Progressives Protest Parades

No, but he damaged it pretty good. If the shrilary had been elected, then this country would have been truly screwed.
America would have been truly great again
I hope disease finds you.
America will always regret that it did not elect Hillary

NO ONE, not even Hillary voters will ever regret Hillary not being in office. No one actually supported her, not even Obama or her husband Bill, even those that voted for her had to hold their nose and only pulled the lever because they wanted anything to vote against Trump with. The worst of Trump as it turns out is 2X better than the best of Hillary.
Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump.
In California. Certainly secured those EC votes.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential

Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.

Trump has done nothing. And that's a fact. No matter how many right wing forums and posts repeat the lie you just told, Trump has done nothing and he's certainly not working for the interest of the majority of citizens in this country.

He pulled us out of TPP which would have been a disaster for the middle class. He pulled us out of obummers illegal iran deal which was great for iran but shit for the rest of the world. So yeah, he has done a lot for this country. you're just too fucking stupid to understand.

I'm far smarter than you. 5 other nations plus Iran agreed to the deal. As for TPP, I don't think so. Trump has put this nation in a bad place. You are the stupid one here and you are going to be taught a very stern less if Trump gets a second term. China holds most of our debt and Trumps trade war has helped China expand it's markets. The more they expand the less of our debt they may want to hold. And if china really wanted to blow everything up, they'd cash in on our debt.

Trump seems to be ignorant of this reality with his lack of understanding of trade deficits. Trump is failing this country. But that should be expected because republicans in modern times have been consistently wrong and their policies have virtually always failed.
You might want to look at another source than the spoon fed crap you're reading now.
China's economy is slowing. If China exploded the debt, they would be hurt far more than we would, IM2.
The rest of your drivel is just that.....drivel. sad

If you support Trump you are the one being spoon fed crap. If you notice, I said if China wanted to blow EVERYTHING up. And this trade war is forcing China to go to other markets they haven't used, which expands their markets. Shall Trump continue with his present attitude and we are fool enough to elect him again, his treatment of South American refugees will open up South America to China. His attitude towards Africa, opens Africa up to China and they are already working with some governments there. What he is doing to Iran opens them up to China as well. If what Trump does continues and China becomes the dominant player in these markets, they can cash in our debt and we're fucked.
America would have been truly great again
I hope disease finds you.
America will always regret that it did not elect Hillary

NO ONE, not even Hillary voters will ever regret Hillary not being in office. No one actually supported her, not even Obama or her husband Bill, even those that voted for her had to hold their nose and only pulled the lever because they wanted anything to vote against Trump with. The worst of Trump as it turns out is 2X better than the best of Hillary.
Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump.
In California. Certainly secured those EC votes.

Pride and patriotism are 80% Republican values. Democrats are too busy complaining about how they're mistreated to appreciate the sacrifices others have made for them. Just look at their unhinged reaction to Betsy Rosses flag being on Nike sneakers. Democrats are unfit for the USA.
Trump has done nothing. And that's a fact. No matter how many right wing forums and posts repeat the lie you just told, Trump has done nothing and he's certainly not working for the interest of the majority of citizens in this country.

He pulled us out of TPP which would have been a disaster for the middle class. He pulled us out of obummers illegal iran deal which was great for iran but shit for the rest of the world. So yeah, he has done a lot for this country. you're just too fucking stupid to understand.

How does Iran impact my life here negatively?

Iran is very, very low on an list of problems.

The truth is we're far more likely to have a Civil War here, between groups like Proud Boys / Tea Party/ Neo-Nazis vs ANTIFA, La Raza, and BLM.

That's our main concern, because Iran probably won't be so suicidal to attack the USA, knowing it will be bombed to extinction.

On the other hand, the sneaky Globalists can prop up the fifth column here, to collapse the USA from within..... Which then the USA colossal military & nuke arsenal means hardly anything........ The USA can't Nuke themselves.

Let them get a bomb and you will find out.

Can Iran even have a undetected delivery system to launch Nukes into the USA?

Besides, our meddling in Mid-Eastern affairs, brings hatred against the USA.

This really wasn't our problem, it is now because we did intervene in Mid-East affairs.

If Iran gets the bomb, they will use it. How can a person like you be so obtuse...

