Proof Of Jack Smith's Bias

MinTrut and independentthinker knows that Trump could only declassify documents by following the protocols.

He did not declassify the documents he took from DC after he got his ass kicked in the election.
Well, Jack Smith is using a recording of Trump and saying that Trump admitted to not declassifying that document, which means Jack Smith is admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other ones, just not that one. Then, they aren't even charging him with that one.
It proves that Trump’s claim that he declassified all the docs was a lie.

It proves that he knew he had sensitive secret docs

It proves that he treated them cavelierly. Showing secret docs to people who should never even know of their existence.

He’s fucked and rightfully so.
It proves that Trump did not declassify the document about Iran, which they aren't even charging him for. It also proves that Jack Smith agrees that Trump could declassify all the others - the ones they are charging Trump with.
The distinction is if Trump had deleted 30,000 emails against a subpoena and destroyed devices, you would be bringing him up on over 30,000 charges. Hillary, zero.
Not if he deleted them before the subpoena was issued.

Not if he claimed he accidently deleted some work emails while deleting personal emails.

Not if he wasn't on tape bragging about having top secret documents and showing them to people with no clearance.

Not if he didn't have documents pertaining to nuclear strengths and weaknesses of our allies.

Do you think the "what about Hillary" defence will work in a court of law or do you understand that the "what about Hillary" defense is just a political talking point among Trump supporters reserved for sites like this?
Surprise, surprise, Jack Smith refers to the audio recording of Trump's defense department's memo on Iran in his indictment of Trump of which they claim as proof that Trump did not declassify that particular document, pretty much admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but hadn't declassified that particular one at the time of the Bedminster Golf Club incident. So, it shows up in his indictment of Trump. But, guess what? Trump wasn't actually charged for that particular memo, even though Jack Smith referred to it in his indictment of Trump. Why would Jack Smith refer to it in his indictment of Trump and yet not charge Trump for that incident? So, I guess after admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but that one, they are charging Trump for all of other other documents that were declassified by Trump, except for that one. They have lost their case right out of the gate.

The document and recording are described in the indictment Smith's team secured against Trump earlier this month, recounted as an alleged meeting with "a writer, a publisher, and two members of" Trump's staff, "none of whom possessed a security clearance."

But according to a source familiar with the matter, Trump was not charged with unlawfully holding onto the Iran-related document discussed in the recording.

Not only did you missed the target, you didn’t even hit the tree.

There has never been any question, whether Donald Trump had the authority to declassify documents when he was president. Trump has always claimed that everything he took with him was “declassified”. And that he could declassify something just by taking it home.

What this tape proves is that Trump understood the declassification procedure and that he knew the stuff he stole was classified. And it shouldn’t show it to people.

That audio tape is a confession to everything that Donald Trump has been charged with.

It undercuts every lie about classified documents Trump had used up to this point to defend his actions. Basically, Trump is confessing to the charges.

“I am a legitimate person” does so remind me of Richard Nixon intoning “I am not a crook”.

No “legitimate person” bankrupts 7 corporations. Or has more than 3000 law suits.

No legitimate person has hundreds of people suing him for fraud.

No legitimate person has to return $122 million he stole from his own donors.
It's a distinction without a difference. It's only 'different' to you because you're a biased hack. :dunno:
Their is a difference between what Hillary did and what Trump did.

The only reason you think they are the same is because you're a biased hack.

We can go back and forth all day but in the end, the courts will decide.
It proves that Trump did not declassify the document about Iran, which they aren't even charging him for. It also proves that Jack Smith agrees that Trump could declassify all the others - the ones they are charging Trump with.

It proves that Trump knew about classification procedures and he knew he was violating them.

Trump isn’t be being charged for having classified documents. Trump is being charged with illegally having DEFENSE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENTS, and for refusing to return them.

Whether or not they’re classified is irrelevant to the charges.
We've seen a bunch of movies over the last six years that have no ending.
Like the impeachments? It's unequivocally true Trump tried to illegally extort Zelensky, and then tried to cover it up. There's a transcript. Repub senators who voted to acquit hid behind the excuse they didn't feel it rose to the level of an impeachable offense.
Ask yourself this. What would you have said if Biden did what Trump did and was acquitted by Dem senators?
It proves that Trump knew about classification procedures and he knew he was violating them.

Trump isn’t be being charged for having classified documents. Trump is being charged with illegally having DEFENSE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENTS, and for refusing to return them.

