Progs Now Turn To Ruining Our Food

Here's more information for the doubters. Some things are just plain common sense.
Beyond the toll in human suffering and death, obesity
and its associated diseases have a steep price tag.
Obesity is a significant factor driving health care
spending. One study estimates the medical costs
attributable to obesity in the U.S. in 2008 reached
$147 billion per year – almost 10% of all medical
spending. If current trends continue, the costs of
obesity could reach 16% to 18% of US health
expenditures by 2030. Among adolescents, the total
excess cost related to the current prevalence of
adolescent overweight and obesity is estimated to be
$254 billion – $208 billion in lost productivity and $46
billion in direct medical costs.15
Obesity imposes a significant economic burden on
both public and private payers: the per capita
percentage increase in annual costs attributable to
obesity is estimated to be 36% for Medicare
in additional spending per beneficiary); 47% for
Medicaid ($1021); and 58% for private payers.
($1140). A 2012 study estimates that obesity
increases annual employer medical spending by
27.4%.16 The number of children who take
medication for chronic diseases has jumped
dramatically since 2002, which is another contributing
factor to rising health care costs. Left alone, the
situation will only worsen with America’s public health,
economy and productivity suffering.
Thanks for answering the question no one asked and doubling down on stupid.
Let recap:

The OP thought Al Gore was the Author and for that they automatically were against it for unknown reasons but mostly blaming the messenger

Then the RW'er had to ask: What does this do? Showing they had no idea why they were opposed to it in the first place

Then the RW'er advocated FOR less labeling

Then when shown what the policy will do they were still against it for the same reasons they were before they knew more about it.

All this helps Americans who have the worst obesity problem in the world none. Not to mention diabetes and other diseases.

Obese sick people? Nothing to do with food policy!


Making a National food policy will cure obesity and diabetes ? Cool
Let recap:

The OP thought Al Gore was the Author and for that they automatically were against it for unknown reasons but mostly blaming the messenger

Then the RW'er had to ask: What does this do? Showing they had no idea why they were opposed to it in the first place

Then the RW'er advocated FOR less labeling

Then when shown what the policy will do they were still against it for the same reasons they were before they knew more about it.

All this helps Americans who have the worst obesity problem in the world none. Not to mention diabetes and other diseases.

Obese sick people? Nothing to do with food policy!


Making a National food policy will cure obesity and diabetes ? Cool

No it will cure sadness, uber cool
Let recap:

The OP thought Al Gore was the Author and for that they automatically were against it for unknown reasons but mostly blaming the messenger

Then the RW'er had to ask: What does this do? Showing they had no idea why they were opposed to it in the first place

Then the RW'er advocated FOR less labeling

Then when shown what the policy will do they were still against it for the same reasons they were before they knew more about it.

All this helps Americans who have the worst obesity problem in the world none. Not to mention diabetes and other diseases.

Obese sick people? Nothing to do with food policy!


Making a National food policy will cure obesity and diabetes ? Cool

No it will cure sadness, uber cool

A national food policy will cure sadness ? :laugh2:
This is exactly how the global warming scam started. Extrapolate.
They will be selling carbohydrate credits soon..

Fo Shizzle Ma Whizzle!
Let recap:

The OP thought Al Gore was the Author and for that they automatically were against it for unknown reasons but mostly blaming the messenger

Then the RW'er had to ask: What does this do? Showing they had no idea why they were opposed to it in the first place

Then the RW'er advocated FOR less labeling

Then when shown what the policy will do they were still against it for the same reasons they were before they knew more about it.

All this helps Americans who have the worst obesity problem in the world none. Not to mention diabetes and other diseases.

Obese sick people? Nothing to do with food policy!


Making a National food policy will cure obesity and diabetes ? Cool

No it will cure sadness, uber cool

A national food policy will cure sadness ? :laugh2:

If you have to ask if a food policy will cure obsity and diabetes I am only matching your level of intellect by saying it will cure sadness.

Silly huh...:slap: so stop it
The Progs have ruined health care, energy, housing, student debt and on an on markets. But that's not nearly enough for their Control Freak compulsion. Now they want to take over FOOD.

Al Gore: ‘It’s Time For A National Policy On Food’
And you’ll never guess why! Well, unless you guessed “global warming,” which is what you did the moment you saw Al Gore’s name. He cannot and will not shut up about it. And I, for one, don’t want him to.


It took four guys to write this. That means it’s four times as true.

