Promoting Islamophobia

The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...

Say, Kondor, have you ever heard a White person making a remark such as "your White South Africa brothers and sisters?" I always thought that Gaza George was a Louie Farrakhan-type of fellow. Calypso Louie would make the same kind of remark like that.
True. You may be onto something there. But... black, white, brown, red, yellow, whatever... he's a pro-Muslim, anti-American fifth-columnist or Quisling, to be sure; relatively harmless, beyond the context of naive, simple minds that are easily taken-in by such mental meanderings.
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard) but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state. Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

Coyote, you are either too stupid to understand the difference between an ideology and an ethnicity or you are conflating the two intentionally because you are pure filth on a mission to make criticism of an anti-humanist ideology impossible.

You seem to have an average enough level of intelligence, so my money is on the latter.

No Dogma, I just recognize your obvious agenda. I look at my neighbors. I look at the people I work with. And I realize that your are full crap with your broad brushing of Muslims. Ethnicities don't have religious rules and laws they adhere to. Judaism is a religion. Jews can be an ethnic group but Judaism is a religion and people can and do convert to it. Christianity is without doubt not an ethnic group. You're grasping at straws to justify your hate. Other religions have systems of religious law.
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The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...

Georgie's got nothing new----he is repeating the islamo Nazi
propaganda I first heard more than 45 years ago
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard)

^^^^^^ hate to barge in on your "talking points" but as usual
you are clueless Judaism does have a legal system
but it does not include legalizing genocide as does the
CHRISTIAN LEGAL SYSTEM (Justinian law----- from
which adolf hitler derived the Nuremburg laws and from
which muslims derived the DHIMMIA rules---also
legalized genocide). Jewish legal system regarding
"aliens" is----"remember---you too were strangers
in Egypt"

but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state.

Hate to barge in on your talking points----but I have
interacted with hundreds of muslims over the past ---
in excess of 45 years---right here in the USA----and never
met one who did not GLORIFY the "HOLY SHARIAH
CALIPHATE"----where the Koran is the "ONE AND

Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

Yes---talk to some muslims----you might learn something-- well----maybe not-----if you are short and dark haired and
generally taciturn------(like the girls back home) you might
make it as I have

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

of course----refer to people --(like Robert Spencer) who
are capable of a dispassionate review of reality as
"bigots" -----it serves your disgusting agenda of justifying

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit

No Rosie. I'm not. And never have been.
You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit
I'm willing to place the blame for IS and its terror where it belongs: the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World. What's your problem, Hasbara?

Right Georgie-----thanks for the refresher course----but not
necessary-----I already read the islamo Nazi literature----
way back when I was a child---circa 1960 and shortly thereafter
I came into contact with educated muslims from south east asia .
For those who do not know---the reason that all the Christians
jews and Zoroastrians magically disappeared from Arabia ---more
than 1000 years ago is because AL NABI AL KANZEER was
The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...

Georgie's got nothing new----he is repeating the islamo Nazi
propaganda I first heard more than 45 years ago
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard)

^^^^^^ hate to barge in on your "talking points" but as usual
you are clueless Judaism does have a legal system
but it does not include legalizing genocide as does the
CHRISTIAN LEGAL SYSTEM (Justinian law----- from
which adolf hitler derived the Nuremburg laws and from
which muslims derived the DHIMMIA rules---also
legalized genocide). Jewish legal system regarding
"aliens" is----"remember---you too were strangers
in Egypt"

but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state.

Hate to barge in on your talking points----but I have
interacted with hundreds of muslims over the past ---
in excess of 45 years---right here in the USA----and never
met one who did not GLORIFY the "HOLY SHARIAH
CALIPHATE"----where the Koran is the "ONE AND

Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

Yes---talk to some muslims----you might learn something-- well----maybe not-----if you are short and dark haired and
generally taciturn------(like the girls back home) you might
make it as I have

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

of course----refer to people --(like Robert Spencer) who
are capable of a dispassionate review of reality as
"bigots" -----it serves your disgusting agenda of justifying

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit

No Rosie. I'm not. And never have been.

