Progressives vs. Homeschooling

Now....about those government schools that Liberals are so very proud of.....the ones that result in "Fifteen-year olds in the U.S. today are average in science and reading literacy, and below average in mathematics, compared to their counterparts in [other industrialized] countries.”(U.S. Students from Educated Families Lag in International Tests Education Next about this:

9. " After a video of a 17-year-old student knocking a “conflict resolution specialist” unconscious at Southwest Philadelphia’s Bartram High went viral last year, a social studies teacher at the troubled school told the Philadelphia Inquirer, “I had a better chance in Vietnam. . . . Here, you lock your door and pray no one comes in.”

.... concern about “the environment of other schools” has supplanted religion as the Number One reason given for homeschooling, according to the DOE survey.

Ninety-one percent of homeschooling parents cited school environment as at least a contributing factor.

...urbanites choose homeschooling for various reasons, though dissatisfaction with the quality and content of instruction at local public schools heads the list.

.... even after more than a decade of aggressive education-reform efforts, the “decent public school” remains a rarity in New York and in other American cities. With urban public schools inadequate or worse and quality private schools often financially out of reach, “homeschooling becomes an interesting study in school choice,” observes Brian Ray, founder of the National Home Education Research Institute(NEHRI) in Portland, Oregon.

“You pay taxes, so the public school system in your city gets that money, then you can make the ‘choice of paying even more to send your kid to a private school, or to a Catholic school. More and more people are saying, ‘I’m going to homeschool.’ It’s not that weird anymore.”
Homeschooling in the City by Matthew Hennessey City Journal Summer 2015 isn't all the lies that the Liberal in the thread posed as reasons for homeschooling....'s that the government schools.....owned and operated by Liberals, Inc.....are simply terrible.

Thank you, Liberals, for the damage you've done to generations of American children.
What's a parent to do?

Don't want your kid to hear about other religions or go to school with Jews or Muslims? Homeschool
Don't want your daughter associating with negroes? Homeschool
Don't want your child to learn that being homosexual is not the end of the world? Homeschool
Don't want your child learn'n them liberal ideas? Homeschool
Afraid your child may learn about sex from other children? Homeschool
Don't want to vaccinate your child? Homeschool

Hey....did you see how post #121 blew your post out of the water!

I keep telling you...if you'd learn to tell the truth, as I wouldn't be embarrassed as often as you are.
Last edited:
There's no reason homeschooling shouldn't be legal nor is there any good reason it shouldn't be as strictly regulated as is any other form of K-12 education.

Ah yes.. and teaches the required hours of "Condoms and Cucumbers" and "Harry has Two Mommies".

If the school district has a sex ed course requirement for students to graduate or pass a certain grade, then so should the homeschools.

If the homeschoolers want to dispute that, they can go to court.

Sieg Heil!

I love that new brown shirt of your.

Our children are not taught sex education in there goes that argument. I won't have ours
What's a parent to do?

Don't want your kid to hear about other religions or go to school with Jews or Muslims? Homeschool
Don't want your daughter associating with negroes? Homeschool
Don't want your child to learn that being homosexual is not the end of the world? Homeschool
Don't want your child learn'n them liberal ideas? Homeschool
Afraid your child may learn about sex from other children? Homeschool
Don't want to vaccinate your child? Homeschool

Hey....did you see how post #121 blew your post out of the water!

I keep telling you...if you'd learn to tell the truth, as I wouldn't be embarrasses as often as you are.

If you don't want your child sexually molested by a progtard teacher. Homeschool
Conservatives are worried sick about political indoctrination through the public school system. That's a strawman, but it serves those challenged by curiosity well.

I'm more concerned that the quality of education is limited by the parent's ability to actually teach. I am concerned that a child who may be a science prodigy will be stunted by the parent's inability to teach. I'm concerned that kids who do not socialize with other kids will become warped individuals. And I am concerned that the curriculum might include mythology in lieu of science.
They are afraid of the school contradicting their indoctrination

Can't have them learn'n about that evolution stuff
What's a parent to do?

