Progressivism is incompatible with life

QU Poll Release Detail

American voters support stricter gun laws 66 - 31 percent, the highest level of support ever measured by the independent Quinnipiac University National Poll, with 50 - 44 percent support among gun owners and 62 - 35 percent support from white voters with no college degree and 58 - 38 percent support among white men.

Today's result is up from a negative 47 - 50 percent measure of support in a December 23, 2015, survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll.

Support for universal background checks is itself almost universal, 97 - 2 percent, including 97 - 3 percent among gun owners. Support for gun control on other questions is at its highest level since the Quinnipiac University Poll began focusing on this issue in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre:

  • 67 - 29 percent for a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons;
  • 83 - 14 percent for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases. It is too easy to buy a gun in the U.S. today, American voters say 67 - 3 percent. If more people carried guns, the U.S. would be less safe, voters say 59 - 33 percent. Congress needs to do more to reduce gun violence, voters say 75 - 17 percent.

I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine, on these polls.

Where is the credible effort to amend the Constitution to allow for any of these restrictions on the people's right to keep and bear arms? By wise design, amending the Constitution is not a trivial or easy process, but if there was really that much public support for it, it would be happening, and it would succeed. It's not. happening, because nobody in any position to initiate the process believes that there is enough public support for such an effort to give it any chance of success.

Your claimed levels of public support are flat-out lies, and you know it.
QU Poll Release Detail

American voters support stricter gun laws 66 - 31 percent, the highest level of support ever measured by the independent Quinnipiac University National Poll, with 50 - 44 percent support among gun owners and 62 - 35 percent support from white voters with no college degree and 58 - 38 percent support among white men.

Today's result is up from a negative 47 - 50 percent measure of support in a December 23, 2015, survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll.

Support for universal background checks is itself almost universal, 97 - 2 percent, including 97 - 3 percent among gun owners. Support for gun control on other questions is at its highest level since the Quinnipiac University Poll began focusing on this issue in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre:

  • 67 - 29 percent for a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons;
  • 83 - 14 percent for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases. It is too easy to buy a gun in the U.S. today, American voters say 67 - 3 percent. If more people carried guns, the U.S. would be less safe, voters say 59 - 33 percent. Congress needs to do more to reduce gun violence, voters say 75 - 17 percent.

I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine, on these polls.

Where is the credible effort to amend the Constitution to allow for any of these restrictions on the people's right to keep and bear arms? By wise design, amending the Constitution is not a trivial or easy process, but if there was really that much public support for it, it would be happening, and it would succeed. It's not. happening, because nobody in any position to initiate the process believes that there is enough public support for such an effort to give it any chance of success.

Your claimed levels of public support are flat-out lies, and you know it.

The supreme court has already ruled that the changes in gun laws listed in that post are allowed by the constitution. No constitutional amendments needed.
Hunting rifles and shotguns where all that were needed until the gun makers took over the NRA and the GOP. The laws we have are plenty to protect us from the government. That's a whole new idea 2.

All guns can be used for hunting.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy
It's a death cult, always has been.
Let's just remember that Regressivism, er, "Progressivism", is not traditional liberalism. It's a distortion, a mutation, a perversion of traditional liberalism.

We have illiberal leftist authoritarians masquerading as liberals and they've taken over the Democratic Party.

And Trump is a perfect example of classic conservatism?
Let's just remember that Regressivism, er, "Progressivism", is not traditional liberalism. It's a distortion, a mutation, a perversion of traditional liberalism.

We have illiberal leftist authoritarians masquerading as liberals and they've taken over the Democratic Party.

And Trump is a perfect example of classic conservatism?
He is?
Perhaps it's incompatible with the life you want, where women can't vote, blacks know their place, and your lack of ability to see beyond your Archie Bunker mentality isn't a source of ridicule.
/——/ Ahhh a strawman argument. Where do we say women’s should not have the right to vote when it was the GOP who first supported it? Suffrage - Women in the GOP
You can be both "pro gun" and "2nd Amendment rights" and also support common sense gun legislation.

