Promoting Islamophobia

Islam has condemned itself in Western eyes.
By objecting to the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims? Muslim drones aren't blowing up your neighbors on the way to the mall, are they? Muslim troops aren't occupying your town, are they? Why would you imagine Muslims would respond to US terror without resorting to terrorism?
Does somebody else feel like dragging this ignorant Muslim up-and-down the basketball court for a while? I've got other stuff that needs attention this morning.
Does somebody else feel like dragging this ignorant Muslim up-and-down the basketball court for a while? I've got other stuff that needs attention this morning.

Don't get slammed dunked!
A great many good and honorable people - committed to egalitarianism at all costs - overlook the lack of tolerance and the lack of reciprocity and the savagery latent within Islam at both the scriptural and practice levels
How many of those "good and honorable" people overlooked a pair of murderous invasions/occupations that have maimed, murdered, incarcerated, and displaced millions of innocent Muslims across the Middle East and North Africa?

Islam has taken the place of Communism as the "Great Threat" to the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, and keyboard warriors everywhere rise to condemn it.

Clean your own Christian/Capitalist sty before worrying anymore about the savage Muslims.

Ha ha ha. All the murderous invasions and occupations in the Middle East were committed by Muslims. And then the Jihadists headed towards Europe, which brought about the Crusades, to repel the Muslim invaders.

So yes, as barbaric as the Crusades were, if not for Muslim savages invading Europe, they would not have occurred.
Oh a dig. Yes the Zionist have been promoting islam phobia, to make them look better. Zionism is what is wrong with the US and has caused ruin to many good nations.
Yes, irrational Jew-haters believe that, in contradiction to reality.

Prove otherwise, I wonder why Alexandria has the largest pop. of Jews in 3 BC, appears they didn't care about Israel then, so why now.

Oh PS: I don't consider myself a failure in life.

Wow, really? Are you claiming that it's all the Zionists fault Islam is at war with the world? Wasn't Thomas Jefferson at war with them? Yup, Muslim animals were beheading American sailors and demanding ransom because "Allah told them" around 200 years ago.

You seem Islam is nothing but Arab imperialism. Throughout history, they have invaded lands, and forced Arab culture, language, and religion upon the indigenous people. And in the process shredded their history and traditions to be replaced by Shariah filth.

Muslims sided with the Nazis, then the Soviets, and now they are the medieval barbarians who are against the civilized Western world. They have always been on the wrong side of history.
You have a huge causality problem with your assertion.

Islam doesn't kill people...people kill people.

You would need to prove that those people, would not have killed 270 million people, without Islam ever having existed. Which is not possible.

So many aspects of the trouble Muslim countries have pre-dated Islam.

Some times other cultures are just scary for Xenophobes.


You are so naive and ignorant as to think ideology does not motivate action?

I suppose it is easier for you to remain completely ignorant of the dictates of the ideology involved so as to defend it like you do, and it must also help to reduce any reaction to it to your own degree of simple-mindedness by calling it "xenophobia", but this amounts to nothing more than putting your fingers in your ears and yelling "nyah, nyah, nyah"

You don't want to know what Islam is all about, you are too afraid to know, you are too simple-minded to know and operate from the perspective that anybody who does know is a great big bad poopoohead.

To think that here we have an ideology where the majority supports KILLING those who leave the ideology, and complete numb nuts are defending it because they somehow feel safer living in complete denial than by learning anything.
I lived in the middle east with Sunni and Alevi Muslims for years. My ex wife was an Alevi Muslim.

There isn't anything you can tell me about Muslims.

I can believe my eyes, or I can believe you or Protectionist...who've never lived with Muslims.

Relax in your delusional hatred and generalizations.

If you're a Christian, people like you give those of us who practice it bad names.

In Syria, a few of my ex wife's younger cousins threatened to kill me because they'd been recruited by criminals. Her family was shocked and embarrassed.

Each culture has it's vulnerable, homicidal, brainwashed, misinformed, or angry resentful people. They're easy to recruit

You're ours.

I bet you'd love to go kill some Muslims, right?

When did that ever become right?...or something happy, successful, and contented God fearing people do?

