Progressivism is incompatible with life

Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

I disagree. Many traditional Democrats (people I call hilarybots) are nilihists who damage society, that’s true. Progressives want to help society improve and provide MORE opportunities for people to improve their lives.

No, they want to impose their idea of such a society upon everyone else. Progressivism is a totalitarian system of thought at it's very core and force is their way to get what they want.

You are thoroughly propagandized. Sad for ya
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

I disagree. Many traditional Democrats (people I call hilarybots) are nilihists who damage society, that’s true. Progressives want to help society improve and provide MORE opportunities for people to improve their lives.

No, they want to impose their idea of such a society upon everyone else. Progressivism is a totalitarian system of thought at it's very core and force is their way to get what they want.

You are thoroughly propagandized. Sad for ya

Nope, I don't need someone to think for me. I don't need anyone to force their version of anything on me. That's the difference between a "Progressive" and a Conservative. We can think for ourselves and we don't need any "redistributive" bullshit from your Messiah.
The Second Amendment explicitly forbids infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms. To claim that it is possible to support the Second Amendment, and at the same time to support any infringements of this right, is an exercise in Orwellian Doublethink.

As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

Yes, we are all obligated to view it the way you do, never mind the fact that that has NEVER been the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and even your otherwise-precious Supreme Court says you're wrong.
Which case?

Aaaand you're done. Either you're trying to drag this down a tangent so that you can obscure with nitpicking and deflections, or you're genuinely that stupid. Either way, you have nothing of substance to contribute.
Is that an admission that the SCOTUS has never said gun ownership is an absolute and unregulated right?

As we can prevent firearms from being carried into sensitive locations,obviously it is subject to regulation
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

I disagree. Many traditional Democrats (people I call hilarybots) are nilihists who damage society, that’s true. Progressives want to help society improve and provide MORE opportunities for people to improve their lives.

No, they want to impose their idea of such a society upon everyone else. Progressivism is a totalitarian system of thought at it's very core and force is their way to get what they want.

You are thoroughly propagandized. Sad for ya

Nope, I don't need someone to think for me. I don't need anyone to force their version of anything on me. That's the difference between a "Progressive" and a Conservative. We can think for ourselves and we don't need any "redistributive" bullshit from your Messiah.

*sigh* sorry you are closed minded
The supreme court has already ruled that the changes in gun laws listed in that post are allowed by the constitution. No constitutional amendments needed.

The Supreme Court does not have the authority to override the Constitution, though it has illegally usurped that power, and we, as a nation, have foolishly allowed them to get away with it.

The Constitution is absolutely clear about the people's right to keep and bear arms, and about government being forbidden from infringing the right. When a court rules that government is allowed to infringe that right, this is an act of lawlessness and criminality on the part of that court.
Is that an admission that the SCOTUS has never said gun ownership is an absolute and unregulated right?

It's not their call. That question was settled in 1791, when the Second Amendment was ratified. The only legitimate way to change it is with another Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Second Amendment. The Courts do not have any legitimate authority to override anything in the Constitution.
The Second Amendment explicitly forbids infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms. To claim that it is possible to support the Second Amendment, and at the same time to support any infringements of this right, is an exercise in Orwellian Doublethink.

As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

Yes, we are all obligated to view it the way you do, never mind the fact that that has NEVER been the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and even your otherwise-precious Supreme Court says you're wrong.
Which case?

Aaaand you're done. Either you're trying to drag this down a tangent so that you can obscure with nitpicking and deflections, or you're genuinely that stupid. Either way, you have nothing of substance to contribute.
Is that an admission that the SCOTUS has never said gun ownership is an absolute and unregulated right?

Nice try at goalpost-moving, but that wasn't your original point, so it wasn't what I responded to.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

I disagree. Many traditional Democrats (people I call hilarybots) are nilihists who damage society, that’s true. Progressives want to help society improve and provide MORE opportunities for people to improve their lives.

No, they want to impose their idea of such a society upon everyone else. Progressivism is a totalitarian system of thought at it's very core and force is their way to get what they want.

You are thoroughly propagandized. Sad for ya

Nope, I don't need someone to think for me. I don't need anyone to force their version of anything on me. That's the difference between a "Progressive" and a Conservative. We can think for ourselves and we don't need any "redistributive" bullshit from your Messiah.

