Promoting Islamophobia

The Mufti Islamic animal caused the death of half a million Jews and thousands of Christians
And Zionists displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948 when they created their apartheid state called Israel, remember, and the corrupt whores are still at in in Greater Jerusalem.

Arabs caused this from stsrt to end. The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong.

Was your conversion to Islam painful?

Islam is for savages. True story. :cool:
Christians have a history of murdering people for land and resources ----in the remote past-----during the course of the
approximately 1800 years of Christian history. Christians
have repudiated the practice. Jews have virtually no such
Twentieth Century warfare by the Christian West murdered 250 million human beings of which Muslims were responsible for less than 10%. Does your historical rewrite blame Muslims for the Holocaust?
Even IF this unsubstantiated number was correct, it still would be Incorrect to call it the "Christian" west. The primary murderers of humans in the 20the century, were Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Hirohito None of whom were Christian.

In the 20th century Muslims accounted for far more murders. It's what they do.

no question------uhm---both hitler and stalin were Christians
and "culturally"---carried on a religious legacy of extreme anti -semtism. The Nuremburg laws were a replay of the Justinian code----and Stalin was educated by Eastern Orthodox priests-------what is true is that they simply moved
that sense over to a new ideology. HOWEVER do not imagine that muslims are going to be inclined to let
the "WEST" forget the policies of the Inquisition------which
was actually imported to the Americas and in some ways was
the basis for genocides against native americans
HOWEVER----all that stuff is OVER ------its remnants
remaining only in the hearts of persons like------challenger,
Penelope, Georgie ---etc
The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...
Or people who have lived amongst Muslims in the middle east, and realize that people are generally the same all over the world.

The Islamaphobes invariably have a financial agenda, or they've never been to the middle east as a civilian.

That's not to say there aren't plenty of ass holes who happen to be Muslim.

But the extremist Muslims have more in common with red states evangelical conservatives than any other voting demographic in the US.

Beards, guns, funny hats, intolerance, resentments, and hatred for liberals.
Hatred for liberals. Maybe that's because liberals, instead of standing up for important principles (like National Security), instead, have a sickening habit of aligning themselves with any and all minority groups who come along, of which Muslims happen to be one.

In any case, it isn't hard to make a clear cut case for hating Islam and it's murderous, vile philosophy. All one need to is read the Koran, with its mass genocide, severe misogyny, wife-beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, lying, and just about every immoral and illegal (in the US) practice you could think of.

And as I explained, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "Islamaphobe". This is a silly propaganda word manufactured by Islamapologists, which is totally contrary to reality. After 20,000+ murderous attacks by marauding Muslims just since 9/11, we can easily conclude there is nothing irrational about fearing the cancer of Islam.

You want to bring their Quran up, may I refer you to the OT or better yet the Babylon Talmud where they got their info, and from the Jews themselves who lived in Mecca and Medina and the cast out Christians. The OT is worst than the Koran, at least Muhammad had some of the NT teachings.

The JDL is starting back up, you know the jewish terrorist group. The bombings will start again I'm sure.911, I won't even go there, this is a short and simple thread.
HA HA HA. I can only laugh at a pathetic response like that. All you've done now is amplify the gigantic difference between Jews and Muslims. Muslims attack and kill all over the world, and impose harsh, oppressive rules on people everywhere they go. Jews don't do this. Even in Israel, they have a high degree of tolerance. Islam is just the opposite of that. There never has been a less tolerant ideology (masquerading as a religion) than Islam.
Wow...that's fresh...

I've not been aware of any human culture that hasn't attacked or killed anyone, till now I guess.

But wait!...oh's not true.

As I used to tell my college students > Qualitative measures are created by quantitive measures. You could have two 8 oz. glasses. filled with water. In one you a single drop of arsenic. It still remains essentially a glass of water. Into the other, you empty a full eye dropper of arsenic. In the first glass you have a glass of water. In the second, you have a poison than can kill you if you drink it. Same ingredients. Different quantities > different qualities.

It is utter nonsense to equate Islam with other human cultures. There IS NO equation. Islam has killed 270 million people around the world. 120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists. No other culture, nation, religion, cult, or ideology even comes close to that horrific figure. Even if all the world's cultures were combined, they don't approach that. Please stop talking stupid.
I don't believe you ever taught college.
What kind of righty are you? Rush Limbaugh would be very disappointed.

Look at my sig, I'm bored of that conversation.

And two posts now, and you still haven't directly addressed my point.

That's all I need to know.

I've read enough of your posts to know you may call yourself an Independent, but you're about as independent as Bill O'Reilly...which is not at practice.

You're not pro gay marriage unless you hope the SCOTUS prohibits gay marriage bans nationwide...if you share that opinion, I stand corrected.

On what other issue do you depart from the opinions expressed by Fox News righties?
I'm a registered Independent. You want to question MY politics too ?
You're insane

As I used to say to my college students, "Upon WHAT do you base that statement ?"
Your posts. They're filled with delusions I know from personal experience to not apply to Muslims in general anywhere
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard) but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state. Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

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