Progs Now Turn To Ruining Our Food

That's a quantity issue, not a quality. Protein and natural fats are far healthier for a person than are refined carbohydrates and processed fats.
Not sure thats really been well established.
Obesity is about consuming far more calories than are taken in. Lots of things account for that. Lack of activity has to rank high up there.

Certainly lack of activity has an impact; but weight is largely a function of diet. Highly processed foods high in processed sugars and refined carbs are "addictive" because they don't satisfy nutritionally. The morbidly obese people I've encountered have all over consumed processed foods.
Most people consume processed foods. So it's a cinch overweight people would consume mroe of them.
But if people ate potatoes fried in olive or canola oil and home made cheeseburgers every day they'd probably still be obese.

Canola oil is a very unhealthy choice. I'm coming back to Quantity. If some one has a four ounce hamburger and a few fries, that's not going to make them fat (although personally, I would skip the fries and have some green vegetables).

As an aside, I heard on the news that the average soda drinker consumes 450 calories per day in sugary drinks every day.

What makes canola oil, a mono unsaturate, unhealthy?

It's not a natural part of the human diet. Highly refined vegetable oils have only been around for a few decades. Our bodies weren't developed to digest them. Also, Canola oil partially transforms in to trans-fats at high temperatures, so using it for fried foods isn't a good idea.
Illogical. Getting rid of subsidies can be done without a National Food Policy. We just have to agree to stop supporting a Big Government Crony and be done with it. Let the market prices adjust and consumers make their own decisions.

I can see how such a prospect is terrifying for you, but you might actually enjoy making your own decisions for a change.
That's a policy no matter how much you don't want to call it that.

A much narrower one than the Nanny State Omnibus in the OP.
Not really. Good thing we had a national policy on infectious disease.

Yeah, that is working out really well for Enterovirus68. Just ask the parents of the dead children how much they appreciate how our National Policy on infectious diseases didn't stop Obama from opening the borders to illegal aliens infected with the virus.
Sad that you've decided to be dishonest. enterovirus has been around for decades and has nothing to do with illegal immigration.

You are delusional if you believe the propaganda that the recent outbreak isn't linked to the exploitation of poor illegal alien kids by the Obama Administration.
Not sure thats really been well established.
Obesity is about consuming far more calories than are taken in. Lots of things account for that. Lack of activity has to rank high up there.

Certainly lack of activity has an impact; but weight is largely a function of diet. Highly processed foods high in processed sugars and refined carbs are "addictive" because they don't satisfy nutritionally. The morbidly obese people I've encountered have all over consumed processed foods.
Most people consume processed foods. So it's a cinch overweight people would consume mroe of them.
But if people ate potatoes fried in olive or canola oil and home made cheeseburgers every day they'd probably still be obese.

Canola oil is a very unhealthy choice. I'm coming back to Quantity. If some one has a four ounce hamburger and a few fries, that's not going to make them fat (although personally, I would skip the fries and have some green vegetables).

As an aside, I heard on the news that the average soda drinker consumes 450 calories per day in sugary drinks every day.

What makes canola oil, a mono unsaturate, unhealthy?

It's not a natural part of the human diet. Highly refined vegetable oils have only been around for a few decades. Our bodies weren't developed to digest them. Also, Canola oil partially transforms in to trans-fats at high temperatures, so using it for fried foods isn't a good idea.
Link to ill effects from canola oil?
Taking a quick look it appears most of the negativity comes from proponents of junk science.
Certainly lack of activity has an impact; but weight is largely a function of diet. Highly processed foods high in processed sugars and refined carbs are "addictive" because they don't satisfy nutritionally. The morbidly obese people I've encountered have all over consumed processed foods.
Most people consume processed foods. So it's a cinch overweight people would consume mroe of them.
But if people ate potatoes fried in olive or canola oil and home made cheeseburgers every day they'd probably still be obese.

Canola oil is a very unhealthy choice. I'm coming back to Quantity. If some one has a four ounce hamburger and a few fries, that's not going to make them fat (although personally, I would skip the fries and have some green vegetables).

As an aside, I heard on the news that the average soda drinker consumes 450 calories per day in sugary drinks every day.

What makes canola oil, a mono unsaturate, unhealthy?

It's not a natural part of the human diet. Highly refined vegetable oils have only been around for a few decades. Our bodies weren't developed to digest them. Also, Canola oil partially transforms in to trans-fats at high temperatures, so using it for fried foods isn't a good idea.
Link to ill effects from canola oil?
Taking a quick look it appears most of the negativity comes from proponents of junk science.

