Proof Of The Bible

Both the Bill of Rights and the Constitution speak to the citizenry about the freedom from imposition of religion on others. Freedom OF religion is the same as saying Freedom FROM religion. Meaning, it is not incumbent upon me to recognize or be ruled by religion. The entire Constitution defines rules that limit the government's involvement in the citizen's lives. It is clearly a muzzle on the state's ability to dictate to the citizenry what it can and cannot do within the paradigm of the federal mandate. Certainly rule of law is to be enforced, but that is also controlled at the local level. It does not take any stretch of imagination to understand that the framers of the constitution intended to place limits such that government is restrained from interfering with freedom of speech, promoting and/or favoring any one religion to the detriment of others, etc. Don't take it personally as most religious folk do. Most often, people of religion are okay with me accepting their faith, but NOT okay with me not believingin their particular faith/Gods.

Freedom OF religion is the same as saying Freedom FROM religion.

As the story goes the Hebrews outnumbered the Egyptians. That would put their population in the millions.

Exodus 1​

7 And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.
8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.
9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:

She doesn't believe in the Bible of mainstream Christianity.
Freedom OF religion is the same as saying Freedom FROM religion.

You couldn’t actually defend your position, right?

The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, (freedom from religion). The Constitution guarantees me the freedom from the imposition of your religion else there is a legal precedence to allow you to force me to adhere to whatever may be the "majority religion". Others are free from forced religions.

The Founders knew that religions propagate and they knew that once in control, religious tenets are biased towards themselves and poorly disposed towards competitive belief systems. We don't have to assume their intent -- the intent is clear: the state is precluded from dictating any and all religious conscience to any free people. Hence, the First Amendment
God through his work seeks to correct the natural maladjusted character that most people have. The whole point of religion is to become a better person.

Parents scold or punish their children for bad behavior. It's not a religious thing for most, just concern and common sense. Our schools fail to address the character of kids as students while in their 'care', which is a huge portion of their formative years.

You first need to offer a reasoned, rational argument for gods, then a similarly reasoned, rational argument for any works performed by those gods. Remember, I’m under no obligation to presume the existence of any gods with a mere, ‘…. because I say so”, admonition.

Describe the natural, maladjusted character that the gods are seeking to correct. You seem to have confirmed my earlier comment about the damage done by a heaven and hell religion that teaches people they are born inherently evil and base.

I have no reason to presume that you were born either evil or base.
Freedom OF religion is the same as saying Freedom FROM religion.

The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, (freedom from religion).

there is no freedom of religion mentioned in the articles -

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

at best is a secondary consideration a free "exercise" of religion - whatever religion may be is not defined ...

The Satanic Temple is requesting to fly a flag over Boston’s City Hall following the recent Supreme Court ruling that the city violated the free speech rights of a conservative group that previously sought to fly a Christian flag over the government building.

then there are the mega insurgents that have no regard for the separation as long as it is the church not separated from gov't - than the gov't instructing them on their behavior.
So the choice is do I believe you or my lying eyes?
I didn't even mention believing me. I said FAITH FIRST, specifically FAITH IN GOD FIRST.

As for your LYING EYES, I've heard something on the radio about them:

"You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes"

It's not cheating with you, but BELIEVING IN LIES which creationists here have noticed. You went from UNCERTAIN EYES to the EVIL-UTION EYES!

It's INCREDIBLE how Satan holds so much power over the atheists, ags and sinners!!! SMH. At least, I stand a chance with the HOLY SPIRIT!

The only thing I have to end our conversation with is, repeating myself:

innocence is a tall order and not one allowed by christianity, worship of their messiah for their salvation than for themselves to accomplish the goal - the goal set out in the beginning and reiterated by the great flood, the religion of antiquity.

so their abandonment, the desert religions one way or another to vanquish sin as the goal - precludes, for them, as being the serpent themselves to distract those that would accomplish the prescribed religion as their own nefarious goal.

to prevent others from accomplishing what they themselves have abandoned - triumph over evil. bond.
You are so upside down on Christianity. I can UNDERSTAND if you are AGAINST ME MOST OF THE TIME because I point out the atheists/ags FOIBLES. That said, with you, I just have to let you post and humor yourself and we creationists get a GOOD LAUGH :auiqs.jpg:.
True that it took centuries for man to get the message that Christ brought. Old habits die hard.
I’d disagree. Any message that Christ brought is largely the message distributed by the larger Christian denominations, the Catholic Church, for example or earlier, the Anglican Church. Any reading of history points to theses entities using the gods as a convenience, usually for politically motivated reasons. In ancient times to the present, it is quite simple to whip up a populace into agreeing with a specific idea if you can convince that populace that there is an unseen being that is resolutely on their side. This is an extension of our tribal instincts, wherein we place the mantle of superiority upon a person or persons, providing they can deliver the things we have convinced ourselves we want.
there is no freedom of religion mentioned in the articles -

at best is a secondary consideration a free "exercise" of religion - whatever religion may be is not defined ...

then there are the mega insurgents that have no regard for the separation as long as it is the church not separated from gov't - than the gov't instructing them on their behavior.

Feel free to split hairs.
You couldn’t actually defend your position, right?

The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, (freedom from religion). The Constitution guarantees me the freedom from the imposition of your religion else there is a legal precedence to allow you to force me to adhere to whatever may be the "majority religion". Others are free from forced religions.

