims a free pass on these issues?

Just imagine if a Progressive judge ordered a Muslim baker to make a gay wedding cake!

Who would the Progressives side with, Muslims or gays?

I would actually hope they side with the Muslims.

Government re-education order of Christian Baker Appealed | Reclaim Our Republic
So try and change it, and you'll discover why you can't, because it works.

Fascism works, yes. Doesn't mean it can't be changed.

I see no fascism here, none. Roughly the same level as pay your taxes, this is the minimum wage, and we have zoning and fire codes around here.

Call it what you like. The point is, just because something "works" doesn't meant it can't, or shouldn't, be changed.

Control, intimidation, submission. The agenda of today's American Left.

It's working. Americans (Americans!) from sea to shining sea are intimidated and terrified to say the wrong thing to the wrong person -- either in public or in private. Companies will fire anyone who says the wrong thing about the wrong group, fearing that the PC Police will descend on them and wreck their business. As a result, divisions between Americans are getting deeper and wider as animosities increase.

Congratulations, yeah, this is great.

Fascism works, yes. Doesn't mean it can't be changed.

I see no fascism here, none. Roughly the same level as pay your taxes, this is the minimum wage, and we have zoning and fire codes around here.

Call it what you like. The point is, just because something "works" doesn't meant it can't, or shouldn't, be changed.
All you have to do is change 60 years of good results and legal reasoning. Good luck with that.
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Control, intimidation, submission. The agenda of today's American Left.

It's working. Americans (Americans!) from sea to shining sea are intimidated and terrified to say the wrong thing to the wrong person -- either in public or in private. Companies will fire anyone who says the wrong thing about the wrong group, fearing that the PC Police will descend on them and wreck their business. As a result, divisions between Americans are getting deeper and wider as animosities increase.

Congratulations, yeah, this is great.

Nice drama, queen...

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