Meanwhile, we are the only country to ever use the bomb.
Pride and patriotism are 80% Republican values. Democrats are too busy complaining about how they're mistreated to appreciate the sacrifices others have made for them. Just look at their unhinged reaction to Betsy Rosses flag being on Nike sneakers. Democrats are unfit for the USA.
If Iran gets the bomb, they will use it. How can a person like you be so obtuse...

That is the same bullshit line we were told about NK, till they got it and now we will let them keep it while having cute little Photo-ops with their leader.

Why would Iran use it? How many countries has Iran invaded in the last few decades?
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i'll be honest, i don't get the need for the tanks on parade. seems like someone trying too hard to show pride in our military and using them as a display vs. their intended purpose. if you respect the military, stop making them do a dance like this.
Agreed. Plus after two decades of nonstop war, its time to promote nonintervention.

One thing is most amusing about this story. We have the MSM and some politicians complaining about the cost. LMFAO! A government $22 trillion in debt, obviously doesn’t give two shits about spending. When do they EVER complain about cost?
i'll be honest, i don't get the need for the tanks on parade. seems like someone trying too hard to show pride in our military and using them as a display vs. their intended purpose. if you respect the military, stop making them do a dance like this.
Agreed. Plus after two decades of nonstop war, its time to promote nonintervention.

One thing is most amusing about this story. We have the MSM and some politicians complaining about the cost. LMFAO! A government $22 trillion in debt, obviously doesn’t give two shits about spending. When do they EVER complain about cost?
When it suits them politically.
Mine didn’t increase

They did under Trump
So we set you as the standard? :laughing0301:
Talk to your know, the one that actually works and see what he says.
I’m a poor retiree on a fixed income and Trump raised my taxes

That's because you never paid enough to start with kid. Pay your own way, we do.
Pay more than you do, my friend
I thought you said you were a poor retiree on fixed income? Which is it....I'm getting confused.
Has to do with how much my friend makes
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential
He sounds like a moron no matter what mood he is in.
I’m sure his staff is capable of writing a wonderful speech honoring our nation. Motherhood, Apple Pie, Fireworks

Every President has done it
Let’s see if Trump can stay on script without resorting to bragging about his accomplishments and attacking his opponents
No, but he damaged it pretty good. If the shrilary had been elected, then this country would have been truly screwed.
America would have been truly great again
I hope disease finds you.
America will always regret that it did not elect Hillary

NO ONE, not even Hillary voters will ever regret Hillary not being in office. No one actually supported her, not even Obama or her husband Bill, even those that voted for her had to hold their nose and only pulled the lever because they wanted anything to vote against Trump with. The worst of Trump as it turns out is 2X better than the best of Hillary.
Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump.

Shut up you ignorant racist. Hillary got 2.8 million more "popular" votes, not 3, all contained within a few square miles of the country which did nothing to change the EC status of their respective states, and by all estimates of the number of illegal voting in this country, there were likely at least 5 million illegal votes for her meaning she really LOST by a few million.

Either way, Hillary's popular vote count DOES NOT MEAN SHIT.
America would have been truly great again
I hope disease finds you.
America will always regret that it did not elect Hillary

NO ONE, not even Hillary voters will ever regret Hillary not being in office. No one actually supported her, not even Obama or her husband Bill, even those that voted for her had to hold their nose and only pulled the lever because they wanted anything to vote against Trump with. The worst of Trump as it turns out is 2X better than the best of Hillary.
Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump.

Shut up you ignorant racist. Hillary got 2.8 million more "popular" votes, not 3, all contained within a few square miles of the country which did nothing to change the EC status of their respective states, and by all estimates of the number of illegal voting in this country, there were likely at least 5 million illegal votes for her meaning she really LOST by a few million.

Either way, Hillary's popular vote count DOES NOT MEAN SHIT.
The lying racist bastards spew that garbage everyday.
I'm more upset that Nike pulled Betsy Ross' flag off their sneakers because that malcontent called them. Why doesn't Nike care what the rest of us think?
Its like canceling the 4th of July celebration because some idiot says its a racist nationalist celebration.
Because most Nike customers agree with Kaepernick.
I hope disease finds you.
America will always regret that it did not elect Hillary
Yeah, like the open borders and shit like that, huh?

