Progs Now Turn To Ruining Our Food

It's idiotic. We have the best cheapest safest food supply in history and in the world and of course gasbags like Gore want to change that.

Gore made millions on his global warming bullshit.

Wonder how many millions he plans to make on Food? You just know he's gonna make money which is why he's pushing it. He's got our best interests at heart. LOL
Let recap:

The OP thought Al Gore was the Author and for that they automatically were against it for unknown reasons but mostly blaming the messenger

Then the RW'er had to ask: What does this do? Showing they had no idea why they were opposed to it in the first place

Then the RW'er advocated FOR less labeling

Then when shown what the policy will do they were still against it for the same reasons they were before they knew more about it.

All this helps Americans who have the worst obesity problem in the world none. Not to mention diabetes and other diseases.

Obese sick people? Nothing to do with food policy!


Making a National food policy will cure obesity and diabetes ? Cool

No it will cure sadness, uber cool

A national food policy will cure sadness ? :laugh2:

If you have to ask if a food policy will cure obsity and diabetes I am only matching your level of intellect by saying it will cure sadness.

Silly huh...:slap: so stop it

I would think that a national Health policy would be in order to handle obesity and diabetes but are you now telling me that the National food policy will address that ? Maybe a National Everything policy is in order every American lives the exact same way.
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

You sad little sack of silliness. Nobody is standing up for bacteria and chemicals in food. We're against the Government TAKING OVER OUR FOOD SUPPLY and ruining it via Cronyism the way they do with every other market based activity they touch.
Well I hate to tell ya but if corporations are running the food supply (which in large part they are), cronyism is already an integral part. There's no more concentrated cronyism than in the corporate world.
We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And where does that info appear on MacDonalds packaging?

Would you say that MOST consumers in Macdonalds know that they are being fed pink slime?

It is the very government that you are supporting that allows that pink slime.

Does that mean you are for or against pink slime as an additive?

And for those of you that think you are not eating pink slime, it can constitute up to 15 % of ground beef without additional labeling. Pink slime is illegal in the EU. Apparently, they care more about their citizens.
There's no more concentrated cronyism than in the corporate world.
There's an equal amount in government. Think about it.

No, corporate cronyism can exist all within the corporate system. No government needed.
It doesnt really matter if there is cronyism in corporations. It wont affect me at all. Government cronyism however uses taxpayer dollars to hand out favors on sweetheart deals and is a violation of public trust.
The Progs have ruined health care, energy, housing, student debt and on an on markets. But that's not nearly enough for their Control Freak compulsion. Now they want to take over FOOD.

Al Gore: ‘It’s Time For A National Policy On Food’
And you’ll never guess why! Well, unless you guessed “global warming,” which is what you did the moment you saw Al Gore’s name. He cannot and will not shut up about it. And I, for one, don’t want him to.


It took four guys to write this. That means it’s four times as true.

How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’ well-being than any other human activity. The food industry is the largest sector of our economy; food touches everything from our health to the environment, climate change, economic inequality and the federal budget. Yet we have no food policy — no plan or agreed-upon principles — for managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole.

That must change.

And what would this “national food policy” entail? I’m glad you asked the question I’m assuming you just asked. The government needs to “invest resources” to make promises about the following:

● All Americans have access to healthful food;

● Farm policies are designed to support our public health and environmental objectives;

● Our food supply is free of toxic bacteria, chemicals and drugs;

● Production and marketing of our food are done transparently;

● The food industry pays a fair wage to those it employs;

● Food marketing sets children up for healthful lives by instilling in them a habit of eating real food;

● Animals are treated with compassion and attention to their well-being;

● The food system’s carbon footprint is reduced, and the amount of carbon sequestered on farmland is increased;

● The food system is sufficiently resilient to withstand the effects of climate change.

See? Simple! Good things are good and bad things are bad, and therefore it’s the role of government to ensure good things and abolish bad things. Everywhere, all the time, whether you like it or not.

And in case you have a problem with any of these common-sense policy items, you can just shut your teabagger trap right now:

Only those with a vested interest in the status quo would argue against creating public policies with these goals.


Al Gore It s Time For A National Policy On Food The Daily Caller

I'm guessing that Gore and Kleiner Perkins have figured out a way to get taxpayer money for FOOD.

Next, we're going to have you do jumping jacks in the town square! :biggrin:
We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And where does that info appear on MacDonalds packaging?

Would you say that MOST consumers in Macdonalds know that they are being fed pink slime?

It is the very government that you are supporting that allows that pink slime.

Does that mean you are for or against pink slime as an additive?

And for those of you that think you are not eating pink slime, it can constitute up to 15 % of ground beef without additional labeling. Pink slime is illegal in the EU. Apparently, they care more about their citizens.

