
Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
In my book, “100 Years of Deception”, Chapter 1 establishes that the United States government was overthrown in 1913, concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve Act. It is also established that those responsible for the overthrow were the same people who played a key role in establishing the State of Israel. Subsequent chapters in my book serve to validate these truths. However, three chapters in my book are dedicated to the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, an American spy ship, stationed in international waters off the coast of Gaza. The Liberty, supposedly, was there to monitor what became known as the Six Days war between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The reason I devote so much space to this incident in my book is because it best serves to establish that dark and sinister forces rule our government.

When the Liberty was under attack, no one other than the attackers knew who they were. The attacking airplanes had no identifiable markings on them and could have belonged to either Israel or Egypt. However, while it was impossible for American forces to know who owned the attacking aircraft, two separate actions were taken. One was understandable; relief aircraft were launched to aid the stricken Liberty. However, incomprehensibly, a second sortie of A-4 Hawkeyes was launched with orders to drop their nuclear weapons on Cairo. In other words, someone in our government wrongfully assumed it was Egypt attacking our ship and ordered a nuclear strike against Egypt in response. This is far too incredible to believe. But hang on, it gets better than this.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on whose side you are on, the Liberty refused to sink. When this became evident, Robert McNamara, our Secretary of Defense at the time, called off the nuclear strike on Cairo with minutes to spare. Incredibly, he also called off the airplanes armed with conventional weapons sent to relieve the embattled Liberty. At this point, 6th Fleet Commanders were on a voice link with Washington and questioned McNamara’s orders to call back the relief aircraft. Apparently, President Johnson was present during this conversation and being annoyed at having his orders questioned, got on the line and said he didn’t give a damn if the ship sank (the USS Liberty), he would not embarrass his allies. And remember, as President Johnson spoke these ignoble words, officially, he had no way of knowing the identity of the planes attacking the Liberty; or did he?

Operation Cyanide was a joint military operation between the United States and Israel agreed to sometime before the Six Days War began. The fact that this operation existed is an established fact, however, many of the details are not known. What we do know, is that unknown to the American people, the U.S. was a secret and active participant in military operations against Egypt and her allies. These operations included providing aerial photography for Egyptian forces to assess battle damage after their attacks. However, if we keep in mind that Washington tipped its hand about knowing who the real attackers of the Liberty were, surly this defenseless ship had a role to play in Operation Cyanide. And what role was this? The only conceivable thing which comes to mind is the USS Liberty was setup to be sunk with no survivors or witnesses, so the United States would have an excuse nuke Cairo with all its inhabitants and its fully staffed American Embassy.

My fellow Americans and other men of good will throughout the world, because a cover-up of what really happened to the USS Liberty is still firmly in place today, I submit to you that our government and your governments are ruled by dark and sinister forces. I further submit that the mechanism that these forces use to control our governments, are the privately owned central banks of the world owned by the same banking cartels which created an organization they call the New World Order. These criminals also created the rogue state of Israel to serve as a spear point for their control of the oil fields of the Middle East. The world we live in is embroiled in perpetual war and no longer free. To end war and free ourselves from economic bondage which holds us firmly in its grip, we must rid the world of its fraudulent privately owned central banks and the criminals who run them.

If you wish proof and validation of the above essay, watch this video produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation entitled, “Dead in the Water”:
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Shouldn't this be in the Consiracy Theory room?

Not so!

A proven conspiracy is no longer a conspiracy, instead, it is history. What you have read in the lead post of the thread is the proven history of the United States clearly established in honor of the men of the USS Liberty.
Shouldn't this be in the Consiracy Theory room?

Not so!

