Progressives Protest Parades

This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.
Translation. Buih really fucked up so it was easier for Obama to fix Bush's mess & create Jobs & since Obama did such a great job, it is harder for Trump to create jobs.

I get it.

Nope. It is tougher for Trump to create the jobs at the same rate but he has done an excellent job. Historic black and hispanic unemployment. High corporate and consumer confidence.
Ubama gutted the military.

Did he do that by spending 42% more than his predecessor?

Sometimes numbers are misleading. Your hero Obama left the military in such bad shape that few of our planes were operational, and some of our ships were not even operational. That sounds like gutting to me. Then the Democrats leveraged the crappy military readiness to force Trump to sign the budget fiasco you love to complain about.

The USA has a ton of nukes & air craft carriers.

No one is messing with the USA from a far.

The only threat is from within the division & diversity.

Doesn't matter. Cyber attacks are what we need to protect ourselves from and how quickly we forget 9/11.

The 9/11 terrorists lived in the USA.
Your point is?
As terrorist cells?
As citizens?
As tourists?
Please be more specific to what your point is.....if you have a point at all.
This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.
Translation. Buih really fucked up so it was easier for Obama to fix Bush's mess & create Jobs & since Obama did such a great job, it is harder for Trump to create jobs.

I get it.

Fake Dave

Explain this

United States Consumer Sentiment | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Consumer Sentiment: Seems much higher under Trump. Thanks for playing.

This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.

My point is that consumer confidence is much higher under Trump. See below.


United States Consumer Sentiment | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.
Translation. Buih really fucked up so it was easier for Obama to fix Bush's mess & create Jobs & since Obama did such a great job, it is harder for Trump to create jobs.

I get it.

Nope. It is tougher for Trump to create the jobs at the same rate but he has done an excellent job. Historic black and hispanic unemployment. High corporate and consumer confidence.

Trump promised he could do more but I am glad to admit how good a job Obama did.

Trump is riding Obama's god economic record. You can't name a single thing Trump did for blacks or Hispanics. Its lt's Trump walking outside & taking credit for a sunny day.
This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

Trump has been better in terms of corporate and consumer confidence. Both irresponsible when it comes to balancing the budget.


What is that a graph of?
RE: Do July 4th festivities make you Republican?
Dear PoliticalChic:
This shows we ALL could use a good throw back to the 80's.
To take a step back and stop taking what someone says
to mean they represent a whole group.

In the 80's with diversity of music on MTV,
* Just because people like METAL didn't make them a drugged out loser.
* Listening to Madonna and buying her CD's didn't make you a nasty ho.
* You could listen to rap and not be a criminal thug.
So what?

Where did we get lost in this narrative
that whatever freedom you allowed for others,
and didn't protest, MADE YOU THAT THING?

For Independence Day, let's not become slaves or victims
to this media mob mentality. Let's remember that America
has always been the hotbed for freedom of speech, expression,
diversity of ideas, cultures and beliefs. And like Trump and Cortez,
we can all speak our minds, represent ourselves in whatever way works for us,
and that doesn't mean we speak for others, or their stereotypes represent us either.

Let's respect free speech and let people be responsible for their own words and choices.
Let's not dictate that for them. And get caught up in the same traps they are using for bait.

Celebrate free speech and let others SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES
That's the best thing you can do
to honor America and the freedom we have here.

Happy Fourth of July to Everyone on USMB!

We have equal rights.
Use them, but don't abuse them,
Or you'll lose them!

Enjoy your Independence,
with Liberty and Justice for All

Love, Emily
Houston TX

Congress shall not make a law
That would establish a religion
Or disrupt the peaceful exercise
Of your religious freedom

Or abridge the right to free speech
Or the freedom of the press
Or stop the people from assembling
To petition for redress

The Bill of Rights would not suffice
Without the next Amendment
That protects the Right to Bear Arms
From the Government's infringement

To check and balance forces
That defend our Country's freedom
If you learn your rights ahead of time
The cops won't have to read 'em!

Government can't mandate religion
Or abridge your right to petition
Your free speech, or free press
Or due process

Congress can't impose taxation
Without representation
States can't enforce discrimination
By race, class or creed

No unwilling servitude
Unless punishment is due
Rich or poor, it's no excuse
For abuses!

Right to arms can't be infringed
For law-abiding citizens
Or rights reserved to the States
That make our country great...

Man, do Liberals, Democrats, Leftists, hate July 4th!

