Prominent Free Syrian Army Commander Killed in Aleppo


Nov 14, 2012
The criminal´s remains are now subject to the animal kingdom´s "air force"...

"The infamous commander of the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) 16th Infantry Division, Khaled Al-Hayyani (of Anadan, Aleppo), was reportedly killed in the Al-Khalediyah Neighborhood of Aleppo City after he and his militants clashed with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on early Friday morning.

Khaled Al-Hayyani was notorious for kidnapping and then demanding ransom from civilians inside Aleppo City – he was also famous for issuing several orders to shell the civilians inside the provincial capital for not abandoning and taking up arms against the Syrian Government.

When the war broke-out in the Aleppo Governorate in the Summer of 2012, Khaled Al-Hayyani fled to Turkey in order to purchase weapons and ammunition that his militant group would later use to combat the Syrian Arab Army (SAA); these same weapons were used to terrorize innocent civilians inside of Aleppo City.

According to government sources, Khaled Al-Hayyani’s family made a fortune off of the Syrian Conflict, as they looted many of the factories in the Sheikh Najjar Industrial District, selling anything they found valuable to citizens of Turkey in order to turn a profit."

Prominent Free Syrian Army Commander Killed in Aleppo

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