Ok----I got really bad news for you "CALIPHATE"--
is a muslim IDEAL---------it is the reason ISLAM EXISTS-----
if you tell a muslim that a CALIPHATE IS A REALLY LOUSY
IDEA------the muslim might melt. -----it would be like telling
KRUSCHEV (spelling?) in 1958 "COMMUNISM HAS NO
FUTURE" Try reading the Koran-----it is the CALIPHATE
You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit
I'm willing to place the blame for IS and its terror where it belongs: the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World. What's your problem, Hasbara?

Right Georgie-----thanks for the refresher course----but not
necessary-----I already read the islamo Nazi literature----
way back when I was a child---circa 1960 and shortly thereafter
I came into contact with educated muslims from south east asia .
For those who do not know---the reason that all the Christians
jews and Zoroastrians magically disappeared from Arabia ---more
than 1000 years ago is because AL NABI AL KANZEER was
The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...

Georgie's got nothing new----he is repeating the islamo Nazi
propaganda I first heard more than 45 years ago
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard)

^^^^^^ hate to barge in on your "talking points" but as usual
you are clueless Judaism does have a legal system
but it does not include legalizing genocide as does the
CHRISTIAN LEGAL SYSTEM (Justinian law----- from
which adolf hitler derived the Nuremburg laws and from
which muslims derived the DHIMMIA rules---also
legalized genocide). Jewish legal system regarding
"aliens" is----"remember---you too were strangers
in Egypt"

but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state.

Hate to barge in on your talking points----but I have
interacted with hundreds of muslims over the past ---
in excess of 45 years---right here in the USA----and never
met one who did not GLORIFY the "HOLY SHARIAH
CALIPHATE"----where the Koran is the "ONE AND

Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

Yes---talk to some muslims----you might learn something-- well----maybe not-----if you are short and dark haired and
generally taciturn------(like the girls back home) you might
make it as I have

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

of course----refer to people --(like Robert Spencer) who
are capable of a dispassionate review of reality as
"bigots" -----it serves your disgusting agenda of justifying

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit

No Rosie. I'm not. And never have been.

Ok----I got really bad news for you "CALIPHATE"--
is a muslim IDEAL---------it is the reason ISLAM EXISTS-----
if you tell a muslim that a CALIPHATE IS A REALLY LOUSY
IDEA------the muslim might melt. -----it would be like telling
KRUSCHEV (spelling?) in 1958 "COMMUNISM HAS NO
FUTURE" Try reading the Koran-----it is the CALIPHATE

The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.

Ok----I got really bad news for you "CALIPHATE"--
is a muslim IDEAL---------it is the reason ISLAM EXISTS-----
if you tell a muslim that a CALIPHATE IS A REALLY LOUSY
IDEA------the muslim might melt. -----it would be like telling
KRUSCHEV (spelling?) in 1958 "COMMUNISM HAS NO
FUTURE" Try reading the Koran-----it is the CALIPHATE

The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.[/QUOTE]

Ok---thanks for telling me that-----NOW!!! I interpret your statement in two
1) * The agenda of ISIS is not a world wide caliphate* -----ok ---then what Is
the agenda of ISIS and how large do you believe that the ISIS
people would like the CALIPHATE to be

2) *the ISIS caliphate is designed to be a caliphate under
Islamic principles----but under a perversion of Islamic
principls* ------ok----so under what principles is the isis
caliphate supposed to function?-------and in what way do
those principles constitute a perversion of islam?

ps----you really need to read the koran
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard) but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state. Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

Coyote, you are either too stupid to understand the difference between an ideology and an ethnicity or you are conflating the two intentionally because you are pure filth on a mission to make criticism of an anti-humanist ideology impossible.

You seem to have an average enough level of intelligence, so my money is on the latter.

No Dogma, I just recognize your obvious agenda. I look at my neighbors. I look at the people I work with. And I realize that your are full crap with your broad brushing of Muslims.
Sorry, Coyote, but Muslims have been broad-brushing themselves now for decades.

People in The West lost much of any residual tolerance and sympathy for them after 9-11 and the London Tube Bombings.

Islam is a hybrid political-cultural-legal framework wrapped around a copycat religious core - a warrior religion - a religion far too easily usurped and twisted into violent manifestations at the drop of a hat and at the will of any street-corner mullah.

It is misogynistic and vengeful in nature, incompatible with Western life and democracy and philosophy and mores.

It is akin to an unwelcome red-headed step-child that nobody wants near them.