Hillary would not have put children in cages and gloated about it
Obama had no problem doing it and Hillary wouldn't have either, unless she thought that they would be a democrat vote

Obama did not separate children from their parents and he helped make it so illegal crossings were at a 40 year low. He created DACA instead of family separation.
Black jesus destroyed this country.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential
He sounds like a moron no matter what mood he is in.
I’m sure his staff is capable of writing a wonderful speech honoring our nation. Motherhood, Apple Pie, Fireworks

Every President has done it
Let’s see if Trump can stay on script without resorting to bragging about his accomplishments and attacking his opponents

What needs to happen is if Trump turns this into yet another reelection campaign speech, his campaign should be billed for the entire cost of bringing the military equipment and the flyovers.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential
He sounds like a moron no matter what mood he is in.
I’m sure his staff is capable of writing a wonderful speech honoring our nation. Motherhood, Apple Pie, Fireworks

Every President has done it
Let’s see if Trump can stay on script without resorting to bragging about his accomplishments and attacking his opponents

What needs to happen is if Trump turns this into yet another reelection campaign speech, his campaign should be billed for the entire cost of bringing the military equipment and the flyovers.
Let’s see if Trump is capable of acting Presidential
He sounds like a moron no matter what mood he is in.
I’m sure his staff is capable of writing a wonderful speech honoring our nation. Motherhood, Apple Pie, Fireworks

Every President has done it
Let’s see if Trump can stay on script without resorting to bragging about his accomplishments and attacking his opponents

What needs to happen is if Trump turns this into yet another reelection campaign speech, his campaign should be billed for the entire cost of bringing the military equipment and the flyovers.

not surprised you would find it funny. you are a big government loving statist.
i'll be honest, i don't get the need for the tanks on parade. seems like someone trying too hard to show pride in our military and using them as a display vs. their intended purpose. if you respect the military, stop making them do a dance like this.
The Creature wants his own Bastille Day parade, Americanized... :47:
Typical progressive snowflake. I could care less how presidential someone acts. i care about what they get DONE. obummer looked very presidential and did nothing but fuck over this country. I'll take trump, acting like a buffoon, but working for the interests of this country any day.

That's the difference between us, you care about looks. I care about substance.

Trump has done nothing. And that's a fact. No matter how many right wing forums and posts repeat the lie you just told, Trump has done nothing and he's certainly not working for the interest of the majority of citizens in this country.

He pulled us out of TPP which would have been a disaster for the middle class. He pulled us out of obummers illegal iran deal which was great for iran but shit for the rest of the world. So yeah, he has done a lot for this country. you're just too fucking stupid to understand.

I'm far smarter than you. 5 other nations plus Iran agreed to the deal. As for TPP, I don't think so. Trump has put this nation in a bad place. You are the stupid one here and you are going to be taught a very stern less if Trump gets a second term. China holds most of our debt and Trumps trade war has helped China expand it's markets. The more they expand the less of our debt they may want to hold. And if china really wanted to blow everything up, they'd cash in on our debt.

Trump seems to be ignorant of this reality with his lack of understanding of trade deficits. Trump is failing this country. But that should be expected because republicans in modern times have been consistently wrong and their policies have virtually always failed.
You might want to look at another source than the spoon fed crap you're reading now.
China's economy is slowing. If China exploded the debt, they would be hurt far more than we would, IM2.
The rest of your drivel is just that.....drivel. sad

If you support Trump you are the one being spoon fed crap. If you notice, I said if China wanted to blow EVERYTHING up. And this trade war is forcing China to go to other markets they haven't used, which expands their markets. Shall Trump continue with his present attitude and we are fool enough to elect him again, his treatment of South American refugees will open up South America to China. His attitude towards Africa, opens Africa up to China and they are already working with some governments there. What he is doing to Iran opens them up to China as well. If what Trump does continues and China becomes the dominant player in these markets, they can cash in our debt and we're fucked.
From your're an open borders kind of guy. nuff said
I'm more upset that Nike pulled Betsy Ross' flag off their sneakers because that malcontent called them. Why doesn't Nike care what the rest of us think?
Its like canceling the 4th of July celebration because some idiot says its a racist nationalist celebration.
Because most Nike customers agree with Kaepernick.
I hope disease finds you.
America will always regret that it did not elect Hillary
Yeah, like the open borders and shit like that, huh?

Hillary would not have put children in cages and gloated about it
Obama had no problem doing it and Hillary wouldn't have either, unless she thought that they would be a democrat vote

Obama did not separate children from their parents and he helped make it so illegal crossings were at a 40 year low. He created DACA instead of family separation.
Obama put children in cages, IM2. Reread what I posted. Illegal crossing were at a low because of the recession, not Obama.

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