Project 2025 . . . the democrat leadership’s new shiny object for distraction.


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Listen to our Democrat Party’s television propagandists on MSNBC - Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Capehart, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, etc. - and their newly adopted 24/7 drum beating about “Project 2025” being a blueprint for Trump to establish a dictatorship and destroy our so-called “democracy”, and it becomes self-evident their objective is to distract the public from the Democrat Leadership’s ongoing attack on the United States, by creating fear that a conspiracy is afoot under the banner of “Project 2025”.

So, just what is Project 2025? It is a 800+ page document disseminated by The Heritage Foundation which boils down to a manifesto to correct perceived dangers that are putting the very moral and underpinning foundations of the United States “in peril”.

Now, to all those who have been paying attention, is it not true the Democrat Party Leadership has been guilty for generations of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of? And, is it not equally true the Democrat Party Leadership has accomplished many of the destructive Communist goals listed in The Congressional Record, January, 10th, 1963 2?

While Project 2025 certainly appears to be a sincere and innocuous effort to identify and correct current politically impose policies destructive to a freedom loving nation, there is no question the Democrat Leadership and their communist friendly propagandists in our big media have found a way to use Project 2025 as a distraction from focusing on the Democrat Party Leadership’s own actions which have, inch by inch and generation by generation, brought the United States to the brink of resembling a totalitarian, one party ruled State, similar to that found in communist controlled China, Russia and Cuba.


Today’s mainstream media outlets ___ ProPublica, Media Matters, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Apple, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
I think it has lost it's luster already.

The dems are in panic mode due to FJB dragging them down at ludicrous speed.....They have nothing to run on other than Orange Man Bad, no money, and no future that I can see.
Listen to our Democrat Party’s television propagandists on MSNBC - Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Capehart, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, etc. - and their newly adopted 24/7 drum beating about “Project 2025” being a blueprint for Trump to establish a dictatorship and destroy our so-called “democracy”, and it becomes self-evident their objective is to distract the public from the Democrat Leadership’s ongoing attack on the United States, by creating fear that a conspiracy is afoot under the banner of “Project 2025”.

So, just what is Project 2025? It is a 800+ page document disseminated by The Heritage Foundation which boils down to a manifesto to correct perceived dangers that are putting the very moral and underpinning foundations of the United States “in peril”.

Now, to all those who have been paying attention, is it not true the Democrat Party Leadership has been guilty for generations of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of? And, is it not equally true the Democrat Party Leadership has accomplished many of the destructive Communist goals listed in The Congressional Record, January, 10th, 1963 2?

While Project 2025 certainly appears to be a sincere and innocuous effort to identify and correct current politically impose policies destructive to a freedom loving nation, there is no question the Democrat Leadership and their communist friendly propagandists in our big media have found a way to use Project 2025 as a distraction from focusing on the Democrat Party Leadership’s own actions which have, inch by inch and generation by generation, brought the United States to the brink of resembling a totalitarian, one party ruled State, similar to that found in communist controlled China, Russia and Cuba.


Today’s mainstream media outlets ___ ProPublica, Media Matters, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Apple, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
Do you have any of your own words to add to that?
Listen to our Democrat Party’s television propagandists on MSNBC - Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Capehart, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, etc. - and their newly adopted 24/7 drum beating about “Project 2025” being a blueprint for Trump to establish a dictatorship and destroy our so-called “democracy”, and it becomes self-evident their objective is to distract the public from the Democrat Leadership’s ongoing attack on the United States, by creating fear that a conspiracy is afoot under the banner of “Project 2025”.

So, just what is Project 2025? It is a 800+ page document disseminated by The Heritage Foundation which boils down to a manifesto to correct perceived dangers that are putting the very moral and underpinning foundations of the United States “in peril”.

Now, to all those who have been paying attention, is it not true the Democrat Party Leadership has been guilty for generations of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of? And, is it not equally true the Democrat Party Leadership has accomplished many of the destructive Communist goals listed in The Congressional Record, January, 10th, 1963 2?

While Project 2025 certainly appears to be a sincere and innocuous effort to identify and correct current politically impose policies destructive to a freedom loving nation, there is no question the Democrat Leadership and their communist friendly propagandists in our big media have found a way to use Project 2025 as a distraction from focusing on the Democrat Party Leadership’s own actions which have, inch by inch and generation by generation, brought the United States to the brink of resembling a totalitarian, one party ruled State, similar to that found in communist controlled China, Russia and Cuba.


Today’s mainstream media outlets ___ ProPublica, Media Matters, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Apple, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

You can be sure that behind the scenes you have serious Never Trumpers who put in the effort to promote this to give the Establishment that shiny object to point at. Trump wisely dismissed it, he has nothing to do with it so they just reaffirm voters distrust of the Dems.

Once you lose trust and are viewed as the least trustworthy of the two Parties, it's an entirely different ballgame.

It is the same with RvW. Trump doesn't need to take the bait. Abortion is another fake issue that Dems raise. They could have codified it into law multiple times, but, they don't want to because it is a nice red meat issue used to scare voters into voting. They don't really care about the issue, it's just an issue they love to repeat.

