Proof of AGW fraud

I am getting Koch money>. Really?
You should be flattered. Must be some reason for you to keep ignoring / denying all the facts . At least that one fits without necessarily involving stupidity. Carelessness and greed, sure, but..
In reality, you're entitled to express your opinions, not your own facts. Endless stupid assertions, deliberate conflations, misrepresentations..
You funny, but looks only get one so far.
I am getting Koch money>. Really?
You should be flattered. Must be some reason for you to keep ignoring / denying all the facts . At least that one fits without necessarily involving stupidity. Carelessness and greed, sure, but..
In reality, you're entitled to express your opinions, not your own facts. Endless stupid assertions, deliberate conflations, misrepresentations..
You funny, but looks only get one so far.
Let us know when you post observed empirical facts
I am getting Koch money>. Really?
You should be flattered. Must be some reason for you to keep ignoring / denying all the facts . At least that one fits without necessarily involving stupidity. Carelessness and greed, sure, but..
In reality, you're entitled to express your opinions, not your own facts. Endless stupid assertions, deliberate conflations, misrepresentations..
You funny, but looks only get one so far.
Which ā€˜factsā€ would that be. The only piece of actual science you posted so far supported my position that CO2 trails temperature increase.. The rest have been opinion pieces. Guess i see why you would restrict yourself to that sort of information...i mean...your graph reading skills leav much to be desired and that is the easiest part of reading real science.

And you still havenā€™t said at what CO2 level this mythical runaway greenhouse effect kicks claimed it exists and is a real danger...whatā€™s the matter, donā€™t want to embarrass yourself by stating what you really believe in public. Not surprised.

And you havenā€™t demonstrated any reverse relationship between CO2 and temperature claimed it was true and you claimed it was demonstrable... whatā€™s the matter? Climate science letting you down when it comes to producing actual empirical evidence?

And it is probably best that you stick to opinions, name calling, and logical fallacy, science clearly isnā€™t your thing. Ever notice how when you get asked tough questions about claims you have made that you cant back up with evidence, you fall back to what you are good namecalling, logical fallacy, and opinion.
Fourier, whose hypothesis was demonstrated to be fatally flawed by professor Woods and his experiment very shortly after it was published. He media invariably fails to note that fact.

Tyndall, who also noted that CO2 was the most feeble of the IR absorbing gasses.

If you have any scientific ability at all, you know that Foote demonstrated that water vapor warms more efficiently than dry gasses...big surprise.

And Savante Arrhenius...what was he known for again? Hats right..he was a chemist who theorized a radiative greenhouse effect. What your sources fail to mention is that no less than James C. Maxwell, one of the biggest of the big dogs didnā€™t think much of Savanteā€™s hypothesis. And then there was Clausius, ever hear of him? He practically invented the science of thermodynamics, which oddly enough deals with Savanteā€™s hypothesis...he didnā€™t think much of the idea of a radiative greenhouse effect either.

Donā€™t you find it interesting that in an effort to demonstrate the science of a radiative greenhouse effect, you m use resort to quaint 19th century science
A little hypocrisy eh? You are denigrating Foote's 19'th century experiment as quaint, but cite other 19th century physicists as experts.

You are lying about Foote's experiment and Tyndall's results by omitting what they really concluded. Shame on you.

Let us know when you post observed empirical facts
Sure. Lucky you. Just your speed!
You just canā€™t get anymore special than this from your own link;

ā€œWe can't take Earth's temperature directly, but we do have a lot of information from weather stations, ocean buoys and remote sensing instruments. The information lets us see changes in climate. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltechā€œ
A little hypocrisy eh? You are denigrating Foote's 19'th century experiment as quaint, but cite other 19th century physicists as experts.