I am for the public being educated about it and letting the people pick and choose.
I am not for the government who is not telling us about pink slime or where our food is being imported from or which foods are natural or genetically altered.
How a national food policy could save millions of American lives

How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’ well-being than any other human activity. The food industry is the largest sector of our economy; food touches everything from our health to the environment, climate change, economic inequality and the federal budget. Yet we have no food policy — no plan or agreed-upon principles — for managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole.

That must change.

The food system and the diet it’s created have caused incalculable damage to the health of our people and our land, water and air. If a foreign power were to do such harm, we’d regard it as a threat to national security, if not an act of war, and the government would formulate a comprehensive plan and marshal resources to combat it. (The administration even named an Ebola czar to respond to a disease that threatens few Americans.) So when hundreds of thousands of annual deaths are preventable — as the deaths from the chronic diseases linked to the modern American way of eating surely are — preventing those needless deaths is a national priority.

How a national food policy could save millions of American lives - The Washington Post

They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

Amazing. Another progressive focused on the issue like a lazar beam?


Great way to answer the question by the way. Good job

There's a name for this kind of logical fallacy: red herring. No one is for contaminated food, you idiot.

Everyone who is in favor of contaminated food raise your hands, please.

See. No one's raising their hands, you idiot. So what's your point? You don't really have one do you? That's not the price of beans in China for this OP is it? Do you speak logic, mother******?

Thats what the food policy says and you are against it. So why are you against it, including the part about bacteria and chemicals which is a part of the very fucking thing you say you are against?
We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And where does that info appear on MacDonalds packaging?

Would you say that MOST consumers in Macdonalds know that they are being fed pink slime?

It is the very government that you are supporting that allows that pink slime.

Does that mean you are for or against pink slime as an additive?

And for those of you that think you are not eating pink slime, it can constitute up to 15 % of ground beef without additional labeling. Pink slime is illegal in the EU. Apparently, they care more about their citizens.

I am for the public being educated about it and letting the people pick and choose.
I am not for the government who is not telling us about pink slime or where our food is being imported from or which foods are natural or genetically altered.

And how is the public going to get more educated if they don't have to label it? And that doesn't cover the subject of "misleading" labels.

More people are concerned with Ebola, even though they have zero chance of catching it. I personally like to know what pesticides are sprayed on my food, and if it's pumped full of cancer causing antibiotics and hormones.
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We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And where does that info appear on MacDonalds packaging?

Would you say that MOST consumers in Macdonalds know that they are being fed pink slime?

It is the very government that you are supporting that allows that pink slime.

Does that mean you are for or against pink slime as an additive?

And for those of you that think you are not eating pink slime, it can constitute up to 15 % of ground beef without additional labeling. Pink slime is illegal in the EU. Apparently, they care more about their citizens.

I am for the public being educated about it and letting the people pick and choose.
I am not for the government who is not telling us about pink slime or where our food is being imported from or which foods are natural or genetically altered.

AGAIN, how can people be educated and know what to pick and choose if there's no label, or misleading labels?
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

Amazing. Another progressive focused on the issue like a lazar beam?


Great way to answer the question by the way. Good job

There's a name for this kind of logical fallacy: red herring. No one is for contaminated food, you idiot.

Everyone who is in favor of contaminated food raise your hands, please.

See. No one's raising their hands, you idiot. So what's your point? You don't really have one do you? That's not the price of beans in China for this OP is it? Do you speak logic, mother******?

Thats what the food policy says and you are against it. So why are you against it, including the part about bacteria and chemicals which is a part of the very fucking thing you say you are against?

It's because Obama and Al Gore.....
They're already trying to take over our healthcare.
Food and the internet are the next logical steps in totally controlling the populace.
What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea? ....thats right,liberals.

What kind of idiot thinks that standing against bacteria and chemical food is a good thing?

I dont get the problem except the knee jerk reaction to be against anything because of the messenger.

You sad little sack of silliness. Nobody is standing up for bacteria and chemicals in food. We're against the Government TAKING OVER OUR FOOD SUPPLY and ruining it via Cronyism the way they do with every other market based activity they touch.
Well I hate to tell ya but if corporations are running the food supply (which in large part they are), cronyism is already an integral part. There's no more concentrated cronyism than in the corporate world.

I beg to differ. The most concentrated Cronyism in the corporate world is Big Finance. They have government subsidized Fed to rig the financial markets and provide ZIRP $$$.
We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And where does that info appear on MacDonalds packaging?

Would you say that MOST consumers in Macdonalds know that they are being fed pink slime?

It is the very government that you are supporting that allows that pink slime.

Does that mean you are for or against pink slime as an additive?

And for those of you that think you are not eating pink slime, it can constitute up to 15 % of ground beef without additional labeling. Pink slime is illegal in the EU. Apparently, they care more about their citizens.

