Progressives Protest Parades

Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.

Sorry but the effects of the recession go well beyond the official end. The economic policies of Obama gave us a long steady growth while installing protections from anotherf All Street fiasco.

Trump cutting regulations does little other than giving us dirtier air & waster, more dangerous workplaces & increasing the odds of another Wall Street recession.

The economy only improved because Trump's tax cut was a stimulus effort to dupe the low IQ people & hiding that it will bowwow 1.5 trillion dollars.

Trump is a fucking moron who can't manage shit.

Yup... So basically both sides don't care about the debt.

Sure, I'll agree, low interest rates + cutting taxes on the rich civilians, led to a ton of landlords & properties brought up by the rich.
Once that artificial boom got too high, it bust into the bad economy.

Add W. Bush's plan for home ownership to give riskier loans to lower class, and minorities include.

Not to mention the repeal of Glass Steagall under Clinton.

Absolutely, it all created a disaster.

One which is likely to come back out under, or after Trump...

Because these issues are still going strong.
Glass Steagall was repealed under Clinton but it was 100 Republican effort. Clinton signed as a compromise bill.

Indeed, but Glass Steagall wasn't the only issue.... It certainly hasn't been fixed...
Man, do Liberals, Democrats, Leftists, hate July 4th!

Here's one of the true low-lives, of MSNBC:

"Joy Reid: Trump’s July Fourth Celebration Is a Threat to Americans

...Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue?" Reid continued. "Who is that message to? It's certainly not to tyrants because he likes tyrants, he loves tyrants. It's not to Putin, it's not to Kim Jong-Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to Western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country? I got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat, but it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants."
Joy Reid: Trump's July Fourth Celebration Is a Threat to Americans

Know why they hate those events?

American tradition tends to support conservative rather than liberal perspective can be found in the following:
“According to the report, published by Harvard University, July 4th-themed festivities (defined by the study as fireworks, parades, political speeches, and barbecues) not only energize primarily Republicans, but also turn children into Republicans and increase GOP voter turnout.

Simply put: "Fourth of July celebrations in the United States shape the nation's political landscape by forming beliefs and increasing participation, primarily in favor of the Republican Party," says the report, which was written by Harvard Kennedy School Assistant Professor David Yanagizawa-Drott and Bocconi University Assistant Professor Andreas Madestam…. there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party.” Do July 4th festivities make you Republican?

Confetti time!
The message is clear..."Look at me now Dad!!!":
Sorry to hurt your little feelings, but often the truth hurts. But it is good for you.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

Troll boi.



Gator, you do argue just to argue very often.

what the fuck are you talking about? The fucking moron makes a stupid ass post and you jump on my shit for responding?

fuck off

Case in point. Thank you.

thank the gods you are too fucking mature to do such things...oh wait your doing it right now.

what a fucking fraud.

shove your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points memo.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.
Other than break treaties......Trump has done nothing

If he can’t behave in a Presidential manner, he should stay the fuk home. We don’t need his childish antics

Then vote him out. Seems simple. You do understand how the voting process works I hope?
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.
Other than break treaties......Trump has done nothing

If he can’t behave in a Presidential manner, he should stay the fuk home. We don’t need his childish antics

Here is an interesting take on Trump giving in to China on the trade war.

The trade war is over — and the winner is China, writes Howard Gold

Trump will lift some restrictions on Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.’s ability to do business with U.S. companies and will postpone tariffs he threatened to impose on an additional $300 billion annually in Chinese imports. In exchange, Xi agreed China will buy more U.S. agricultural products. Details will be spelled out later.

This deal — the second time President Trump gave in to China’s demands and ended restrictions on a major Chinese technology company that had been accused of threatening U.S. national interests — effectively marks the end of Trump’s trade war with China.
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

Troll boi.



Gator, you do argue just to argue very often.

what the fuck are you talking about? The fucking moron makes a stupid ass post and you jump on my shit for responding?

fuck off

Case in point. Thank you.

thank the gods you are too fucking mature to do such things...oh wait your doing it right now.

what a fucking fraud.

shove your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points memo.