You are lying about Foote's experiment and Tyndall's results by omitting what they really concluded. Shame on you.
Yep, this pack of turds is truly shameless.
Ever notice how when you get asked tough questions about claims you have made that you cant back up with evidence, you fall back to what you are good namecalling, logical fallacy, and opinion.
No self-reflection. Denial and attempted reversal is all they offer. No counter theory. See nothing. Hear nothing. What global warming? What record increases in temperature, thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding, sea level rise, melting glaciers? Oh, that's not global warming. Oh, that was just a natural variation. A local weather change. Nothing to indicate a change in global climate... and blah, blah, blah!
You just canā€™t get anymore special than this from your own link;

ā€œWe can't take Earth's temperature directly, but we do have a lot of information from weather stations, ocean buoys and remote sensing instruments. The information lets us see changes in climate. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltechā€œ
Oh, let me guess. "Special" because you can't either so would never even try. But, boy can you deny!
A little hypocrisy eh? You are denigrating Foote's 19'th century experiment as quaint, but cite other 19th century physicists as experts.

You are lying about Foote's experiment and Tyndall's results by omitting what they really concluded. Shame on you.
Yep, this pack of turds is truly shameless.
Ever notice how when you get asked tough questions about claims you have made that you cant back up with evidence, you fall back to what you are good namecalling, logical fallacy, and opinion.
No self-reflection. Denial and attempted reversal is all they offer. No counter theory. See nothing. Hear nothing. What global warming? What record increases in temperature, thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding, sea level rise, melting glaciers? Oh, that's not global warming. Oh, that was just a natural variation. A local weather change. Nothing to indicate a change in global climate... and blah, blah, blah!
You present nothing but hearsay, opinion, and flat out lies. When given direct questions you him and haw using the Saul Alinsky principals of deflection, name calling and professional degradation. You present no facts and when questioned NEVER answer the questions.

You are a piece of ignorant shit. Useful idiot and elitist shill.
You present nothing but hearsay, opinion, and flat out lies.
Gee, you sound angry! Good! Now you know how the rest of the world feels reading your crap. Here's your sale:

Not angry, just showing others that you are not to be trusted and that your opinions mean squat...

Dont feed the troll.JPG
You just canā€™t get anymore special than this from your own link;

ā€œWe can't take Earth's temperature directly, but we do have a lot of information from weather stations, ocean buoys and remote sensing instruments. The information lets us see changes in climate. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltechā€œ
Oh, let me guess. "Special" because you can't either so would never even try. But, boy can you deny!
I canā€™t either what? You provided a link that admits temperatures canā€™t be observed! On an ask from me for observed empirical data! Pwned
What global warming? What record increases in temperature, thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding, sea level rise, melting glaciers?
In every instance these are lies.

ACE (Accumulated Cyclonic Energy) has shown that thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding are all at the lowest they have been in 100 years.

Empirical studies in the last three years show glaciers are now expanding and growing, Temperatures are flat and no ocean rise is being seen. Ocean temps are falling and the circulations that caused the last 30 years of warming are now cooling...

I guess you got to get your lies in before it becomes undeniable that your a liar..

A little hypocrisy eh? You are denigrating Foote's 19'th century experiment as quaint, but cite other 19th century physicists as experts.

You are lying about Foote's experiment and Tyndall's results by omitting what they really concluded. Shame on you.
Yep, this pack of turds is truly shameless.
Ever notice how when you get asked tough questions about claims you have made that you cant back up with evidence, you fall back to what you are good namecalling, logical fallacy, and opinion.
No self-reflection. Denial and attempted reversal is all they offer. No counter theory. See nothing. Hear nothing. What global warming? What record increases in temperature, thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding, sea level rise, melting glaciers? Oh, that's not global warming. Oh, that was just a natural variation. A local weather change. Nothing to indicate a change in global climate... and blah, blah, blah!
Weather is weather
A little hypocrisy eh? You are denigrating Foote's 19'th century experiment as quaint, but cite other 19th century physicists as experts.

Merely pointing out that far mor respected men of the time didnā€™t think much of the idea of a radiative greenhouse effect...and the science hasnā€™t advanced much sine...of course you can only travel so far on a dead end road...which is why you guys must refer to quaint 19th century science fair level experiments when you are asked for any

You are lying about Foote's experiment and Tyndall's results by omitting what they really concluded. Shame on you..

