Proof Of The Bible

“It says what it says” is misleading as the different sects / subdivisions of Christianity have widely varying interpretations of “it says what it says” means “it means this as opposed to it says what is says”.
Most nominal Christian religions are in general agreement on the basic tenets of Christianity as revealed in the Bible.
Therein lies the problem, you keep telling me things but your 'evidence' is either unconvincing or clearly in error.

I'm pretty sure there is no electric chair in the Bible but a perfect example of what I just said, you keep telling me things but your 'evidence' is either unconvincing or clearly in error.
No, the problem or solution is upon YOU. I keep telling you things as one who has RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT and KNOWS THE TRUTH.

This is the RELIGION forum. With Christianity, it starts with YOU to have FAITH FIRST. Then, you become convinced. Even if this was the SCIENCE forum, you become convinced of creation science with FAITH FIRST.

I may be telling you things such as the TRUTH ABOVE, but it's up to YOU to do it. It's not my problem nor solution. It's not my telling you to convince you. I already FOUND AND GOT MY PLACE IN HEAVEN. What you got is the other place. I know it, as well. Just read your first sentence to me.

As for the electric chair example, it is one of the best analogies I could come up with of what happens to atheists/ags/sinners in the AFTERLIFE. To me, it was the MOST TERRIFYING ultimate punishment for a hardened criminal in this life.
It says that people are free to practice religion without interference from the State. This includes Christianity.
Both the Bill of Rights and the Constitution speak to the citizenry about the freedom from imposition of religion on others. Freedom OF religion is the same as saying Freedom FROM religion. Meaning, it is not incumbent upon me to recognize or be ruled by religion. The entire Constitution defines rules that limit the government's involvement in the citizen's lives. It is clearly a muzzle on the state's ability to dictate to the citizenry what it can and cannot do within the paradigm of the federal mandate. Certainly rule of law is to be enforced, but that is also controlled at the local level. It does not take any stretch of imagination to understand that the framers of the constitution intended to place limits such that government is restrained from interfering with freedom of speech, promoting and/or favoring any one religion to the detriment of others, etc. Don't take it personally as most religious folk do. Most often, people of religion are okay with me accepting their faith, but NOT okay with me not believingin their particular faith/Gods.
Both the Bill of Rights and the Constitution speak to the citizenry about the freedom from imposition of religion on others. Freedom OF religion is the same as saying Freedom FROM religion. Meaning, it is not incumbent upon me to recognize or be ruled by religion. The entire Constitution defines rules that limit the government's involvement in the citizen's lives. It is clearly a muzzle on the state's ability to dictate to the citizenry what it can and cannot do within the paradigm of the federal mandate. Certainly rule of law is to be enforced, but that is also controlled at the local level. It does not take any stretch of imagination to understand that the framers of the constitution intended to place limits such that government is restrained from interfering with freedom of speech, promoting and/or favoring any one religion to the detriment of others, etc. Don't take it personally as most religious folk do. Most often, people of religion are okay with me accepting their faith, but NOT okay with me not believingin their particular faith/Gods.
I understand that you are an unbeliever. What I don't understand is your fixation with arguing with believers about their religion and beliefs. It seems you have an ax to grind here.
It is apparently not a “majority rules” issue, thus the splintering of Christiandom into so many sects / subdivisions.

I call them ministries, that speak to certain people that are attracted to them. Many "sects/subdivisions" started as small ministries but grew into denominations. However the message of salvation through faith is the basically the same.
I understand that you are an unbeliever. What I don't understand is your fixation with arguing with believers about their religion and beliefs. It seems you have an ax to grind here.
I could suggest the axe is in the hand of the believer.

I certainly take an interest when (Christian) believers feel a need to insist their religion is a component of the Constitution, for example. I think teaching children that they are evil and base because they are born with original sin is a prescription for a maladjusted personality.

Other than that, I think believers presume their position is unassailable and, remakably, take offense when others on a public message board disagree with them.
No, the problem or solution is upon YOU. I keep telling you things as one who has RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT and KNOWS THE TRUTH.

This is the RELIGION forum. With Christianity, it starts with YOU to have FAITH FIRST. Then, you become convinced. Even if this was the SCIENCE forum, you become convinced of creation science with FAITH FIRST.

I may be telling you things such as the TRUTH ABOVE, but it's up to YOU to do it. It's not my problem nor solution. It's not my telling you to convince you. I already FOUND AND GOT MY PLACE IN HEAVEN. What you got is the other place. I know it, as well. Just read your first sentence to me.

As for the electric chair example, it is one of the best analogies I could come up with of what happens to atheists/ags/sinners in the AFTERLIFE. To me, it was the MOST TERRIFYING ultimate punishment for a hardened criminal in this life.
So the choice is do I believe you or my lying eyes?

Personally, I'm happy to not believe in an afterlife or the Devil. I don't have to waste any of this life preparing for what will never come, IMHO, and I don't have to worry that I may end up in Hell. You think your found your place but how do you know it is not the Devil deceiving you?
I call them ministries, that speak to certain people that are attracted to them. Many "sects/subdivisions" started as small ministries but grew into denominations. However the message of salvation through faith is the basically the same.
That message has a long history of being delivered with great force and at the end of a blunt instrument to the heads and torsos of entire populations.
I doubt the atheists are innocent when they have nothing to back them up, but their own no Supreme God desires, wishes, abominations and inclination to not obey and follow moral authority. Just read your own lies that you spew.
- to persecute the innocent

innocence is a tall order and not one allowed by christianity, worship of their messiah for their salvation than for themselves to accomplish the goal - the goal set out in the beginning and reiterated by the great flood, the religion of antiquity.

so their abandonment, the desert religions one way or another to vanquish sin as the goal - precludes, for them, as being the serpent themselves to distract those that would accomplish the prescribed religion as their own nefarious goal.

to prevent others from accomplishing what they themselves have abandoned - triumph over evil. bond.
Three million (possibly more) left Egypt. How many entered Canaan isn't known. A whole generation died in the wilderness. Only youngsters born within the last 20 years of the sojourn entered Canaan along with a few older leaders.
The Egyptians would have noticed. They only had a population of about 4 million.
I could suggest the axe is in the hand of the believer.

I certainly take an interest when (Christian) believers feel a need to insist their religion is a component of the Constitution, for example. I think teaching children that they are evil and base because they are born with original sin is a prescription for a maladjusted personality.
God through his work seeks to correct the natural maladjusted character that most people have. The whole point of religion is to become a better person.

Parents scold or punish their children for bad behavior. It's not a religious thing for most, just concern and common sense. Our schools fail to address the character of kids as students while in their 'care', which is a huge portion of their formative years.
That message has a long history of being delivered with great force and at the end of a blunt instrument to the heads and torsos of entire populations.
True that it took centuries for man to get the message that Christ brought. Old habits die hard.
The Egyptians would have noticed. They only had a population of about 4 million.
The Egyptians feared that Israel would out-populated them, thus the servitude they imposed. Hebrew women were very fecund.
The Egyptians feared that Israel would out-populated them, thus the servitude they imposed. Hebrew women were very fecund.
Egypt ruled Canaan.

Lol how do you know that? Are we adding details to the myth?
As the story goes the Hebrews outnumbered the Egyptians. That would put their population in the millions.

Exodus 1

7 And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.
8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.
9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:
As the story goes the Hebrews outnumbered the Egyptians. That would put their population in the millions.

Exodus 1

7 And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.
8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.
9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:

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