“Your” doing it? I support logic. Sometimes you’re logical but now you’re acting like a petulant child.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.
Other than break treaties......Trump has done nothing

If he can’t behave in a Presidential manner, he should stay the fuk home. We don’t need his childish antics

What treaty was broken?
Dragging us back to the topic....parades.....

Please remember that the only sure way to deter brick-throwing anarchists is a preemptive head shot.
Dang, I hope the marching military is carrying hardware armed with live founds!
The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.

Sorry but the effects of the recession go well beyond the official end. The economic policies of Obama gave us a long steady growth while installing protections from anotherf All Street fiasco.

Trump cutting regulations does little other than giving us dirtier air & waster, more dangerous workplaces & increasing the odds of another Wall Street recession.

The economy only improved because Trump's tax cut was a stimulus effort to dupe the low IQ people & hiding that it will bowwow 1.5 trillion dollars.

Trump is a fucking moron who can't manage shit.

Yup... So basically both sides don't care about the debt.

Sure, I'll agree, low interest rates + cutting taxes on the rich civilians, led to a ton of landlords & properties brought up by the rich.
Once that artificial boom got too high, it bust into the bad economy.

Add W. Bush's plan for home ownership to give riskier loans to lower class, and minorities include.

Not to mention the repeal of Glass Steagall under Clinton.

Absolutely, it all created a disaster.

One which is likely to come back out under, or after Trump...

Because these issues are still going strong.
Glass Steagall was repealed under Clinton but it was 100 Republican effort. Clinton signed as a compromise bill.

We need smaller Govt and fewer regs. That being said what happened in 09 cannot happen again. Need better oversight over the rating agencies.

We need stronger regulations on outsourcing, and hiring Illegals.
They should be thrown behind bars, not necessary many, just enough to scare some sense into the Capitalist elites...
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.
Other than break treaties......Trump has done nothing

If he can’t behave in a Presidential manner, he should stay the fuk home. We don’t need his childish antics

What treaty did he break? yes, he acts childish. So do you and yours. What else is new?
Look, I get it. Trump walks on water while he is turning it to wine in your world...I just do not agree

Obama was terrible, 2nd worst POTUS ever. His economic record is not good, but Trump's is only slightly better.

That is my point. That has always been my point.

The problem with your point is that Obama inherited an economy that was headed for a depression. So Trumps record can't be better if he inherited a growing economy from Obama.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.

Sorry but the effects of the recession go well beyond the official end. The economic policies of Obama gave us a long steady growth while installing protections from anotherf All Street fiasco.

Trump cutting regulations does little other than giving us dirtier air & waster, more dangerous workplaces & increasing the odds of another Wall Street recession.

The economy only improved because Trump's tax cut was a stimulus effort to dupe the low IQ people & hiding that it will bowwow 1.5 trillion dollars.

Trump is a fucking moron who can't manage shit.

Wow none of your post is factual. Zero of it. My goodness and your vote counts as much as mine. Sad.
The idea you think my post is wrong proves you to be just another Trumptard.

Corporate tax cuts are probably not just good, but very good.

Corporations with more money, can create more, that's a great thing.

Tax cuts on rich civilians are a disaster, they don't do much, but (Mostly) buy up property investments, and stock investments leading to rising prices.
In the case of stocks it's not so bad, but in property it is very bad, it causes boom & bust cycles & thus bad economies based on housing market crashes, like was seen with W. Bush.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.

Trump has done nothing. And that's a fact. No matter how many right wing forums and posts repeat the lie you just told, Trump has done nothing and he's certainly not working for the interest of the majority of citizens in this country.

He pulled us out of TPP which would have been a disaster for the middle class. He pulled us out of obummers illegal iran deal which was great for iran but shit for the rest of the world. So yeah, he has done a lot for this country. you're just too fucking stupid to understand.
My understanding is that the recession ended in June 2009.
The economic policies of Obama slowed the recovery.
Trump loosening those polices strengthened the economy and the Fed reserve was able to increase the rate from 0%
from historic lows.

Sorry but the effects of the recession go well beyond the official end. The economic policies of Obama gave us a long steady growth while installing protections from anotherf All Street fiasco.

Trump cutting regulations does little other than giving us dirtier air & waster, more dangerous workplaces & increasing the odds of another Wall Street recession.