Been through it all before...sorry you are so easily fooled, or so desperate that you must lie...shame on you for suggesting to someone like grumble that there actually is some real science that supports the AGW hypothesis. Typical...
Yep, this pack of turds is truly shameless.

Says the guy who routinely discounts peer reviewed, published science, and cant produce any actual science himself. All opinion pieces from you and nothing to support your claims that the science is demonstrable.

No self-reflection. Denial and attempted reversal is all they offer

Sorry guy, you are th one who is stuck in denial...What exactly do i need to reflect on...i can produce peer reviewed, published science to support your ar the one who denies actual science in favor of opinions...and it is you who is attempting reversal...I am offering up actual science and you are the one using opinion to try and counter.

No counter theory.

Are you really that thick? Are you unaware of the fact that the only hypothesis which hasnā€™t littered the scientific landscape with failed predictions for the past 3 decades is natural variability...then you nsuggest that man made climate change looks like natural variability.

See nothing. Hear nothing. What global warming are the one who re4fuses to see peer reviewed, published science that disagrees with your belief. And who has said that there is no warming? How many times have I pointed out that the earth is still warming out of the ice age? How many times have i pointed out that it still isnā€™t as warm as it was prior to the onset of the little ice age? How many times have i pointed out that there is no valid reason to suspect that it wont warm up at least to that point again? Guess you missed the fact that all i have v-been doing is pointing out counter hypotheses... you ckearly have the hear nothing nothing down pat.

What record increases in temperature, thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding, sea level rise, melting glaciers?

Which proxy temperature, precipitation, weather reconstruction are you using to claim ā€œrecordā€ anything? Care to show an t such reconstructions from some peer reviewed, published science rather than just more opinion pieces based on unsupportable assumptions?

Oh, that's not global warming. Oh, that was just a natural variation. A local weather change. Nothing to indicate a change in global climate... and blah, blah, blah!

Still waiting on some actual science? Do you have any idea what that might look like? You would be laughable Iā€™d watching you flounder in your misconceptions, and opinions werenā€™t so sad.
You present nothing but hearsay, opinion, and flat out lies.
Gee, you sound angry! Good! Now you know how the rest of the world feels reading your crap. Here's your sale:

Not angry, just showing others that you are not to be trusted and that your opinions mean squat...

View attachment 264861

He is just trying to deflect from his proclamation that the science was demonstrable...I guess when he started looking, he found out that he was mistaken and just cant deal with that. I suppose it was a shock to find out that the average CO2 concentration on earth even during recent epochs is about 6 times higher than the present..and then there was that claim of runaway warming if CO2 gets much higher than 240ppm based on his gross misreading of a simple graph. It has to be tough to have your misconceptions pointed out in such a public forum.
Merely pointing out that far mor respected men of the time didnā€™t think much of the idea of a radiative greenhouse effect...and the science hasnā€™t advanced much sine...of course you can only travel so far on a dead end road...which is why you guys must refer to quaint 19th century science fair level experiments when you are asked for any
Still with hypocrisy eh?
You think science hasn't advanced much since then!!! Surely you jest. But of course you said many times you don't believe modern physics.

Been through it all before...sorry you are so easily fooled, or so desperate that you must lie...shame on you for suggesting to someone like grumble that there actually is some real science that supports the AGW hypothesis. Typical...
You were wrong then and you are still wrong. Foote demonstrated that CO2 absorption of IR raises the temperature. Shame on you for lying to Grumble, but lying is your game, isn't it.

Yep, quite the show. Hey, don't worry about me, Wuwei. Far from the first time I've dealt with such wankers. Somewhat ironic in this case though in that I'd also likely argue with you about many aspects of modern physics. But these pretenders hold no actual cards. They simply deny everything and grossly misrepresent (lie like hell, as you say) about everyone else's works. They offer no counter theory so never need present experimental results. Denial never requires doing any science.
Somewhat ironic in this case though in that I'd also likely argue with you about many aspects of modern physics.
What aspects of modern physics do you find arguable? Or maybe a digression like that belongs in the Science and Technology forum.


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