'Project Gunrunner' Whistleblower Says ATF Sent Him Termination Notice Fast & Furious


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
'Project Gunrunner' a/k/a Fast & Furious.

'Project Gunrunner' Whistleblower Says ATF Sent Him Termination Notice

Video at link:


“The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is being accused of retaliating against an agent who helped publicize the agency’s role in allowing thousands of guns to cross the U.S. border and fall into the hands of Mexican drug gangs.”

ATF Agent, Vince Cefalu a 24 year veteran was also a senior special agent. He claims that he was fired last week because he uncovered to the public the “Project Gunrunner “program. The story of Project Gunrunner was first uncovered in February. Cefalu said, “Simply put, we knowingly let hundreds of guns and dozens of identified bad guys go across the border.”

Many witnesses from ATF have come forward to back Agent Cefalu claims. There have been a lot of complaints by whistleblowers of wrongful terminations that were suspected retaliations by ATF.

“ATF spokesman Drew Wade denied in a statement to FoxNews.com that the bureau is retaliating, but he declined to comment about Cefalu's case. “ATF will not comment on specific, ongoing personnel matters. It is illegal to use disciplinary actions to retaliate against employees, and ATF does not engage in such improper reprisals.”

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Weapons linked to controversial ATF strategy found in Valley crimes

PHOENIX - Weapons linked to a questionable government strategy are turning up in crimes in Valley neighborhoods.

For months the ABC15 Investigators have been searching through police reports and official government documents. We’ve discovered assault weapons linked to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ controversial "Fast and Furious" case strategy have turned up at crime scenes in Glendale and Phoenix communities.

Weapons linked to controversial ATF strategy found in Valley crimes
Here's the deal, the left wing media could bring down the entire ATF bureaucracy with honest coverage of the Mexico weapons debacle but they prefer not to represent the American public's legitimate outrage. The least case scenario would indicate the top bureaucrat forced to retire and the incident would die. In this case the top bureaucrat is refusing to resign and the liberal media is silent. The incident is a disgrace in a long line of disgraceful conduct by the ATF. If the media refuses to cover it we might as well be living in nazi Germany.
Here's the deal, the left wing media could bring down the entire ATF bureaucracy with honest coverage of the Mexico weapons debacle but they prefer not to represent the American public's legitimate outrage. The least case scenario would indicate the top bureaucrat forced to retire and the incident would die. In this case the top bureaucrat is refusing to resign and the liberal media is silent. The incident is a disgrace in a long line of disgraceful conduct by the ATF. If the media refuses to cover it we might as well be living in nazi Germany.

They won't cover this because this is on Barack Obama's watch--and Eric Holder's involvement in this issue.

Now if this was a republican administration--it would be 24/7 news coverage on every single channel.
Whistleblower laws will mean exactly nothing with this administration; and the reason for that is the media will give them a pass, and the adminsitatrion knows it too well. Our "fourth estate" belongs to their liberal brethren and it is selling us out. That's the real issue of our time; nothing else impacts our political system more than the dereliction of the media we rely on for decision making information which is vitally skewed by omission and/or bias.

Only liberal whistleblowers qualify for the title. Anyway "this is a Fox Cable Channel issue," and the rest of the media won't touch it. Besides Fox and the blogs just CBS has touched on it. The Washington Post, NYT don't consider it worth their time because it would hurt their buds.
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Here's the deal, the left wing media could bring down the entire ATF bureaucracy with honest coverage of the Mexico weapons debacle but they prefer not to represent the American public's legitimate outrage. The least case scenario would indicate the top bureaucrat forced to retire and the incident would die. In this case the top bureaucrat is refusing to resign and the liberal media is silent. The incident is a disgrace in a long line of disgraceful conduct by the ATF. If the media refuses to cover it we might as well be living in nazi Germany.
What "left-wing media" are you talking about?

The mainstream media is predominately right wing, most of which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Who are the dominant talkers on the opinion programs? Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Shepherd, Levin, Mahlsberg, Coulter, et. al.
43 weapons in Phoenix traffic stop linked to ATF strategy

Friday, July 6, 2011

Phoenix Arizona – Phoenix Drug Enforcement Administration agents pulled over vehicle with 4 illegal aliens and one with a non-immigrant visa. The agents found 59 weapons and 43 of those weapons were connected to operation Gunrunner aka Fast and Furious an ATF case. The serial numbers matched with the serial number that were on the ATF documents that was investigating the Fast and Furious gun sale case.

“Most of the recovered weapons connected to the Fast and Furious case included Romarm/Cugir GP-WASR 10/63 UF Rifles and Romarm Cugir Draco pistols. Agents also recovered at least one FN Herstal pistol.”

