Progressivism Kills


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Just awful what the Progressives/Democrat/unions have done to Detroit and the people who live there....This is why people and especially black people who are sold on the Democrat party need to open their eyes to all the corruption, cronyism of that party

Detroit is not healthy for children and other living things.

By Kevin D. Williamson

There are many horrific stories to be told about the implosion of Detroit, once the nation’s most prosperous city, today its poorest. There is the story of its corrupt public institutions, its feckless leaders, its poisonous racial politics, its practically nonexistent economy, the riots that have led to its thrice being occupied by federal troops. The most horrific story may be that of the death of its children.

Detroit has the highest child-mortality rate of any American city, exceeding that of many parts of what we used to call the Third World. The rate of death before the age of 18 in Detroit is nearly three times New York City’s, and its infant-mortality rate exceeds that of Botswana. The main cause of premature death among the children of Detroit is premature birth — the second is murder. While the city’s murder rate among adults is nothing to be proud of, more horrifying is the fact that between 30 and 40 children are murdered in Detroit in a typical year. Some of those children are nine-month-olds killed by rifle fire in their beds; some are budding criminals in their late teens — and each of those situations offers its own unique horrors. So dangerous is the city that children are being armed by their parents, which has predictable consequences. “I work in the Wayne County Juvenile Court, and these children are obtaining guns from adults,” children’s-law attorney Lynda White told the Detroit News, which has been conducting an in-depth investigation of how Detroit’s children are dying. “They’re obtaining guns illegally from people who are supposed to be responsible and people who are supposed to protect them. And if that person who has a huge influence in your life is giving you a gun, some of them tend to think it’s okay to carry it. And they’re being told, ‘You need this for your protection, you live in Detroit.’”

Detroit represents nothing less than progressivism in its final stage of decadence: Worried that unionized public-sector workers are looting your city? Detroit is already bankrupt, unable to provide basic services expected of it — half the streetlights don’t work, transit has been reduced, neighborhoods go unpatrolled. Worried that public-sector unions are ruining your schools? Detroit’s were ruined a generation or more ago, the results of which are everywhere to be seen in the city. Worried that Obamacare is going to ruin our health-care markets? General-practice physicians are hard to find in Detroit, and those willing to accept Medicaid — which covers a great swath of Detroit’s population — are rarer still. Worried about the permissive culture? Four out of five of Detroit’s children are born out of wedlock. Worried that government is making it difficult for businesses to thrive? Many people in Detroit have to travel miles to find a grocery store. This is the endgame of welfare economics: What good is Medicaid if there are no doctors? What good are food stamps where there is no food? What good are “free” schools if you’re so afraid to send your children there that you feel it prudent to arm them first?

Detroit is what Democrats do

all of it here?
Progressivism Kills | National Review Online
I would make a distinction between the
Commercialized/Politicized LEFT liberals
vs. the real grassroots liberal left
and the conservative progressives willing to work within
the system, sort of like fiscal conservatives who are socially liberal.

I consider myself progressive, and I denounce the policies,
propaganda and politics of the Democrat candidates and liberals
going against the Constitution, common sense, and their own beliefs such as prochoice.

To distinguish these from each other, I call my views progressive liberal
while the politicized/commercialized liberal left are the talking points pushed by politicians and the news, and the real left are the grassroots people left behind to do all the work themselves to fix problems while politicians run off with their votes and money.

Whatever you are calling progressive is not the same.
The grassroots people doing the real work are the ones I call progressive, despite the liberal hypocrites running the party which I call the commercialized left or politicized left.

This is like the difference between the Christian traditions as represented in public
using symbology everyone can identify readily, VERSUS the real faith and real work
involved in the real practice that doesn't fit the stereotypes or religious symbolism.

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