The Founders knew that religions propagate and they knew that once in control, religious tenets are biased towards themselves and poorly disposed towards competitive belief systems. We don't have to assume their intent -- the intent is clear: the state is precluded from dictating any and all religious conscience to any free people. Hence, the First Amendment

You have it backwards. This is the lie, (freedom from religion). It says nothing about that. So you're assuming I want to "impose" something on you? That's quite an assumption.

the state is precluded from dictating any and all religious conscience to any free people.

True. But again you are "assuming" that intention. When they left England the King has decreed that the only "legal" belief system involved the Anglican Church, THATS where the "free exercise there of comes from.
You have it backwards. This is the lie, (freedom from religion). It says nothing about that. So you're assuming I want to "impose" something on you? That's quite an assumption.

the state is precluded from dictating any and all religious conscience to any free people.

True. But again you are "assuming" that intention. When they left England the King has decreed that the only "legal" belief system involved the Anglican Church, THATS where the "free exercise there of comes from.
I have nothing backwards. You seem to be attempting to reverse the intent of the Founding Fathers. There was vested interest in keeping religion out of government because these men knew that theocracies always hurt both government and religion. One can argue far better that having come from theocracies themselves The Founding Fathers were very much aware of the dangers of blending religion and government even if they personally believed -- they purposely ratified a constitution that was totally secular in nature (and intent).

The founding of this country was simply not founded on Gods -- it was founded on -- in CLEAR terms: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, modeled largely on the Greek system of government.
You first need to offer a reasoned, rational argument for gods, then a similarly reasoned, rational argument for any works performed by those gods. Remember, I’m under no obligation to presume the existence of any gods with a mere, ‘…. because I say so”, admonition.

Describe the natural, maladjusted character that the gods are seeking to correct. You seem to have confirmed my earlier comment about the damage done by a heaven and hell religion that teaches people they are born inherently evil and base.

I have no reason to presume that you were born either evil or base.
I engaged in evil thoughts and behaviors from a pretty young age. :(
I engaged in evil thoughts and behaviors from a pretty young age. :(

In varying degrees, everyone has. I firmly believe the authors of the Bible understand that part of human nature which is what derived the fable of original sin, a savior and the ultimate sweeping away of humanity by angry gods. Religions create gods in their own image as evidenced by the religions attributing their gods with human frailties and emotions such as love, anger, retribution, vengeance, etc., etc. I think you may be missing the realization that rewards of self-satisfaction, kindness to others, joys and sorrows that affect the ebb and flow of our lives and beauty around us occur with or without your God(s) or anyone else's God(s)
You are so upside down on Christianity. I can UNDERSTAND if you are AGAINST ME MOST OF THE TIME because I point out the atheists/ags FOIBLES. That said, with you, I just have to let you post and humor yourself and we creationists get a GOOD LAUGH :auiqs.jpg:.

- the laughing when knowing what beholds your fate for when you can laugh no more.
I firmly believe the authors of the Bible understand that part of human nature which is what derived the fable of original sin, a savior and the ultimate sweeping away of humanity by angry gods.
Flattie, there was no fable of original sin. It is human history from the Bible. Your EVIL-ution doesn't even have any history. No Lucy's mate. Lucy's fossils barely had legs and no visible feet. Yet, she walked perfectly upright according to LIAR alang1216.

It's all made up by your atheist scientists and we will be able to see it exposed as a 13.8 B years FRAUD with the James Webb telescope. It's amazing how you can berate creationists when they are trying to tell you the TRUTH.

Proof Of The Bible​

Flattie, there was no fable of original sin. It is human history from the Bible. Your EVIL-ution doesn't even have any history. No Lucy's mate. Lucy's fossils barely had legs and no visible feet. Yet, she walked perfectly upright according to LIAR alang1216.

It's all made up by your atheist scientists and we will be able to see it exposed as a 13.8 B years FRAUD with the James Webb telescope. It's amazing how you can berate creationists when they are trying to tell you the TRUTH.

pre recorded history is not human history nor any history at all than what can be provided by physical evidence.

proof of inclusions in the c bible would be the physical example when made of their beliefs which christianity, the desert religions claim by tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments printed in their documents.

as the fable of original sin is in error to support their religion of servitude, their 10 commandments likewise and in conjunction with those commandments underpinnings of monotheism, all 3 desert religions is the same errant, false history of an original sin proving their guilt throughout the text of their documents for those religions used for their own nefarious purposes.

than the true pre recorded events passed to this day through heavenly evolutionary changes as examples proving the veracity of life's mission and failures the metaphysical provides through the original religion of antiquity for all living beings on planet Earth.
In varying degrees, everyone has. I firmly believe the authors of the Bible understand that part of human nature which is what derived the fable of original sin, a savior and the ultimate sweeping away of humanity by angry gods. Religions create gods in their own image as evidenced by the religions attributing their gods with human frailties and emotions such as love, anger, retribution, vengeance, etc., etc. I think you may be missing the realization that rewards of self-satisfaction, kindness to others, joys and sorrows that affect the ebb and flow of our lives and beauty around us occur with or without your God(s) or anyone else's God(s)
And yet people who hold their religion dear live better lives than those who don't. Christianity is a very beneficial belief. :bowdown:

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