*sigh* sorry you are closed minded

My mind is quite open, no need for pity. We are not a collective, we are a "society". They are not the same thing. "Collectivism" is for the weak, the weak hide behind words like "Progressive" and "Village". Compulsion is not Compassion. Compulsion is the weapon of the Left.
The supreme court has already ruled that the changes in gun laws listed in that post are allowed by the constitution. No constitutional amendments needed.

The Supreme Court does not have the authority to override the Constitution, though it has illegally usurped that power, and we, as a nation, have foolishly allowed them to get away with it.

The Constitution is absolutely clear about the people's right to keep and bear arms, and about government being forbidden from infringing the right. When a court rules that government is allowed to infringe that right, this is an act of lawlessness and criminality on the part of that court.

The constitution is absolutely clear about owning slaves being legal, and counting them as only 3/5 of a person. You whining about that too?
We would like to fix the wreck you have made of America, dumbass.
This is a prime example of the “wreck” that progressives have made of America. Washington D.C. is typical progressive shit-hole. Crime rates off the charts. Loss of constitutional rights (such as the 2nd Amendmen). Poverty and misery rampant.

And if that wasn’t enough, they actually elect someone to city council who has dreadlocks, is named “Trayon”, and has grammar so atrocious, it wouldn’t even be tolerated in the first grade where I went to school.
”Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation.”
“Y’all”? Seriously? Y’all? This what progressives elect to make decisions about their city?!? But wait, it gets even worse.
And D.C. keep talking about, “We a resilient city.”
Hey Tra’yon....that would be “we are a resilient city” you ignorant, illiterate, idiot. And then Mr. No Grammar finishes up illustrating his ignorance to the world by claiming that Jews are controlling and manipulating the weather (you can’t make this stuff up). Yep...this is the type of ghetto trash that progressives actually elect to public office. Is it any wonder their cities have morphed into 3rd-world shit-holes?

DC councilman claims Jews are ‘controlling the climate,’ says he ‘did not intend’ to be anti-Semitic
OK Bubba, y'all had yer fun in the internets (ya know the series of tubes) but it's time to brush yer tooth and go to bed.
So you support the illiterate and unprofessional city councilman? Why am I not surprised? Ignorance is definitely your kind of guy!
The supreme court has already ruled that the changes in gun laws listed in that post are allowed by the constitution. No constitutional amendments needed.

The Supreme Court does not have the authority to override the Constitution, though it has illegally usurped that power, and we, as a nation, have foolishly allowed them to get away with it.

The Constitution is absolutely clear about the people's right to keep and bear arms, and about government being forbidden from infringing the right. When a court rules that government is allowed to infringe that right, this is an act of lawlessness and criminality on the part of that court.

The constitution is absolutely clear about owning slaves being legal, and counting them as only 3/5 of a person. You whining about that too?
Yeah..and then it was legally and properly amended, genius. :laugh:
If the Constitution were clear on guns there would be less chance that it would go before the Court. As these boards show, however, there are numerous interpretations of the Second Amendment, and it will probably go before the Courts again, and as the Court has done in the past it will define the Second Amendment, perhaps for eons to come and in favor of the population at large.
We would like to fix the wreck you have made of America, dumbass.
This is a prime example of the “wreck” that progressives have made of America. Washington D.C. is typical progressive shit-hole. Crime rates off the charts. Loss of constitutional rights (such as the 2nd Amendmen). Poverty and misery rampant.

And if that wasn’t enough, they actually elect someone to city council who has dreadlocks, is named “Trayon”, and has grammar so atrocious, it wouldn’t even be tolerated in the first grade where I went to school.
”Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation.”
“Y’all”? Seriously? Y’all? This what progressives elect to make decisions about their city?!? But wait, it gets even worse.
And D.C. keep talking about, “We a resilient city.”
Hey Tra’yon....that would be “we are a resilient city” you ignorant, illiterate, idiot. And then Mr. No Grammar finishes up illustrating his ignorance to the world by claiming that Jews are controlling and manipulating the weather (you can’t make this stuff up). Yep...this is the type of ghetto trash that progressives actually elect to public office. Is it any wonder their cities have morphed into 3rd-world shit-holes?