A great many good and honorable people - committed to egalitarianism at all costs - overlook the lack of tolerance and the lack of reciprocity and the savagery latent within Islam at both the scriptural and practice levels - and would rather see their own culture succumb to a scheming, conniving alien belief system, than to muster-up the courage to condemn one, so that toleration for the rest may be salvaged.

Western Islam-defenders see criticism and attacks upon Islam as an attack upon Western -style freedom of religion.

Western Islam-detractors see criticism and attacks upon Islam as cutting-out a cancer so that the rest of the body may continue to live.

And - to The West - Islam is, indeed, a poison pill - a toxic schema - a cancer, which the metaphorical antibodies of Western civilization reject as harmful to the host body.

If you were defending Sikhs or Hindus or Buddhists or Zoroastrians or Voodooism or Animism or Shamanism I would be standing right alongside you, as would many others.

But defending a poison like Islam, in the naive and misguided belief that you are defending a mere religion rather than the worldly and conquering scheme that it is - is both admirable (for its commitment to egalitarianism and freedom of religion, God luv ya) and extremely dangerous, given that you play into their hands in helping them to entrench.

We need look no further than the godawful mess that the British have gotten themselves into with their huge Muslim immigrant population, to know the truth of such an observation.

And, if taking a few brickbats from Islam-defenders is what it takes, to do my little part, to keep Washington, New York, Chicago, etc., from turning into Londonistan - or Detroit - then I'll just have to tough it out.
...The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.
Islam itself can rightfully be viewed as perverse, from several perspectives, but, beyond that...

If ISIS is a perversion of Islam, it is a perversion that easily gains traction with Muslims in the Street, so, I, and others, remain unconvinced, that this is an aberration, rather than a routine manifestation of Militant Islam, now that the domain is out from under the heel of European imperialists, and is re-awakening, and re-militarizing, across the board.
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard) but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state. Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

Coyote, you are either too stupid to understand the difference between an ideology and an ethnicity or you are conflating the two intentionally because you are pure filth on a mission to make criticism of an anti-humanist ideology impossible.

You seem to have an average enough level of intelligence, so my money is on the latter.

No Dogma, I just recognize your obvious agenda. I look at my neighbors. I look at the people I work with. And I realize that your are full crap with your broad brushing of Muslims.
Sorry, Coyote, but Muslims have been broad-brushing themselves now for decades.

People in The West lost much of any residual tolerance and sympathy for them after 9-11 and the London Tube Bombings.

Terrorists are not representative of all Muslims.

Islam is a hybrid political-cultural-legal framework wrapped around a copycat religious core - a warrior religion - a religion far too easily usurped and twisted into violent manifestations at the drop of a hat and at the will of any street-corner mullah.

Islam is a religion. It's no more a "cultural-legal framework" than is Judaism which incorporates many similar rules and laws that govern it's members.

Far too easily usurpred and twisted? Yes. But no more so than Christianity. A few centuries ago - it was Christianity. Today, it is Islam. Tomorrow - maybe the Athiests.

It is misogynistic and vengeful in nature, incompatible with Western life and democracy and philosophy and mores.

No. It isn't. It depends entirely on the cultures involved. Islam - the Quran, offers plenty in the way of peace and values compatiable with modern ethics. If you're willing to look beyond cherry-picked quotes and hate sites. Certainly, the Muslim population in the US and in much of Europe is quite compatible with western values.

It is akin to an unwelcome red-headed step-child that nobody wants near them.

A great many good and honorable people - committed to egalitarianism at all costs - overlook the lack of tolerance and the lack of reciprocity and the savagery latent within Islam at both the scriptural and practice levels - and would rather see their own culture succumb to a scheming, conniving alien belief system, than to muster-up the courage to condemn one, so that toleration for the rest may be salvaged.

Western Islam-defenders see criticism and attacks upon Islam as an attack upon Western -style freedom of religion.

Western Islam-detractors see criticism and attacks upon Islam as cutting-out a cancer so that the rest of the body may continue to live.

And - to The West - Islam is, indeed, a poison pill - a toxic schema - a cancer, which the metaphorical antibodies of Western civilization reject as harmful to the host body.

If you were defending Sikhs or Hindus or Buddhists or Zoroastrians or Voodooism or Animism or Shamanism I would be standing right alongside you, as would many others.

