Project Aurora: U.S. government, Intel aim for nation's fastest computer


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Project Aurora: U.S. government, Intel aim for nation's fastest computer - Reuters

Xeon CPU chips and Optane memory chips

Nvidia's chips are found in five of the world's current top-10 supercomputers, though the Nvidia chips are found alongside chips from its rivals, according to TOP500, which ranks the machines.

The world's current most powerful machine, the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, contains chips from International Business Machines Corp and Nvidia.

The source of chips for supercomputers has become a factor in trade tensions between the United States and China. The world's third-fastest supercomputer - the Sunway TaihuLight in China - has chips developed domestically in China.


Years ago I posted this article on the USMB.

US Air Force connects 1,760 PlayStation 3's to build supercomputer

At the time I didn’t understand how partisan they are at the USMB. And how dumb the right wing is.
They mocked me endlessly and followed me with every post going on and on about how stupid I was for believing such nonsense.

The gist of my post was that I felt it was a mistake to be turning over so much technology and chip building knowledge to China.
Right wingers on the USMB insisted that there’s a huge difference between chips for computers and chips for games. I was like? Huh?

Xeon, Optane and Nvidia's chips are all used to make computer games and consoles.
Xeon is the cpu
Octane for memory
Nvidia for graphics and calculations

And here we are, fighting with China, just like I said. It’s not that I’m smart it’s just that it was so obvious what was going to happen, who couldn’t see it?

The government should’ve stepped in and stopped transferring such important and delicate technology to the Chinese. For many reasons. One because they’re using chips developed here in their military. And now we have to rely on them to get computer chips for our military.
And because the plants have been moved there, we don’t have them here. We have less capability of building computer chips because we moved so much of the development and the manufacturing to China. If they want to move rubber ducky making to China fine, but not our computer technology. This is just flat out greed turning over American technology to the Chinese.

It’s kind of too late now. America really screwed itself doing this.
I think the problem was with the name PlayStation. That conjures up low technology and thereby mockery by those who are ill informed, but you are right the CPUs used in game machines are highly sophisticated and can outperform any CPU used in high end computers in some applications.

Game CPUs were used in some pattern recognition machines because the floating point throughput is much higher. The multiprocessing is geared toward arithmetic calculation and high data streaming.

I can see they would be good for supercomputers because they are designed for things like finite element analysis, and not word processing.

Good to have the competition on one hand. Keeps Intel from just sitting on their laurels. Of course, bad on the other in that we lose good jobs and more of our competitive edge perhaps forever. Why anyone would still feel the need to simulate nuclear blasts beats the hell out of me other than being an excuse to advance the technology at government expense. We're no more at war with China than we are with Finland or Russia. That's always just been BS manufactured to keep the MIC well funded. Fear, fear, fear! And computer chips are just the tip of the iceberg as I'm sure we're all well aware.
I think the problem was with the name PlayStation. That conjures up low technology and thereby mockery by those who are ill informed, but you are right the CPUs used in game machines are highly sophisticated and can outperform any CPU used in high end computers in some applications.

Game CPUs were used in some pattern recognition machines because the floating point throughput is much higher. The multiprocessing is geared toward arithmetic calculation and high data streaming.

I can see they would be good for supercomputers because they are designed for things like finite element analysis, and not word processing.

Perhaps you should have warned Billy Boy and Hilly
Perhaps you should have warned Billy Boy and Hilly
Warned them of what?
Chinese......BTW TRump is only President to address this...Thanks Trump
I haven't heard Trump talk about technology.

Seems right wingers are always trying to spin Trump's failures into something positive.
"You've heard about 'cyber', right?
Lots of things are done with 'cyber', including bad things"
I think the problem was with the name PlayStation. That conjures up low technology and thereby mockery by those who are ill informed, but you are right the CPUs used in game machines are highly sophisticated and can outperform any CPU used in high end computers in some applications.

Game CPUs were used in some pattern recognition machines because the floating point throughput is much higher. The multiprocessing is geared toward arithmetic calculation and high data streaming.

I can see they would be good for supercomputers because they are designed for things like finite element analysis, and not word processing.

Perhaps you should have warned Billy Boy and Hilly
And DiFi
It takes real skill (or perverse persistence) to turn a thread about CPU chips into a hyper-partisan rant. How exciting.

At the time I didn’t understand how partisan they are at the USMB. And how dumb the right wing is.
They mocked me endlessly and followed me with every post going on and on about how stupid I was for believing such nonsense.

I wondered how long it would take you to reveal the REAL point of your thread. NOT science or technology but mere rightwing bashing as always. OK, so the Chinese can make a computer chip. Blame that on the consumer. The FIRST thing you Tards do is jump ship to run to Walmart or wherever and abandon the American company everytime if some maker in China or Philippines can do it for a lower price. Look at your panic over the tariffs.

If you really want to talk technology, be aware that China is a key source for some certain rare earths essential to making computer parts.

But if you REALLY want to go back and blame anyone, blame the US government. When Bell Labs invented the transistor, rather than copyright it for ourselves we gave it away to the whole world for free because Ma Bell was consider a Public Utility. Even to this day we give free access to CLECs (Competitive Local Exchange Carriers) to our telephone central offices so they can easily compete against Bell because they are considered a regulated public utility (public domain) and own the infrastructure (network).
They mocked me endlessly and followed me with every post going on and on about how stupid I was for believing such nonsense.

You probably deserved to be mocked.

It’s kind of too late now. America really screwed itself doing this.

How so? It's difficult to see what you are trying to say. It sounds like another "it's that time of the month again" rants.
One Note Samba Dean

Takes any topic and concludes with "...because Republicans are Evil"

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