A proven conspiracy is no longer a conspiracy, instead, it is history. What you have read in the lead post of the thread is the proven history of the United States clearly established in honor of the men of the USS Liberty.
Funny, looked to be more of an attempt at promoting a book. A book about an alleged conspiracy...
Nuff said...?
In my book, “100 Years of Deception”, Chapter 1 establishes that the United States government was overthrown in 1913, concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve Act. It is also established that those responsible for the overthrow were the same people who played a key role in establishing the State of Israel. Subsequent chapters in my book serve to validate these truths. However, three chapters in my book are dedicated to the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, an American spy ship, stationed in international waters off the coast of Gaza. The Liberty, supposedly, was there to monitor what became known as the Six Days war between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The reason I devote so much space to this incident in my book is because it best serves to establish that dark and sinister forces rule our government.

When the Liberty was under attack, no one other than the attackers knew who they were. The attacking airplanes had no identifiable markings on them and could have belonged to either Israel or Egypt. However, while it was impossible for American forces to know who owned the attacking aircraft, two separate actions were taken. One was understandable; relief aircraft were launched to aid the stricken Liberty. However, incomprehensibly, a second sortie of A-4 Hawkeyes was launched with orders to drop their nuclear weapons on Cairo. In other words, someone in our government wrongfully assumed it was Egypt attacking our ship and ordered a nuclear strike against Egypt in response. This is far too incredible to believe. But hang on, it gets better than this.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on whose side you are on, the Liberty refused to sink. When this became evident, Robert McNamara, our Secretary of Defense at the time, called off the nuclear strike on Cairo with minutes to spare. Incredibly, he also called off the airplanes armed with conventional weapons sent to relieve the embattled Liberty. At this point, 6th Fleet Commanders were on a voice link with Washington and questioned McNamara’s orders to call back the relief aircraft. Apparently, President Johnson was present during this conversation and being annoyed at having his orders questioned, got on the line and said he didn’t give a damn if the ship sank (the USS Liberty), he would not embarrass his allies. And remember, as President Johnson spoke these ignoble words, officially, he had no way of knowing the identity of the planes attacking the Liberty; or did he?

Operation Cyanide was a joint military operation between the United States and Israel agreed to sometime before the Six Days War began. The fact that this operation existed is an established fact, however, many of the details are not known. What we do know, is that unknown to the American people, the U.S. was a secret and active participant in military operations against Egypt and her allies. These operations included providing aerial photography for Egyptian forces to assess battle damage after their attacks. However, if we keep in mind that Washington tipped its hand about knowing who the real attackers of the Liberty were, surly this defenseless ship had a role to play in Operation Cyanide. And what role was this? The only conceivable thing which comes to mind is the USS Liberty was setup to be sunk with no survivors or witnesses, so the United States would have an excuse nuke Cairo with all its inhabitants and its fully staffed American Embassy.

My fellow Americans and other men of good will throughout the world, because a cover-up of what really happened to the USS Liberty is still firmly in place today, I submit to you that our government and your governments are ruled by dark and sinister forces. I further submit that the mechanism that these forces use to control our governments, are the privately owned central banks of the world owned by the same banking cartels which created an organization they call the New World Order. These criminals also created the rogue state of Israel to serve as a spear point for their control of the oil fields of the Middle East. The world we live in is embroiled in perpetual war and no longer free. To end war and free ourselves from economic bondage which holds us firmly in its grip, we must rid the world of its fraudulent privately owned central banks and the criminals who run them.

If you wish proof and validation of the above essay, watch this video produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation entitled, “Dead in the Water”:

Another unapologetic anti semitic rant
I enjoyed the documentary Citizenal, thanks for posting the link.
[/QUOTE] Funny, looked to be more of an attempt at promoting a book. A book about an alleged conspiracy...
Nuff said...?[/QUOTE]

Dear Oldsoul:

Sure, you can perceive it as promoting a book and I suppose I can be judged guilty of this horrible crime. However, I see more as seeking justice for the 34 American servicemen deliberately murdered by the Israelis on that fateful day in 1967. And that is not “Nuff said” as you conveniently wish to believe. What also needs to be said is this was the darkest day in the history of our Nation because it clearly demonstrated that we no longer had a government which represented us. Is this “Nuff said” for you or should I say more so you will understand what happened on that shameful and ignoble day. From my perspective, to dismiss what I have said so casually shows you have no idea what it means to be and American.
[/QUOTE] Yawn.......Another unapologetic anti semitic rant[/QUOTE]