But defending a poison like Islam, in the naive and misguided belief that you are defending a mere religion rather than the worldly and conquering scheme that it is - is both admirable (for its commitment to egalitarianism and freedom of religion, God luv ya) and extremely dangerous, given that you play into their hands in helping them to entrench.

We need look no further than the godawful mess that the British have gotten themselves into with their huge Muslim immigrant population, to know the truth of such an observation.

And, if taking a few brickbats from Islam-defenders is what it takes, to do my little part, to keep Washington, New York, Chicago, etc., from turning into Londonistan - or Detroit - then I'll just have to tough it out.

"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Ok----I got really bad news for you "CALIPHATE"--
is a muslim IDEAL---------it is the reason ISLAM EXISTS-----
if you tell a muslim that a CALIPHATE IS A REALLY LOUSY
IDEA------the muslim might melt. -----it would be like telling
KRUSCHEV (spelling?) in 1958 "COMMUNISM HAS NO
FUTURE" Try reading the Koran-----it is the CALIPHATE
The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.

Ok---thanks for telling me that-----NOW!!! I interpret your statement in two
1) * The agenda of ISIS is not a world wide caliphate* -----ok ---then what Is
the agenda of ISIS and how large do you believe that the ISIS
people would like the CALIPHATE to be

2) *the ISIS caliphate is designed to be a caliphate under
Islamic principles----but under a perversion of Islamic
principls* ------ok----so under what principles is the isis
caliphate supposed to function?-------and in what way do
those principles constitute a perversion of islam?

ps----you really need to read the koran

I have. Not just cherry picked quotes.

I did not say the agenda of ISIS is not a world wide caliphate. I said it's not a world wide caliphate under Islamic prinicples. Most Muslim leaders and clerics have denounced it's self-proclaimed caliphate and denounced ISIS as unIslamic.
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...The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.
Islam itself can rightfully be viewed as perverse, from several perspectives, but, beyond that...

If ISIS is a perversion of Islam, it is a perversion that easily gains traction with Muslims in the Street, so, I, and others, remain unconvinced, that this is an aberration, rather than a routine manifestation of Militant Islam, now that the domain is out from under the heel of European imperialists, and is re-awakening, and re-militarizing, across the board.

I question that.

There is a lot in the media about fighters going over to join them and yes, it is a concern. However in terms of total numbers it's a drop in the bucket of Islamic populations in those countries. Does that make it a routine manifestation of Islam or an aberration?
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard) but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state. Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

Coyote, you are either too stupid to understand the difference between an ideology and an ethnicity or you are conflating the two intentionally because you are pure filth on a mission to make criticism of an anti-humanist ideology impossible.

You seem to have an average enough level of intelligence, so my money is on the latter.

No Dogma, I just recognize your obvious agenda. I look at my neighbors. I look at the people I work with. And I realize that your are full crap with your broad brushing of Muslims.
Sorry, Coyote, but Muslims have been broad-brushing themselves now for decades.

People in The West lost much of any residual tolerance and sympathy for them after 9-11 and the London Tube Bombings.

Terrorists are not representative of all Muslims.

Islam is a hybrid political-cultural-legal framework wrapped around a copycat religious core - a warrior religion - a religion far too easily usurped and twisted into violent manifestations at the drop of a hat and at the will of any street-corner mullah.

Islam is a religion. It's no more a "cultural-legal framework" than is Judaism which incorporates many similar rules and laws that govern it's members.

Far too easily usurpred and twisted? Yes. But no more so than Christianity. A few centuries ago - it was Christianity. Today, it is Islam. Tomorrow - maybe the Athiests.

It is misogynistic and vengeful in nature, incompatible with Western life and democracy and philosophy and mores.

No. It isn't. It depends entirely on the cultures involved. Islam - the Quran, offers plenty in the way of peace and values compatiable with modern ethics. If you're willing to look beyond cherry-picked quotes and hate sites. Certainly, the Muslim population in the US and in much of Europe is quite compatible with western values.

It is akin to an unwelcome red-headed step-child that nobody wants near them.

A great many good and honorable people - committed to egalitarianism at all costs - overlook the lack of tolerance and the lack of reciprocity and the savagery latent within Islam at both the scriptural and practice levels - and would rather see their own culture succumb to a scheming, conniving alien belief system, than to muster-up the courage to condemn one, so that toleration for the rest may be salvaged.