Answer: They don't.

I'll pray for you both, even though I know I'm setting myself up to hear all about how you neither want, nor need me to.
I don't know.

Why don't you ask those good and honorable people who defend Islam unconditionally? Such as Coyote.


Speaking the truth will never shake the faith of the true believer, and the more one speaks the truth, the more the true believer will lie so as to prop up the faith.

When one operates from the premise that something absolutely MUST be defended at all costs, and does so with such a truly manic compulsion as to dominate their very existence, I would say there is something that runs deeper than mere faith, however. The degree of dishonesty, zealotry and sheer dogged determination to post tens of thousands of postings across various boards in pursuit of this one agenda speaks of a very twisted psyche that needs a mission in order to feel validated in life.
Don't look now, but it's you that isn't speaking the truth.
You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit
I'm willing to place the blame for IS and its terror where it belongs: the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World. What's your problem, Hasbara?

Right Georgie-----thanks for the refresher course----but not
necessary-----I already read the islamo Nazi literature----
way back when I was a child---circa 1960 and shortly thereafter
I came into contact with educated muslims from south east asia .
For those who do not know---the reason that all the Christians
jews and Zoroastrians magically disappeared from Arabia ---more
than 1000 years ago is because AL NABI AL KANZEER was
Maybe so, but the Jewish state is headed for the same sewer as your White South African brothers and sisters. Ready for the big SPLASH?
Do you hear that, Israel?

Are you not afraid of the big bad Islamic boogeyman?

More like an Arab circle-jerk...

Georgie's got nothing new----he is repeating the islamo Nazi
propaganda I first heard more than 45 years ago
Islam is an ideology that is as much political as it is religious. It comes with its own legal system, the notion of the separation of religion and politics is alien to it, and it is totalitarian in nature as it demands of its followers that they wage continual war for dominance on this Earth. It is so totalitarian that the majority opinion even supports the killing of anybody who leaves it.

Hate to barge in on your talking points but as usual they have more in common with idiocy than accuracy. Judaism also comes with it's own "legal system" but that doesn't seem cause issues with the separation of religion and politics. Christianity doesn't have a "legal system" per se beyond biblical (they're much more free form in that regard)

^^^^^^ hate to barge in on your "talking points" but as usual
you are clueless Judaism does have a legal system
but it does not include legalizing genocide as does the
CHRISTIAN LEGAL SYSTEM (Justinian law----- from
which adolf hitler derived the Nuremburg laws and from
which muslims derived the DHIMMIA rules---also
legalized genocide). Jewish legal system regarding
"aliens" is----"remember---you too were strangers
in Egypt"

but they've certainly have had issues in the separation of religion and politics. Many Muslims in the US don't have an issue with the separation of church and state.

Hate to barge in on your talking points----but I have
interacted with hundreds of muslims over the past ---
in excess of 45 years---right here in the USA----and never
met one who did not GLORIFY the "HOLY SHARIAH
CALIPHATE"----where the Koran is the "ONE AND

Perhaps you ought to talk to some real people for a change.

Yes---talk to some muslims----you might learn something-- well----maybe not-----if you are short and dark haired and
generally taciturn------(like the girls back home) you might
make it as I have

The neologism "Islamophobia" is but a cheap rhetorical device crafted by these very same totalitarians in order to make any criticism of their political ideology just as difficult for non Muslims as it is Muslims. Useful idiots living in the west pick up the cry, and use it against any who oppose the ideology by conflating the opposition to a political ideology with racism -- the ultimate taboo for unthinking leftist fundamentalists.

You think it's a cheap rhetorical device? Is anti-Semitism one as well? What about racism? Maybe we should just refer to people like you as bigots.

of course----refer to people --(like Robert Spencer) who
are capable of a dispassionate review of reality as
"bigots" -----it serves your disgusting agenda of justifying

Islam IS being protected by much of the left, and it IS extremely hypocritical and stupid to defend all the knuckle-dragging backwardness under the banner of "progressive" or "liberal". Islam is regressive and extraordinarily illiberal in nature, so we need some new terms here for the P.C. infected morons who play the game of identity politics so hard that they support the very antithesis of liberal. They are leftists, certainly, but they are NOT liberal -- just lock-step conformists who are little different from the most bible-thumping religious fundamentalist of the right when it comes to their sheep-like approach to politics. .