Don't want your kid to hear about other religions or go to school with Jews or Muslims? Homeschool
Don't want your daughter associating with negroes? Homeschool
Don't want your child to learn that being homosexual is not the end of the world? Homeschool
Don't want your child learn'n them liberal ideas? Homeschool
Afraid your child may learn about sex from other children? Homeschool
Don't want to vaccinate your child? Homeschool

Hey....did you see how post #121 blew your post out of the water!

I keep telling you...if you'd learn to tell the truth, as I wouldn't be embarrasses as often as you are.

tl; dr
Conservatives are worried sick about political indoctrination through the public school system. That's a strawman, but it serves those challenged by curiosity well.

I'm more concerned that the quality of education is limited by the parent's ability to actually teach. I am concerned that a child who may be a science prodigy will be stunted by the parent's inability to teach. I'm concerned that kids who do not socialize with other kids will become warped individuals. And I am concerned that the curriculum might include mythology in lieu of science.
They are afraid of the school contradicting their indoctrination

Can't have them learn'n about that evolution stuff poor thing!

At your age, reading carefully is quite the chore.

Here it is again:

"...concern about “the environment of other schools” has supplanted religion as the Number One reason given for homeschooling, according to the DOE survey.

Ninety-one percent of homeschooling parents cited school environment as at least a contributing factor.

...urbanites choose homeschooling for various reasons, though dissatisfaction with the quality and content of instruction at local public schools heads the list.

.... even after more than a decade of aggressive education-reform efforts, the “decent public school” remains a rarity in New York and in other American cities."'s based on how poor a job you Liberals have done in running the schools.

Truly educated people tend to be progressive leaning, and most vote Democratic. Can't have that, can we?

The evidence, in fact, is quite to the contrary.
Look at the unblemished record of failure of the candidate for whom you voted.


If you are any example how you are educating your kids then I fear for them. You cite evidence with refering.. You riducule people who look at sduies of evidence...
Sorry, but you are joke and your kids (the innocent ones) deserve better than you as a teacher.

You are probably giving them a daily diet of conspiracy theories & non scietific manure to digest...

Poor kids are growing in a world full of hate and mistrust.

This is where I wonder what are the rights of the child?

You can't mention her family.


She doesn't believe in Global warming and do you think she is giving a balanced approach to that to her kids...

She continiously lies about liberals and actually shown little understand of what 'Democratic Socialism' is...

This is getting taught to the kids... Do the kids have a right to be protected?

"...She continiously (sic) lies about liberals..."

Produce one.

Obama, endorsing the same view, that children must be turned into statist robots: in the Original post.

Where did Obama say that about kids.

Then again:
Preliminary Data on Homeschool Child Fatalities
Our preliminary research suggests that homeschooled children are at a greater risk of dying from child abuse than are traditionally schooled children. This preliminary finding is based on an analysis of the cases in our Homeschooling’s Invisible Children (HIC) database and on national government reports on child maltreatment. When we compare the rate of child abuse fatalities among homeschooled families to the rate of child abuse fatalities overall, we see a higher rate of death due to abuse or neglect among homeschooled students than we do among children of the same age overall.

Homeschooling s Invisible Children Shining a Light on Abuse and Neglect in Homeschooling Environments
Truly educated people tend to be progressive leaning, and most vote Democratic. Can't have that, can we?

The evidence, in fact, is quite to the contrary.
Look at the unblemished record of failure of the candidate for whom you voted.


If you are any example how you are educating your kids then I fear for them. You cite evidence with refering.. You riducule people who look at sduies of evidence...
Sorry, but you are joke and your kids (the innocent ones) deserve better than you as a teacher.

You are probably giving them a daily diet of conspiracy theories & non scietific manure to digest...

Poor kids are growing in a world full of hate and mistrust.

This is where I wonder what are the rights of the child?

You can't mention her family.


She doesn't believe in Global warming and do you think she is giving a balanced approach to that to her kids...

She continiously lies about liberals and actually shown little understand of what 'Democratic Socialism' is...

This is getting taught to the kids... Do the kids have a right to be protected? ran off to hide?

I challenged you to produce and of those lies you claimed ... "She continiously lies about liberals..."

Instead all you've produced is Liberal hot air.

I never lie.
The evidence, in fact, is quite to the contrary.
Look at the unblemished record of failure of the candidate for whom you voted.