Where does Canola Oil come from? You are certainly perfectly free to consume it; based on what I know about nutrition (my mother was a dietician), I prefer not to.
That's a policy no matter how much you don't want to call it that.

A much narrower one than the Nanny State Omnibus in the OP.
Not really. Good thing we had a national policy on infectious disease.

Yeah, that is working out really well for Enterovirus68. Just ask the parents of the dead children how much they appreciate how our National Policy on infectious diseases didn't stop Obama from opening the borders to illegal aliens infected with the virus.
Sad that you've decided to be dishonest. enterovirus has been around for decades and has nothing to do with illegal immigration.

You are delusional if you believe the propaganda that the recent outbreak isn't linked to the exploitation of poor illegal alien kids by the Obama Administration.
You're the one that believes the propaganda that "illegal alien kids" have anything whatsoever to do with the recent outbreak.

A much narrower one than the Nanny State Omnibus in the OP.
Not really. Good thing we had a national policy on infectious disease.

Yeah, that is working out really well for Enterovirus68. Just ask the parents of the dead children how much they appreciate how our National Policy on infectious diseases didn't stop Obama from opening the borders to illegal aliens infected with the virus.
Sad that you've decided to be dishonest. enterovirus has been around for decades and has nothing to do with illegal immigration.

You are delusional if you believe the propaganda that the recent outbreak isn't linked to the exploitation of poor illegal alien kids by the Obama Administration.
You're the one that believes the propaganda that "illegal alien kids" have anything whatsoever to do with the recent outbreak.

No, I'm not the one who believes Propaganda. You are.

So there.
The US is the most obese country in the world. The US consumes the most processed food. Obesity costs all Americans more in healthcare spending than smoking.
In other words, the food that is offered to Americans is a driving force in the outrageous cost of healthcare in America.
If a person's diet is mainly processed food, they have no right to complain about the cost of healthcare.
Here's an interesting article that many posters should read:
Obesity Now Costs Americans More In HealthCare Spending Than Smoking
"The high cost of being significantly overweight manifests in a variety of ways, ranging from the increased insurance premiums we all pay to subsidize the added medical charges incurred by the obese to the surprisingly dramatic impact our collective pounds has on energy costs."
Obesity Now Costs Americans More In HealthCare Spending Than Smoking - Forbes

So, all you folks who are complaining and probably have a diet that is high in processed food are certainly costing us folks who eat healthy money because we get stuck with your bad habits. The high cost of healthcare not only hurts the citizens of America but also hurts US businesses from being competitve on the world stage.
You need to post a graph so we can confirm you're off your meds.

Well I knew you can't read graphs, so I thought the article from Forbes might help you. It had facts, no big words or anything. Got any facts to back your point of view or is it going to be just the normal never ending talking points? Now go finish your 14th Twinkie for the day so you can have the energy to continue your all day posting.
Most people consume processed foods. So it's a cinch overweight people would consume mroe of them.
But if people ate potatoes fried in olive or canola oil and home made cheeseburgers every day they'd probably still be obese.

Canola oil is a very unhealthy choice. I'm coming back to Quantity. If some one has a four ounce hamburger and a few fries, that's not going to make them fat (although personally, I would skip the fries and have some green vegetables).

As an aside, I heard on the news that the average soda drinker consumes 450 calories per day in sugary drinks every day.

What makes canola oil, a mono unsaturate, unhealthy?

It's not a natural part of the human diet. Highly refined vegetable oils have only been around for a few decades. Our bodies weren't developed to digest them. Also, Canola oil partially transforms in to trans-fats at high temperatures, so using it for fried foods isn't a good idea.
Link to ill effects from canola oil?
Taking a quick look it appears most of the negativity comes from proponents of junk science.

Where does Canola Oil come from? You are certainly perfectly free to consume it; based on what I know about nutrition (my mother was a dietician), I prefer not to.
My mother in law was a dietician. So what?
You are trying to make a point based on junk science. The same kind of thing that maintains corn syrup is bad for you, along with GMO foods.
Liberals create problems so they can draw out the Republicans. The Democrats ridiculous proposals are only meant to see how much they can get away with, and make Republicans look evil.

Getting creamed in elections my curb some of this shit, but not for long.
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Canola oil is a very unhealthy choice. I'm coming back to Quantity. If some one has a four ounce hamburger and a few fries, that's not going to make them fat (although personally, I would skip the fries and have some green vegetables).