Dear Toxic media:

You have opened your big mouth in a great wide yawn and put your foot in it. Prove me wrong by telling us and explaining what in my post is anti-Semitic. You can’t because there is nothing anti-Semitic about it. This being the case, you have demonstrated to all concerned that you have no idea what you are talking a about and are just a name calling trouble maker who is a card carrying member of a group of people I dub as being, “Idiots For Tyranny and Injustice”.
Dear Toxic media:

You have opened your big mouth in a great wide yawn and put your foot in it. Prove me wrong by telling us and explaining what in my post is anti-Semitic. You can’t because there is nothing anti-Semitic about it. This being the case, you have demonstrated to all concerned that you have no idea what you are talking a about and are just a name calling trouble maker who is a card carrying member of a group of people I dub as being, “Idiots For Tyranny and Injustice”.
Are you not smart enough to use the quote functions on this site?
Dear Toxic media:

You have opened your big mouth in a great wide yawn and put your foot in it. Prove me wrong by telling us and explaining what in my post is anti-Semitic. You can’t because there is nothing anti-Semitic about it. This being the case, you have demonstrated to all concerned that you have no idea what you are talking a about and are just a name calling trouble maker who is a card carrying member of a group of people I dub as being, “Idiots For Tyranny and Injustice”.
Are you not smart enough to use the quote functions on this site?

No I am not. Why don't you help me out?

And by the way, I am still waiting for toxicmedia to tell me why anything I have written in my first post is anti-Semitic. I guess we won't be hearing from him again. My sincere hope is that, in the future, he stops to think before he wrongfully accuses someone of being that stupid in a public forum. Its okay toxicmedia, I still love you anyway. After all, I am a born again Christian and as such am not anti-anybody.
Dear Toxic media:

You have opened your big mouth in a great wide yawn and put your foot in it. Prove me wrong by telling us and explaining what in my post is anti-Semitic. You can’t because there is nothing anti-Semitic about it. This being the case, you have demonstrated to all concerned that you have no idea what you are talking a about and are just a name calling trouble maker who is a card carrying member of a group of people I dub as being, “Idiots For Tyranny and Injustice”.
Are you not smart enough to use the quote functions on this site?

No I am not. Why don't you help me out?

And by the way, I am still waiting for toxicmedia to tell me why anything I have written in my first post is anti-Semitic. I guess we won't be hearing from him again. My sincere hope is that, in the future, he stops to think before he wrongfully accuses someone of being that stupid in a public forum. Its okay toxicmedia, I still love you anyway. After all, I am a born again Christian and as such am not anti-anybody.
Just keep telling yourself you're not anti anybody.

Take that skat back to Stormfront
Funny, looked to be more of an attempt at promoting a book. A book about an alleged conspiracy...
Nuff said...?[/QUOTE]

Dear Oldsoul:

Sure, you can perceive it as promoting a book and I suppose I can be judged guilty of this horrible crime. However, I see more as seeking justice for the 34 American servicemen deliberately murdered by the Israelis on that fateful day in 1967. And that is not “Nuff said” as you conveniently wish to believe. What also needs to be said is this was the darkest day in the history of our Nation because it clearly demonstrated that we no longer had a government which represented us. Is this “Nuff said” for you or should I say more so you will understand what happened on that shameful and ignoble day. From my perspective, to dismiss what I have said so casually shows you have no idea what it means to be and American.[/QUOTE]
If I don't have any idea what it means to be an American, then why don't you enlighten me. I am proud of MY country, I am proud of what we have accomplished, I am proud of who we are. Sure, we have made some mistakes, we have done some horrible things, innocent people have died. That's life. To say this event is the darkest day in our history is to discount the following as less imortant:
  1. Taking HUGE swaths of land from Native Americans in direct violation of binding treaties with them.
  2. Enslaving an entire race of people for no reasoon other than their skin color and bigotry.
  3. Denying an entire gender true representation (ie: no vote) for well over a century.
  4. Accepting laws for over a generation that violated the rights of an entire race of citizens.
There may be others that I am not thinking of at the moment. Does your event, if accurate, really eclipse all of these?
[/QUOTE]Just keep telling yourself you're not anti anybody.