Here's one of the true low-lives, of MSNBC:

"Joy Reid: Trump’s July Fourth Celebration Is a Threat to Americans

...Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue?" Reid continued. "Who is that message to? It's certainly not to tyrants because he likes tyrants, he loves tyrants. It's not to Putin, it's not to Kim Jong-Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to Western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country? I got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat, but it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants."
Joy Reid: Trump's July Fourth Celebration Is a Threat to Americans

Know why they hate those events?

American tradition tends to support conservative rather than liberal perspective can be found in the following:
“According to the report, published by Harvard University, July 4th-themed festivities (defined by the study as fireworks, parades, political speeches, and barbecues) not only energize primarily Republicans, but also turn children into Republicans and increase GOP voter turnout.

Simply put: "Fourth of July celebrations in the United States shape the nation's political landscape by forming beliefs and increasing participation, primarily in favor of the Republican Party," says the report, which was written by Harvard Kennedy School Assistant Professor David Yanagizawa-Drott and Bocconi University Assistant Professor Andreas Madestam…. there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party.” Do July 4th festivities make you Republican?

Confetti time!
Ubama gutted the military.

Did he do that by spending 42% more than his predecessor?

Sometimes numbers are misleading. Your hero Obama left the military in such bad shape that few of our planes were operational, and some of our ships were not even operational. That sounds like gutting to me. Then the Democrats leveraged the crappy military readiness to force Trump to sign the budget fiasco you love to complain about.
Sounds like BS

Got a link on that?
This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

Trump has been better in terms of corporate and consumer confidence. Both irresponsible when it comes to balancing the budget.

Looks like he continued the trend Obama gave him in 2017
This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.

No he didn't.

Here, from Left-leaning Reuters, pointing out how bogus that claim is.

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression - Reuters

It takes a certain sort of fool to swallow the Leftist propaganda.
Raise your paw.
RE: Do July 4th festivities make you Republican?
Dear PoliticalChic:
This shows we ALL could use a good throw back to the 80's.
To take a step back and stop taking what someone says
to mean they represent a whole group.

In the 80's with diversity of music on MTV,
* Just because people like METAL didn't make them a drugged out loser.
* Listening to Madonna and buying her CD's didn't make you a nasty ho.
* You could listen to rap and not be a criminal thug.
So what?

Where did we get lost in this narrative
that whatever freedom you allowed for others,
and didn't protest, MADE YOU THAT THING?

For Independence Day, let's not become slaves or victims
to this media mob mentality. Let's remember that America
has always been the hotbed for freedom of speech, expression,
diversity of ideas, cultures and beliefs. And like Trump and Cortez,
we can all speak our minds, represent ourselves in whatever way works for us,
and that doesn't mean we speak for others, or their stereotypes represent us either.

Let's respect free speech and let people be responsible for their own words and choices.
Let's not dictate that for them. And get caught up in the same traps they are using for bait.

Celebrate free speech and let others SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES
That's the best thing you can do
to honor America and the freedom we have here.

Happy Fourth of July to Everyone on USMB!

We have equal rights.
Use them, but don't abuse them,
Or you'll lose them!

Enjoy your Independence,
with Liberty and Justice for All

Love, Emily
Houston TX

Congress shall not make a law
That would establish a religion
Or disrupt the peaceful exercise
Of your religious freedom

Or abridge the right to free speech
Or the freedom of the press
Or stop the people from assembling
To petition for redress

The Bill of Rights would not suffice
Without the next Amendment
That protects the Right to Bear Arms
From the Government's infringement

To check and balance forces
That defend our Country's freedom
If you learn your rights ahead of time
The cops won't have to read 'em!

Government can't mandate religion
Or abridge your right to petition
Your free speech, or free press
Or due process

Congress can't impose taxation
Without representation
States can't enforce discrimination
By race, class or creed

No unwilling servitude
Unless punishment is due
Rich or poor, it's no excuse
For abuses!

Right to arms can't be infringed
For law-abiding citizens
Or rights reserved to the States
That make our country great...

Man, do Liberals, Democrats, Leftists, hate July 4th!

Here's one of the true low-lives, of MSNBC:

"Joy Reid: Trump’s July Fourth Celebration Is a Threat to Americans

...Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue?" Reid continued. "Who is that message to? It's certainly not to tyrants because he likes tyrants, he loves tyrants. It's not to Putin, it's not to Kim Jong-Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to Western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country? I got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat, but it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants."
Joy Reid: Trump's July Fourth Celebration Is a Threat to Americans

Know why they hate those events?

American tradition tends to support conservative rather than liberal perspective can be found in the following:
“According to the report, published by Harvard University, July 4th-themed festivities (defined by the study as fireworks, parades, political speeches, and barbecues) not only energize primarily Republicans, but also turn children into Republicans and increase GOP voter turnout.