DC councilman claims Jews are ‘controlling the climate,’ says he ‘did not intend’ to be anti-Semitic
OK Bubba, y'all had yer fun in the internets (ya know the series of tubes) but it's time to brush yer tooth and go to bed.
So you support the illiterate and unprofessional city councilman? Why am I not surprised? Ignorance is definitely your kind of guy!

For ignorance I offer the dumbest congressman.
If the Constitution were clear on guns there would be less chance that it would go before the Court. As these boards show, however, there are numerous interpretations of the Second Amendment, and it will probably go before the Courts again, and as the Court has done in the past it will define the Second Amendment, perhaps for eons to come and in favor of the population at large.

People WANT there to be numerous interpretations, but the important clause is the second one. The right is reserved for the People, which refers to individual citizens of the United States. The first clause is not independent and cannot stand alone. The second is independent and does stand alone.
We would like to fix the wreck you have made of America, dumbass.
This is a prime example of the “wreck” that progressives have made of America. Washington D.C. is typical progressive shit-hole. Crime rates off the charts. Loss of constitutional rights (such as the 2nd Amendmen). Poverty and misery rampant.

And if that wasn’t enough, they actually elect someone to city council who has dreadlocks, is named “Trayon”, and has grammar so atrocious, it wouldn’t even be tolerated in the first grade where I went to school.
”Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation.”
“Y’all”? Seriously? Y’all? This what progressives elect to make decisions about their city?!? But wait, it gets even worse.
And D.C. keep talking about, “We a resilient city.”
Hey Tra’yon....that would be “we are a resilient city” you ignorant, illiterate, idiot. And then Mr. No Grammar finishes up illustrating his ignorance to the world by claiming that Jews are controlling and manipulating the weather (you can’t make this stuff up). Yep...this is the type of ghetto trash that progressives actually elect to public office. Is it any wonder their cities have morphed into 3rd-world shit-holes?

DC councilman claims Jews are ‘controlling the climate,’ says he ‘did not intend’ to be anti-Semitic
OK Bubba, y'all had yer fun in the internets (ya know the series of tubes) but it's time to brush yer tooth and go to bed.
So you support the illiterate and unprofessional city councilman? Why am I not surprised? Ignorance is definitely your kind of guy!

For ignorance I offer the dumbest congressman.
Those are blacks not liberals. They just know which party is full of racist s. Poor dupes...
Perhaps it's incompatible with the life you want, where women can't vote, blacks know their place, and your lack of ability to see beyond your Archie Bunker mentality isn't a source of ridicule.

Actually, it is also incompatible with common sense, as you just so amply demonstrated. Everyone who disagrees with your idiotology must be a bigot of some sort?
As a student of history, did you know that the term "progressive" was given to American POW's who had been "re-educated" during the Korea War? I recall learning of this on a documentary on various wars, tactics, spying etc.

The Chinese and North Koreans essentially brainwashed pilots and others who were captured and had them used as propaganda. It was the honest to God term that the Chinese proudly gave to the most ardent and committed believers of the Communist re-education, some even stayed in North Korea or China (I forgot which now) after the war and remained over there voluntarily.

Something to consider as the alt-left gets a little too strong for my liking.
And in their study of those that had been brainwashed America discovered that the more education a prisoner had, the less effective the brainwashing.

That is not true. The educated were the easiest to brainwash. The ones who could not be brainwashed were those with strong religious convictions. The interrogators were better educated on America and on the flaws in American history, than just about all the prisoners. If they could get a prisoner talking, they could convince them that they had been lied to for their entire lives.

The communists, (Russians, Chinese, and the North Koreans), had no desire to create any Manchurian candidates or spies. They experimented with the prisoners to find out how to subvert America from within. The knowledge they gained was fed to the Communist Party USA, and put into play in every area where the party could gain a foothold. The same strategy was put into play in Europe, and had much more success than it did in America.

Modern progressives are the inheritors of the tactics that the interrogator's found effective. They have been infected by it and they pass that infection along to everyone they can.
As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.
“...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. The right belongs to the people, not your imaginary militia. No matter how hard you wing-nuts work to pervert the U.S. Constitution, it will never happen.
Keep thinking that the 2nd Amendment has no restrictions and watch tomorrow's voters go from wanting stricter gun laws to having the constitution amended.