I prefer not to consume Pink Slime. I don't eat fast food except under extreme circumstances. And I don't need the Government to tell me not to eat it nor to protect me from it. Consuming fast food is a personal decision.
The Progs have ruined health care, energy, housing, student debt and on an on markets. But that's not nearly enough for their Control Freak compulsion. Now they want to take over FOOD.

Al Gore: ‘It’s Time For A National Policy On Food’
And you’ll never guess why! Well, unless you guessed “global warming,” which is what you did the moment you saw Al Gore’s name. He cannot and will not shut up about it. And I, for one, don’t want him to.


It took four guys to write this. That means it’s four times as true.

How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’ well-being than any other human activity. The food industry is the largest sector of our economy; food touches everything from our health to the environment, climate change, economic inequality and the federal budget. Yet we have no food policy — no plan or agreed-upon principles — for managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole.

That must change.

And what would this “national food policy” entail? I’m glad you asked the question I’m assuming you just asked. The government needs to “invest resources” to make promises about the following:

● All Americans have access to healthful food;

● Farm policies are designed to support our public health and environmental objectives;

● Our food supply is free of toxic bacteria, chemicals and drugs;

● Production and marketing of our food are done transparently;

● The food industry pays a fair wage to those it employs;

● Food marketing sets children up for healthful lives by instilling in them a habit of eating real food;

● Animals are treated with compassion and attention to their well-being;

● The food system’s carbon footprint is reduced, and the amount of carbon sequestered on farmland is increased;

● The food system is sufficiently resilient to withstand the effects of climate change.

See? Simple! Good things are good and bad things are bad, and therefore it’s the role of government to ensure good things and abolish bad things. Everywhere, all the time, whether you like it or not.

And in case you have a problem with any of these common-sense policy items, you can just shut your teabagger trap right now:

Only those with a vested interest in the status quo would argue against creating public policies with these goals.


Al Gore It s Time For A National Policy On Food The Daily Caller

I'm guessing that Gore and Kleiner Perkins have figured out a way to get taxpayer money for FOOD.

Yeah, this has been coming for a long time.

When the government controls the food, people starve to death.
The Progs have ruined health care, energy, housing, student debt and on an on markets. But that's not nearly enough for their Control Freak compulsion. Now they want to take over FOOD.

Al Gore: ‘It’s Time For A National Policy On Food’
And you’ll never guess why! Well, unless you guessed “global warming,” which is what you did the moment you saw Al Gore’s name. He cannot and will not shut up about it. And I, for one, don’t want him to.


It took four guys to write this. That means it’s four times as true.

How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’ well-being than any other human activity. The food industry is the largest sector of our economy; food touches everything from our health to the environment, climate change, economic inequality and the federal budget. Yet we have no food policy — no plan or agreed-upon principles — for managing American agriculture or the food system as a whole.

That must change.

And what would this “national food policy” entail? I’m glad you asked the question I’m assuming you just asked. The government needs to “invest resources” to make promises about the following:

● All Americans have access to healthful food;

● Farm policies are designed to support our public health and environmental objectives;

● Our food supply is free of toxic bacteria, chemicals and drugs;

● Production and marketing of our food are done transparently;

● The food industry pays a fair wage to those it employs;

● Food marketing sets children up for healthful lives by instilling in them a habit of eating real food;

● Animals are treated with compassion and attention to their well-being;

● The food system’s carbon footprint is reduced, and the amount of carbon sequestered on farmland is increased;

● The food system is sufficiently resilient to withstand the effects of climate change.

See? Simple! Good things are good and bad things are bad, and therefore it’s the role of government to ensure good things and abolish bad things. Everywhere, all the time, whether you like it or not.

And in case you have a problem with any of these common-sense policy items, you can just shut your teabagger trap right now:

Only those with a vested interest in the status quo would argue against creating public policies with these goals.


Al Gore It s Time For A National Policy On Food The Daily Caller

I'm guessing that Gore and Kleiner Perkins have figured out a way to get taxpayer money for FOOD.

Yeah, this has been coming for a long time.

When the government controls the food, people starve to death.

And you base this conclusion on what?
We already have labeling standard for food, you pathetic moron.

And where does that info appear on MacDonalds packaging?

Would you say that MOST consumers in Macdonalds know that they are being fed pink slime?

It is the very government that you are supporting that allows that pink slime.

Does that mean you are for or against pink slime as an additive?

And for those of you that think you are not eating pink slime, it can constitute up to 15 % of ground beef without additional labeling. Pink slime is illegal in the EU. Apparently, they care more about their citizens.

I prefer not to consume Pink Slime. I don't eat fast food except under extreme circumstances. And I don't need the Government to tell me not to eat it nor to protect me from it. Consuming fast food is a personal decision.

Not everyone has a crystal ball when choosing ground beef that's not labeled for pink slime.

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