The economy only improved because Trump's tax cut was a stimulus effort to dupe the low IQ people & hiding that it will bowwow 1.5 trillion dollars.

Trump is a fucking moron who can't manage shit.

Yup... So basically both sides don't care about the debt.

Sure, I'll agree, low interest rates + cutting taxes on the rich civilians, led to a ton of landlords & properties brought up by the rich.
Once that artificial boom got too high, it bust into the bad economy.

Add W. Bush's plan for home ownership to give riskier loans to lower class, and minorities include.

Not to mention the repeal of Glass Steagall under Clinton.

Absolutely, it all created a disaster.

One which is likely to come back out under, or after Trump...

Because these issues are still going strong.
Glass Steagall was repealed under Clinton but it was 100 Republican effort. Clinton signed as a compromise bill.

We need smaller Govt and fewer regs. That being said what happened in 09 cannot happen again. Need better oversight over the rating agencies.

We need stronger regulations on outsourcing, and hiring Illegals.
They should be thrown behind bars, not necessary many, just enough to scare some sense into the Capitalist elites...

At the very least they should not be given incentives to stay like free healthcare and housing.
Sorry but the effects of the recession go well beyond the official end. The economic policies of Obama gave us a long steady growth while installing protections from anotherf All Street fiasco.

Trump cutting regulations does little other than giving us dirtier air & waster, more dangerous workplaces & increasing the odds of another Wall Street recession.

The economy only improved because Trump's tax cut was a stimulus effort to dupe the low IQ people & hiding that it will bowwow 1.5 trillion dollars.

Trump is a fucking moron who can't manage shit.

Yup... So basically both sides don't care about the debt.

Sure, I'll agree, low interest rates + cutting taxes on the rich civilians, led to a ton of landlords & properties brought up by the rich.
Once that artificial boom got too high, it bust into the bad economy.

Add W. Bush's plan for home ownership to give riskier loans to lower class, and minorities include.

Not to mention the repeal of Glass Steagall under Clinton.

Absolutely, it all created a disaster.

One which is likely to come back out under, or after Trump...

Because these issues are still going strong.
Glass Steagall was repealed under Clinton but it was 100 Republican effort. Clinton signed as a compromise bill.

We need smaller Govt and fewer regs. That being said what happened in 09 cannot happen again. Need better oversight over the rating agencies.

We need stronger regulations on outsourcing, and hiring Illegals.
They should be thrown behind bars, not necessary many, just enough to scare some sense into the Capitalist elites...

At the very least they should not be given incentives to stay like free healthcare and housing.

They don't.... Unless they have anchor babies.

Besides, a lot of them work, and work hard.

At the end of the day they come here to benefit the Capitalist labor shortages, and greed of not wishing to pay Americans a better wage.
Yup... So basically both sides don't care about the debt.

Sure, I'll agree, low interest rates + cutting taxes on the rich civilians, led to a ton of landlords & properties brought up by the rich.
Once that artificial boom got too high, it bust into the bad economy.

Add W. Bush's plan for home ownership to give riskier loans to lower class, and minorities include.

Not to mention the repeal of Glass Steagall under Clinton.

Absolutely, it all created a disaster.

One which is likely to come back out under, or after Trump...

Because these issues are still going strong.
Glass Steagall was repealed under Clinton but it was 100 Republican effort. Clinton signed as a compromise bill.

We need smaller Govt and fewer regs. That being said what happened in 09 cannot happen again. Need better oversight over the rating agencies.

We need stronger regulations on outsourcing, and hiring Illegals.
They should be thrown behind bars, not necessary many, just enough to scare some sense into the Capitalist elites...

At the very least they should not be given incentives to stay like free healthcare and housing.

They don't.... Unless they have anchor babies.

Besides, a lot of them work, and work hard.

At the end of the day they come here to benefit the Capitalist labor shortages, and greed of not wishing to pay Americans a better wage.

And a lot of them do not. Either we have rules or we don’t
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.

Trump has done nothing. And that's a fact. No matter how many right wing forums and posts repeat the lie you just told, Trump has done nothing and he's certainly not working for the interest of the majority of citizens in this country.