Actually - I'm very proud to protect Islam. Just like I'm proud to protect Christianity, Judaism, Athiesm - any religion in the US. I'm perfectly willing to protect freedom of religion in this country and the right of everyone to worship free of persecution, within the laws of the United States and whether or not I agree with their doctrine. I realize this is utterly alien to you.

You are perfectly willing to justify the agenda of
of ISIS ----world wide caliphate shit

No Rosie. I'm not. And never have been.

Ok----I got really bad news for you "CALIPHATE"--
is a muslim IDEAL---------it is the reason ISLAM EXISTS-----
if you tell a muslim that a CALIPHATE IS A REALLY LOUSY
IDEA------the muslim might melt. -----it would be like telling
KRUSCHEV (spelling?) in 1958 "COMMUNISM HAS NO
FUTURE" Try reading the Koran-----it is the CALIPHATE

The agenda of ISIS is not a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles. It's a perversion of Islam.
That's a contradiction that doesn't make sense. The agenda of Islam is, and has been since its beginning, a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles.
toxicmedia said:
"I bet you'd love to go kill some Muslims, right?
When did that ever become right?..[

Numerous times. On September 11, 2001, for one. When Nidal Hasan killed 13 soldiers and wounded 35 other for another. When John Allen Muhmmad (the Beltway Sniper) killed 19 people for another. When Hesham Mohamed Hadayet killed 2 people at LAX. When the Tsarnaev boys killed people in the Boston Marathon bombing. When Ali Muhammad Brown killed Americans. When a woman was beheaded in Moore, OK. When Richard Reid tried to kill air travelers on a plane with a bomb in his shoe. When ISIS killed James Foley and other Americans. When the Times square bomber, the Underwear bomber, the Christmas tree bomber, and all the rest of these lunatics tried to kill Americans. etc etc etc

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
You have a huge causality problem with your assertion.

Islam doesn't kill people...people kill people.

You would need to prove that those people, would not have killed 270 million people, without Islam ever having existed. Which is not possible.

So many aspects of the trouble Muslim countries have pre-dated Islam.

Some times other cultures are just scary for Xenophobes.


You are so naive and ignorant as to think ideology does not motivate action?

I suppose it is easier for you to remain completely ignorant of the dictates of the ideology involved so as to defend it like you do, and it must also help to reduce any reaction to it to your own degree of simple-mindedness by calling it "xenophobia", but this amounts to nothing more than putting your fingers in your ears and yelling "nyah, nyah, nyah"

You don't want to know what Islam is all about, you are too afraid to know, you are too simple-minded to know and operate from the perspective that anybody who does know is a great big bad poopoohead.

To think that here we have an ideology where the majority supports KILLING those who leave the ideology, and complete numb nuts are defending it because they somehow feel safer living in complete denial than by learning anything.
I lived in the middle east with Sunni and Alevi Muslims for years. My ex wife was an Alevi Muslim.

There isn't anything you can tell me about Muslims.

I can believe my eyes, or I can believe you or Protectionist...who've never lived with Muslims.

Relax in your delusional hatred and generalizations.

If you're a Christian, people like you give those of us who practice it bad names.

In Syria, a few of my ex wife's younger cousins threatened to kill me because they'd been recruited by criminals. Her family was shocked and embarrassed.

Each culture has it's vulnerable, homicidal, brainwashed, misinformed, or angry resentful people. They're easy to recruit

You're ours.

I bet you'd love to go kill some Muslims, right?

When did that ever become right?...or something happy, successful, and contented God fearing people do?

Answer: They don't.

I'll pray for you both, even though I know I'm setting myself up to hear all about how you neither want, nor need me to.