Simply put: "Fourth of July celebrations in the United States shape the nation's political landscape by forming beliefs and increasing participation, primarily in favor of the Republican Party," says the report, which was written by Harvard Kennedy School Assistant Professor David Yanagizawa-Drott and Bocconi University Assistant Professor Andreas Madestam…. there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party.” Do July 4th festivities make you Republican?

Confetti time!

"Dear PoliticalChic:
This shows we ALL could use a good throw back to the 80's.
To take a step back and stop taking what someone says
to mean they represent a whole group."

I seem to have missed all of the copious examples of Democrats/Liberals disputing Joy Reid.

You couldn't find any?

What do you suppose that indicates?

Try to think before you post.
Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.

No he didn't.

Here, from Left-leaning Reuters, pointing out how bogus that claim is.

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression - Reuters

It takes a certain sort of fool to swallow the Leftist propaganda.
Raise your paw.



Shut up.
i'll be honest, i don't get the need for the tanks on parade. seems like someone trying too hard to show pride in our military and using them as a display vs. their intended purpose. if you respect the military, stop making them do a dance like this.

Boy Ice, you really shot the moon on the ratings for this post by a who's who list of crazies, lol.

Screenshot_20190703-141443_Samsung Internet.jpg
The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.

No he didn't.

Here, from Left-leaning Reuters, pointing out how bogus that claim is.

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression - Reuters

It takes a certain sort of fool to swallow the Leftist propaganda.
Raise your paw.



Shut up.

That was under the Obama administration.....the worst recovery since the last world war.

I understand why you cling to the incompetent......birds of a feather and all.
i'll be honest, i don't get the need for the tanks on parade. seems like someone trying too hard to show pride in our military and using them as a display vs. their intended purpose. if you respect the military, stop making them do a dance like this.
I of course thought Vietnam a lie and a waste, and it was, and I thought Desert Storm was a bungled episode of missed diplomacy, but not the only one of HW's four years and I voted for him three times if you count the 1980 primary too, but I've always supported the troops and am the first in my family to not actually serve in a war … and for that I am very thankful. But the military is not for partisan purposes, and parades are to honor the dead as much as the living. And the Fourth is about patriotism and the ideal of America and self-determination.
of that we can agree.
I know there's memorial day, and I still get veterans day off but I have no idea why, and don't get me started on Robert E. Lee day, LOL. And I know the Fourth is really about the Dec. of Independence and celebrating the ideals and principles of the Founders with representative govt and tolerance for those with other political views, but I tend to remember my family members who left parts of their lives in the two world wars and Korea. I got a pass on Vietnam from chance. I never got the impression they cared much about what party anyone belonged to. I know my godfather who had PTSD for life wondered about my feelings towards Vietnam. His view was, life sucked but you do your bit and don't ask questions.
i'll be honest, i don't get the need for the tanks on parade. seems like someone trying too hard to show pride in our military and using them as a display vs. their intended purpose. if you respect the military, stop making them do a dance like this.
Obama has made them do a different dance. There are people in the military that are wary now of going to certain duty stations.

can you give a few examples and explain how it changed under Obama?

Grown men in little girls bathrooms?

After Trump wins in 2020 ever wonder how low CNN and MSNBC ratings would need to go before they decide to be honest news outlets, with real personas for talking heads?

can you name a single honest news outlet, with real personas for talking heads?

i24 news, with Michelle Makori

Channel 14 in Brooklyn, on line, too.


Why am I not surprised you picked the Israeli version of Al Jazeera

Another ignorant comment from ignorant Gator. Shocking.

Sorry to hurt your little feelings, but often the truth hurts. But it is good for you.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

Troll boi.

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.

No he didn't.

Here, from Left-leaning Reuters, pointing out how bogus that claim is.

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression - Reuters

It takes a certain sort of fool to swallow the Leftist propaganda.
Raise your paw.



Shut up.

That was under the Obama administration.....the worst recovery since the last world war.

I understand why you cling to the incompetent......birds of a feather and all.
Worst recovery?

Nearly tripled the stock market, added 13 million jobs, cut unemployment by five percent.
  • Thanks
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i'll be honest, i don't get the need for the tanks on parade. seems like someone trying too hard to show pride in our military and using them as a display vs. their intended purpose. if you respect the military, stop making them do a dance like this.

Boy Ice, you really shot the moon on the ratings for this post by a who's who list of crazies, lol.

View attachment 267575
I'll shower twice tonight.

Slap a label down if you must just don't see a need to tank around.

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