As an aside, I heard on the news that the average soda drinker consumes 450 calories per day in sugary drinks every day.

What makes canola oil, a mono unsaturate, unhealthy?

It's not a natural part of the human diet. Highly refined vegetable oils have only been around for a few decades. Our bodies weren't developed to digest them. Also, Canola oil partially transforms in to trans-fats at high temperatures, so using it for fried foods isn't a good idea.
Link to ill effects from canola oil?
Taking a quick look it appears most of the negativity comes from proponents of junk science.

Where does Canola Oil come from? You are certainly perfectly free to consume it; based on what I know about nutrition (my mother was a dietician), I prefer not to.
My mother in law was a dietician. So what?
You are trying to make a point based on junk science. The same kind of thing that maintains corn syrup is bad for you, along with GMO foods.

My mother was a dietician, and I learned a great deal about healthy diets while growing up. Canola oil is just an oil version of highly processed food - and is the oil equivalent of highly processed carbs and sugars. Go ahead, load up on it. I find it incredibly unhealthy, as I also do margarine and other manufactured fats that are not part of a traditional whole foods diet.
The US is the most obese country in the world. The US consumes the most processed food. Obesity costs all Americans more in healthcare spending than smoking.
In other words, the food that is offered to Americans is a driving force in the outrageous cost of healthcare in America.
If a person's diet is mainly processed food, they have no right to complain about the cost of healthcare.
Here's an interesting article that many posters should read:
Obesity Now Costs Americans More In HealthCare Spending Than Smoking
"The high cost of being significantly overweight manifests in a variety of ways, ranging from the increased insurance premiums we all pay to subsidize the added medical charges incurred by the obese to the surprisingly dramatic impact our collective pounds has on energy costs."
Obesity Now Costs Americans More In HealthCare Spending Than Smoking - Forbes

So, all you folks who are complaining and probably have a diet that is high in processed food are certainly costing us folks who eat healthy money because we get stuck with your bad habits. The high cost of healthcare not only hurts the citizens of America but also hurts US businesses from being competitve on the world stage.
You need to post a graph so we can confirm you're off your meds.

Well I knew you can't read graphs, so I thought the article from Forbes might help you. It had facts, no big words or anything. Got any facts to back your point of view or is it going to be just the normal never ending talking points? Now go finish your 14th Twinkie for the day so you can have the energy to continue your all day posting.
Unfortunately the article did nothing to disprove my statement that the US has the cleanest, safest, and cheapest food supply in the world and in history. Actually the incidence of obesity tends to confirm my statement.
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

You sad little sack of silliness. Nobody is standing up for bacteria and chemicals in food. We're against the Government TAKING OVER OUR FOOD SUPPLY and ruining it via Cronyism the way they do with every other market based activity they touch.
And this is worse than Monsanto and other agri-corps playing God with seeds and forcing everyone to grow and eat their Frankenstein creations?
What makes canola oil, a mono unsaturate, unhealthy?

It's not a natural part of the human diet. Highly refined vegetable oils have only been around for a few decades. Our bodies weren't developed to digest them. Also, Canola oil partially transforms in to trans-fats at high temperatures, so using it for fried foods isn't a good idea.
Link to ill effects from canola oil?
Taking a quick look it appears most of the negativity comes from proponents of junk science.

Where does Canola Oil come from? You are certainly perfectly free to consume it; based on what I know about nutrition (my mother was a dietician), I prefer not to.
My mother in law was a dietician. So what?
You are trying to make a point based on junk science. The same kind of thing that maintains corn syrup is bad for you, along with GMO foods.

My mother was a dietician, and I learned a great deal about healthy diets while growing up. Canola oil is just an oil version of highly processed food - and is oil equivalent of highly processed carbs and sugars. Go ahead, load up on it. I find it incredibly unhealthy, as I also do margarine and other manufactured fats that are not part of a traditional whole foods diet.
OK, so no real facts here, just feeling.
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

You sad little sack of silliness. Nobody is standing up for bacteria and chemicals in food. We're against the Government TAKING OVER OUR FOOD SUPPLY and ruining it via Cronyism the way they do with every other market based activity they touch.
And this is worse than Monsanto and other agri-corps playing God with seeds and forcing everyone to grow and eat their Frankenstein creations?
Link to Monsanto forcing anyone to eat anything?
It's not a natural part of the human diet. Highly refined vegetable oils have only been around for a few decades. Our bodies weren't developed to digest them. Also, Canola oil partially transforms in to trans-fats at high temperatures, so using it for fried foods isn't a good idea.
Link to ill effects from canola oil?
Taking a quick look it appears most of the negativity comes from proponents of junk science.