If you are any example how you are educating your kids then I fear for them. You cite evidence with refering.. You riducule people who look at sduies of evidence...
Sorry, but you are joke and your kids (the innocent ones) deserve better than you as a teacher.

You are probably giving them a daily diet of conspiracy theories & non scietific manure to digest...

Poor kids are growing in a world full of hate and mistrust.

This is where I wonder what are the rights of the child?

You can't mention her family.


She doesn't believe in Global warming and do you think she is giving a balanced approach to that to her kids...

She continiously lies about liberals and actually shown little understand of what 'Democratic Socialism' is...

This is getting taught to the kids... Do the kids have a right to be protected?

"...She continiously (sic) lies about liberals..."

Produce one.

Obama, endorsing the same view, that children must be turned into statist robots: in the Original post.

Where did Obama say that about kids.

Then again:
Preliminary Data on Homeschool Child Fatalities
Our preliminary research suggests that homeschooled children are at a greater risk of dying from child abuse than are traditionally schooled children. This preliminary finding is based on an analysis of the cases in our Homeschooling’s Invisible Children (HIC) database and on national government reports on child maltreatment. When we compare the rate of child abuse fatalities among homeschooled families to the rate of child abuse fatalities overall, we see a higher rate of death due to abuse or neglect among homeschooled students than we do among children of the same age overall.

Homeschooling s Invisible Children Shining a Light on Abuse and Neglect in Homeschooling Environments

HAHAHAHAHA what loon site did you dig that shit up from? Here is the bottom line, it's none of you or any other dumbass loon's business where someone educates their child.
There's no reason homeschooling shouldn't be legal nor is there any good reason it shouldn't be as strictly regulated as is any other form of K-12 education.

Ah yes.. and teaches the required hours of "Condoms and Cucumbers" and "Harry has Two Mommies".

If the school district has a sex ed course requirement for students to graduate or pass a certain grade, then so should the homeschools.

If the homeschoolers want to dispute that, they can go to court.

Sieg Heil!

I love that new brown shirt of your.

So now it's Nazism to expect homeschoolers to obey the same laws everyone else has to.


If you are any example how you are educating your kids then I fear for them. You cite evidence with refering.. You riducule people who look at sduies of evidence...
Sorry, but you are joke and your kids (the innocent ones) deserve better than you as a teacher.

You are probably giving them a daily diet of conspiracy theories & non scietific manure to digest...

Poor kids are growing in a world full of hate and mistrust.

This is where I wonder what are the rights of the child?

You can't mention her family.


She doesn't believe in Global warming and do you think she is giving a balanced approach to that to her kids...

She continiously lies about liberals and actually shown little understand of what 'Democratic Socialism' is...

This is getting taught to the kids... Do the kids have a right to be protected?

"...She continiously (sic) lies about liberals..."

Produce one.

Obama, endorsing the same view, that children must be turned into statist robots: in the Original post.

Where did Obama say that about kids.

Then again:
Preliminary Data on Homeschool Child Fatalities
Our preliminary research suggests that homeschooled children are at a greater risk of dying from child abuse than are traditionally schooled children. This preliminary finding is based on an analysis of the cases in our Homeschooling’s Invisible Children (HIC) database and on national government reports on child maltreatment. When we compare the rate of child abuse fatalities among homeschooled families to the rate of child abuse fatalities overall, we see a higher rate of death due to abuse or neglect among homeschooled students than we do among children of the same age overall.

Homeschooling s Invisible Children Shining a Light on Abuse and Neglect in Homeschooling Environments

HAHAHAHAHA what loon site did you dig that shit up from? Here is the bottom line, it's none of you or any other dumbass loon's business where someone educates their child.

Actually by law it's very much other people's business where you educate your children.
The evidence, in fact, is quite to the contrary.
Look at the unblemished record of failure of the candidate for whom you voted.


If you are any example how you are educating your kids then I fear for them. You cite evidence with refering.. You riducule people who look at sduies of evidence...
Sorry, but you are joke and your kids (the innocent ones) deserve better than you as a teacher.

You are probably giving them a daily diet of conspiracy theories & non scietific manure to digest...

Poor kids are growing in a world full of hate and mistrust.

This is where I wonder what are the rights of the child?