Western Islam-defenders see criticism and attacks upon Islam as an attack upon Western -style freedom of religion.

Western Islam-detractors see criticism and attacks upon Islam as cutting-out a cancer so that the rest of the body may continue to live.

And - to The West - Islam is, indeed, a poison pill - a toxic schema - a cancer, which the metaphorical antibodies of Western civilization reject as harmful to the host body.

If you were defending Sikhs or Hindus or Buddhists or Zoroastrians or Voodooism or Animism or Shamanism I would be standing right alongside you, as would many others.

But defending a poison like Islam, in the naive and misguided belief that you are defending a mere religion rather than the worldly and conquering scheme that it is - is both admirable (for its commitment to egalitarianism and freedom of religion, God luv ya) and extremely dangerous, given that you play into their hands in helping them to entrench.

We need look no further than the godawful mess that the British have gotten themselves into with their huge Muslim immigrant population, to know the truth of such an observation.

And, if taking a few brickbats from Islam-defenders is what it takes, to do my little part, to keep Washington, New York, Chicago, etc., from turning into Londonistan - or Detroit - then I'll just have to tough it out.

"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Good ol' Niemoller... heckuva guy... and he was entirely correct.

Then again, Niemoller wasn't dealing with a hybrid poison-pill religious toxin, devoted to ultimately usurping his own culture and spirituality and traditions and freedoms.

No sale, mine good colleague.
...The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.
Islam itself can rightfully be viewed as perverse, from several perspectives, but, beyond that...

If ISIS is a perversion of Islam, it is a perversion that easily gains traction with Muslims in the Street, so, I, and others, remain unconvinced, that this is an aberration, rather than a routine manifestation of Militant Islam, now that the domain is out from under the heel of European imperialists, and is re-awakening, and re-militarizing, across the board.

I question that.

There is a lot in the media about fighters going over to join them and yes, it is a concern. However in terms of total numbers it's a drop in the bucket of Islamic populations in those countries. Does that make it a routine manifestation of Islam or an aberration?
Good question. And I don't have a definitive answer. But I DO know that - left unchallenged - tyranny overpowers the democratic, or, at least, the unprepared or delusional.

Neville Chamberlain was a good and honorable man, as well, but did not recognize The Beast until it was too late, and his civilization nearly collapsed, because of his naivete and good faith and delusions.

The pace and global reach of the world has accelerated a hundredfold since Chamberlain's time, and we can no longer afford to take such dangerous chances, flying in the face of common sense.

Rather like two airplanes, falling from the sky.

In Chaimberlain's time, the plane fell from 10,000 feet, with some time to recover and to avoid a crash.

In our time, that plane falls from 1000 feet, with far less time to recover and to avoid a crash.

We can thank instantaneous communications and high-speed transport and weapons of mass destruction and ballistic delivery systems for that decrease in response or recovery time, in the event that we make too great a mistake, in dealing with potentially hostile systems.

Especially systems that boast large numbers of adherents already sworn or inclined to Holy War (Jihad).
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Islam actually did more harm to this country than Japan did on December 7th 1941. Islam has spread so much harm, and distrust, it makes a mockery of this entire thread, It makes mockery of honesty and integrity, and a fool of anyone that doesn't understand that. Islam is the enemy of truth and the human spirit and it will destroy us human beings.
Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard) but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state. Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

Coyote, you are either too stupid to understand the difference between an ideology and an ethnicity or you are conflating the two intentionally because you are pure filth on a mission to make criticism of an anti-humanist ideology impossible.

You seem to have an average enough level of intelligence, so my money is on the latter.

No Dogma, I just recognize your obvious agenda. I look at my neighbors. I look at the people I work with. And I realize that your are full crap with your broad brushing of Muslims.
Sorry, Coyote, but Muslims have been broad-brushing themselves now for decades.

People in The West lost much of any residual tolerance and sympathy for them after 9-11 and the London Tube Bombings.

Terrorists are not representative of all Muslims.

Islam is a hybrid political-cultural-legal framework wrapped around a copycat religious core - a warrior religion - a religion far too easily usurped and twisted into violent manifestations at the drop of a hat and at the will of any street-corner mullah.

Islam is a religion. It's no more a "cultural-legal framework" than is Judaism which incorporates many similar rules and laws that govern it's members.

