Project Veritas Video- Pfizer Exec Admits They Are Manipulating the Virus & Subverting Regulators For Profits

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder................ not truth. Truth is truth. There is nothing ambiguous about truth. Its not a changing narrative from one person to another.
Truth is relevant to each individual when it not something easily verifiable. Gray areas and the unknown things such as faith require believe in the Truth based on the persons beliefs. Lies that are told can have people believed it as a truth. Even when confronted with proof, they still will deny for various reasons.

Example - People belief the earth was flat for a long time and it was a Truth to them. Then there was the debate and now we belief that the earth is round.

So you can say truth is truth but that is just a play on words. The only thing that is truth is when its 100% not deniable. Say like death. But some people belief in reincarnation and the afterlife.
Well look at it this way. The guy says that he was on a date and obviously he probably gay. So if the PV guy pretended to be interested in him then yeah he might embellish things to impress a person he wants to have sex with or get to know. People embellish things to impress others. The recording was from a hidden camera by PV that went to his house.

Now you have to ask if the guy knew that PV wanted to record him making statements about his job, that he would not agree to that because he would be fired. Common sense here.

So it makes sense that it was a secret recording. The guy did not know he was being recorded. The recorded video has been edited and does not flow as PV deleted portions that might cast doubt.

On the second video the guy wanted to call the police on them.

PV needs to provide the complete video.

Second PV if they recorded this guy in his home without his permission is facing a lawsuit.

If I was Pfizer and he was an employee, then I would fund this lawsuit and we can find out what went down.

PV invaded this mans privacy for trying to find out a story. Probably destroyed his career and life in general.
Still yet, who are you siding with after the fact ?
Truth is relevant to each individual when it not something easily verifiable. Gray areas and the unknown things such as faith require believe in the Truth based on the persons beliefs. Lies that are told can have people believed it as a truth. Even when confronted with proof, they still will deny for various reasons.

Example - People belief the earth was flat for a long time and it was a Truth to them. Then there was the debate and now we belief that the earth is round.

So you can say truth is truth but that is just a play on words. The only thing that is truth is when its 100% not deniable. Say like death. But some people belief in reincarnation and the afterlife.
Ok, but you have got to make a stand, so it is that you rely upon your own being that hopefully has been trained to detect the truth, and if not trained well then you will falter. Good luck in life.
I would not worry about Pfizer. I would worry about what appears, more than ever, to be a bio-weapon meant to kill.
Well that is why they would not do something like that. if you belief that Pfizer is stupid enough to risk their empire to do something that is banned except under certain circumstances, then that is your belief.

Like I said PV made this video undercover and did not get this guy expressed permission. Pfizer will have to handle the response to keep their empire. This is a weakness that PV made. To me this seems like a slam dunk. Whom to trust Pfizer or PV?

This will end up in court. Public opinion will be split.
Well that is why they would not do something like that. if you belief that Pfizer is stupid enough to risk their empire to do something that is banned except under certain circumstances, then that is your belief.

Like I said PV made this video undercover and did not get this guy expressed permission. Pfizer will have to handle the response to keep their empire. This is a weakness that PV made. To me this seems like a slam dunk. Whom to trust Pfizer or PV?

This will end up in court. Public opinion will be split.
Yes, that's what this stuff needs (a court date and eventually a trial). This way all sides can be represented, but the left have been instrumental in avoiding trial's or the court's on these hot button issues.
Well that is why they would not do something like that. if you belief that Pfizer is stupid enough to risk their empire to do something that is banned except under certain circumstances, then that is your belief.

Like I said PV made this video undercover and did not get this guy expressed permission. Pfizer will have to handle the response to keep their empire. This is a weakness that PV made. To me this seems like a slam dunk. Whom to trust Pfizer or PV?

This will end up in court. Public opinion will be split.
Why do you think they would not do something like that? Take a look at human history and tell me again. There have been planned genocides since the beginning of time.
Truth is relevant to each individual when it not something easily verifiable. Gray areas and the unknown things such as faith require believe in the Truth based on the persons beliefs. Lies that are told can have people believed it as a truth. Even when confronted with proof, they still will deny for various reasons.

