Prolegonmena: The reason Progressives cannot be restored back to Classical Liberalism.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Ever notice when you're trying to talk reason to a modern progressive that when they respond they seem to talk right past you? It's as if they didn't hear a single thing you said.

Well, I found an article describing the purpose of prolegomena in theological and philosophical works, and why trhey are a vital part of such works:

While it seems that the final conclusion is the real difference between the two theologians, it is actually the starting point that sets them apart and virtually guarantees different conclusions.

Let us now examine the differences in starting points between modern conservatives and progressives in the United States:

Conservative: Laws exist to prohibit certain behaviors.
Progressive : Laws exist to promote certain behaviors.

Conservatives: The Constitution restricts the Government.
Progressive : The Constitution enables the Government.

Conservatives: Rights are innate to all men...the "Bill of Rights."
Progressives : Privileges come from government...the Bill of Rights is merely a set of privileges to them.

Conservatives: The Federal Government is the a common agent of the Several States, supreme only in its enumerated powers.
Progressives : The States are vassals of the Federal Government, subservient in all regards.

I call this one the "Great Contradiction."
Conservative : Individuals know what's best for them, but often not what's best for society as a whole.
Progressive : Individuals don't know what's best for them, so we make their decisions and dictate their lives...yet we believe that individuals know what's best for society, so we want full and total democracy to choose our leaders instead of the Constitution's federal republican system that splits popular and geographical representation.


There are more such things, and you can feel free to add them, but this is why hostilities between Patriots and Communists have become irreconcilable in this nation. We can't even "agree to disagree" or "compromise" with each other, because any such negotiation would result in catastrophic damage to our Constitution as our Founders originally intended...irreversible damage.

Given all the violence in the streets these days, it also feels like we're negotiating with terrorists, because these radical communists have realized that we will not barter away our God Given Rights.
Also it's interesting that I came across this word in a theological treatise.

Progressivism isn't a disease, it's an atheistic religion.

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