How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’ well-being than any other human activity. The food industry is the largest sector of our economy; food touches everything from our health to the environment, climate change, economic inequality and the federal budget. Yet we have no food policy — no plan or agreed-upon principles — for managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole.

That must change.

And what would this “national food policy” entail? I’m glad you asked the question I’m assuming you just asked. The government needs to “invest resources” to make promises about the following:

● All Americans have access to healthful food;

● Farm policies are designed to support our public health and environmental objectives;

● Our food supply is free of toxic bacteria, chemicals and drugs;

● Production and marketing of our food are done transparently;

● The food industry pays a fair wage to those it employs;

● Food marketing sets children up for healthful lives by instilling in them a habit of eating real food;

● Animals are treated with compassion and attention to their well-being;

● The food system’s carbon footprint is reduced, and the amount of carbon sequestered on farmland is increased;

● The food system is sufficiently resilient to withstand the effects of climate change.

See? Simple! Good things are good and bad things are bad, and therefore it’s the role of government to ensure good things and abolish bad things. Everywhere, all the time, whether you like it or not.

And in case you have a problem with any of these common-sense policy items, you can just shut your teabagger trap right now:

Only those with a vested interest in the status quo would argue against creating public policies with these goals.


Al Gore It s Time For A National Policy On Food The Daily Caller

I'm guessing that Gore and Kleiner Perkins have figured out a way to get taxpayer money for FOOD.

What do you think they're going to do, outlaw Moon Pies?
What do you think they're going to do, outlaw Moon Pies?

We'll get the Food equivalent of ObamaCare: an incredibly complex law written by lobbyists that nobody bothers to read. Once the Big Government FDA bureaucrats get their hands on it, they'll write a ton of complicated regs which will have the following effects:

- Drive up costs so that small farms can no longer stay in business.
- Make organic and natural farming impossible (banning raw mile cheese is just a preview*).
- More consolidation of agriculture for the benefit of Big Ag, future high paying jobs for the FDA bureacrats when they leave the gubmint, and more campaign donations for Big Government incumbents,

* FDA Health Standards Could Destroy Artisanal Cheese Eat Drink
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The Progs have ruined health care, energy, housing, student debt and on an on markets. But that's not nearly enough for their Control Freak compulsion. Now they want to take over FOOD.

Al Gore: ‘It’s Time For A National Policy On Food’
And you’ll never guess why! Well, unless you guessed “global warming,” which is what you did the moment you saw Al Gore’s name. He cannot and will not shut up about it. And I, for one, don’t want him to.


It took four guys to write this. That means it’s four times as true.

How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’ well-being than any other human activity. The food industry is the largest sector of our economy; food touches everything from our health to the environment, climate change, economic inequality and the federal budget. Yet we have no food policy — no plan or agreed-upon principles — for managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole.

That must change.

And what would this “national food policy” entail? I’m glad you asked the question I’m assuming you just asked. The government needs to “invest resources” to make promises about the following:

● All Americans have access to healthful food;

● Farm policies are designed to support our public health and environmental objectives;

● Our food supply is free of toxic bacteria, chemicals and drugs;

● Production and marketing of our food are done transparently;

● The food industry pays a fair wage to those it employs;

● Food marketing sets children up for healthful lives by instilling in them a habit of eating real food;

● Animals are treated with compassion and attention to their well-being;

● The food system’s carbon footprint is reduced, and the amount of carbon sequestered on farmland is increased;

● The food system is sufficiently resilient to withstand the effects of climate change.

See? Simple! Good things are good and bad things are bad, and therefore it’s the role of government to ensure good things and abolish bad things. Everywhere, all the time, whether you like it or not.

And in case you have a problem with any of these common-sense policy items, you can just shut your teabagger trap right now:

Only those with a vested interest in the status quo would argue against creating public policies with these goals.


Al Gore It s Time For A National Policy On Food The Daily Caller

I'm guessing that Gore and Kleiner Perkins have figured out a way to get taxpayer money for FOOD.

Progressives are all mad, raving lunatics.
What do you think they're going to do, outlaw Moon Pies?

We'll get the Food equivalent of ObamaCare: an incredibly complex law written by lobbyists that nobody bothers to read. Once the Big Government FDA bureaucrats get their hands on it, they write a ton of complicated regs which will have the following effects:

- Drive up costs so that small farms can no longer stay in business.
- Make organic and natural farming impossible (banning raw mile cheese is just a preview*).
- More consolidation of agriculture for the benefit of Big Ag, future high paying jobs for the FDA bureacrats when they leave the gubmint, and more campaign donations for Big Government incumbents,

* FDA Health Standards Could Destroy Artisanal Cheese Eat Drink

These are the things that always happen. Smaller operations/businesses are destroyed, all the benefits go to big business and big government, the rich and government employees, and everybody else gets screwed out of more and more of their freedom and their property. I despise progressives.
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What do you think they're going to do, outlaw Moon Pies?

