Promoting Islamophobia

How long have Christians and Jews been murdering people for their land and resources?[/QUOTE]

Christians have a history of murdering people for land and resources ----in the remote past-----during the course of the
approximately 1800 years of Christian history. Christians
have repudiated the practice. Jews have virtually no such

Well apparently you know of all the anti Islam sites, Islam not a religion but a cult, with over 2 billion adherents. Too funny. Funny we have yet to decide if Jew is a religon or a race, probably just a cult.[/QUOTE]

what is "too funny" about describing islam--as a "cult"----based
on the FACT that shariah law terms leaving islam a capital crime?
If you disagree with an opinion with a described basis-----
the comment "too funny" is truly idiotic-----try to do better

AS to "we have to decide if jew is a religion or a race"-----who is
forcing you to make such a decision? Some people do
discuss the topic----but I have never come across any reasonable
person DEMANDING YOUR DECISION-----or the decision of your
GROUP-----(in view of your usage of the term "we")

for the record----I would describe islam as a Totalitarian utopian
ideology. Judaism is a religion
Christians have a history of murdering people for land and resources ----in the remote past-----during the course of the
approximately 1800 years of Christian history. Christians
have repudiated the practice. Jews have virtually no such
Twentieth Century warfare by the Christian West murdered 250 million human beings of which Muslims were responsible for less than 10%. Does your historical rewrite blame Muslims for the Holocaust?
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

who is Hilliary Smith?? The publications of the Center
For American Progress are well known to include the
ramblings of just about anyone seeking fame via writing
devoted to sensationalist bull shit that appeals to idiots----
a kind of political nationa enquirer. I do not find other writings
by Hilliary Smith. Does the Nazi bitch have a credential?
She has employed the well word Nazi technique of
LOOKING FOR JOOOOS. For the record---Robert spencer is
Catholic. I don't know what they other players are but they
seem to have names which suggest they are jews.

The suggestion that something called "islamo phobia" was
developed by a few people-----mostly jews in the USA ---for the sake of Israel ----actually amuses me. The most "islamo phobia" persons I have known have been Christians from the
Baltics -------"islamo phobes" for quite some time----clearly
before 1948. If you really get to know a hindu-----to the extent
that he feels comfortable enough to be candid (not easy with
Indian hindus) -----you will find some long standing islamo
phobia there too. -------then there is history-------the Inquisition of
the catholic church involved some islamo phobia too
Christians have a history of murdering people for land and resources ----in the remote past-----during the course of the
approximately 1800 years of Christian history. Christians
have repudiated the practice. Jews have virtually no such

Hasbara roll on!
Christians have a history of murdering people for land and resources ----in the remote past-----during the course of the
approximately 1800 years of Christian history. Christians
have repudiated the practice. Jews have virtually no such
Twentieth Century warfare by the Christian West murdered 250 million human beings of which Muslims were responsible for less than 10%. Does your historical rewrite blame Muslims for the Holocaust?

you are very confused-----20th century warfare--in which "western
countries" were involved was not related to an agenda of
religion. For religious agenda ----I would agree that the exploration of the "NEW WORLD" by Christian Europeans included a religious component. Your comment of about the
holocaust ----is gratuitous vulgar shit -----typical of islamo Nazi
When you say anything bad about Israel, its called as "anti-semitism". (blames you)

When you say anything bad about Islam, its called as "Islamaphobia", not "anti-Islamism". (blames Islam)

This is how the media drives you like a shepherd . They seize your subconscious with the word games and you do whatever they want unconsciously.

True to form ----Penelope endorsed the above idiotic post.
The term Islamophobia was actually invented by islamo Nazi
pigs in order to promote the false notion that anyone who
criticizes islam or the actions of muslims does so out of "bias"
or "racism" For those of us who understand the English
language------we do know that a "PHOBIA" is not based
on hatred or bias or racism--------it is, by definition----
IRRATIONAL. For Penelope and Mineva-----the term
"irrational" means that the it has no logical basis -----it is not
based on facts. -------are you two related? neither of you
are English literate. I am not BLAMING you for your
relative illiteracy------feel free to ask questions-----your manner
of expression suggests that you are both stupid
How would that affect the truth or falsity of this particular OP?

You are providing all the evidence one could possibly need by way of proving that reactions to your odious nature is not the stuff of a phobia, since it is entirely rational for civilized people to reject such filth.