The Second Amendment explicitly forbids infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms. To claim that it is possible to support the Second Amendment, and at the same time to support any infringements of this right, is an exercise in Orwellian Doublethink.

As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

Yes, we are all obligated to view it the way you do, never mind the fact that that has NEVER been the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and even your otherwise-precious Supreme Court says you're wrong.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

I disagree. Many traditional Democrats (people I call hilarybots) are nilihists who damage society, that’s true. Progressives want to help society improve and provide MORE opportunities for people to improve their lives.
As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.
“...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. The right belongs to the people, not your imaginary militia. No matter how hard you wing-nuts work to pervert the U.S. Constitution, it will never happen.
Keep thinking that the 2nd Amendment has no restrictions and watch tomorrow's voters go from wanting stricter gun laws to having the constitution amended.

That's assuming the voters want what you believe they do. Given how carefully your pollsters vague up the questions to get the result you want, I don't think so.

They proclaim that the vast majority of Americans want more Gun Control. But that’s as empty as stating that the vast majority of Americans want government spending cuts. It’s not that the devil is in the details. It’s that the details are the entire matter under discussion. The question with regard to spending is: which programs would you cut? And the question with Gun Control is: which people would you prevent from getting guns, and how? - Ben Shapiro

And he's exactly right. The instant you get specific about either of these questions, voters magically don't want them any more.

So DON'T tell me how "the voters want gun control" and "will someday want an Amendment". Tell me SPECIFICALLY which gun control proposal you enjoy majority support for, or the exact wording of the Amendment you "know" the voters will want, and then cite your sources proving that they actually DO.
You can be both "pro gun" and "2nd Amendment rights" and also support common sense gun legislation.

The Second Amendment explicitly forbids infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms. To claim that it is possible to support the Second Amendment, and at the same time to support any infringements of this right, is an exercise in Orwellian Doublethink.

As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

Yes, we are all obligated to view it the way you do, never mind the fact that that has NEVER been the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and even your otherwise-precious Supreme Court says you're wrong.
Which case?
Keep thinking that the 2nd Amendment has no restrictions and watch tomorrow's voters go from wanting stricter gun laws to having the constitution amended.

Where, in the words “…the right of the people…shall not be infringed.” do you find restrictions on the right being thus affirmed?

Like I said...take the hard , no compromise, line and see what the future brings. Kids that grew up having active shooter drills in school will someday lead this country.

And it'll be just your luck that they'll be the gun rights-supporting ones you ignored, and the loudmouthed leftist ones you celebrated will be their gardeners.
You can be both "pro gun" and "2nd Amendment rights" and also support common sense gun legislation.

The Second Amendment explicitly forbids infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms. To claim that it is possible to support the Second Amendment, and at the same time to support any infringements of this right, is an exercise in Orwellian Doublethink.

As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

You don’t understand what “well-regulated” meant and the right belongs to the PEOPLE, not the militia
As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.
“...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. The right belongs to the people, not your imaginary militia. No matter how hard you wing-nuts work to pervert the U.S. Constitution, it will never happen.
Keep thinking that the 2nd Amendment has no restrictions and watch tomorrow's voters go from wanting stricter gun laws to having the constitution amended.

That's assuming the voters want what you believe they do. Given how carefully your pollsters vague up the questions to get the result you want, I don't think so.

They proclaim that the vast majority of Americans want more Gun Control. But that’s as empty as stating that the vast majority of Americans want government spending cuts. It’s not that the devil is in the details. It’s that the details are the entire matter under discussion. The question with regard to spending is: which programs would you cut? And the question with Gun Control is: which people would you prevent from getting guns, and how? - Ben Shapiro

And he's exactly right. The instant you get specific about either of these questions, voters magically don't want them any more.

