Proof of AGW fraud

  • Phosphorescence is a spontaneous emission
  • and light sticks and galvanic cells are spontaneous chemical processes
  • Man made things can be spontaneous
  • Black bodies radiate to warmer objects
  • The cold CMB does penetrate the atmosphere and hit a warmer antenna.
  • The energy of the Clausius definition refers to net energy and that allows two way radiation exchange.
Phosphorescence requires the storage and build up of energy, ie:sun light. Without sunlight it can not emit energy, because it has no stored energy. Work must be done for this to gain energy.

Galvanic cells require work to create the imbalance, without work being accomplished you have a worthless pile of technology.

Please post up what you think man has made that is spontaneous that did not require work to create it.

CMB is low energy photons which can be emitted in the direction of warmer matter but has no or the revers effect if a photon is matter and not pure energy. As matter it will cool the object as it will take energy from the warmer object before it can be re-emitted.

There so much you think you know and you don't...
They offer no counter theory so never need present experimental results.
You still have not presented the hypothesis you think is valid.... Come on boy, post up the hypothesis you think is valid. AGW is a HYPOTHESIS as it HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN BY EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE AND EXPERIMENT.

We keep asking for the evidence and the hypothesis your using and all you do is circle jerk..
  • Phosphorescence is a spontaneous emission
  • and light sticks and galvanic cells are spontaneous chemical processes
  • Man made things can be spontaneous
  • Black bodies radiate to warmer objects
  • The cold CMB does penetrate the atmosphere and hit a warmer antenna.
  • The energy of the Clausius definition refers to net energy and that allows two way radiation exchange.
Phosphorescence requires the storage and build up of energy, ie:sun light. Without sunlight it can not emit energy, because it has no stored energy. Work must be done for this to gain energy.

Galvanic cells require work to create the imbalance, without work being accomplished you have a worthless pile of technology.

Please post up what you think man has made that is spontaneous that did not require work to create it.

CMB is low energy photons which can be emitted in the direction of warmer matter but has no or the revers effect if a photon is matter and not pure energy. As matter it will cool the object as it will take energy from the warmer object before it can be re-emitted.

There so much you think you know and you don't...

I have been over spontaneous processes with him over and over...there are probably 6 or 7 incarnations of him losing the same discussion scattered across the board.. he obviously isn't as smart as he thinks he is by half...but tedium? He has tedium down pat.
They offer no counter theory so never need present experimental results.
You still have not presented the hypothesis you think is valid.... Come on boy, post up the hypothesis you think is valid. AGW is a HYPOTHESIS as it HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN BY EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE AND EXPERIMENT.

We keep asking for the evidence and the hypothesis your using and all you do is circle jerk..
Dont ask him to actually discuss the is hard. He would rather relax and luxuriate in the ease of unsupportable opinion and logical effort required.
science is hard. He would rather relax and luxuriate in the ease of unsupportable opinion and logical effort required.
Yes, after watching you, Billy, and jc circle jerk for so long while producing no substance, I ashamedly admit to spontaneously emitting non-phosphorescent matter several times all over your avatars. It's like there's no stopping it once the process starts. And yes, I do seem to enjoy a period of basking and relasking in the cool after glow. Please come up with a coherent counter theory to explain our globe's plainly evident record warming. Oooh, aaah, make it stop!


bwahahaha! Oooo..
ACE (Accumulated Cyclonic Energy) has shown that thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding are all at the lowest they have been in 100 years.

Empirical studies in the last three years show glaciers are now expanding and growing, Temperatures are flat and no ocean rise is being seen. Ocean temps are falling and the circulations that caused the last 30 years of warming are now cooling...

I guess you got to get your lies in before it becomes undeniable that your a liar..
And, of course, the Kochs have catapulted your propaganda through Ryan Maue.
The real big picture:


Please stop crying. We've had more than enough rain here already.
ACE (Accumulated Cyclonic Energy) has shown that thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding are all at the lowest they have been in 100 years.

Empirical studies in the last three years show glaciers are now expanding and growing, Temperatures are flat and no ocean rise is being seen. Ocean temps are falling and the circulations that caused the last 30 years of warming are now cooling...