The radical Muslims mainly do what Israel , the US and SA tell them to do. How in the world do you think the Muslims were in charge of having the vote recount in Florida. This Islam phobia is Zionist jewish making, which benefits Israel and the US and SA. How the US went after Saddam for humanitarian reasons and closed a blind eye to SA is beyond me.[/QUOTE]

I am fascinated by the above statement ----in sum----
" radical muslims are under the control of Israel, the US,
and Saudi Arabia"

I hope Penelope will help me to understand her comment by letting me know --who are "the radical muslims" What do they
"do" which USA, ISRAEL and SA tell them to do.
and most of all -----why do they want to do what USA and ISRAEL and SA tell them to do?

The radical Muslims mainly do what Israel , the US and SA tell them to do. How in the world do you think the Muslims were in charge of having the vote recount in Florida. This Islam phobia is Zionist jewish making, which benefits Israel and the US and SA. How the US went after Saddam for humanitarian reasons and closed a blind eye to SA is beyond me.

I am fascinated by the above statement ----in sum----
" radical muslims are under the control of Israel, the US,
and Saudi Arabia"

I hope Penelope will help me to understand her comment by letting me know --who are "the radical muslims" What do they
"do" which USA, ISRAEL and SA tell them to do.
and most of all -----why do they want to do what USA and ISRAEL and SA tell them to do?[/QUOTE]

What I found interesting is reading recently that the American Muslims are told to vote in a bloc. I guess the leaders of their Mosques tell them just for whom and what they are to cast their ballot. Here in America, the rest of us just vote according to our own wishes.
It is the QUANTITY that creates the QUALITY.
What effect has the QUANTITY of Muslim drones had on your QUALITY of life?

Do you think you might have a different answer than innocent Muslims in Pakistan and Yemen?
1. They have helped to keep me alive (and YOU too)

2. NO, I don't think their answer would be different, and in fact, while saying the same thing I just said, I trust they would be even more emphatic about it, as I see Muslim jihadist killings occurring against them very frequently.

The annual death toll in Pakistan from terrorist attacks, has risen from 164 in 2003 to 3318 in 2009,[1][2][3] with a total of 35,000 Pakistanis killed between September 11, 2001 and May 2011.[4]

Terrorism in Pakistan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The radical Muslims mainly do what Israel , the US and SA tell them to do. How in the world do you think the Muslims were in charge of having the vote recount in Florida. This Islam phobia is Zionist jewish making, which benefits Israel and the US and SA. How the US went after Saddam for humanitarian reasons and closed a blind eye to SA is beyond me.

I am fascinated by the above statement ----in sum----
" radical muslims are under the control of Israel, the US,
and Saudi Arabia"

I hope Penelope will help me to understand her comment by letting me know --who are "the radical muslims" What do they
"do" which USA, ISRAEL and SA tell them to do.
and most of all -----why do they want to do what USA and ISRAEL and SA tell them to do?

What I found interesting is reading recently that the American Muslims are told to vote in a bloc. I guess the leaders of their Mosques tell them just for whom and what they are to cast their ballot. Here in America, the rest of us just vote according to our own wishes.[/QUOTE]

When I was in a mosque---LONG LONG ago-----way before 2001 the issue that fascinated me was the TOTAL lack of "dissent"---
The "sermon" delivered by the genius "imam" would have
raised an uproar in a synagogue------if some rabbi had come up
the kind of HATE invective expressed by that jerk. My hosts were muslims from south east asia------they could not understand
why I objected to "Christians ---PERVERSE LIARS----
ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM" ------since the jerk did
not even mention jews. COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE---when I asked what they thought of the sermon---the answer was sharp
and definitive

[QUOTE="irosie91, post: 10247690, member: 38243]

for the record----I would describe islam as a Totalitarian utopian
ideology. Judaism is a religion[/QUOTE]
Most people around the world agree that Islam is not a religion, and so do some entire nations (ex. Italy)
rational for civilized people to reject such filth.
By "filth" are you referring to wars waged on the opposite side of the planet without the justification of self defense or UNSC authorization and usually for territorial gain or subjugation? Wars that maim, murder, and displace millions of innocent Muslims in pursuit of cheap gasoline?
Promoting Islamophobia
The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Written by Hillary Smith
The Roots

The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli agenda here within the United States.
According to a research study conducted by the Center for American Progress entitled Fear, Inc., there are five key purveyors who manipulate Islamophobia to further the US’s support of Israel: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

Promoting Islamophobia Council for the National Interest

Muslims are doing a great job promoting Islamophobia themselves, they don't need anybody's help.
When you say anything bad about Israel, its called as "anti-semitism". (blames you)

When you say anything bad about Islam, its called as "Islamaphobia", not "anti-Islamism". (blames Islam)

This is how the media drives you like a shepherd . They seize your subconscious with the word games and you do whatever they want unconsciously.

Israel is a country, and Islam is a religion, brain dead.

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