Proof Of The Bible

And yet people who hold their religion dear live better lives than those who don't. Christianity is a very beneficial belief. :bowdown:
You offered nothing to support your comment about any people holding a religion living better lives. You offered nothing about whether the religion is even true. How does living a lie allow anyone to live a better life?

How is Christianity is very beneficial belief? What religions might be more beneficial?
You offered nothing to support your comment about any people holding a religion living better lives.
That's what those who study these things report (I thought that was common knowledge).
I can attest to this as well. God pulled me out of the gutter and made a better man of me. :bowdown:
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And yet people who hold their religion dear live better lives than those who don't. Christianity is a very beneficial belief. :bowdown:
I think that is true and one big reason for the early success of Christianity over paganism. I wonder if other religions offer more or less benefit?
That's what those who study these things report (I thought that was common knowledge).
I can attest to this as well. God pulled me out of the gutter and made a better man of me. :bowdown:
Who are those who study what things?

If one or more gods helped pull you out of the gutter that’s fine. I suspect it was more a matter of you needing direction and discipline in your life as it’s not Gods but lifestyle changes and practices that changes the brain.
Who are those who study what things?

If one or more gods helped pull you out of the gutter that’s fine. I suspect it was more a matter of you needing direction and discipline in your life as it’s not Gods but lifestyle changes and practices that changes the brain.
I give God the credit. :bowdown:
I think that is true and one big reason for the early success of Christianity over paganism. I wonder if other religions offer more or less benefit?
God pulled me out of the gutter and made a better man of me.

christianity only came into being in the 4th century - c bible, till that time the events of the 1st century was a different religion not one of a messiah and servitude - the state religion of the roman empire. the chronology of the dark ages and reformations speaks differently of the 3 desert religions and their value for humanity as implied.

what difference is there a monotheistic or polytheistic metaphysical presence makes in the difference for "pulling" someone out of the gutter - as the associate literature that when examined further would preclude the god and not the book was indeed the "savior" where in fact neither are true but the initiative taken by the individual that is what matters in both life and admission to the Everlasting.
Does Christianity have Jihad? Heed your calling. Grab a sword and convert the masses.
Nay. We're told to come out of the world, but to support the call for repentance going out to it, and to be a good example.
RE: Proof of the Bible
SUBTOPIC: Actual Value

⁜→. BreezeWood, Woodznut, Hollie, et al,
Screen Shot 2022-05-07 at 10.57.26 AM.png


These are extraordinary events. Theoretical Happenings like this are not unheard of. In order for the Bible (as an independent object) to provide an influence on people or directly interact with objects, there must be a "force." And yes, it six something (most likely) These forces are being studied. These inquiries made in the broad sense (Metaphysics), or in a more focus sense (Noetic Science) & (Real Magic) are very unique in the nature and impact in reference to their protocols.
{Links to verified and bonafide sources)
Screen Shot 2022-05-07 at 10.47.43 AM.png

That's what those who study these things report (I thought that was common knowledge).
I can attest to this as well. God pulled me out of the gutter and made a better man of me. :bowdown:

Well, there is not scientific evidence as to the cause of religious epiphany or spiritualistic overtaking to occur. There are recorded events and interviews in which the basic interrogatives indicate that the witness and subjects connected with such events appear to be truthful. For more than 3000 years, Near Death Experiences (NDE) including witness reports on the sighting an apparitions have been recorded. From a time long before the pharaoh, humanity has used talisman, amulets, charms and alchemical potions in the course of development of rituals. The find at
Göbekli Tepe, Şanlıurfa, Anatolia, dates back eight or nine millennium, shows evidence of what appears to be a temple (much older than Stonehenge).

Belief in the Supernatural and tails of Superstition, the Supreme Being or other deities, angelic and demonistic activity all fall into the range of parapsychology (Metaphysics).


a person believes that a deity intervened to turn their life-force around for the better, THEN so be it. Such a foundation of strength does no harm. And unless the belief blossoms into something extreme, then it is not something that requires an exorcism.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Proof of the Bible
SUBTOPIC: Actual Value

⁜→. BreezeWood, Woodznut, Hollie, et al,
View attachment 641626

These are extraordinary events. Theoretical Happenings like this are not unheard of. In order for the Bible (as an independent object) to provide an influence on people or directly interact with objects, there must be a "force." And yes, it six something (most likely) These forces are being studied. These inquiries made in the broad sense (Metaphysics), or in a more focus sense (Noetic Science) & (Real Magic) are very unique in the nature and impact in reference to their protocols.
{Links to verified and bonafide sources)
View attachment 641624


Well, there is not scientific evidence as to the cause of religious epiphany or spiritualistic overtaking to occur. There are recorded events and interviews in which the basic interrogatives indicate that the witness and subjects connected with such events appear to be truthful. For more than 3000 years, Near Death Experiences (NDE) including witness reports on the sighting an apparitions have been recorded. From a time long before the pharaoh, humanity has used talisman, amulets, charms and alchemical potions in the course of development of rituals. The find at
Göbekli Tepe, Şanlıurfa, Anatolia, dates back eight or nine millennium, shows evidence of what appears to be a temple (much older than Stonehenge).

Belief in the Supernatural and tails of Superstition, the Supreme Being or other deities, angelic and demonistic activity all fall into the range of parapsychology (Metaphysics).


a person believes that a deity intervened to turn their life-force around for the better, THEN so be it. Such a foundation of strength does no harm. And unless the belief blossoms into something extreme, then it is not something that requires an exorcism.