He pulled us out of TPP which would have been a disaster for the middle class. He pulled us out of obummers illegal iran deal which was great for iran but shit for the rest of the world. So yeah, he has done a lot for this country. you're just too fucking stupid to understand.

How does Iran impact my life here negatively?

Iran is very, very low on an list of problems.

The truth is we're far more likely to have a Civil War here, between groups like Proud Boys / Tea Party/ Neo-Nazis vs ANTIFA, La Raza, and BLM.

That's our main concern, because Iran probably won't be so suicidal to attack the USA, knowing it will be bombed to extinction.

On the other hand, the sneaky Globalists can prop up the fifth column here, to collapse the USA from within..... Which then the USA colossal military & nuke arsenal means hardly anything........ The USA can't Nuke themselves.
Last edited:
Glass Steagall was repealed under Clinton but it was 100 Republican effort. Clinton signed as a compromise bill.

We need smaller Govt and fewer regs. That being said what happened in 09 cannot happen again. Need better oversight over the rating agencies.

We need stronger regulations on outsourcing, and hiring Illegals.
They should be thrown behind bars, not necessary many, just enough to scare some sense into the Capitalist elites...

At the very least they should not be given incentives to stay like free healthcare and housing.

They don't.... Unless they have anchor babies.

Besides, a lot of them work, and work hard.

At the end of the day they come here to benefit the Capitalist labor shortages, and greed of not wishing to pay Americans a better wage.

And a lot of them do not. Either we have rules or we don’t

Illegals aren't supposed get Federal programs like Welfare, or Food stamps.... Their kids can though, that's the catch.... Also sometimes state, and county programs help them too.

For this reason, Legal Immigrants are just as bad, because they actually can get Federal programs that Illegals can't.

Although, Legal immigrants probably do pay more taxes..

Actually, the issues of Legal Immigrants mirror that of Illegal Immigrants, busting down wages as they tend to work for cheaper, overloading schools, and thus the system.

Gator, you do argue just to argue very often.

what the fuck are you talking about? The fucking moron makes a stupid ass post and you jump on my shit for responding?

fuck off

Case in point. Thank you.

thank the gods you are too fucking mature to do such things...oh wait your doing it right now.

what a fucking fraud.

shove your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points memo.

“Your” doing it? I support logic. Sometimes you’re logical but now you’re acting like a petulant child.

To steal a line from your fellow Trump worshiper whom you would never say an ill word would not know logic of it bit you on the ass.

Sent from my iPhone using
We need smaller Govt and fewer regs. That being said what happened in 09 cannot happen again. Need better oversight over the rating agencies.

We need stronger regulations on outsourcing, and hiring Illegals.
They should be thrown behind bars, not necessary many, just enough to scare some sense into the Capitalist elites...

At the very least they should not be given incentives to stay like free healthcare and housing.

They don't.... Unless they have anchor babies.

Besides, a lot of them work, and work hard.

At the end of the day they come here to benefit the Capitalist labor shortages, and greed of not wishing to pay Americans a better wage.

And a lot of them do not. Either we have rules or we don’t

Illegals aren't supposed get Federal programs like Welfare, or Food stamps.... Their kids can though, that's the catch.... Also sometimes state, and county programs help them too.

For this reason, Legal Immigrants are just as bad, because they actually can get Federal programs that Illegals can't.

Although, Legal immigrants probably do pay more taxes..

Actually, the issues of Legal Immigrants mirror that of Illegal Immigrants, busting down wages as they tend to work for cheaper, overloading schools, and thus the system.

Legal means it was our choice. Illegal means it was their choice. I prefer our choice for better or worse.
Gator, you do argue just to argue very often.

what the fuck are you talking about? The fucking moron makes a stupid ass post and you jump on my shit for responding?

fuck off

Case in point. Thank you.

thank the gods you are too fucking mature to do such things...oh wait your doing it right now.

what a fucking fraud.

shove your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points memo.

“Your” doing it? I support logic. Sometimes you’re logical but now you’re acting like a petulant child.

To steal a line from your fellow Trump worshiper whom you would never say an ill word would not know logic of it bit you on the ass.

Sent from my iPhone using

I give Trump a B so far as POTUS. If that’s worshiping him by your operational definition then so be it. Why would logic bite you?

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