Take that skat back to Stormfront[/QUOTE]

To be against a group of people, you have to stereotype them in some manner and then irrationally speak against those you have stereotyped. I have not nor have I ever done this, so your characterization of me being anti-Semitic are false and wrongfully leveled. I stand "anti" to wrong doing and behavior which results in un-justice.
[/QUOTE] If I don't have any idea what it means to be an American, then why don't you enlighten me. I am proud of MY country, I am proud of what we have accomplished, I am proud of who we are. Sure, we have made some mistakes, we have done some horrible things, innocent people have died. That's life. To say this event is the darkest day in our history is to discount the following as less imortant:
  1. Taking HUGE swaths of land from Native Americans in direct violation of binding treaties with them.
  2. Enslaving an entire race of people for no reasoon other than their skin color and bigotry.
  3. Denying an entire gender true representation (ie: no vote) for well over a century.
  4. Accepting laws for over a generation that violated the rights of an entire race of citizens.
There may be others that I am not thinking of at the moment. Does your event, if accurate, really eclipse all of these?[/QUOTE]

I too am proud of my country, I too am proud of what we have accomplished, and I am proud of what we were, but I am not proud of how this nation has been led astray and I am not proud of what we have become. By being let astray, I refer to wrongfully entering WWI and then fighting on the wrong side, the consequences of which extended WWI for two more and helped bring on WWII. I am also ashamed that this nation has been duped into reigniting the long dead Crusades which has embroiled the world in a perpetual war on terror. If you do not share me shame in these things, then you know nothing about the true history of the world, and this ignorance validates my statement that you have no idea what it means to be American.

And P.S., I also am ashamed of the fact that in 1913 Congress, cajoled, duped, and bribed into passing the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act, which gave a group of fraudulent criminals control of our monetary, system, economy, and our Nation itself which, in case you are interested, led directly to all the things I am ashamed of listed above.
If I don't have any idea what it means to be an American, then why don't you enlighten me. I am proud of MY country, I am proud of what we have accomplished, I am proud of who we are. Sure, we have made some mistakes, we have done some horrible things, innocent people have died. That's life. To say this event is the darkest day in our history is to discount the following as less imortant:
  1. Taking HUGE swaths of land from Native Americans in direct violation of binding treaties with them.
  2. Enslaving an entire race of people for no reasoon other than their skin color and bigotry.
  3. Denying an entire gender true representation (ie: no vote) for well over a century.
  4. Accepting laws for over a generation that violated the rights of an entire race of citizens.
There may be others that I am not thinking of at the moment. Does your event, if accurate, really eclipse all of these?[/QUOTE]

I too am proud of my country, I too am proud of what we have accomplished, and I am proud of what we were, but I am not proud of how this nation has been led astray and I am not proud of what we have become. By being let astray, I refer to wrongfully entering WWI and then fighting on the wrong side, the consequences of which extended WWI for two more and helped bring on WWII. I am also ashamed that this nation has been duped into reigniting the long dead Crusades which has embroiled the world in a perpetual war on terror. If you do not share me shame in these things, then you know nothing about the true history of the world, and this ignorance validates my statement that you have no idea what it means to be American.

And P.S., I also am ashamed of the fact that in 1913 Congress, cajoled, duped, and bribed into passing the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act, which gave a group of fraudulent criminals control of our monetary, system, economy, and our Nation itself which, in case you are interested, led directly to all the things I am ashamed of listed above.[/QUOTE]
So, we should have stood and fought WITH Germany in WWI? I cannot continue a rational discussion with an irrational person. Good day sir.
[/QUOTE] So, we should have stood and fought WITH Germany in WWI? I cannot continue a rational discussion with an irrational person. Good day sir.[/QUOTE]

to "oldsoul" who is too senile comprehend the truth:

I know you want out of this discussion because you are not capable of dealing with hard cold reality. The village idiot can readily see that we fought WWI on the wrong side, but you won't even entertain the notion because you prefer to hide from the truth.