So DON'T tell me how "the voters want gun control" and "will someday want an Amendment". Tell me SPECIFICALLY which gun control proposal you enjoy majority support for, or the exact wording of the Amendment you "know" the voters will want, and then cite your sources proving that they actually DO.

Polls have been very specific in their questions and the American people been clear in their answers.

Support for universal background checks is itself almost universal, 97 - 2 percent, including 97 - 3 percent among gun owners. Support for gun control on other questions is at its highest level since the Quinnipiac University Poll began focusing on this issue in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre:
  • 67 - 29 percent for a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons;
  • 83 - 14 percent for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases. It is too easy to buy a gun in the U.S. today, American voters say 67 - 3 percent. If more people carried guns, the U.S. would be less safe, voters say 59 - 33 percent. Congress needs to do more to reduce gun violence, voters say 75 - 17 percent.
You can be both "pro gun" and "2nd Amendment rights" and also support common sense gun legislation.

The Second Amendment explicitly forbids infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms. To claim that it is possible to support the Second Amendment, and at the same time to support any infringements of this right, is an exercise in Orwellian Doublethink.

As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

Yes, we are all obligated to view it the way you do, never mind the fact that that has NEVER been the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and even your otherwise-precious Supreme Court says you're wrong.
Which case?

Aaaand you're done. Either you're trying to drag this down a tangent so that you can obscure with nitpicking and deflections, or you're genuinely that stupid. Either way, you have nothing of substance to contribute.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

Dear P@triot
What happened to Progressive principles of
* Freedom of choice
* Cultural inclusion of minority interests
* Nonviolent conflict resolution and noncoercion
* Peace and Justice for All
* Uplifting all people to be equally empowered contributors and members of society

It seems the politics of "divide and conquer"
"scarcity mentality" and depending on govt (and now party) as the central authority
has overridden all else.

If you cannot forgive past issues, these get projected
externally onto other people and groups, and forward
into the future instead of learning from the past so we don't keep repeating the same.

If you study the grief process, and stages of grieving and recovery,
maybe you might recognize the stages of denial and depression
(learned hopelessness and victimhood) and anger and projection
as PART of the process. This will not last, but is a stage in a
natural PROGRESSION to get to a better place in the end.

When we get to resolution and peace, we can think more
clearly how to solve problems in ways that empower
ourselves and others, not what we see now which is
projecting anger blame and shame back and forth.

We then invest in rebuilding and growing stronger
good faith relations, not in killing and cutting down
relations by backbiting against other people or groups.

When we get past this "teenage phase" maybe
we will arise from the shell as mature adults
ready to govern ourselves democratically, with sustainable
cooperative business solutions that include interests of all people,
without any need to bully or beat down other groups to get there.

We are in the stages of growing up.
And realizing we are not each other's enemies
but our fear of control by competing groups
has us divided and conquered, wasting our resources
that we all know should be better invested in building solutions.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

I disagree. Many traditional Democrats (people I call hilarybots) are nilihists who damage society, that’s true. Progressives want to help society improve and provide MORE opportunities for people to improve their lives.

No, they want to impose their idea of such a society upon everyone else. Progressivism is a totalitarian system of thought at it's very core and force is their way to get what they want.
You can be both "pro gun" and "2nd Amendment rights" and also support common sense gun legislation.

The Second Amendment explicitly forbids infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms. To claim that it is possible to support the Second Amendment, and at the same time to support any infringements of this right, is an exercise in Orwellian Doublethink.

As part of a well regulated militia. I'm especially down with the well regulated part.

Yes, we are all obligated to view it the way you do, never mind the fact that that has NEVER been the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and even your otherwise-precious Supreme Court says you're wrong.
Which case?

Aaaand you're done. Either you're trying to drag this down a tangent so that you can obscure with nitpicking and deflections, or you're genuinely that stupid. Either way, you have nothing of substance to contribute.
Is that an admission that the SCOTUS has never said gun ownership is an absolute and unregulated right?

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