Proof Of The Bible

Apples and oranges. I'm talking history, not theology. Neither is dependant on the other for validity.

I am not talking about theology, history, archaeology, biology, religion, or science even though a basic education in those subjects must be used as a constraint to understanding what the stories are actually about.

I am talking about reading comprehension based on well known historical and universal literary writing techniques used by people of every nation, language, and tribe ever since people could talk; metaphors, analogies, homonyms, similis, hyperbole,etc., used to teach hard learned lessons of the past that the unknown authors of scripture intended to be understood by children.

You are arguing about how many people were exiled with Moses, or whether there is any historical record of it even taking place or not, without ever taking a stand about what the stories are actually teaching about reality...

You might as well be arguing about whether there was any historical evidence to confirm the story of the boy who cried wolf.

My point is simply that you are missing the point.
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Well, yeah. I'm sorry it worries people, too. I'm sorry I have to share the planet with people who believe it is in their interest to bring about the End Times. But, then again, you're ok with that behavior?
The world is a pretty screwed up place. Am I telling you something that you don't already know?

What's so terrible about looking forward to the end of this age of darkness violence corruption and confusion?
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The authors of the Bible are largely unknown. None of the authors ever met Jesus. It takes a Grand Canyon sized leap of faith to accept moral tales and fables written about Jesus approx. 75 years after his death by unknown authors who never met him.

Good point.

It was written by unknown authors who witnessed the destruction of Judea, the Temple, their way of life, and the slaughter, torture, exile, and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men, women and children. So, with that in mind;

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

The sword is a curse in a cup of wine, :wine:malware uploaded into the belly of the beast.

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."
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I am not talking about theology, history, archaeology, biology, religion, or science even though a basic education in those subjects must be used as a constraint to understanding what the stories are actually about.

I am talking about reading comprehension based on well known historical and universal literary writing techniques used by people of every nation, language, and people ever since people could talk; metaphors, analogies, homonyms, similis, hyperbole,etc., used to teach hard learned lessons of the past that the unknown authors of scripture intended to be understood by children.

You are arguing about how many people were exiled with Moses, or whether there is any historical record of it even taking place or not, without ever taking a stand about what the stories are actually teaching about reality...

You might as well be arguing about whether there was any historical evidence to confirm the story of the boy who cried wolf.

My point is simply that you are missing the point.
The stories of the Bible were told and retold orally for generations before being written down. The writers, likely Jews in Babylonian exile, lived in a particular place and time and had their own agendas. How can you expect to understand the Bible without understanding its context? Those Jews were destined to return to Israel and maybe wanted the Jews there to equate Jews returning from captivity with the heroism of the Exodus and the respect those returning Jews were given.
The world is a pretty screwed up place. Am I telling you something that you don't already know?

What's so terrible about looking forward to the end of this age of darkness violence and confusion?
I do think such an attitude is one that has given up to fear and surrender. Yes, the draw of religion is a perceived escape from being corporael. It allows us a willingness to abandon a need to make our corporeal lives meaningful. Yes, that is unreasonable. It requires you to abdicate reason in the face of fear. Any gods who reward fear over reason is not worthy of worship. It is much harder to face truths without the safety net of "a better existence awaits". It's far easier to believe in a loving father figure who will reward us (or p u n i s h us) based upon an emotional requirement to believe a bunch of ancient fables written in the desert somewhere. It's a simple Santa Clause (purposeful misspelling) model that most people, who are not particularly discriminating, can embrace without their sense of proportions getting violated.
The stories of the Bible were told and retold orally for generations before being written down. The writers, likely Jews in Babylonian exile, lived in a particular place and time and had their own agendas. How can you expect to understand the Bible without understanding its context?

Who said that I don't understand the context? The fact remains that scripture is not history.

Scripture is teaching something to children about the reality of the world they lived in long ago, the same reality in which we all are living in today.

When a baby cries you give them milk, not urine. When a child asks about the world outside the home they given fairy tales, not a bowl of crap.. When an adult is hungry you give them real meat, not bullshit. Bullshit never satisfies.

Nothing has changed.The human archetypes described in scripture, specifically in kosher law, are all around you and have been so for all of your life. The only thing that has changed is that talking serpents have become more sophisticated in how they beguile the gullible and subjugate people.
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Scripture is teaching something to children about the reality of the world they lived in long ago, the same reality in which we all are living in today.
Hardly. Scripture is a Rorschach drawing or the canals on Mars. You see in them what you want to see and take what you wish. There is 'love your enemies" as well as "an eye for an eye".
Hardly. Scripture is a Rorschach drawing or the canals on Mars. You see in them what you want to see and take what you wish. There is 'love your enemies" as well as "an eye for an eye".
Maybe it's like that for you. I find it as ambiguous or contradictory as the story of the three pigs.

Scripture was intentionally written by extremely intelligent and dedicated Hebrew people to both educate their children and divert their superstitious enemies to preserve 'the treasures of the kingdom of God' from corruption by using figurative language that for some mysterious reason remains above the grasp of many.

And although there may be many wrong ways to interpret the stories which lead nowhere there is only one right way to interpret those stories that conforms to and is confirmed by actual reality.

If you do not look and look and keep on looking you will never find it......
Maybe it's like that for you. I find it as ambiguous or contradictory as the story of the three pigs.
Sorry but not buying it. The three pigs has a single moral. The Bible has multiple, contradictory morals.

Scripture was intentionally written by extremely intelligent and dedicated Hebrew people to both educate their children and divert their superstitious enemies to preserve 'the treasures of the kingdom of God' from corruption by using figurative language that for some mysterious reason remains above the grasp of many.
Or they are exactly what they seem, myths with heros and 'proof' the Jews were chosen by God and promised Canaan.

