Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

The left is comparable to the nazis in the way the left wants to silence all opposition. In that instance, they are exactly the same.
For those who don't know, Alex Jones website Alex Jones' Infowars (Infowars dot com): He is a 9-11 Truther, Gun Advocate and other areas the main-line media does not touch.

He is crazy in some ways and some ways tells it how it is. I don't trust that CNN news talking heads.....
Van Jones is a brilliant man on a political and spiritual journey toward self-actualization. I wish him well.
Top 5 Reasons Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party

By Lee Fang

1.) The Original Boston Tea Party Was A Civil Disobedience Action Against A Private Corporation.

2.) The Original Boston Tea Party Feared That Corporate Greed Would Destroy America.

3.) The Original Boston Tea Party Believed Government Necessary To Protect Against Corporate Excess.

4.) The Original Boston Tea Party Was Sparked By A Corporate Tax Cut For A British Corporation.

5.) The Original Boston Tea Party Wanted A Stronger Democracy.

Progressive political movements, from Martin Luther King to Mahatma Gandhi, have drawn on the original American Boston Tea Party for inspiring civil disobedience against oppression. Indeed, the very first Boston Tea Party was truly radical and faced scorn from elites and conservatives of the era.

Details: Top 5 Reasons Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party | ThinkProgress
Van Jones is the man! He's also right that only white kids shoot up schools.

Do you have any idea how many kids were killed this year by minorities killing minorities on school property or within a few blocks?

Over 30...

Lets just say that the majority of public schools have metal detectors for a reason...

Funny how white kids get shit for going crazy yet minority gangbangers can shoot fellow classmates over gang shit and they get a free pass.

Hell they just convicted 4 blacks here in Chicago for beating a black kid to death (one hit him with a fucking tree branch) - who was their schoolmate and all the shit started in school and happened on their way from school..

These motherfuckers shoot all the time at their schools and the only reason why inner city schools don't have shootings inside is because they have the aforementioned metal detectors, security and even police.

Yeah some schools have up to 10 police officers patrolling the school and its grounds everyday.

You apparently know nothing...

CPS are daycare centers for the children of crackheads....
Van Jones is the man! He's also right that only white kids shoot up schools.

Do you have any idea how many kids were killed this year by minorities killing minorities on school property or within a few blocks?

Over 30...

Lets just say that the majority of public schools have metal detectors for a reason...

Funny how white kids get shit for going crazy yet minority gangbangers can shoot fellow classmates over gang shit and they get a free pass.

Hell they just convicted 4 blacks here in Chicago for beating a black kid to death (one hit him with a fucking tree branch) - who was their schoolmate and all the shit started in school and happened on their way from school..

These motherfuckers shoot all the time at their schools and the only reason why inner city schools don't have shootings inside is because they have the aforementioned metal detectors, security and even police.

Yeah some schools have up to 10 police officers patrolling the school and its grounds everyday.

You apparently know nothing...

CPS are daycare centers for the children of crackheads....

Is that the only pearl you found in my posts?
Van Jones is a brilliant man on a political and spiritual journey toward self-actualization. I wish him well.

I just threw up a little. Van Jones is a self avowed Maxist, he was forced to resign from the WH because of his beliefs. :cuckoo:

Don't you love how all these Marxists publicly state they're Marxists and progressives cheer them on and then claim they're not Marxists?

It's mind boggling - its almost bizarro world.
Van Jones is the man! He's also right that only white kids shoot up schools.

Do you have any idea how many kids were killed this year by minorities killing minorities on school property or within a few blocks?

Over 30...

Lets just say that the majority of public schools have metal detectors for a reason...

Funny how white kids get shit for going crazy yet minority gangbangers can shoot fellow classmates over gang shit and they get a free pass.

Hell they just convicted 4 blacks here in Chicago for beating a black kid to death (one hit him with a fucking tree branch) - who was their schoolmate and all the shit started in school and happened on their way from school..

These motherfuckers shoot all the time at their schools and the only reason why inner city schools don't have shootings inside is because they have the aforementioned metal detectors, security and even police.

Yeah some schools have up to 10 police officers patrolling the school and its grounds everyday.

You apparently know nothing...

CPS are daycare centers for the children of crackheads....

Is that the only pearl you found in my posts?

What the fuck does that mean?

I love how you get your ass handed to you and then you make stupid irrelevant and meaningless comments for absolutely no reason.
How about post #427? Got any thoughts about it...?

Yeah I think you're a dumb person for even reading what thinkprogress and their social justice communist commentators have to say.

Any intelligent person would take one look at that site - especially the commentary and would shake their heads in disbelief and grief in how dumb Americans have become.

Like all socialists Thinkprogress turns opinions into facts, then when those opinions are facts they turn those ideas into reality - then its true to you.

In short the world is whatever you want it to be and that is your truth - your reality.

Your evidence for your own claims are your made up truths....

In reality there is only ONE truth and you have to accept what it is and you opinion has absolutely zero barring as to its meaning..

So, if you want to be considered an knowledgeable person I would suggest you just accept the truth.

Sleeping on sidewalks is not impressive at all - as a matter of fact I would call it ironically degrading... But hey eat rats if that makes you happy.

I would wish you fucking idiots were not robots that your masters could just remote control but have fun while you're sleeping on sidewalks, letting Michael Moore dictate your life, begging for food, doing yoga while everyone else works for a living..
Also, I have a hard time believing anyone who is dumb enough to sleep on a sidewalk is smart enough to know a fucking thing about economics - let alone socioeconomics.

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