Progressives Protest Parades

Did he do that by spending 42% more than his predecessor?

Sometimes numbers are misleading. Your hero Obama left the military in such bad shape that few of our planes were operational, and some of our ships were not even operational. That sounds like gutting to me. Then the Democrats leveraged the crappy military readiness to force Trump to sign the budget fiasco you love to complain about.

The USA has a ton of nukes & air craft carriers.

No one is messing with the USA from a far.

The only threat is from within the division & diversity.

Doesn't matter. Cyber attacks are what we need to protect ourselves from and how quickly we forget 9/11.

The 9/11 terrorists lived in the USA.
Your point is?
As terrorist cells?
As citizens?
As tourists?
Please be more specific to what your point is.....if you have a point at all.

My point is that the USA let in the Islamic terrorists, it was more of a border security issue, rather than a military, or war one.
Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

Trump has been better in terms of corporate and consumer confidence. Both irresponsible when it comes to balancing the budget.

Looks like he continued the trend Obama gave him in 2017
You see what you want to see but once he won the confidence rose.
The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.

No he didn't.

Here, from Left-leaning Reuters, pointing out how bogus that claim is.

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression - Reuters

It takes a certain sort of fool to swallow the Leftist propaganda.
Raise your paw.



Shut up.

He spent $10trn to achieve this.
This parade is not about America. We've had annual 4th of July celebrations in DC every year. This is about the glorification of Trump. That's why it's being protested. You "conservatives" are too stupid to see the dictator you are supporting because you are so desperate to pretend you have power. But you don't. Not unless your last name is Trump. You're nothing to him, yet you worship him like he is God. And you are too stupid to see how dangerous that really is.

Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.
Sometimes numbers are misleading. Your hero Obama left the military in such bad shape that few of our planes were operational, and some of our ships were not even operational. That sounds like gutting to me. Then the Democrats leveraged the crappy military readiness to force Trump to sign the budget fiasco you love to complain about.

The USA has a ton of nukes & air craft carriers.

No one is messing with the USA from a far.

The only threat is from within the division & diversity.

Doesn't matter. Cyber attacks are what we need to protect ourselves from and how quickly we forget 9/11.

The 9/11 terrorists lived in the USA.
Your point is?
As terrorist cells?
As citizens?
As tourists?
Please be more specific to what your point is.....if you have a point at all.

My point is that the USA let in the Islamic terrorists, it was more of a border security issue, rather than a military, or war one.

Yeah but I would rather be proactive than reactive. If we were proactive then 9/11 doesn’t happen.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.
Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.

No he didn't.

Here, from Left-leaning Reuters, pointing out how bogus that claim is.

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression - Reuters

It takes a certain sort of fool to swallow the Leftist propaganda.
Raise your paw.



Shut up.

That was under the Obama administration.....the worst recovery since the last world war.

I understand why you cling to the incompetent......birds of a feather and all.

Whenever I wonder just how stupid people can be, you provide the answer. When you talk about incompetence look no further than this:

Ubama gutted the military.
Bullshit. Military spending went down because we were pulling out of Iraq.

Military spending increased in Obama's second term/..

Military spending did not go down, Obama spent more than 40% more than Bush II did on the military.

The Republicans rightfully blame Obama on a couple of things, for example his Stimulus package didn't probably do too much, because it was pretty sparse.... Ultimately it caused a ton of debt, however.

But, in other things Republicans are exaggerating, or even wrong.

Obama actually deported more Illegal immigrants than Trump.

While, Trump maybe the most pro-Israel president, actually Obama is the second most pro-Israel president.

Yes, as you pointed out, Obama also spent a ton on military.

As for ACA AKA Obamacare, they're exaggerating, for example Obamacare is actually from Republican Romney, and it's not a lot more expensive, if anymore expensive, because the USA pays for emergency room visits for those who can't afford them, so ACA just supplements those costs, and even helps prevent emergency room visits by routine physicals.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.

Trump has done nothing. And that's a fact. No matter how many right wing forums and posts repeat the lie you just told, Trump has done nothing and he's certainly not working for the interest of the majority of citizens in this country.
The USA has a ton of nukes & air craft carriers.

No one is messing with the USA from a far.

The only threat is from within the division & diversity.

Doesn't matter. Cyber attacks are what we need to protect ourselves from and how quickly we forget 9/11.

