Promoting Islamophobia

That's what happens when an illiterate idiot like you gets hold of Muslim spouting anti Semitic propaganda.

Islamism = Nazism.
Palestinians = creators of IslamoNazism.
So you're calling a Holocaust survivor, "anti-Semitic"?

The clip was an idiot like yourself.

The holocaust survivor? More like an old guy who's got amnesia and other old-age related mental disorders. That's not going to stop IslamoNazi assholes like you from exploiting him.

You want proof? The vast majority of Holocaust survivors do not think as he does, DIPSHIT.
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Funny part that George seems to be oblivious to is that it's actually one Muslim nation after another that is collapsing and turning into failed Islamic terrorist shithole states. :ack-1:

And who's fault is it that Muslims are slaughtering other Muslims by the tune of hundreds of thousands, like wild beasts? Oh wait don't tell's the Jooooooooos fault. Ha ha ha.
In the 20th century Muslims accounted for far more murders. It's what they do.
The two great capitalist wars of the 20th Century were waged by Christian states, including Nazi Germany. Hitler was a lapsed Catholic, and all good Nazis wore belt buckles proclaiming "God With Us". Muslims were more likely to be victims of those Christian conflicts and not belligerents.
Totally backwards post. Hitler was no Christian in any way. He was a mass murderer, totally opposite to Christian theology. He was an ally to Muslims, held conferences with the Saudi Grand Mufti, and had Muslim soldiers fighting for him.

Muslim soldiers of the Handschar Waffen SS reading a pamphlet authored by Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini titled 'Islam and Judaism.' They wear distinctive Handschar tarboosh headgear, and insignias (curved-blade weapons and swastikas) on their lapels.

"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France".[1] (Adolph Hitler)



I obviously didn't ever "move to the United States", and I was probably here before you were. Maybe you should try to refute my claims and give up on ad hominem fallacies?

The only thing that is obvious is that you hate Jews, you hate America and you support Islamism.
He IS an Islamist. ALL the way from his raggy head down to his foot-washing basin washed feet. Right Mohammed ?

Wrong again, Adolph.
HA! You're the one with Adolf, Mr. Grand Mufti.
I would agree, except that I don't accept Islam to be a "religion" . Islam is 1400 year old CON JOB, which is a vile ideology, that began as a cover for Mo the pedophile and his immoral bandits. It was simply a shield to protect them from the severe criticism they knew they would (and did) get.

Islam spread to become the largest example of just how far a major mistake can grow and flourish, when it has mass murderers pushing and spreading it. So, after 270 million people around the world have been killed by this abomination, now today, we have Muslims all over the world, most of whom are Muslims only because their ancestors were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

And it's a hell of a way fro Islamapologists like Hillary Smith to go around promoting this highly immoral and ILLEGAL (in the USA) cancer.

As for the term "Islamaphobia", there is NO SUCH THING as "Islamaphobia". A "phobia" is an irrational fear of something, but there is nothing irrational about fearing Islam and its marauding maniacs, who are still running around killing and imposing ludicrous (illegal) laws upon people.
Of coarse it's irrational. You fear a way, a certain group of people choose to worship? Not only is that irrational, it's also retarded and the mark of one major fucking pussy!
Dumbass post. They don't "worship" you boob, because it's not a religion. And the fear is rational based on numerous jihadist attacks all ove rthe world including many in the USA, or have you been living in a closet since 2001 ?
Fascinating to watch as Islam, for all its modern-day anti-woman and anti-gay elements, exists as the preeminent PC-protected religion.

That's because the American left is scared shitless of Islam. They're cowards. They enshrine cowardice as some kind of redeemable human quality. They should walk down to their local mosque sometime and ask the moolah how much Islam respects cowards. Muslims stop bullets just like any other human on earth. People get away with as much on this planet as other people let them get away with.
Do you think you could sum this up in am paragraph or 2, rather than have us read something that go on for an hour ? That is our format here, Short and sweet.
And just 4 posts later, Roudy gives you the answer.

4 posts later, Roudy wasn't even on that page. And you don't seem to be on the page of this whole thread. (Or on other pages either) :rolleyes-41: :slap:
4 posts later, Roudy wasn't even on that page. And you don't seem to be on the page of this whole thread. (Or on other pages either) :rolleyes-41: :slap:
The point was your own bullshit hypocrisy!

4 posts after you complained about the length of someone else's post, Roudy chimes in with a practically "page long" response and you didn't say nothin'!

Roudy's post was about 4 times longer than the one you were complaining about and you didn't say anything about that, you fuckin' hypocrite!
Dumbass post. They don't "worship" you boob, because it's not a religion. And the fear is rational based on numerous jihadist attacks all ove rthe world including many in the USA, or have you been living in a closet since 2001 ?
Islam is nothing but a way people pray.

Many Christians in the US supported the Iraq war. Does that mean Christianity is not a religion too?
The clip was an idiot like yourself.

The holocaust survivor? More like an old guy who's got amnesia and other old-age related mental disorders. That's not going to stop IslamoNazi assholes like you from exploiting him.

You want proof? The vast majority of Holocaust survivors do not think as he does, DIPSHIT.
Prove he wasn't a Holocaust survivor.
Funny that most of your terrorists killing fucking muslim dogs, are other muslim dogs!...Syria, Iraq, Central African Republic... they are Jews and Christians?
Christians and Jews are responsible for destabilizing Muslim states across the Middle East and North Africa, regime change ring any of your bells?
"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...

Georgie's got nothing new----he is repeating the islamo Nazi
propaganda I first heard more than 45 years ago
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard)

^^^^^^ hate to barge in on your "talking points" but as usual
you are clueless Judaism does have a legal system
but it does not include legalizing genocide as does the
CHRISTIAN LEGAL SYSTEM (Justinian law----- from
which adolf hitler derived the Nuremburg laws and from
which muslims derived the DHIMMIA rules---also
legalized genocide). Jewish legal system regarding
"aliens" is----"remember---you too were strangers
in Egypt"

but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state.

Hate to barge in on your talking points----but I have
interacted with hundreds of muslims over the past ---
in excess of 45 years---right here in the USA----and never
met one who did not GLORIFY the "HOLY SHARIAH
CALIPHATE"----where the Koran is the "ONE AND

Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

Yes---talk to some muslims----you might learn something-- well----maybe not-----if you are short and dark haired and
generally taciturn------(like the girls back home) you might
make it as I have

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

of course----refer to people --(like Robert Spencer) who
are capable of a dispassionate review of reality as
"bigots" -----it serves your disgusting agenda of justifying

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard) but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state. Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

Coyote, you are either too stupid to understand the difference between an ideology and an ethnicity or you are conflating the two intentionally because you are pure filth on a mission to make criticism of an anti-humanist ideology impossible.

You seem to have an average enough level of intelligence, so my money is on the latter.
You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit
I'm willing to place the blame for IS and its terror where it belongs: the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World. What's your problem, Hasbara?

Right Georgie-----thanks for the refresher course----but not
necessary-----I already read the islamo Nazi literature----
way back when I was a child---circa 1960 and shortly thereafter
I came into contact with educated muslims from south east asia .
For those who do not know---the reason that all the Christians
jews and Zoroastrians magically disappeared from Arabia ---more
than 1000 years ago is because AL NABI AL KANZEER was
The state of Israel is here to stay and will remain prosperous and strong
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...

Say, Kondor, have you ever heard a White person making a remark such as "your White South Africa brothers and sisters?" I always thought that Gaza George was a Louie Farrakhan-type of fellow. Calypso Louie would make the same kind of remark like that.

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