Far too easily usurpred and twisted? Yes. But no more so than Christianity. A few centuries ago - it was Christianity. Today, it is Islam. Tomorrow - maybe the Athiests.

It is misogynistic and vengeful in nature, incompatible with Western life and democracy and philosophy and mores.

No. It isn't. It depends entirely on the cultures involved. Islam - the Quran, offers plenty in the way of peace and values compatiable with modern ethics. If you're willing to look beyond cherry-picked quotes and hate sites. Certainly, the Muslim population in the US and in much of Europe is quite compatible with western values.

It is akin to an unwelcome red-headed step-child that nobody wants near them.

A great many good and honorable people - committed to egalitarianism at all costs - overlook the lack of tolerance and the lack of reciprocity and the savagery latent within Islam at both the scriptural and practice levels - and would rather see their own culture succumb to a scheming, conniving alien belief system, than to muster-up the courage to condemn one, so that toleration for the rest may be salvaged.

Western Islam-defenders see criticism and attacks upon Islam as an attack upon Western -style freedom of religion.

Western Islam-detractors see criticism and attacks upon Islam as cutting-out a cancer so that the rest of the body may continue to live.

And - to The West - Islam is, indeed, a poison pill - a toxic schema - a cancer, which the metaphorical antibodies of Western civilization reject as harmful to the host body.

If you were defending Sikhs or Hindus or Buddhists or Zoroastrians or Voodooism or Animism or Shamanism I would be standing right alongside you, as would many others.

But defending a poison like Islam, in the naive and misguided belief that you are defending a mere religion rather than the worldly and conquering scheme that it is - is both admirable (for its commitment to egalitarianism and freedom of religion, God luv ya) and extremely dangerous, given that you play into their hands in helping them to entrench.

We need look no further than the godawful mess that the British have gotten themselves into with their huge Muslim immigrant population, to know the truth of such an observation.

And, if taking a few brickbats from Islam-defenders is what it takes, to do my little part, to keep Washington, New York, Chicago, etc., from turning into Londonistan - or Detroit - then I'll just have to tough it out.

"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Good ol' Niemoller... heckuva guy... and he was entirely correct.

Then again, Niemoller wasn't dealing with a hybrid poison-pill religious toxin, devoted to ultimately usurping his own culture and spirituality and traditions and freedoms.

No sale, mine good colleague.

Niemoller was dealing with a reality that is eternally re-emerging. He's right.

They hated Jews.
They hated Communists.
They hated Catholics.
They hate Muslims.

The "They's" might vary with the times but the rhetoric and willingness to demonize and believe propoganda never changes.
...The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.
Islam itself can rightfully be viewed as perverse, from several perspectives, but, beyond that...

If ISIS is a perversion of Islam, it is a perversion that easily gains traction with Muslims in the Street, so, I, and others, remain unconvinced, that this is an aberration, rather than a routine manifestation of Militant Islam, now that the domain is out from under the heel of European imperialists, and is re-awakening, and re-militarizing, across the board.

I question that.

There is a lot in the media about fighters going over to join them and yes, it is a concern. However in terms of total numbers it's a drop in the bucket of Islamic populations in those countries. Does that make it a routine manifestation of Islam or an aberration?
Good question. And I don't have a definitive answer. But I DO know that - left unchallenged - tyranny overpowers the democratic, or, at least, the unprepared or delusional.

Neville Chamberlain was a good and honorable man, as well, but did not recognize The Beast until it was too late, and his civilization nearly collapsed, because of his naivete and good faith and delusions.

The pace and global reach of the world has accelerated a hundredfold since Chamberlain's time, and we can no longer afford to take such dangerous chances, flying in the face of common sense.

Tyranny should be fought. But innocent people should not be demonized because there are extremists who abuse their religion.

Once you start making decisions on which religion's are ok and which are not...where do you stop? Where do you draw the line? WHO decides?

No. Bad stuff there. You support values and you support those adhere to those value regardless of religion, ethnicity or skin color.

Ok----I got really bad news for you "CALIPHATE"--
is a muslim IDEAL---------it is the reason ISLAM EXISTS-----
if you tell a muslim that a CALIPHATE IS A REALLY LOUSY
IDEA------the muslim might melt. -----it would be like telling
KRUSCHEV (spelling?) in 1958 "COMMUNISM HAS NO
FUTURE" Try reading the Koran-----it is the CALIPHATE

The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.