And although there may be many wrong ways to interpret the stories which lead nowhere there is only one right way to interpret those stories that conforms to and is confirmed by actual reality.

If you do not look and look and keep on looking you will never find it......
That's what every conspiracy theorist says. Do you have a tin yarmukah?
Sorry but not buying it. The three pigs has a single moral.
That's alright. I'm not selling anything.

So tell me, what is the single moral teaching of the three pigs? (even though the big bad wolf character is just one among several)..

Or they are exactly what they seem, myths with heros and 'proof' the Jews were chosen by God and promised Canaan.

There is a lot more to the bible than the conquest of Canaan. But you knew that already. And being chosen is not about being above anyone else, it's about being chosen to facilitate with God the evolution of the lower beasts of the nations, not unlike yourself, like a servant beneath them, with divine instruction, manna from heaven, teaching from God. Some people, not you of course, are probably finally beginning to understand why Jesus ended up by saying, "eat this"....

My iguana and I thank you.....

That's what every conspiracy theorist says. Do you have a tin yarmukah?

Every conspiracy theorist says that there is teaching in scripture hidden through figurative language that can only be discerned by using intelligent thought, chewing things over, ruminating?

So what. Its true. My magical decoder ring says so.

What specifically, aside from jealousy, is your problem with Jewish writings...Captain Obvious?
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That's the dumbest thing I ever heard.
You're the one who loves and reads EVIL-ution and chances are good you will be misled by your sinful ways. The Bible states that we ALL HAVE A SINFUL NATURE.
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So tell me, what is the single moral teaching of the three pigs? (even though the big bad wolf character is just one among several)..
Plan well and build well

Some people, not you of course, are probably finally beginning to understand why Jesus ended up by saying, "eat this"....

My iguana and I thank you.....
You're right, not me. I'm more interested in knowing if he did say it or did someone put their words in his mouth. Jesus and his disciples were illiterate and we have nothing written by any of them. Only hearsay.

Every conspiracy theorist says that there is teaching in scripture hidden through figurative language that can only be discerned by using intelligent thought, chewing things over, ruminating?

So what. Its true. My magical decoder ring says so.
Every Gnostic said the same.

What specifically, aside from jealousy, is your problem with Jewish writings...Captain Obvious?
I have no problem with Jewish writings, certainly not jealousy, I only want to understand and appreciate them. I don't want to make them into something they are not.
Hardly. Scripture is a Rorschach drawing or the canals on Mars. You see in them what you want to see and take what you wish. There is 'love your enemies" as well as "an eye for an eye".
What does Rorschach or canals of Mars even mean? Scripture is to be read literally and it tells us the truth literally. It's you who see what you want to see and take what you evilly wish.

Sure, creationists are supposed to "love our enemies," but we're fine if our enemies get an eye for an eye like the electric chair of the afterlife as we won't be able to see what happened to them.

We can only imagine what will happen in this life and we'll prolly buy popcorn and other comfort food if we could watch. There's something too smug and maybe sinful about it, so we can't even buy tickets. What if it was alang1216 's turn?


ETA: Stephen Hawking got the electric chair, too, but his is more how shall we say...

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What does Rorschach or canals of Mars even mean? Scripture is to be read literally and it tells us the truth literally. It's you who see what you want to see and take what you evilly wish.

Sure, creationists are supposed to "love our enemies," but we're fine if our enemies get an eye for an eye like the electric chair of the afterlife as we won't be able to see what happened to them.

We can only imagine what will happen in this life and we'll prolly buy popcorn and other comfort food if we could watch. There's something too smug and maybe sinful about it, so we can't even buy tickets. What if it was alang1216 's turn?

Note to Hollie

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

See what I mean?
What does Rorschach or canals of Mars even mean?
Ask hobelim to explain it you to. I've given up

Scripture is to be read literally and it tells us the truth literally. It's you who see what you want to see and take what you evilly wish.
Says you and you represent a minority of Christians I'd wager.

Sure, creationists are supposed to "love our enemies," but we're fine if our enemies get an eye for an eye like the electric chair of the afterlife as we won't be able to see what happened to them.

We can only imagine what will happen in this life and we'll prolly buy popcorn and other comfort food if we could watch. There's something too smug and maybe sinful about it, so we can't even buy tickets. What if it was alang1216 's turn?

You really take pleasure in thinking I'll be condemned to suffer eternal torment while I hope your leg problems end. Maybe I'm more of a Christian than you are. I'm not afraid to face judgement but, maybe, you shouldn't be so arrogant to think you know God's judgement on you.
Note to Hollie

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

See what I mean?
I hope she does, I certainly don't.
God is the author of the Bible. "Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16

Sure, human writers wrote the Bible, but men like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were divinely inspired to do the work for God and some knew Jesus.

"Did the four gospel writers know Jesus?

To varying degrees and by varying closeness. Jesus had 12 disciples with an inner circle of three, Peter, James and John. The gospel of John is definitely the person who was closest to Jesus and knew Jesus very well up close. Matthew is one of the 12 disciples and that travelled with, and was there for Jesus’ teaching. There is debate about the gospel of Mark, but scholars believe it was the teaching of Peter as there are details only he would know. Mark recorded Peter’s teaching as someone who was part of the inner circle. Luke was written by a historian/doctor who interviewed people and gathered the stories. So the gospel of Luke was written by someone who did not personally know Jesus but spoke to those that did."

Where do you get the writers are largely unknown? Link?

that is proven inacurate, there were never tablets etched in the heavens with 10 comandments what is in the scripures of all three desert religions are forgeries and falacies including their claim of a solitary heavenly monotheistic deity.

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