The reason you know this is when they outright lie that "Trump is going to sign a national ban on abortion". Trump repeatedly shooting down this angle in clear English not only removes that angle, but, it again reaffirms peoples belief that the Dems are the more dishonest of the two Parties when they repeat it.
Listen to our Democrat Party’s television propagandists on MSNBC - Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Capehart, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, etc. - and their newly adopted 24/7 drum beating about “Project 2025” being a blueprint for Trump to establish a dictatorship and destroy our so-called “democracy”, and it becomes self-evident their objective is to distract the public from the Democrat Leadership’s ongoing attack on the United States, by creating fear that a conspiracy is afoot under the banner of “Project 2025”.

So, just what is Project 2025? It is a 800+ page document disseminated by The Heritage Foundation which boils down to a manifesto to correct perceived dangers that are putting the very moral and underpinning foundations of the United States “in peril”.

Now, to all those who have been paying attention, is it not true the Democrat Party Leadership has been guilty for generations of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of? And, is it not equally true the Democrat Party Leadership has accomplished many of the destructive Communist goals listed in The Congressional Record, January, 10th, 1963 2?

While Project 2025 certainly appears to be a sincere and innocuous effort to identify and correct current politically impose policies destructive to a freedom loving nation, there is no question the Democrat Leadership and their communist friendly propagandists in our big media have found a way to use Project 2025 as a distraction from focusing on the Democrat Party Leadership’s own actions which have, inch by inch and generation by generation, brought the United States to the brink of resembling a totalitarian, one party ruled State, similar to that found in communist controlled China, Russia and Cuba.


Today’s mainstream media outlets ___ ProPublica, Media Matters, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Apple, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
Typical lies and disinformation from Democrats.

Instead of showing their viewers the actual Republican Party platform on the RNC website, which Trump has approved, they show the "project 25" document from a independent think tank group, and pretend that is the official Trump plan.
Listen to our Democrat Party’s television propagandists on MSNBC - Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Capehart, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, etc. - and their newly adopted 24/7 drum beating about “Project 2025” being a blueprint for Trump to establish a dictatorship and destroy our so-called “democracy”, and it becomes self-evident their objective is to distract the public from the Democrat Leadership’s ongoing attack on the United States, by creating fear that a conspiracy is afoot under the banner of “Project 2025”.

So, just what is Project 2025? It is a 800+ page document disseminated by The Heritage Foundation which boils down to a manifesto to correct perceived dangers that are putting the very moral and underpinning foundations of the United States “in peril”.

Now, to all those who have been paying attention, is it not true the Democrat Party Leadership has been guilty for generations of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of? And, is it not equally true the Democrat Party Leadership has accomplished many of the destructive Communist goals listed in The Congressional Record, January, 10th, 1963 2?

While Project 2025 certainly appears to be a sincere and innocuous effort to identify and correct current politically impose policies destructive to a freedom loving nation, there is no question the Democrat Leadership and their communist friendly propagandists in our big media have found a way to use Project 2025 as a distraction from focusing on the Democrat Party Leadership’s own actions which have, inch by inch and generation by generation, brought the United States to the brink of resembling a totalitarian, one party ruled State, similar to that found in communist controlled China, Russia and Cuba.


Today’s mainstream media outlets ___ ProPublica, Media Matters, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Apple, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.
So pathetic, their Democrat Masters better come up with something else quick.
Typical lies and disinformation from Democrats.

Instead of showing their viewers the actual Republican Party platform on the RNC website, which Trump has approved, they show the "project 25" document from a independent think tank group, and pretend that is the official Trump plan.
The Dems absolutely need to frame it as the 2025 project being the literal fight to save America.
While the Repubs know it's their loose cannon that they need to distance themselves from rolling over them.

Personally, I think that the project's details are too complicated for most of the American people to understand. That means that the Dems have the job of making it less complicated. And of course they need to make Trump own it.

After all, it's only what used to be the world's greatest democracy that's at stake. (republic, whatever?)
Do you have any of your own words to add to that?

Trump is absolutely correct that the Democrat Leadership has, for generations, turned its back on their voters. But the good news is, they are finally giving the finger to the Democrat Leadership and joining with Trump to make America great once again.


Project 2025 . . . the democrat leadership’s new shiny object for distraction.​

Like Redmap?

REDMAP (short for Redistricting Majority Project) is a project of the Republican State Leadership Committee of the United States to increase Republican control of congressional seats as well as state legislatures, largely through determination of electoral district boundaries. The project has made effective use of partisan gerrymandering, by relying on previously unavailable mapping software such as Maptitude to improve the precision with which district lines are strategically drawn.[1] The strategy was focused on swing blue states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin where there was a Democratic majority but which they could swing towards Republican with appropriate redistricting. The project was launched in 2010 and estimated to have cost the Republican party around US$30 million.

Trump is absolutely correct that the Democrat Leadership has, for generations, turned its back on their voters. But the good news is, they are finally giving the finger to the Democrat Leadership and joining with Trump to make America great once again.


The GOP turned it's back on voters for decades. That gave us Trump in 2016.

Trump also hoodwinked the GOP voters, but they can't see it. Why? Cultish belongings.

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