You can't mention her family.


She doesn't believe in Global warming and do you think she is giving a balanced approach to that to her kids...

She continiously lies about liberals and actually shown little understand of what 'Democratic Socialism' is...

This is getting taught to the kids... Do the kids have a right to be protected?

"...She continiously (sic) lies about liberals..."

Produce one.

Obama, endorsing the same view, that children must be turned into statist robots: in the Original post.

Where did Obama say that about kids.

Then again:
Preliminary Data on Homeschool Child Fatalities
Our preliminary research suggests that homeschooled children are at a greater risk of dying from child abuse than are traditionally schooled children. This preliminary finding is based on an analysis of the cases in our Homeschooling’s Invisible Children (HIC) database and on national government reports on child maltreatment. When we compare the rate of child abuse fatalities among homeschooled families to the rate of child abuse fatalities overall, we see a higher rate of death due to abuse or neglect among homeschooled students than we do among children of the same age overall.

Homeschooling s Invisible Children Shining a Light on Abuse and Neglect in Homeschooling Environments

Progressive Woodrow Wilson succinctly explained how it must be done: :“Our problem is not merely to help students to adjust to themselves to world life…[but]to make them as unlike their fathers as we can.”

Michael McGerr, “A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America, 1870-1920,” p. 111

2. And here isObama, endorsing the same view, thatchildren must be turned into statist robots:

"U.S. President Barack Obama gives the commencement address to the graduating class of The Ohio State University at Ohio Stadium on May 5, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner.You should reject these voices.Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can't be trusted."
Obama To Grads Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny RealClearPolitics

And this:
"Eric Holder: Banning Homeschooling Doesn’t Violate Fundamental Rights" Eric Holder Banning Homeschooling Doesn t Violate Fundamental Rights Caffeinated Thoughts

Your second link is of a bogus organization:
" It seems like the founders were homeschooled in an abusive or neglectful, cult-like environment. So basically, this "coalition" is founded on the mistrust of parents and is working on the idea that government/superintendents/social workers, etc. need oversight of home education programs in order to protect all children. "
This frightens me Coalition for Responsible Home Education - Homeschool Spot
There's no reason homeschooling shouldn't be legal nor is there any good reason it shouldn't be as strictly regulated as is any other form of K-12 education.

Ah yes.. and teaches the required hours of "Condoms and Cucumbers" and "Harry has Two Mommies".

If the school district has a sex ed course requirement for students to graduate or pass a certain grade, then so should the homeschools.

If the homeschoolers want to dispute that, they can go to court.

Sieg Heil!

I love that new brown shirt of your.

So now it's Nazism to expect homeschoolers to obey the same laws everyone else has to.


Do you have to goose step while obeying those kind of laws?'ve been exposed.
Conservatives are worried sick about political indoctrination through the public school system. That's a strawman, but it serves those challenged by curiosity well.

I'm more concerned that the quality of education is limited by the parent's ability to actually teach. I am concerned that a child who may be a science prodigy will be stunted by the parent's inability to teach. I'm concerned that kids who do not socialize with other kids will become warped individuals. And I am concerned that the curriculum might include mythology in lieu of science.
They are afraid of the school contradicting their indoctrination

Can't have them learn'n about that evolution stuff poor thing!

At your age, reading carefully is quite the chore.

Here it is again:

"...concern about “the environment of other schools” has supplanted religion as the Number One reason given for homeschooling, according to the DOE survey.

Ninety-one percent of homeschooling parents cited school environment as at least a contributing factor.

...urbanites choose homeschooling for various reasons, though dissatisfaction with the quality and content of instruction at local public schools heads the list.

.... even after more than a decade of aggressive education-reform efforts, the “decent public school” remains a rarity in New York and in other American cities."'s based on how poor a job you Liberals have done in running the schools.

You went to one of the most liberal colleges in NYC and you're constantly reminding us of how liberal schools produce idiots.
You can't mention her family.


She doesn't believe in Global warming and do you think she is giving a balanced approach to that to her kids...

She continiously lies about liberals and actually shown little understand of what 'Democratic Socialism' is...

This is getting taught to the kids... Do the kids have a right to be protected?

"...She continiously (sic) lies about liberals..."