Depends where you lived in the Middle East, and under what regime. For example, if under a secular dictator, then there was very little tolerance for Islamists and Islamic intolerance. On the other hand if you happened to live in a country who's name was prefaced with "Islamic republic of............", right there you know you're around some pretty medieval shariah Neanderthals who need little or no brainwashing or "recruiting", as they're already off their rockers. So it seems you learned very little from your short time in the Middle East.
When you say anything bad about Israel, its called as "anti-semitism". (blames you)
When you say anything bad about Islam, its called as "Islamaphobia", not "anti-Islamism". (blames Islam)
This is how the media drives you like a shepherd . They seize your subconscious with the word games and you do whatever they want unconsciously.

Read the "Newspeak" preamble to Orwell's 1984, or his essay 'Politics and the English Language'. You can find them online if you dig a little bit. If you can control a person's available vocabulary, you can control how they think.
That's a contradiction that doesn't make sense. The agenda of Islam is, and has been since its beginning, a world-wide caliphate under Islamic principles
A small fraction of the world's 1.7 billion Muslims support radical Islam primarily because they are smart enough to notice how the US and other western states fund the extremists whenever it suits their purpose. The agenda you should worry about is the one that's currently redrawing old borders in the Middle East in pursuit of a New World Order; radical Islam is simply another pawn in that Great Game, and so are you and I.
Much easier to turn towards violence, intolerance, and terror, when Mohammad the prophet of Islam was a terrorist himself who preached violence and hatred towards the unbelievers. That's the bottom line. Islamic terrorists are simply devout Muslims following the Koran and emulating their prophet.
toxicmedia said:
"I bet you'd love to go kill some Muslims, right?
When did that ever become right?..[

Numerous times. On September 11, 2001, for one. When Nidal Hasan killed 13 soldiers and wounded 35 other for another. When John Allen Muhmmad (the Beltway Sniper) killed 19 people for another. When Hesham Mohamed Hadayet killed 2 people at LAX. When the Tsarnaev boys killed people in the Boston Marathon bombing. When Ali Muhammad Brown killed Americans. When a woman was beheaded in Moore, OK. When Richard Reid tried to kill air travelers on a plane with a bomb in his shoe. When ISIS killed James Foley and other Americans. When the Times square bomber, the Underwear bomber, the Christmas tree bomber, and all the rest of these lunatics tried to kill Americans. etc etc etc

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
Right, and you take what a minority of Muslims do as justification for some homicidal neo-crusade.

Are you really an advocate for a solution, however imperfect the results might be?

Or are you indulging the anger and resentments that rattle around in your psyche?
That's the bottom line. Islamic terrorists are simply devout Muslims following the Koran and emulating their prophet.
Jews and Christians are no different:
"So Moses and his army killed women and children.

"Moses broke the 6th commmandment, thou shall not kill ANYONE.

"Or I see, when its in war it okay?

"Yet when Muslims say the 6th commandment is followed, but in war its different, Christians say nooooo.

"Either way, The Quran does not say kill women and children, I CHALLENGE ANY CHRISTIAN TO BRING THE VERSE RIGHT NOW.

"We see it in your Bible, one of your greatest prophets killing women and children by God's permission, meaning Jesus allowed it!

"So hence Jesus was responsible for killing women and children, and so was Moses so according to the Christians own argument, Moses cannot be a prophet since he killed.

"Note Moses and his army did this to many cities, verse 37 says there was not one city which was strong enough in the plural sense,hence up to 6 or 7 cities were destroyed with its women and children?

"What is the Christian response?"

What's the Zionist response?

The Terror in the Bible.
]I lived in the middle east with Sunni and Alevi Muslims for years. My ex wife was an Alevi Muslim.

There isn't anything you can tell me about Muslims.

I can believe my eyes, or I can believe you or Protectionist...who've never lived with Muslims.

Relax in your delusional hatred and generalizations.

If you're a Christian, people like you give those of us who practice it bad names.

In Syria, a few of my ex wife's younger cousins threatened to kill me because they'd been recruited by criminals. Her family was shocked and embarrassed.

Each culture has it's vulnerable, homicidal, brainwashed, misinformed, or angry resentful people. They're easy to recruit

You're ours.

I bet you'd love to go kill some Muslims, right?

When did that ever become right?...or something happy, successful, and contented God fearing people do?

Answer: They don't.