We'll get the Food equivalent of ObamaCare: an incredibly complex law written by lobbyists that nobody bothers to read. Once the Big Government FDA bureaucrats get their hands on it, they write a ton of complicated regs which will have the following effects:

- Drive up costs so that small farms can no longer stay in business.
- Make organic and natural farming impossible (banning raw mile cheese is just a preview*).
- More consolidation of agriculture for the benefit of Big Ag, future high paying jobs for the FDA bureacrats when they leave the gubmint, and more campaign donations for Big Government incumbents,

* FDA Health Standards Could Destroy Artisanal Cheese Eat Drink

These are the things that always happen. Smaller operations/businesses are destroyed, all the benefits go to big business and big government, the rich and government employees and everybody else gets screwed out of more and more of their freedom and their property. I despise progressives.

This isn't done just by Progressives. In reality Progs are Reactionaries. Throughout history, small elites have run extractive political and economic systems for their own benefits. They milk productive people who are excluded from political influence and the benefits of their economic production.

The U.S. has been the most successful experiment in history to combine inclusive politics with an inclusive economy. The Elites don't like it. They want their "Fair Share".
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

Amazing. Another progressive focused on the issue like a lazar beam?


Nothing amazing to see here, folks, just another progressive, once again, blurting things that have nothing to do with the price of beans in China.
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

Amazing. Another progressive focused on the issue like a lazar beam?


Great way to answer the question by the way. Good job
What do you think they're going to do, outlaw Moon Pies?

We'll get the Food equivalent of ObamaCare: an incredibly complex law written by lobbyists that nobody bothers to read. Once the Big Government FDA bureaucrats get their hands on it, they write a ton of complicated regs which will have the following effects:

- Drive up costs so that small farms can no longer stay in business.
- Make organic and natural farming impossible (banning raw mile cheese is just a preview*).
- More consolidation of agriculture for the benefit of Big Ag, future high paying jobs for the FDA bureacrats when they leave the gubmint, and more campaign donations for Big Government incumbents,

* FDA Health Standards Could Destroy Artisanal Cheese Eat Drink

These are the things that always happen. Smaller operations/businesses are destroyed, all the benefits go to big business and big government, the rich and government employees and everybody else gets screwed out of more and more of their freedom and their property. I despise progressives.

This isn't done just by Progressives. In reality Progs are Reactionaries. Throughout history, small elites have run extractive political and economic systems for their own benefits. They milk productive people who are excluded from political influence and the benefits of their economic production.

The U.S. has been the most successful experiment in history to combine inclusive politics with an inclusive economy. The Elites don't like it. They want their "Fair Share".

You know. I never thought about it like that before. Well, I mean I have, really. I get that. I just forgot. So you would agree that there are the elites and the useful idiots?
Thefunny thing is NYC put in regs that restaurants had to post nutritional content (of course the high end places managed to get exemptions to the law). What do you think the effect was? Are people in NYC healthier? No, of course not. It was afeel good piece of shit legislation that helped no one.
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

Amazing. Another progressive focused on the issue like a lazar beam?


Great way to answer the question by the way. Good job

There's a name for this kind of logical fallacy: red herring. No one is for contaminated food, you idiot.

Everyone who is in favor of contaminated food raise your hands, please.

See. No one's raising their hands, you idiot. So what's your point? You don't really have one do you? That's not the price of beans in China for this OP is it? Do you speak logic, mother******?
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

Amazing. Another progressive focused on the issue like a lazar beam?


Great way to answer the question by the way. Good job

There's a name for this kind of logical fallacy: red herring. No one is for contaminated food, you idiot.

Everyone who is in favor of contaminated food raise your hands, please.

See. No one's raising their hands, you idiot. So what's your point? You don't really have one do you? That's not the price of beans in China for this OP is it? Do you speak logic, mother******?

They've been this way ever since the midterms.
Well actually they've always been this way it's just worse since the ass whipping.
Thefunny thing is NYC put in regs that restaurants had to post nutritional content (of course the high end places managed to get exemptions to the law). What do you think the effect was? Are people in NYC healthier? No, of course not. It was afeel good piece of shit legislation that helped no one.

Except big business owners and bureaucrats.

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