Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

Top 5 Reasons Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party

By Lee Fang

1.) The Original Boston Tea Party Was A Civil Disobedience Action Against A Private Corporation.

2.) The Original Boston Tea Party Feared That Corporate Greed Would Destroy America.

3.) The Original Boston Tea Party Believed Government Necessary To Protect Against Corporate Excess.

4.) The Original Boston Tea Party Was Sparked By A Corporate Tax Cut For A British Corporation.

5.) The Original Boston Tea Party Wanted A Stronger Democracy.

Progressive political movements, from Martin Luther King to Mahatma Gandhi, have drawn on the original American Boston Tea Party for inspiring civil disobedience against oppression. Indeed, the very first Boston Tea Party was truly radical and faced scorn from elites and conservatives of the era.

Details: Top 5 Reasons Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party | ThinkProgress

Where did you and this Lee Fang idiot learn your American history?

The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the British government because of taxes, not against a corporation. In fact, at the instigation of Benjamin Franklin, a collection was taken up and offered to the tea company for the destruction of their property.

It was a protest against taxation with representation BY THE GOVERNMENT. End of story.
How about post #427? Got any thoughts about it...?

Yeah I think you're a dumb person for even reading what thinkprogress and their social justice communist commentators have to say.

Any intelligent person would take one look at that site - especially the commentary and would shake their heads in disbelief and grief in how dumb Americans have become.

Like all socialists Thinkprogress turns opinions into facts, then when those opinions are facts they turn those ideas into reality - then its true to you.

In short the world is whatever you want it to be and that is your truth - your reality.

Your evidence for your own claims are your made up truths....

In reality there is only ONE truth and you have to accept what it is and you opinion has absolutely zero barring as to its meaning..

So, if you want to be considered an knowledgeable person I would suggest you just accept the truth.

Sleeping on sidewalks is not impressive at all - as a matter of fact I would call it ironically degrading... But hey eat rats if that makes you happy.

I would wish you fucking idiots were not robots that your masters could just remote control but have fun while you're sleeping on sidewalks, letting Michael Moore dictate your life, begging for food, doing yoga while everyone else works for a living..

Heil Hitler!
Top 5 Reasons Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party

By Lee Fang

1.) The Original Boston Tea Party Was A Civil Disobedience Action Against A Private Corporation.

2.) The Original Boston Tea Party Feared That Corporate Greed Would Destroy America.

3.) The Original Boston Tea Party Believed Government Necessary To Protect Against Corporate Excess.

4.) The Original Boston Tea Party Was Sparked By A Corporate Tax Cut For A British Corporation.

5.) The Original Boston Tea Party Wanted A Stronger Democracy.

Progressive political movements, from Martin Luther King to Mahatma Gandhi, have drawn on the original American Boston Tea Party for inspiring civil disobedience against oppression. Indeed, the very first Boston Tea Party was truly radical and faced scorn from elites and conservatives of the era.

Details: Top 5 Reasons Why The Occupy Wall Street Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party | ThinkProgress

Now, that is funny. Talk about revisionist history.:lol::lol:

Such ignorance is embarrassing. You should be ashamed of yourself for buying this crap.
How about post #427? Got any thoughts about it...?

Yeah I think you're a dumb person for even reading what thinkprogress and their social justice communist commentators have to say.

Any intelligent person would take one look at that site - especially the commentary and would shake their heads in disbelief and grief in how dumb Americans have become.

Like all socialists Thinkprogress turns opinions into facts, then when those opinions are facts they turn those ideas into reality - then its true to you.

In short the world is whatever you want it to be and that is your truth - your reality.

Your evidence for your own claims are your made up truths....

In reality there is only ONE truth and you have to accept what it is and you opinion has absolutely zero barring as to its meaning..

So, if you want to be considered an knowledgeable person I would suggest you just accept the truth.

Sleeping on sidewalks is not impressive at all - as a matter of fact I would call it ironically degrading... But hey eat rats if that makes you happy.

I would wish you fucking idiots were not robots that your masters could just remote control but have fun while you're sleeping on sidewalks, letting Michael Moore dictate your life, begging for food, doing yoga while everyone else works for a living..

Heil Hitler!
Shit. You aren't smart enough to Godwin a thread properly.

[ame=]kung fu hustle slap - YouTube[/ame]
How about post #427? Got any thoughts about it...?

Yeah I think you're a dumb person for even reading what thinkprogress and their social justice communist commentators have to say.

Any intelligent person would take one look at that site - especially the commentary and would shake their heads in disbelief and grief in how dumb Americans have become.

Like all socialists Thinkprogress turns opinions into facts, then when those opinions are facts they turn those ideas into reality - then its true to you.

In short the world is whatever you want it to be and that is your truth - your reality.

Your evidence for your own claims are your made up truths....

In reality there is only ONE truth and you have to accept what it is and you opinion has absolutely zero barring as to its meaning..

So, if you want to be considered an knowledgeable person I would suggest you just accept the truth.

Sleeping on sidewalks is not impressive at all - as a matter of fact I would call it ironically degrading... But hey eat rats if that makes you happy.

I would wish you fucking idiots were not robots that your masters could just remote control but have fun while you're sleeping on sidewalks, letting Michael Moore dictate your life, begging for food, doing yoga while everyone else works for a living..

Heil Hitler!

I suppose I'm a fascist for disapproving of aggressive beggars sleeping on sidewalks demanding people give them free money?

You may as well call anyone that supports themselves and their family a "Hitler" for expecting others do the same..
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>sniff< Whellp... If we're gonna do this right... >hitches up pants< Let's kick this pig.

[ame=]Hitler rants about the Hitler Parodies - YouTube[/ame]

My only regret is not being able to find a rant about Occupy Wall Street, yet.

But rest assured there will be one. They're too fucking stupid to ignore on this.
a 9/11 truther. How exciting. Will he bring Alex Jones with him?

[ame=]Global Banking Cartel Hijack 'Occupy Wall Street' 2/5 - YouTube[/ame]

If I'mma "white boy" he's a ******.

How dare he...

I'm sick of blacks getting away with using racial slurs .

I could see a former slave being angry but these modern kids have nothing to bitch about - they pretty much live for free in the hood while the "white boys" work, and pay the government that converts their tax money into welfare stamps...
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I love how blacks can just publicity say racial slurs but the second a person throws a banana at a black guy the world stops and its major headlines...

Progressives are selective pieces of shit....

They're not against racism - they're against selective versions of it...

Progressives are racists and masochists by de facto...
Someone has to take back America from the looney right before she's completely destroyed.

More precisely - it is the sole responsibility of We the People to take America back from the loonies and criminals who We the People have provided with practical lifetime appointments to pursue their own self-interests = incumbent members of Congress. Anyone who has been there more than 12 years needs to go regardless of past accomplishments.
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I love how the progressive just change the video at will from Van to Alex...
They take narcissism to another level.

In their minds Van Jones never called me a "white boy" and blacks would never call a white person a "white boy."
I love how the progressive just change the video at will from Van to Alex...

:clap2: They're just not certain yet--who is supposed to lead. Kind of like the President they elected.

$Goat herder legislation.jpg
Occupy Wall Street Goes Coporate: Unions Enter.

Talk about controlling people's lives.

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