I guess you got to get your lies in before it becomes undeniable that your a liar..
And, of course, the Kochs have catapulted your propaganda through Ryan Maue.
The real big picture:


Please stop crying. We've had more than enough rain here already.
So do you have all of the data on what weather is normal?
What's hilarious is that Ryan clearly can't help using the same (genuine) data source as everyone else (NASA/NOAA) prior to massaging like crazy.
Here he shows that we're already ripping up the record this year (see "% of Normal YTD column") well before our hurricane season has even begun.
So do you have all of the data on what weather is normal?
Whaa? Offering nothing again? :nocknockHT:
science is hard. He would rather relax and luxuriate in the ease of unsupportable opinion and logical effort required.
Yes, after watching you, Billy, and jc circle jerk for so long while producing no substance, I ashamedly admit to spontaneously emitting non-phosphorescent matter several times all over your avatars. It's like there's no stopping it once the process starts. And yes, I do seem to enjoy a period of basking and relasking in the cool after glow. Please come up with a coherent counter theory to explain our globe's plainly evident record warming. Oooh, aaah, make it stop!


bwahahaha! Oooo..

Your a moron... Phosphoresence material will return to zero energy storage just like anything else in science. Without an energy source and work being done it will not florese.

ACE (Accumulated Cyclonic Energy) has shown that thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding are all at the lowest they have been in 100 years.

Empirical studies in the last three years show glaciers are now expanding and growing, Temperatures are flat and no ocean rise is being seen. Ocean temps are falling and the circulations that caused the last 30 years of warming are now cooling...

I guess you got to get your lies in before it becomes undeniable that your a liar..
And, of course, the Kochs have catapulted your propaganda through Ryan Maue.
The real big picture:


Please stop crying. We've had more than enough rain here already.

You cant even read your own graph... now that's funny!!!

What's hilarious is that Ryan clearly can't help using the same (genuine) data source as everyone else (NASA/NOAA) prior to massaging like crazy.
Here he shows that we're already ripping up the record this year (see "% of Normal YTD column") well before our hurricane season has even begun.
So do you have all of the data on what weather is normal?
Whaa? Offering nothing again? :nocknockHT:

Again having problems reading the graph... Why do you lie about things so obviously wrong?
science is hard. He would rather relax and luxuriate in the ease of unsupportable opinion and logical effort required.
Yes, after watching you, Billy, and jc circle jerk for so long while producing no substance, I ashamedly admit to spontaneously emitting non-phosphorescent matter several times all over your avatars. It's like there's no stopping it once the process starts. And yes, I do seem to enjoy a period of basking and relasking in the cool after glow. Please come up with a coherent counter theory to explain our globe's plainly evident record warming. Oooh, aaah, make it stop!


bwahahaha! Oooo..

Your a moron... Phosphoresence material will return to zero energy storage just like anything else in science. Without an energy source and work being done it will not florese.

ACE (Accumulated Cyclonic Energy) has shown that thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding are all at the lowest they have been in 100 years.

Empirical studies in the last three years show glaciers are now expanding and growing, Temperatures are flat and no ocean rise is being seen. Ocean temps are falling and the circulations that caused the last 30 years of warming are now cooling...

I guess you got to get your lies in before it becomes undeniable that your a liar..
And, of course, the Kochs have catapulted your propaganda through Ryan Maue.
The real big picture:


Please stop crying. We've had more than enough rain here already.

You cant even read your own graph... now that's funny!!!

View attachment 265156

Hahahaaa! Oh, stop! Please! Before I spontaneously emit again!

ACE (Accumulated Cyclonic Energy) has shown that thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding are all at the lowest they have been in 100 years.

Empirical studies in the last three years show glaciers are now expanding and growing, Temperatures are flat and no ocean rise is being seen. Ocean temps are falling and the circulations that caused the last 30 years of warming are now cooling...

I guess you got to get your lies in before it becomes undeniable that your a liar..
And, of course, the Kochs have catapulted your propaganda through Ryan Maue.
The real big picture:


Please stop crying. We've had more than enough rain here already.
So do you have all of the data on what weather is normal?

These people have no morals. They will lie to get power and money..


Empirical evidences shows our range of 14 deg C throughout history. Our interglacial ranges are about 6-8 deg C. They have no fucking clue what the earths 'normal' temperatures are to be. Its a sham and a lie. I would say normal is relevant to the position in the cycle we are.