Produce one.

Obama, endorsing the same view, that children must be turned into statist robots: in the Original post.

Where did Obama say that about kids.

Then again:
Preliminary Data on Homeschool Child Fatalities
Our preliminary research suggests that homeschooled children are at a greater risk of dying from child abuse than are traditionally schooled children. This preliminary finding is based on an analysis of the cases in our Homeschooling’s Invisible Children (HIC) database and on national government reports on child maltreatment. When we compare the rate of child abuse fatalities among homeschooled families to the rate of child abuse fatalities overall, we see a higher rate of death due to abuse or neglect among homeschooled students than we do among children of the same age overall.

Homeschooling s Invisible Children Shining a Light on Abuse and Neglect in Homeschooling Environments

HAHAHAHAHA what loon site did you dig that shit up from? Here is the bottom line, it's none of you or any other dumbass loon's business where someone educates their child.

Actually by law it's very much other people's business where you educate your children.

No, it isn't....unless you believe that children are the government's possessions. dropped by to burnish your totalitarian credentials?

"Fine. Then what are the limits on the Progressive Democrat Party? What amount of taxation would be sufficient? How many people should be categorized as “rich”? How many more aspects of our lives — besides health care, energy, automobile design, carbon dioxide emissions, credit card interest rates, education — must be controlled before Democrats say ‘enough’?"
When Liberals in a Hurry Reach the Endzone Ed Driscoll

If you are any example how you are educating your kids then I fear for them. You cite evidence with refering.. You riducule people who look at sduies of evidence...
Sorry, but you are joke and your kids (the innocent ones) deserve better than you as a teacher.

You are probably giving them a daily diet of conspiracy theories & non scietific manure to digest...

Poor kids are growing in a world full of hate and mistrust.

This is where I wonder what are the rights of the child?

You can't mention her family.


She doesn't believe in Global warming and do you think she is giving a balanced approach to that to her kids...

She continiously lies about liberals and actually shown little understand of what 'Democratic Socialism' is...

This is getting taught to the kids... Do the kids have a right to be protected?

"...She continiously (sic) lies about liberals..."

Produce one.

Obama, endorsing the same view, that children must be turned into statist robots: in the Original post.

Where did Obama say that about kids.

Then again:
Preliminary Data on Homeschool Child Fatalities
Our preliminary research suggests that homeschooled children are at a greater risk of dying from child abuse than are traditionally schooled children. This preliminary finding is based on an analysis of the cases in our Homeschooling’s Invisible Children (HIC) database and on national government reports on child maltreatment. When we compare the rate of child abuse fatalities among homeschooled families to the rate of child abuse fatalities overall, we see a higher rate of death due to abuse or neglect among homeschooled students than we do among children of the same age overall.

Homeschooling s Invisible Children Shining a Light on Abuse and Neglect in Homeschooling Environments

Progressive Woodrow Wilson succinctly explained how it must be done: :“Our problem is not merely to help students to adjust to themselves to world life…[but]to make them as unlike their fathers as we can.”

Michael McGerr, “A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America, 1870-1920,” p. 111

2. And here isObama, endorsing the same view, thatchildren must be turned into statist robots:

"U.S. President Barack Obama gives the commencement address to the graduating class of The Ohio State University at Ohio Stadium on May 5, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner.You should reject these voices.Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can't be trusted."
Obama To Grads Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny RealClearPolitics

And this:
"Eric Holder: Banning Homeschooling Doesn’t Violate Fundamental Rights" Eric Holder Banning Homeschooling Doesn t Violate Fundamental Rights Caffeinated Thoughts

Your second link is of a bogus organization:
" It seems like the founders were homeschooled in an abusive or neglectful, cult-like environment. So basically, this "coalition" is founded on the mistrust of parents and is working on the idea that government/superintendents/social workers, etc. need oversight of home education programs in order to protect all children. "
This frightens me Coalition for Responsible Home Education - Homeschool Spot

And she repeats the same lie, like a chicken repeatedly pushing the wrong color button thinking eventually some corn will fall out.
Conservatives are worried sick about political indoctrination through the public school system. That's a strawman, but it serves those challenged by curiosity well.