Most Respectfully,
A common report among the converted is that they were not looking for God, but that God must have been looking for them. I can attest to this. I was quite happy with my life before God uprooted it.
I think that is true and one big reason for the early success of Christianity over paganism. I wonder if other religions offer more or less benefit?
Christianity is the promised Sabbath rest from the world so long awaited by the descendants of Israel.
Christianity is the promised Sabbath rest from the world so long awaited by the descendants of Israel.
I have no idea if that is true or not. I was referring to the early Christian practice of communalism. They met and dined and worshiped in small groups and tended to take care of each other. Not the general pagan practice so it was enough that Christians tended to have better health than their neighbors.
Yes. The struggle to be a good Christian. It's summed up "thy will be done"... To submit to the word of God.

Why bother to "try" at all? You've admitted what you don't believe.


No you aren't. You deny many of the tenets of Christianity. By removing the supernatural from God you deny the story of Creation, you deny the virgin birth, you deny the resurrection. You are a run of the mill deist at best.
Obviously your faith hangs on these epic myths. Do you give much thought to the message?

Why bother to "try" at all? You've admitted what you don't believe.


Obviously your faith hangs on these epic myths. Do you give much thought to the message?

Of course I believe. Why are you lying and why quote beautress ?
RE: Proof of the Bible
SUBTOPIC: Actual Value

⁜→. BreezeWood, Woodznut, Hollie, et al,
View attachment 641626

These are extraordinary events. Theoretical Happenings like this are not unheard of. In order for the Bible (as an independent object) to provide an influence on people or directly interact with objects, there must be a "force." And yes, it six something (most likely) These forces are being studied. These inquiries made in the broad sense (Metaphysics), or in a more focus sense (Noetic Science) & (Real Magic) are very unique in the nature and impact in reference to their protocols.
{Links to verified and bonafide sources)
View attachment 641624


Well, there is not scientific evidence as to the cause of religious epiphany or spiritualistic overtaking to occur. There are recorded events and interviews in which the basic interrogatives indicate that the witness and subjects connected with such events appear to be truthful. For more than 3000 years, Near Death Experiences (NDE) including witness reports on the sighting an apparitions have been recorded. From a time long before the pharaoh, humanity has used talisman, amulets, charms and alchemical potions in the course of development of rituals. The find at
Göbekli Tepe, Şanlıurfa, Anatolia, dates back eight or nine millennium, shows evidence of what appears to be a temple (much older than Stonehenge).

Belief in the Supernatural and tails of Superstition, the Supreme Being or other deities, angelic and demonistic activity all fall into the range of parapsychology (Metaphysics).


a person believes that a deity intervened to turn their life-force around for the better, THEN so be it. Such a foundation of strength does no harm. And unless the belief blossoms into something extreme, then it is not something that requires an exorcism.


Most Respectfully,
there must be a "force." And yes, it six something (most likely) These forces are being studied. These inquiries made in the broad sense (Metaphysics), or in a more focus sense (Noetic Science)

From a purely materialist, mechanistic perspective, all subjective — noetic — experience arises from physical matter, and consciousness is simply a byproduct of brain and body processes. The noetic sciences focus on bringing a scientific lens to the study of subjective experience, and to ways that consciousness may influence the physical world.

that was confusing ...

physiology will not exist without its unique spiritual content - both are metaphysical where physical physiology will dissipate, without conformity when no longer functional, the spiritual content could possibly remain as a cohesive entity and is perhaps the subliminal reason for a heavenly aspiration during a lifetime and is without a doubt the mechanism for evolution and the primary acknowledgment of its existence.

... is simply a byproduct of brain and body processes.

same old - if that is what they were saying ... and no there is no science yet to explain the spiritual content of physiology - that would entail the metaphysical forces that create both.

flora is without a cns, central nervous system much less a brain.


the extrusions of the vine are used to attach itself to its surroundings for various purposes in coordination for the plants survival a motor operation performed purely through its spiritual content.
RE: Proof of the Bible
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

that was confusing ...

Sometimes Dr Veiten's economy of words for interlocking and entangled descriptions do not always convey the same meaning and intent across the entire spectrum of readers. But, the energies the can be observed radiating from consciousness, elements that enclose living cells, cannot explain (as of yet) the source relative to the dynamics of life, or the undefined apparitions that have been made through other unique observation. Anything that induces change must be expending energy. And in many cases (not all) that is the detection approach to start with in a case of first impression.

physiology will not exist without its unique spiritual content - both are metaphysical where physical physiology will dissipate, without conformity when no longer functional, the spiritual content could possibly remain as a cohesive entity and is perhaps the subliminal reason for a heavenly aspiration during a lifetime and is without a doubt the mechanism for evolution and the primary acknowledgment of its existence.

"Physiology" and "spiritual content" are not dependent on each other. In point of fact "spirituality" is only effective when focused on a life forms which can appreciate it. My dog (Raven) has all sorts of attributes that are "physiology" based. But Raven would not know about the "supernatural" f the Supreme Being came down and pet him.
same old - if that is what they were saying ... and no there is no science yet to explain the spiritual content of physiology - that would entail the metaphysical forces that create both.

When dealing with a life form that can appreciate the difference between a normal surrounding and that of supernatural driven surrounding, which includes a cognitive process and self awareness → and comprehend the discussion of such qualities, the nature and application of Metaphysical protocols.


Most Respectfully,


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