Where does Canola Oil come from? You are certainly perfectly free to consume it; based on what I know about nutrition (my mother was a dietician), I prefer not to.
My mother in law was a dietician. So what?
You are trying to make a point based on junk science. The same kind of thing that maintains corn syrup is bad for you, along with GMO foods.

My mother was a dietician, and I learned a great deal about healthy diets while growing up. Canola oil is just an oil version of highly processed food - and is oil equivalent of highly processed carbs and sugars. Go ahead, load up on it. I find it incredibly unhealthy, as I also do margarine and other manufactured fats that are not part of a traditional whole foods diet.
OK, so no real facts here, just feeling.

It's a fact that is a recently developed processed oil that is not part of a traditional whole foods diet.
Not really. Good thing we had a national policy on infectious disease.

Yeah, that is working out really well for Enterovirus68. Just ask the parents of the dead children how much they appreciate how our National Policy on infectious diseases didn't stop Obama from opening the borders to illegal aliens infected with the virus.
Sad that you've decided to be dishonest. enterovirus has been around for decades and has nothing to do with illegal immigration.

You are delusional if you believe the propaganda that the recent outbreak isn't linked to the exploitation of poor illegal alien kids by the Obama Administration.
You're the one that believes the propaganda that "illegal alien kids" have anything whatsoever to do with the recent outbreak.

No, I'm not the one who believes Propaganda. You are.

So there.
That would be more believable if you hadn't started this hysterical thread in which you believed and spread propaganda.
Liberals create problems so they can draw out the Republicans. The Democrats ridiculous proposals are only meant to see how much they can get away with, and make Republicans look evil.

Sure would be nice if we lived in a country where we didn't have a political party dead set on cause a bunch of shit and in the process taking away our freedoms.
None of the article writers linked in the OP are politicians.
Link to ill effects from canola oil?
Taking a quick look it appears most of the negativity comes from proponents of junk science.

Where does Canola Oil come from? You are certainly perfectly free to consume it; based on what I know about nutrition (my mother was a dietician), I prefer not to.
My mother in law was a dietician. So what?
You are trying to make a point based on junk science. The same kind of thing that maintains corn syrup is bad for you, along with GMO foods.

My mother was a dietician, and I learned a great deal about healthy diets while growing up. Canola oil is just an oil version of highly processed food - and is oil equivalent of highly processed carbs and sugars. Go ahead, load up on it. I find it incredibly unhealthy, as I also do margarine and other manufactured fats that are not part of a traditional whole foods diet.
OK, so no real facts here, just feeling.

It's a fact that is a recently developed processed oil that is not part of a traditional whole foods diet.
True. That wasnt the contention.
I swear Chris has hacked Boedicca's account.
Here's more information for the doubters. Some things are just plain common sense.
Beyond the toll in human suffering and death, obesity
and its associated diseases have a steep price tag.
Obesity is a significant factor driving health care
spending. One study estimates the medical costs
attributable to obesity in the U.S. in 2008 reached
$147 billion per year – almost 10% of all medical
spending. If current trends continue, the costs of
obesity could reach 16% to 18% of US health
expenditures by 2030. Among adolescents, the total
excess cost related to the current prevalence of
adolescent overweight and obesity is estimated to be
$254 billion – $208 billion in lost productivity and $46
billion in direct medical costs.15
Obesity imposes a significant economic burden on
both public and private payers: the per capita
percentage increase in annual costs attributable to
obesity is estimated to be 36% for Medicare
in additional spending per beneficiary); 47% for
Medicaid ($1021); and 58% for private payers.
($1140). A 2012 study estimates that obesity
increases annual employer medical spending by
27.4%.16 The number of children who take
medication for chronic diseases has jumped
dramatically since 2002, which is another contributing
factor to rising health care costs. Left alone, the
situation will only worsen with America’s public health,
economy and productivity suffering.
Liberals create problems so they can draw out the Republicans. The Democrats ridiculous proposals are only meant to see how much they can get away with, and make Republicans look evil.

Sure would be nice if we lived in a country where we didn't have a political party dead set on cause a bunch of shit and in the process taking away our freedoms.
None of the article writers linked in the OP are politicians.

Politicians usually don't write anything. They are mouthpieces, of which Algore is a prime example.

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