Ok---thanks for telling me that-----NOW!!! I interpret your statement in two
1) * The agenda of ISIS is not a world wide caliphate* -----ok ---then what Is
the agenda of ISIS and how large do you believe that the ISIS
people would like the CALIPHATE to be

2) *the ISIS caliphate is designed to be a caliphate under
Islamic principles----but under a perversion of Islamic
principls* ------ok----so under what principles is the isis
caliphate supposed to function?-------and in what way do
those principles constitute a perversion of islam?

ps----you really need to read the koran[/QUOTE]

I have. Not just cherry picked quotes.

I did not say the agenda of ISIS is not a world wide caliphate. I said it's not a world wide caliphate under Islamic prinicples. Most Muslim leaders and clerics have denounced it's self-proclaimed caliphate and denounced ISIS as unIslamic.[/QUOTE]

GOOD I read that book-----at a time when I was an intellectual SPONGE---
more than 45 years ago-------and ACEING---every college course I took-----
even calculus-----(well----I got a C first semester----but that was
the only C I ever got-----second semester I ACED -----(A very successful
engineer I know----college prof. told me when I admitted I did a C first
semester-----"I would have been delighted with a C----I failed it"-----booky idiot
that I was------I was also an unintoxicated flower child-----loved
everyone-------well----a Koran fell into my hands-----so naturally I read the
whole thing-----cover to cover. Lover of ancient literature that I was-------
I PONDERED. "themes" ??? character development??? "HERO"???
anything?-----sure-----it is something----it is the legend which justifies the
founding of an EMPIRE----complete with a royal line-----the CALIPHATE
MANIFESTO-----beats Remus and Rommulus. I never cherry pick lines----
nor do I do libels. They are the hobbies of islamo Nazis. I read WHOLE
Islam is not actually defined by the Koran-----Shariah is DERIVED
from the interpretation of the Koran ----by Islamic clerics----
Islam is SHARIAH. Having read the Koran-----I did not SUDDENLY
KNOW SHARIAH-----I learned shariah from muslims and non muslims who
survived that filth
Islam actually did more harm to this country than Japan did on December 7th 1941. Islam has spread so much harm, and distrust, it makes a mockery of this entire thread, It makes mockery of honesty and integrity, and a fool of anyone that doesn't understand that. Islam is the enemy of truth and the human spirit and it will destroy us human beings.

Bullshit. That is the most stupid piece of ignorant rhetoric I've ever heard.

What will destroy us as human beings is our own willingness to destroy each other out of bigoted fear and hatred. It wasn't Hitler per se, who exterminated millions - it was the willingness of people to believe that others were less-than, or controlled the world, or were dangerous to the nation - a host of things that end up in a willingness to slaughter people like animals.
PS----btw-----"UNISLAMIC" in muzzie world means---"I don't like that tribe---
it is the other tribe...not my tribe" I learned all about it in 1971 when
SUDDENLY-----the entire MUSLIM population (mostly sunni)
UNISLAMIC------by an edict of TAKFIR issued by sunni clerics in
west Pakistan. By the BEAUTY OF SHARIAH--- the east Pakistani
girls became eligible for rape and raped they were----estimated
1/4 million in a few short weeks. -----Most of my muslim friends at that time
were west Pakistanis-----who answered my questions with
"YOU DON't UNDERSTAND MY CULTURE" (that's ok---coyote does)
...The "They's" might vary with the times but the rhetoric and willingness to demonize and believe propoganda never changes.
In 9 scenarios out of 10, I believe that you would be correct, and, more than that, 'right', in an ethical sense, as well.

In 1 scenario out of 10, I believe that you would be incorrect, and, even ethically, wrong - this case - in Western dealings with Islam.

We are under no ethical obligation to protect and nurture a viper in our bosom that is programmed and hardwired to intolerance and conquest and misogyny and theocracy.

And that is exactly what Islam is - always has been - is now - and always will be.

It is a one-way ticket back to the 7th Century A.D., and The West does not want to go there.

The task then becomes to ensure that the viper gets the message and does not grow in our midst and is not allowed to harm us, as it would, if left unchallenged.

Men who will not take a stand and defend their own are doomed to become slaves.

The West - at large - will have to take a 'pass' on that one - sorry.

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