The 9/11 terrorists lived in the USA.
Your point is?
As terrorist cells?
As citizens?
As tourists?
Please be more specific to what your point is.....if you have a point at all.

My point is that the USA let in the Islamic terrorists, it was more of a border security issue, rather than a military, or war one.

Yeah but I would rather be proactive than reactive. If we were proactive then 9/11 doesn’t happen.

I think 9/11 is pretty fishy in the first place.
For example, some people knew about the attack, but the USA government didn't?

Also accounts of it differ widely, and many first responders, and first hand witnesses speak of explosions, and a Black military drone / jet crashing, rather than a lighter passenger jetliner.

It may have been really Islamists, even if it was it's because we didn't secure our nation enough against foreigners.

But, I'm not so sure the Muslims did 9/11.

Especially considering who benefited the most from it, being Neocons.

Not necessarily blaming Neocons, but I think more than likely they let it happen.
Doesn't matter. Cyber attacks are what we need to protect ourselves from and how quickly we forget 9/11.

The 9/11 terrorists lived in the USA.
Your point is?
As terrorist cells?
As citizens?
As tourists?
Please be more specific to what your point is.....if you have a point at all.

My point is that the USA let in the Islamic terrorists, it was more of a border security issue, rather than a military, or war one.

Yeah but I would rather be proactive than reactive. If we were proactive then 9/11 doesn’t happen.

I think 9/11 is pretty fishy in the first place.
For example, some people knew about the attack, but the USA government didn't?

Also accounts of it differ widely, and many first responders, and first hand witnesses speak of explosions, and a Black military drone / jet crashing, rather than a lighter passenger jetliner.

It may have been really Islamists, even if it was it's because we didn't secure our nation enough against foreigners.

But, I'm not so sure the Muslims did 9/11.

Especially considering who benefited the most from it, being Neocons.

Not necessarily blaming Neocons, but I think more than likely they let it happen.

Nope. It was what you saw and Bin Laddin took credit. It was a well planned attack. The rest is InfoWars BS.
Can you imagine tho ticker tape parades we'd have had if the Muslim President could have done this?

“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December

The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.


Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says

Report blames lackluster pace of recovery on GOP-led budget cuts, unwillingness of local officials to spend money, and their refusal to expand Medicaid

The US’s slow recovery from the 2008 recession is due to Republican policies on the local, state and federal level, according to a new study published by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI).

The new report comes as the slow pace of recovery has emerged as a key battleground between Republican candidate Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, who will set out her economic policy on Thursday.

The EPI report blames the lackluster pace of recovery on Republican-led budget cuts in 2011 following the row over the US debt ceiling, the unwillingness of local officials to spend money when Republicans in Congress were advocating cuts in spending, and the refusal to expand Medicaid in 19 states.

The report comes as the Republican party once again calls for the reining in of government spending and reductions in the deficit.

“Given the degree of damage inflicted by the Great Recession and the restricted ability of monetary policy to aid recovery, historically expansionary fiscal policy was required to return the US economy to full health,” writes Josh Bivens, research and policy director at EPI.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.

W. Bush was far worse than Obama.

While, Obama isn't far worse than Trump.

Obama's probably only slightly worse than Trump.... (Thus far) We still have time left.

I tend to think Trump did some decent things, like the Corporate tax cuts + Tariffs were long overdue.

But, ultimately, Obama actually deported more Illegal Immigrants.

Obama's stimulus package was pretty ridiculous, but Trump's also wasting, like on this Military parade.

Obama also wasn't such a blind Zionist, the moving the American embassy to Jerusalem was a bit of a disaster.

Also, ACA helped bring down the uninsured, and probably didn't cost us much more, considering how the USA already was paying for ER visits for everybody who couldn't afford healthcare, in Hospitals at top rates.

Yes, healthcare since ACA may have edged up, but healthcare has edged up long before ACA.

A big part of it is probably because.
A.) We're more medicated.
B.) We're living longer on expensive meds.
C.) Operation techniques have become more expensive.
D.) Because they are ripping people off, a lot of pills are being jacked up by the Capitalist market.

As for war..... Thus far Trump has been slightly better.

Because Trump cleaned up Syria a bit more, at least ISIS is gone, while Obama aligned with Rebels on the same side as ISIS.

The downfall is that by collapsing ISIS, Iran has come to prominence.