The suspects are also are accused of conspiring to possess and distribute “500 grams or more of a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of methamphetamine…”

Dey's scurryin' to cover their butts now...
Lawmakers Exploiting Failed Gunrunner Operation to Limit 2nd Amendment
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 – As Congress continues to investigate the failed gunrunning operation “Fast and Furious,” which funneled thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels that used them to commit crimes, Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said that some lawmakers are using information from that program to start restricting Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
At a Bloggers Briefing at the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday, CNSNews.com asked Lankford, “Regarding Fast and Furious, have you heard Sen. Grassley’s (R-Iowa) comments that he thought this was possibly an effort by the administration to set up a case for restricting Second Amendment rights? And have you seen anything to that effect? And, also, what was the most compelling news that came out of today’s hearing?” Lankford said, “Was it intentional? I’m going to take them [Justice Department] at their word at this point, to say they really did want to break up a [weapons] ring -- just their plan seemed to be completely inept to actually accomplish that. And I say that carefully because I look at their plan and think, ‘That plan would never work.’ And I’m not in law enforcement, and I can look at that – you should no better, that that plan would actually work.”

“So, if I take them at their word that that wasn’t their intent, okay, great,” said Lankford, adding, “How it’s being used now is absolutely to try to start limiting the Second Amendment.” “That has already started from people that are not pro-Second Amendment to say, ‘How can we limit the sales of long guns? How can we do more registration? How can we prohibit certain types of guns?’” said the congressman. “There were already questions that came in today’s hearing, ‘Tell me the exact type of guns that the drug kingpins like and is there some way we can limit the access to them?’ I know exactly where they’re going.”

“Operation Fast and Furious” began when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which operates under the Department of Justice (DOJ), knowingly allowed at least 2,000 guns to be purchased in the United States and funneled to Mexican criminals, in an apparent effort to track them to the most powerful drug rings. The ATF lost track of many of the weapons and two of the guns, first purchased in the United States under the program, were later found in Arizona at the scene where a U.S. Border Patrol agent was murdered.


See also:

ATF Official Attempts to Deny ‘Gun-Walking’ in Botched Sting Operation
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 – Officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Tuesday that the agency did not knowingly allow guns to “walk” to Mexico.
The ATF’s “Fast and Furious” operation was intended to identify the “decision-makers” in Mexican cartels; track firearms destined for Mexico, and ultimately dismantle the drug cartels, William Newell, the former ATF Special Agent in charge of the Phoenix Field Division, told the committee. “t was not the purpose of the investigation to permit the transportation of firearms into Mexico, and to the best of my knowledge, none of the suspects in this case was ever witnessed by our agents crossing the border with firearms,” he said.

William McMahon, the ATF deputy assistant for field operations in the west, concurred, using the present tense. “We do not let guns walk,” McMahon said, referring to ATF agents themselves. He made the point that the straw purchasers were letting the guns “walk,” and he said arresting them served no purpose since the goal of the operation was to arrest the higher-ups in Mexico. The ATF, however, did instruct gun shops to let the straw purchases proceed. It is illegal to buy guns for those who cannot legally buy weapons themselves.

Other ATF officials told the committee that the ATF certainly did allow the guns to “walk,” and they said Operation Fast and Furious was an embarrassment to the agency. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) pointed to a Jan. 8, 2010 ATF memo from Newell that indicated guns were flowing to Mexico. In the memo, written four months after Operation Fast and Furious started, Newell said, “Currently our strategy is to allow the transfer of firearms to continue to take place, albeit at a much slower pace, in order to further the investigation and allow for the identification of additional co-conspirators who would continue to operate and illegally traffic firearms to Mexican DTOs [drug trafficking organizations].”

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Here's the deal, the left wing media could bring down the entire ATF bureaucracy with honest coverage of the Mexico weapons debacle but they prefer not to represent the American public's legitimate outrage. The least case scenario would indicate the top bureaucrat forced to retire and the incident would die. In this case the top bureaucrat is refusing to resign and the liberal media is silent. The incident is a disgrace in a long line of disgraceful conduct by the ATF. If the media refuses to cover it we might as well be living in nazi Germany.
What "left-wing media" are you talking about?

The mainstream media is predominately right wing, most of which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Who are the dominant talkers on the opinion programs? Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Shepherd, Levin, Mahlsberg, Coulter, et. al.

Had no idea old Rup controlled the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, Time, Newsweek, CBS, NRP, LA Times, Boston Globe, and a bunch of others.

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