CO2 and Ice Ages.JPG

We are at the end of our current interglacial. Normal is about to be 6 to 8 deg Cooler than we are today...
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We are at the end of our current interglacial. Normal is about to be 6 to 8 deg Cooler than we are today...
So are you admitting that, thanks to AGW, we are warmer than we would be now? Or do you continue to just deny and admit nothing as usual?
I have been over spontaneous processes with him over and over...there are probably 6 or 7 incarnations of him losing the same discussion scattered across the board.. he obviously isn't as smart as he thinks he is by half...but tedium? He has tedium down pat.
You are lying again. I always refer to the science definitions. That is the only thing that makes sense. You are misquoting the definitions and saying the science is wrong. You have lying down pat.

science is hard. He would rather relax and luxuriate in the ease of unsupportable opinion and logical effort required.
Yes, after watching you, Billy, and jc circle jerk for so long while producing no substance, I ashamedly admit to spontaneously emitting non-phosphorescent matter several times all over your avatars. It's like there's no stopping it once the process starts. And yes, I do seem to enjoy a period of basking and relasking in the cool after glow. Please come up with a coherent counter theory to explain our globe's plainly evident record warming. Oooh, aaah, make it stop!

bwahahaha! Oooo..

Your a moron... Phosphoresence material will return to zero energy storage just like anything else in science. Without an energy source and work being done it will not florese.

ACE (Accumulated Cyclonic Energy) has shown that thunderstorms, rainfall, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding are all at the lowest they have been in 100 years.

Empirical studies in the last three years show glaciers are now expanding and growing, Temperatures are flat and no ocean rise is being seen. Ocean temps are falling and the circulations that caused the last 30 years of warming are now cooling...

I guess you got to get your lies in before it becomes undeniable that your a liar..
And, of course, the Kochs have catapulted your propaganda through Ryan Maue.
The real big picture:


Please stop crying. We've had more than enough rain here already.

You cant even read your own graph... now that's funny!!!

View attachment 265156

Hahahaaa! Oh, stop! Please! Before I spontaneously emit again!

And this is why you idiots believe in AGW... And you have yet to provide us with the hypothesis, in your own words.

"eta: NASA, NASA, NASA!"

Gawd I love it when you idiots use Logical Fallacy and Appeals to Authority in an effort to keep people from seeing how utterly devoid of science and fact you are...
We are at the end of our current interglacial. Normal is about to be 6 to 8 deg Cooler than we are today...
So are you admitting that, thanks to AGW, we are warmer than we would be now? Or do you continue to just deny and admit nothing as usual?

NO you moron. We are exactly where we should be just prior to cooling into the next glacial cycle ACCORDING TO EMPIRICAL RECORDS.
If you look at previous interglacials we are long in time span at the current temperature.


You would have to go back 450,000 years to find an interglaical with length longer than today and our current temperature spike is consistent with previous interglacials just before the fall back into the glacial portion of the cycle.

Hate to break it to you alarmists, but this is NATURAL VARIATION!
Gawd I love it when you idiots use Logical Fallacy and Appeals to Authority in an effort to keep people from seeing how utterly devoid of science and fact you are...
Yes, you are convincingly clueless as to your own reliance upon the "Authority" (NASA/NOAA) for your own ridiculous attempts to discredit that very same "Authority" (NASA/NOAA). All the data backs AGW. I need provide no more. You have nothing. Grow up. Just imagine how exciting actually giving a shit about others could really be..
Dont ask him to actually discuss the is hard. He would rather relax and luxuriate in the ease of unsupportable opinion and logical effort required.
You are lying again. I have gone through the science ad nausium. Here it is again.

As usual when you are replete with bitter insults you are generally wrong.

Spontaneous emission is an example of a general spontaneous process.

A spontaneous process is a process that occurs on its own without outside intervention. Outside intervention is something that changes the process after it has started.

That science definition covers both radiative and chemical examples. Why do you call that logical fallacy? How can a definition be unsupportable? Do you still not believe the other items I outlined that I claimed that you redefined and you claimed that I was lying? Why didn't you mention them too?

You never answered why you redefined the following which is not well accepted science: Why are you afraid to answer?
  • You defined anything "man-made" to never be involved in a spontaneous process.
  • You redefined the second temperature term in the SB equation to always be colder.
  • You redefined black body radiation so that it doesn't radiate near a hotter object.
  • You redefined the CMB to be "resonance frequencies".
  • You redefined the nature of the second law of thermodynamics.

What's hilarious is that Ryan clearly can't help using the same (genuine) data source as everyone else (NASA/NOAA) prior to massaging like crazy.
Here he shows that we're already ripping up the record this year (see "% of Normal YTD column") well before our hurricane season has even begun.
So do you have all of the data on what weather is normal?
Whaa? Offering nothing again? :nocknockHT:
So you can’t prove extreme until you prove normal. So post that data! What’s wrong bubba? Pwned

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