I am sorry that I cannot bring myself to say "Good day sir" because it is people like you who insure that people like me live in tyranny.

Go in peace!
In my book, “100 Years of Deception”, Chapter 1 establishes that the United States government was overthrown in 1913, concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve Act. It is also established that those responsible for the overthrow were the same people who played a key role in establishing the State of Israel. Subsequent chapters in my book serve to validate these truths. However, three chapters in my book are dedicated to the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, an American spy ship, stationed in international waters off the coast of Gaza. The Liberty, supposedly, was there to monitor what became known as the Six Days war between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The reason I devote so much space to this incident in my book is because it best serves to establish that dark and sinister forces rule our government.

When the Liberty was under attack, no one other than the attackers knew who they were. The attacking airplanes had no identifiable markings on them and could have belonged to either Israel or Egypt. However, while it was impossible for American forces to know who owned the attacking aircraft, two separate actions were taken. One was understandable; relief aircraft were launched to aid the stricken Liberty. However, incomprehensibly, a second sortie of A-4 Hawkeyes was launched with orders to drop their nuclear weapons on Cairo. In other words, someone in our government wrongfully assumed it was Egypt attacking our ship and ordered a nuclear strike against Egypt in response. This is far too incredible to believe. But hang on, it gets better than this.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on whose side you are on, the Liberty refused to sink. When this became evident, Robert McNamara, our Secretary of Defense at the time, called off the nuclear strike on Cairo with minutes to spare. Incredibly, he also called off the airplanes armed with conventional weapons sent to relieve the embattled Liberty. At this point, 6th Fleet Commanders were on a voice link with Washington and questioned McNamara’s orders to call back the relief aircraft. Apparently, President Johnson was present during this conversation and being annoyed at having his orders questioned, got on the line and said he didn’t give a damn if the ship sank (the USS Liberty), he would not embarrass his allies. And remember, as President Johnson spoke these ignoble words, officially, he had no way of knowing the identity of the planes attacking the Liberty; or did he?

Operation Cyanide was a joint military operation between the United States and Israel agreed to sometime before the Six Days War began. The fact that this operation existed is an established fact, however, many of the details are not known. What we do know, is that unknown to the American people, the U.S. was a secret and active participant in military operations against Egypt and her allies. These operations included providing aerial photography for Egyptian forces to assess battle damage after their attacks. However, if we keep in mind that Washington tipped its hand about knowing who the real attackers of the Liberty were, surly this defenseless ship had a role to play in Operation Cyanide. And what role was this? The only conceivable thing which comes to mind is the USS Liberty was setup to be sunk with no survivors or witnesses, so the United States would have an excuse nuke Cairo with all its inhabitants and its fully staffed American Embassy.

My fellow Americans and other men of good will throughout the world, because a cover-up of what really happened to the USS Liberty is still firmly in place today, I submit to you that our government and your governments are ruled by dark and sinister forces. I further submit that the mechanism that these forces use to control our governments, are the privately owned central banks of the world owned by the same banking cartels which created an organization they call the New World Order. These criminals also created the rogue state of Israel to serve as a spear point for their control of the oil fields of the Middle East. The world we live in is embroiled in perpetual war and no longer free. To end war and free ourselves from economic bondage which holds us firmly in its grip, we must rid the world of its fraudulent privately owned central banks and the criminals who run them.

If you wish proof and validation of the above essay, watch this video produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation entitled, “Dead in the Water”:
Delusional ramblings and rubbish.
The only thing that is rubbish in this thread are replies that disparage and offer nothing in rebuttal to what is being said. When this happens, it should be clear to all concerned that those doing the disparaging are not capable of responding to the points being made. If this were not the case, obviously, they would provide a response in lieu of the disparagement. Weak minds resort name calling because they have no other way of responding.

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