So, actually this all goes back to W. Bush, who was a major f"ck up, who by getting rid of Saddam Hussein, helped Iran vs ISIS spread into Iraq.

Not to mention W. Bush killed a ton of people.

Then W. Bush tanked the economy.

So, absolutely W. Bush was a disaster.
The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.


Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says

Report blames lackluster pace of recovery on GOP-led budget cuts, unwillingness of local officials to spend money, and their refusal to expand Medicaid

The US’s slow recovery from the 2008 recession is due to Republican policies on the local, state and federal level, according to a new study published by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI).

The new report comes as the slow pace of recovery has emerged as a key battleground between Republican candidate Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, who will set out her economic policy on Thursday.

The EPI report blames the lackluster pace of recovery on Republican-led budget cuts in 2011 following the row over the US debt ceiling, the unwillingness of local officials to spend money when Republicans in Congress were advocating cuts in spending, and the refusal to expand Medicaid in 19 states.

The report comes as the Republican party once again calls for the reining in of government spending and reductions in the deficit.

“Given the degree of damage inflicted by the Great Recession and the restricted ability of monetary policy to aid recovery, historically expansionary fiscal policy was required to return the US economy to full health,” writes Josh Bivens, research and policy director at EPI.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says

It’s an editorial? Hence one persons opinion.
The Dec job numbers were adjusted down to 227 by the BLS

And at the halfway point of 2019 we are averaging 164,000 jobs added per month, the lowest average since 2010.

And even your 312,000 number was surpassed during the Obama year 7 times, were you cheering for him when that happened?

Obama started from a lower number. Stop this nonsense. It was easier for him and his administration because of Bush.

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.


Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says

Report blames lackluster pace of recovery on GOP-led budget cuts, unwillingness of local officials to spend money, and their refusal to expand Medicaid

The US’s slow recovery from the 2008 recession is due to Republican policies on the local, state and federal level, according to a new study published by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI).

The new report comes as the slow pace of recovery has emerged as a key battleground between Republican candidate Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, who will set out her economic policy on Thursday.

The EPI report blames the lackluster pace of recovery on Republican-led budget cuts in 2011 following the row over the US debt ceiling, the unwillingness of local officials to spend money when Republicans in Congress were advocating cuts in spending, and the refusal to expand Medicaid in 19 states.

The report comes as the Republican party once again calls for the reining in of government spending and reductions in the deficit.

“Given the degree of damage inflicted by the Great Recession and the restricted ability of monetary policy to aid recovery, historically expansionary fiscal policy was required to return the US economy to full health,” writes Josh Bivens, research and policy director at EPI.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Published by who again?

Bwahaha fucking moron. Go unthank my tank post.
The 9/11 terrorists lived in the USA.
Your point is?
As terrorist cells?
As citizens?
As tourists?
Please be more specific to what your point is.....if you have a point at all.

My point is that the USA let in the Islamic terrorists, it was more of a border security issue, rather than a military, or war one.

Yeah but I would rather be proactive than reactive. If we were proactive then 9/11 doesn’t happen.

I think 9/11 is pretty fishy in the first place.
For example, some people knew about the attack, but the USA government didn't?

Also accounts of it differ widely, and many first responders, and first hand witnesses speak of explosions, and a Black military drone / jet crashing, rather than a lighter passenger jetliner.

It may have been really Islamists, even if it was it's because we didn't secure our nation enough against foreigners.

But, I'm not so sure the Muslims did 9/11.

Especially considering who benefited the most from it, being Neocons.

Not necessarily blaming Neocons, but I think more than likely they let it happen.

Nope. It was what you saw and Bin Laddin took credit. It was a well planned attack. The rest is InfoWars BS.

It's not Infowars BS, there's videos of first responders stating what I just stated to you.

But, that's a different discussion.

This military parade doesn't seem to do a heck of a lot, but rack up debt.

Actually, it's the Socialists who are famed for such military parades, the Communists, and Nazis were famous for them.
Ubama gutted the military.
Bullshit. Military spending went down because we were pulling out of Iraq.

Military spending increased in Obama's second term/..

Military spending did not go down, Obama spent more than 40% more than Bush II did on the military.

The Republicans rightfully blame Obama on a couple of things, for example his Stimulus package didn't probably do too much, because it was pretty sparse.... Ultimately it caused a ton of debt, however.