I'm more concerned that the quality of education is limited by the parent's ability to actually teach. I am concerned that a child who may be a science prodigy will be stunted by the parent's inability to teach. I'm concerned that kids who do not socialize with other kids will become warped individuals. And I am concerned that the curriculum might include mythology in lieu of science.
They are afraid of the school contradicting their indoctrination

Can't have them learn'n about that evolution stuff poor thing!

At your age, reading carefully is quite the chore.

Here it is again:

"...concern about “the environment of other schools” has supplanted religion as the Number One reason given for homeschooling, according to the DOE survey.

Ninety-one percent of homeschooling parents cited school environment as at least a contributing factor.

...urbanites choose homeschooling for various reasons, though dissatisfaction with the quality and content of instruction at local public schools heads the list.

.... even after more than a decade of aggressive education-reform efforts, the “decent public school” remains a rarity in New York and in other American cities."'s based on how poor a job you Liberals have done in running the schools.

You went to one of the most liberal colleges in NYC and you're constantly reminding us of how liberal schools produce idiots.

"'re constantly reminding us of how liberal schools produce idiots."
That's a fib, NYLiar.

I'm constantly reminding you that the brightest students see right through the indoctrination.

BTW....I went to the school with the best fight song in the nation. That's the way I look at it.
There are three Ivy grads in my family.....two are conservatives.
Then there's the black sheep.....
Conservatives are worried sick about political indoctrination through the public school system. That's a strawman, but it serves those challenged by curiosity well.

I'm more concerned that the quality of education is limited by the parent's ability to actually teach. I am concerned that a child who may be a science prodigy will be stunted by the parent's inability to teach. I'm concerned that kids who do not socialize with other kids will become warped individuals. And I am concerned that the curriculum might include mythology in lieu of science.
They are afraid of the school contradicting their indoctrination

Can't have them learn'n about that evolution stuff poor thing!

At your age, reading carefully is quite the chore.

Here it is again:

"...concern about “the environment of other schools” has supplanted religion as the Number One reason given for homeschooling, according to the DOE survey.

Ninety-one percent of homeschooling parents cited school environment as at least a contributing factor.

...urbanites choose homeschooling for various reasons, though dissatisfaction with the quality and content of instruction at local public schools heads the list.

.... even after more than a decade of aggressive education-reform efforts, the “decent public school” remains a rarity in New York and in other American cities."'s based on how poor a job you Liberals have done in running the schools.

Why do parents homeschool?

1. They want the best possible education for their child
2. They don't want their child in the same school with.......blacks, Hispanics, poor whites, Jews, Muslims.......
3. School interferes with their bible teaching
4. School will interfere with their hatred of blacks, gays, atheists, liberals

We all know it isn't number 1 don't we?
Conservatives are worried sick about political indoctrination through the public school system. That's a strawman, but it serves those challenged by curiosity well.

I'm more concerned that the quality of education is limited by the parent's ability to actually teach. I am concerned that a child who may be a science prodigy will be stunted by the parent's inability to teach. I'm concerned that kids who do not socialize with other kids will become warped individuals. And I am concerned that the curriculum might include mythology in lieu of science.
They are afraid of the school contradicting their indoctrination

Can't have them learn'n about that evolution stuff poor thing!

At your age, reading carefully is quite the chore.

Here it is again:

"...concern about “the environment of other schools” has supplanted religion as the Number One reason given for homeschooling, according to the DOE survey.

Ninety-one percent of homeschooling parents cited school environment as at least a contributing factor.

...urbanites choose homeschooling for various reasons, though dissatisfaction with the quality and content of instruction at local public schools heads the list.

.... even after more than a decade of aggressive education-reform efforts, the “decent public school” remains a rarity in New York and in other American cities."'s based on how poor a job you Liberals have done in running the schools.

You went to one of the most liberal colleges in NYC and you're constantly reminding us of how liberal schools produce idiots.

"'re constantly reminding us of how liberal schools produce idiots."
That's a fib, NYLiar.

I'm constantly reminding you that the brightest students see right through the indoctrination.

BTW....I went to the school with the best fight song in the nation. That's the way I look at it.
There are three Ivy grads in my family.....two are conservatives.
Then there's the black sheep.....

You're not that bright.

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