I'll pray for you both, even though I know I'm setting myself up to hear all about how you neither want, nor need me to.

If your conclude that anybody who resists a totalitarian political ideology with a thin veneer of religion is a killer, you quite obviously lack the brain power necessary to be worth any consideration at all.

You are correct, however, in my neither want nor need your grandstanding, phony offer of prayers. I am an agnostic since I have enough humility to realize I can only know what I actually know, but if I were a Christian, I would certainly reject your making this insincere offer into such a public spectacle as the stuff of Pharisees since Jesus most definitely tried to instruct his followers away from that sort of farce. If you are a Muslim, I imagine I would not expect any honesty to begin with due to all the instructions you receive in regards to the Kaffirs, not to mention support for lying, but you can spare the phony theatrics here as well, o.k.?
You have a huge causality problem with your assertion.

Islam doesn't kill people...people kill people.

You would need to prove that those people, would not have killed 270 million people, without Islam ever having existed. Which is not possible.

So many aspects of the trouble Muslim countries have pre-dated Islam.

Some times other cultures are just scary for Xenophobes.


You are so naive and ignorant as to think ideology does not motivate action?

I suppose it is easier for you to remain completely ignorant of the dictates of the ideology involved so as to defend it like you do, and it must also help to reduce any reaction to it to your own degree of simple-mindedness by calling it "xenophobia", but this amounts to nothing more than putting your fingers in your ears and yelling "nyah, nyah, nyah"

You don't want to know what Islam is all about, you are too afraid to know, you are too simple-minded to know and operate from the perspective that anybody who does know is a great big bad poopoohead.

To think that here we have an ideology where the majority supports KILLING those who leave the ideology, and complete numb nuts are defending it because they somehow feel safer living in complete denial than by learning anything.
I lived in the middle east with Sunni and Alevi Muslims for years. My ex wife was an Alevi Muslim.

There isn't anything you can tell me about Muslims.

I can believe my eyes, or I can believe you or Protectionist...who've never lived with Muslims.

Relax in your delusional hatred and generalizations.

If you're a Christian, people like you give those of us who practice it bad names.

In Syria, a few of my ex wife's younger cousins threatened to kill me because they'd been recruited by criminals. Her family was shocked and embarrassed.

Each culture has it's vulnerable, homicidal, brainwashed, misinformed, or angry resentful people. They're easy to recruit

You're ours.

I bet you'd love to go kill some Muslims, right?

When did that ever become right?...or something happy, successful, and contented God fearing people do?

Answer: They don't.

I'll pray for you both, even though I know I'm setting myself up to hear all about how you neither want, nor need me to.

Depends where you lived in the Middle East, and under what regime. For example, if under a secular dictator, then there was very little tolerance for Islamists and Islamic intolerance. On the other hand if you happened to live in a country who's name was prefaced with "Islamic republic of............", right there you know you're around some pretty medieval shariah Neanderthals who need little or no brainwashing or "recruiting", as they're already off their rockers. So it seems you learned very little from your short time in the Middle East.
You've never been there, yet you try to tell me how I should feel about having been there.

Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq.

That's where I was.

I've had many lengthy conversations with people in parts of those countries about politics, because Turks, Kurds, and Arabs love to talk politics over some tea.

What percentage of the following demographics do you think practice your description of Islam in it's malignant form?

Kurds, all regions:

Sunni Muslims,

Alevi Muslims:

Shiite Muslims:
If your conclude that anybody who resists a totalitarian political ideology with a thin veneer of religion is a killer, you quite obviously lack the brain power necessary to be worth any consideration at all.

You are correct, however, in my neither want nor need your grandstanding, phony offer of prayers. I am an agnostic since I have enough humility to realize I can only know what I actually know, but if I were a Christian, I would certainly reject your making this insincere offer into such a public spectacle as the stuff of Pharisees since Jesus most definitely tried to instruct his followers away from that sort of farce. If you are a Muslim, I imagine I would not expect any honesty to begin with due to all the instructions you receive in regards to the Kaffirs, not to mention support for lying, but you can spare the phony theatrics here as well, o.k.?
Jesus said to love thy neighbor; that includes Muslims.

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