But, in other things Republicans are exaggerating, or even wrong.

Obama actually deported more Illegal immigrants than Trump.

While, Trump maybe the most pro-Israel president, actually Obama is the second most pro-Israel president.

Yes, as you pointed out, Obama also spent a ton on military.

As for ACA AKA Obamacare, they're exaggerating, for example Obamacare is actually from Republican Romney, and it's not a lot more expensive, if anymore expensive, because the USA pays for emergency room visits for those who can't afford them, so ACA just supplements those costs, and even helps prevent emergency room visits by routine physicals.
Sorry but the CBO said the stimulus did what it was designed to do. Stimulus packages work because they borrow the money.
Ubama gutted the military.
Bullshit. Military spending went down because we were pulling out of Iraq.

Military spending increased in Obama's second term/..

Military spending did not go down, Obama spent more than 40% more than Bush II did on the military.

The Republicans rightfully blame Obama on a couple of things, for example his Stimulus package didn't probably do too much, because it was pretty sparse.... Ultimately it caused a ton of debt, however.

But, in other things Republicans are exaggerating, or even wrong.

Obama actually deported more Illegal immigrants than Trump.

While, Trump maybe the most pro-Israel president, actually Obama is the second most pro-Israel president.

Yes, as you pointed out, Obama also spent a ton on military.

As for ACA AKA Obamacare, they're exaggerating, for example Obamacare is actually from Republican Romney, and it's not a lot more expensive, if anymore expensive, because the USA pays for emergency room visits for those who can't afford them, so ACA just supplements those costs, and even helps prevent emergency room visits by routine physicals.
Sorry but the CBO said the stimulus did what it was designed to do. Stimulus packages work because they borrow the money.

Hmm... The stimulus package should've been just focused on Infrastructure.... Instead it was all over the place.

Obama's stimulus package may have had some results, and at astronomical costs, and debts.
Your point is?
As terrorist cells?
As citizens?
As tourists?
Please be more specific to what your point is.....if you have a point at all.

My point is that the USA let in the Islamic terrorists, it was more of a border security issue, rather than a military, or war one.

Yeah but I would rather be proactive than reactive. If we were proactive then 9/11 doesn’t happen.

I think 9/11 is pretty fishy in the first place.
For example, some people knew about the attack, but the USA government didn't?

Also accounts of it differ widely, and many first responders, and first hand witnesses speak of explosions, and a Black military drone / jet crashing, rather than a lighter passenger jetliner.

It may have been really Islamists, even if it was it's because we didn't secure our nation enough against foreigners.

But, I'm not so sure the Muslims did 9/11.

Especially considering who benefited the most from it, being Neocons.

Not necessarily blaming Neocons, but I think more than likely they let it happen.

Nope. It was what you saw and Bin Laddin took credit. It was a well planned attack. The rest is InfoWars BS.

It's not Infowars BS, there's videos of first responders stating what I just stated to you.

But, that's a different discussion.

This military parade doesn't seem to do a heck of a lot, but rack up debt.

Actually, it's the Socialists who are famed for such military parades, the Communists, and Nazis were famous for them.

Eh? I am Neutral on it. And first responders are clients of mine and they said what I just stated. I like the parade idea but agree it’s pricey. Would do it with corporate sponsorship however.
Ubama gutted the military.
Bullshit. Military spending went down because we were pulling out of Iraq.

Military spending increased in Obama's second term/..

Military spending did not go down, Obama spent more than 40% more than Bush II did on the military.

The Republicans rightfully blame Obama on a couple of things, for example his Stimulus package didn't probably do too much, because it was pretty sparse.... Ultimately it caused a ton of debt, however.

But, in other things Republicans are exaggerating, or even wrong.

Obama actually deported more Illegal immigrants than Trump.

While, Trump maybe the most pro-Israel president, actually Obama is the second most pro-Israel president.

Yes, as you pointed out, Obama also spent a ton on military.

As for ACA AKA Obamacare, they're exaggerating, for example Obamacare is actually from Republican Romney, and it's not a lot more expensive, if anymore expensive, because the USA pays for emergency room visits for those who can't afford them, so ACA just supplements those costs, and even helps prevent emergency room visits by routine physicals.
Sorry but the CBO said the stimulus did what it was designed to do. Stimulus packages work because they borrow the money.

Borrow comes with payback....

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