Proof of the Power of media: Obama was the greatest immigrant deporter of all time.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Over his two terms, Obama deported 2.5 MILLION illegals out of America. Yet the media said not a peep about Obama's extremely aggressive deportation program. How many news shows did you see about Obama deporting illegals, breaking up families? I don't remember a single one. Not a whole lot of media compassion for illegals going on during Obama's reign, was there?

Now the media has Trump in it's cross hairs, and they have portrayed him as a vicious Racist because he has the audacity to put the safety of Americans first and the "rights" of illegal aliens second. And uninformed, over emotional Liberals lap it up like farm animals at the trough. Fucking wake up! You are being played! The media lied to you about Obama and they are lying to you about Trump. They have had their power taken away and they want it back. That is what this is about. POWER. They don't give a shit about illegals. Don't just watch fake news and believe it, read you idiots.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

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