Proof Of The Bible

RE: Proof of the Bible
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,


Sometimes Dr Veiten's economy of words for interlocking and entangled descriptions do not always convey the same meaning and intent across the entire spectrum of readers. But, the energies the can be observed radiating from consciousness, elements that enclose living cells, cannot explain (as of yet) the source relative to the dynamics of life, or the undefined apparitions that have been made through other unique observation. Anything that induces change must be expending energy. And in many cases (not all) that is the detection approach to start with in a case of first impression.


"Physiology" and "spiritual content" are not dependent on each other. In point of fact "spirituality" is only effective when focused on a life forms which can appreciate it. My dog (Raven) has all sorts of attributes that are "physiology" based. But Raven would not know about the "supernatural" f the Supreme Being came down and pet him.


When dealing with a life form that can appreciate the difference between a normal surrounding and that of supernatural driven surrounding, which includes a cognitive process and self awareness → and comprehend the discussion of such qualities, the nature and application of Metaphysical protocols.


Most Respectfully,

"Physiology" and "spiritual content" are not dependent on each other. In point of fact "spirituality" is only effective when focused on a life forms which can appreciate it.
But Raven would not know about the "supernatural" f the Supreme Being came down and pet him.

if not dependent - in association, by their unique relationship where physiology will dissolve into the atmosphere without its spiritual content and it is yet to be observed a spiritual content that has freed itself from its physical surrounding and demonstrated its independence. even as a ghost. and surly has been tried by every living organism since time immemorial.

raven may be more in touch with the supernatural than you are by possibly a more simplistic purity - life does not exist without the metaphysical forces that made it.

are you claiming any organism has not evolved and was not responsible themselves for their own progression ... raven.

as well, they were all there for the great flood those that have survived to this day.
Nope. I know most of the Bible is fiction, I just want some others to accept it.
Seventy percent accept it and look for the truths that lie within the themes. However, it does no harm if some want to take each word literally. They are simply using another path to understand the truths presented in the literature.
Seventy percent accept it and look for the truths that lie within the themes. However, it does no harm if some want to take each word literally. They are simply using another path to understand the truths presented in the literature.
I don't know what the percentage is... but I'm sure there are plenty who look for the moral of the story.

But those who take it literally, and come onto forums like this and try and tell people, we'll they're just going to get told how ridiculous what they're saying is.

If they want to believe that it's all true, and don't want to hear what I have to say, fine, stay off forums like this.

They're not interested in "the truths", as you put it. They're interested in being right at all costs, blindly following because.... well, I'm sure they have their reasons.
They're not interested in "the truths", as you put it. They're interested in being right at all costs, blindly following because.... well, I'm sure they have their reasons.
Sincere love of God is reason enough.
Seventy percent accept it and look for the truths that lie within the themes. However, it does no harm if some want to take each word literally. They are simply using another path to understand the truths presented in the literature.
Well, yes, there is harm in unquestioned, literal belief of things we know are not true. The earth is not flat. Noah didn't sail a yacht when he was 900 years old, Dead people don't become undead. Snakes don't talk, Stop the nonsense. Decision making is accomplished with a cognizant awareness of consequences. Decision making should definitely not be based on falsehoods and dreamy-eyed notions of spooks, spirit realms and myths.

The moment you break from the literal descriptions within any of the various holy texts, you fall into the circular loop of interpretation and what, if any, is the real interpretation. Which means, we’ve looped back to the issue of subjective interpretation and translation but then we’d get in the problems with shoddy translation and why any of the gods would allow that.

Facts matter. The truth is important.
Well, yes, there is harm in unquestioned, literal belief of things we know are not true. The earth is not flat. Noah didn't sail a yacht when he was 900 years old, Dead people don't become undead. Snakes don't talk, Stop the nonsense. Decision making is accomplished with a cognizant awareness of consequences. Decision making should definitely not be based on falsehoods and dreamy-eyed notions of spooks, spirit realms and myths.
That thirty percent believe Noah was 900 years old has no effect on the way I live my life or my own beliefs. Nor does it harm them. Has it harmed you?
The moment you break from the literal descriptions within any of the various holy texts, you fall into the circular loop of interpretation and what, if any, is the real interpretation. Which means, we’ve looped back to the issue of subjective interpretation and translation but then we’d get in the problems with shoddy translation and why any of the gods would allow that.
Shrug. First of all, not everything is about each individual. Second, try to dig deep into what the original author was conveying to the original audience. If any of it is still wise advice in one's life today, take note.
The truth is important.
Certainly. Therefore don't get so locked up in the truth that it wasn't a planet-wide flood that you overlook the truth of what mankind noted they had been doing wrong. In hindsight, what did they determine they had been doing wrong? Did you see that truth in the account?
That thirty percent believe Noah was 900 years old has no effect on the way I live my life or my own beliefs. Nor does it harm them. Has it harmed you?
These are the people who want to force their extremist views into the school system.

Why are facts unimportant to you?
These are the people who want to force their extremist views into the school system.
Not where I am and where I have been, they don't. Besides, when I am talking with people who take every word of the Bible literally, their reasons for doing so do not hurt anyone. Nor are they the type who want to force their own views on anyone. They simply wish to keep their own beliefs close.
Shrug. First of all, not everything is about each individual. Second, try to dig deep into what the original author was conveying to the original audience. If any of it is still wise advice in one's life today, take note.
Try to dig deep into people who believe in the Endtimes, who literally believe that alternate realities are true. There are consequences to believing that spooks, devils and spirit realms are true, the earth is flat, that the earth is 6,000 years old.

What terrifies you about the truth?
Not where I am and where I have been, they don't. Besides, when I am talking with people who take every word of the Bible literally, their reasons for doing so do not hurt anyone. Nor are they the type who want to force their own views on anyone. They simply wish to keep their own beliefs close.
You might want to expand your view beyond your comfort zone.

What do you think Kitzmiller vs. Dover was about? Never heard of it?
Try to dig deep into people who believe in the Endtimes, who literally believe that alternate realities are true. There are consequences to believing that spooks, devils and spirit realms are true, the earth is flat, that the earth is 6,000 years old.
"End Times" began with Apocalyptic literature about a century before Christ. It was based on the idea that there would be a great leader who would make Israel a light to all nations. However, the realists at the time noted that humans were not capable of holding anything together for long. They surmised only God could do that. John's Book of Revelation was about first century issues, and once more was written in Apocalyptic literature format.

In any event, from a century before Christ, right up to the present, there have always been people convinced the end is near. Each generation goes through tough times, we all make it through. Personally, I think those who lived in the 1300s had the worst of it and had more reason to believe "End Times" than anyone else. I don't give it a second thought and I am sorry it worries so many non-Catholic Christians.

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