Whether or not they’re classified is irrelevant to the charges.
This exactly. I have already clarified this but as usual it was dismissed in favor of memorized talking points.
LOL. Yes, I already know. When it comes to Democrats there is always a distinction.

That distinction is always that there is no evidence that Democrats are committing the crimes Republicans are accusing them of committing.

During Hillarys email investigation, the Clintons turned over their server to the FBI and open their private home to a search.

Both Clinton and her staff, cooperated fully with the FBI investigation. Hillary sat for 11 1/2 hours of questioning by Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi investigation.

Donald Trump hat conducted for investigations into Hillary‘s emails, including a 2 1/2 year investigation by Mike Pompeo with the second at the state department, and everyone of those investigation report said that Hillary should not have been charged with anything.

These investigations included John Huber’s 3 year investigation and review of all things “Hillary”, including the charity and the emails, and the accusations of pay for play. John Huber found no wrongdoing or charges should be laid against Clinton.

The DOJ inspector general’s report on the email investigation also concluded That Hillary should not be charged. Donald Trump fired the inspector general.

There is also an IRS investigation of the Clinton foundation, which was triggered by a complaint from Tom and Judicial Watch. Fishing has discovered that the IRS must investigate thoroughly all accusations of tax evasion without question.

And last, but not least the John Durham investigation, which phone, no wrongdoing or charges against Hillary Clinton.

And is proof positive that the whole Hillary’s emails thing was a bullshit made up scandal, Trey Gowdy acted so shocked to discover that Hillary was using a private server, which was illegal.

Trey Gowdy voted for the law that made private servers illegal, during his first term in Congress in 2013 – a year after Hillary left office. The log was passed precisely, because Republicans didn’t like the idea of Cabinet Members using private email.

So why was Trey Gowdy so shocked to “discover” that Hillary was using a private server in 2016, when he voted for the law making them illegal in 2013?

I sit in a foreign country, and I watch this shit happen, and I think how gullible can Republican voters be to fall for this garbage time, and time again??
This exactly. I have already clarified this but as usual it was dismissed in favor of memorized talking points.

As a senior law clerk my job was “due dilligence”. Prove every claim, fact check everything you’re told. Get the evidence to back it up.

Google is my friend. Newspaper articles going back decades are online. As are government b statistics on balance of trade, unemployment, stock market prices, data on pandemics and world catastrophes. The history of the world.

The mouth breathers on this formum spend their off hours surfing porn hub.
Bottom line is, why does Jack Smith need Trump's testimony as to the legalities of declassifying? I mean, that's their proof - Trump's words? What about the written law?
Because former President Trump claimed that he had a standing order that any classified document that he brought home to his residence, was systematically declassified by him.

By having this document at his summer home in Bedminster Resort and Golf club, and with him claiming it was still classified, proves that the prior Trumper claim that every classified document he took with him to Mara Lago and Bedminster was already declassified by him, was just another one of his lies for his followers to freely lick up and run with..... that he knew was not true when he was telling them it.
It proves that Trump did not declassify the document about Iran, which they aren't even charging him for. It also proves that Jack Smith agrees that Trump could declassify all the others - the ones they are charging Trump with.

How do you think that it proves that.
Because former President Trump claimed that he had a standing order that any classified document that he brought home to his residence, was systematically declassified by him.

By having this document at his summer home in Bedminster Resort and Golf club, and with him claiming it was still classified, proves that the prior Trumper claim that every classified document he took with him to Mara Lago and Bedminster was already declassified by him, was just another one of his lies for his followers to freely lick up and run with..... that he knew was not true when he was telling them it.
I realize that the left and the weaponized DOJ are conspiring to spin it any way they can against Trump.
I realize that the left and the weaponized DOJ are conspiring to spin it any way they can against Trump.
:lol: nope! It truly is the right wing trying to spin this.... :)

This is to the benefit of the prosecution, when said and done imho! That's why they are using it in their "speaking" indictment.

The audio comments are for the purpose I stated, to counter one of Trump's public defenses....that everything was declassified before arriving at Mara Lago.

Imo, an actual indictment for this audio document made mention of by the former president is unlikely to happen, because this particular document that trump discussed having at Bedminster is one of those super duper highest level top secret Defense documents that is likely impossible for them to reveal in any portion for a jury or even for the lawyers on both sides with classified clearance, to see.... In previous cases like this, the DOJ chose not to charge that particular crime.

This is my own speculation of it from all that I have read in the press....
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