That's assuming the voters want what you believe they do. Given how carefully your pollsters vague up the questions to get the result you want, I don't think so.

They proclaim that the vast majority of Americans want more Gun Control. But that’s as empty as stating that the vast majority of Americans want government spending cuts. It’s not that the devil is in the details. It’s that the details are the entire matter under discussion. The question with regard to spending is: which programs would you cut? And the question with Gun Control is: which people would you prevent from getting guns, and how? - Ben Shapiro

And he's exactly right. The instant you get specific about either of these questions, voters magically don't want them any more.

So DON'T tell me how "the voters want gun control" and "will someday want an Amendment". Tell me SPECIFICALLY which gun control proposal you enjoy majority support for, or the exact wording of the Amendment you "know" the voters will want, and then cite your sources proving that they actually DO.

Polls have been very specific in their questions and the American people been clear in their answers.

Support for universal background checks is itself almost universal, 97 - 2 percent, including 97 - 3 percent among gun owners. Support for gun control on other questions is at its highest level since the Quinnipiac University Poll began focusing on this issue in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre:
  • 67 - 29 percent for a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons;
  • 83 - 14 percent for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases. It is too easy to buy a gun in the U.S. today, American voters say 67 - 3 percent. If more people carried guns, the U.S. would be less safe, voters say 59 - 33 percent. Congress needs to do more to reduce gun violence, voters say 75 - 17 percent.

Constitutional rights are not subject to majority will. That is why they are constitutional rights.
As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.
“...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. The right belongs to the people, not your imaginary militia. No matter how hard you wing-nuts work to pervert the U.S. Constitution, it will never happen.
Keep thinking that the 2nd Amendment has no restrictions and watch tomorrow's voters go from wanting stricter gun laws to having the constitution amended.

That's assuming the voters want what you believe they do. Given how carefully your pollsters vague up the questions to get the result you want, I don't think so.

They proclaim that the vast majority of Americans want more Gun Control. But that’s as empty as stating that the vast majority of Americans want government spending cuts. It’s not that the devil is in the details. It’s that the details are the entire matter under discussion. The question with regard to spending is: which programs would you cut? And the question with Gun Control is: which people would you prevent from getting guns, and how? - Ben Shapiro

And he's exactly right. The instant you get specific about either of these questions, voters magically don't want them any more.

So DON'T tell me how "the voters want gun control" and "will someday want an Amendment". Tell me SPECIFICALLY which gun control proposal you enjoy majority support for, or the exact wording of the Amendment you "know" the voters will want, and then cite your sources proving that they actually DO.

Polls have been very specific in their questions and the American people been clear in their answers.

Support for universal background checks is itself almost universal, 97 - 2 percent, including 97 - 3 percent among gun owners. Support for gun control on other questions is at its highest level since the Quinnipiac University Poll began focusing on this issue in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre:
  • 67 - 29 percent for a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons;
  • 83 - 14 percent for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases. It is too easy to buy a gun in the U.S. today, American voters say 67 - 3 percent. If more people carried guns, the U.S. would be less safe, voters say 59 - 33 percent. Congress needs to do more to reduce gun violence, voters say 75 - 17 percent.

Constitutional rights are not subject to majority will. That is why they are constitutional rights.

Regulation does not take away your the Supreme Court has ruled over and over.

If the NRA backed GOP doesn't start making moves to regulate these weapons of mass destruction, the voters will find representatives that will.
As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

Yes, we are all obligated to view it the way you do, never mind the fact that that has NEVER been the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and even your otherwise-precious Supreme Court says you're wrong.
Which case?

Aaaand you're done. Either you're trying to drag this down a tangent so that you can obscure with nitpicking and deflections, or you're genuinely that stupid. Either way, you have nothing of substance to contribute.
Is that an admission that the SCOTUS has never said gun ownership is an absolute and unregulated right?

Nice try at goalpost-moving, but that wasn't your original point, so it wasn't what I responded to.

Yes it is my point. Start passing common sense gun legislation and if you keep using the 2nd Amendment as justification not to pass restrictions on guns, you could wake up one day to find the constitution amended. Compromise before it is too late.

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