Example - People belief the earth was flat for a long time and it was a Truth to them. Then there was the debate and now we belief that the earth is round.

So you can say truth is truth but that is just a play on words. The only thing that is truth is when its 100% not deniable. Say like death. But some people belief in reincarnation and the afterlife.

That doesn't change the fact that truth is truth. Leave people out of the equation. Truth is truth. There is no gray. We add the ambiguity and gray areas. We look for the truth but we often fail but truth is still truth. It doesn't change.
The young athletes are dropping like flies, they need a tweek for other age groups.
This is a perfect biological weapon. It kills the young and healthy or makes them so badly damaged that it takes others to care for them. This directly affects troop readiness and the unit's ability to react as needed. Biden forced this on our troops making them vulnerable to the damage. This is an act of war against the United States and BIDEN AND DEMOCRATS are the ones forcing this on everyone. What is their goal in crippling our nation's defense. Milley and others need to be arrested for this crap today.

People should be so pissed off right now that these people should be put in prison for their crimes, Biden, Harris, Thier staffs and the secretaries that forced this. These people are committing acts of premeditated murder and they knew it.
Why do you think they would not do something like that? Take a look at human history and tell me again. There have been planned genocides since the beginning of time.

Yes it was started when farmers decided to keep that big one in order to grow other big ones. Yes it was done early on but eventually the fear of a researcher being infected and leaving the building with it created a dilemma for the government and researchers. Also the thought that a rogue government could unleased it on a unsuspecting world. So there are rules today that control it. So it is done only under the request and rules established by the government and the virus has no known gain of function properties. This is not the case with COVID-19 which is said to have gain of function properties. So they are aware of this as is the government.

Do you think that Pfizer which earns $99.879B last year and has over 78,000 employees would risk to do something that is know to be problematic. yes this was a huge increase from previous year when they earned $41.651B and 2019 has a similar earnings.

Would they risk having the government come down on them like a lightning strike. Gosh people belief china did this. So would they do this and for what more money. Obviously COVID 19 was and is a huge windfall for them. It doesn't mean that they would risk killing more people for more money.
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So there are rules today that control it.

There are people that make the rules and they do not give a shit about anything but their agenda. It is very apparent.
This is a perfect biological weapon. It kills the young and healthy or makes them so badly damaged that it takes others to care for them. This directly affects troop readiness and the unit's ability to react as needed. Biden forced this on our troops making them vulnerable to the damage. This is an act of war against the United States and BIDEN AND DEMOCRATS are the ones forcing this on everyone. What is their goal in crippling our nation's defense. Milley and others need to be arrested for this crap today.

People should be so pissed off right now that these people should be put in prison for their crimes, Biden, Harris, Thier staffs and the secretaries that forced this. These people are committing acts of premeditated murder and they knew it.
What will be interesting is its long term affect on reproduction. Population reduction has always been an issue with the prog's and WEF crowd.
Still yet, who are you siding with after the fact ?
The only fact know is that the video was edited. Thus it can be easily misleading. That why I say that PV should release the complete video. Again he did not know he was being recorded.

They guy on another video says he was lying. So now the question is on which video was he lying on, if he admits that he is a liar.

Do you trust liars? Would you have a problem with someone you invited to your house and recording your conversations? Then edit it for shock value.

Do you believe that PV had a right to make a hidden video in people's home. There is a reason why

The guy has a legal case where he can sue PV cause this was in his home and they hid the fact that he was being recorded in his home

Which would require PV to provide the complete video and not the edited one.

That poor Schlub reminded me of what Howard Cosell called that Redskin receiver ( A Tough Little Monkey )
Yes.....That's exactly what they are doing!
It was bad enough that China released this virus. To have those who are supposed to be protecting us, do the same, over and over again, do it intentionally for profits, that is where we need to string some people up like wind chimes, IMHO.

Then to assess that the mRNA shots were designed to destroy the human immune system for profits as well... There needs to be a swift reckoning.

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