Proof Positive Libs are Dumb as Dirt "Teach Men Not To Rape"

No, I'm not making that up.

New anti-gun idea to avoid arming women: Teach men not to rape « Hot Air New anti-gun idea to avoid arming women: Teach men not to rape « Hot Air via @hotairblog

n fairness to Maxwell, I don’t think she’s touting anti-rape education as a complete alternative to arming women, she’s touting it in order to duck Hannity’s question about why any woman should be left defenseless in the name of advancing the Democrats’ gun-control agenda. As we saw yesterday, that subject is vexing enough for a committed gun-grabber that it’s apt to induce outright idiocy in its proponents. To believe that educating boys about what constitutes consent might eliminate rape entirely is like believing that anti-smoking and anti-drunk-driving campaigns will eliminate emphysema and alcohol-fueled car crashes. They might reduce the risk but they’ll never get rid of it completely. And rape, needless to say, is different from vehicular homicide caused by DUI insofar as it’s a crime of intent. There are, in fact, plenty of degenerates who understand the boundaries of consent perfectly well and will cross them regardless. It’s for those special individuals that handguns capable of fitting in purses are made.

New anti-gun idea to avoid arming women: Teach men not to rape « Hot Air

[ame=]The solution to rape, train men to not rape - YouTube[/ame]

It's more of the wacko left bullshit.

they assume every person with a gun is going to shoot up a school and now they assume every man is a potential rapist and needs to be "educated" not to rape women
There is no problem too big for a government program to solve. The sheer idiocy of American politics leaves one dumbfounded.
Yes, there are.

And for the most part, no amount of educating them is going to change that... psychopaths gonna be psychopaths.

Very true, rape is such a huge problem and we never really know how many women are raped, alot of them do not come forward.

And a lot of them make shit up. It's the ugly flip side of the rape problem. Some woman gets picked up and has sex and then regrets it and makes up a story of how she got raped. It's not that that's what always happens. But it does happen sometimes.
And for the most part, no amount of educating them is going to change that... psychopaths gonna be psychopaths.

Very true, rape is such a huge problem and we never really know how many women are raped, alot of them do not come forward.

And a lot of them make shit up. It's the ugly flip side of the rape problem. Some woman gets picked up and has sex and then regrets it and makes up a story of how she got raped. It's not that that's what always happens. But it does happen sometimes.

Of definently, we have the made up cases and we also have the women that don't say anything after it happens. :dunno:
Education has already been proven to reduce rape.

No, nothing will stop the psychopaths, but the drunk guy with a passed out girlfriend? He isn't a monster, and education can prevent bad choices.

Sounds like just another symptom of societal breakdown... my parents taught me enough about basic respect for my fellow man that I didn't need to be educated to not rape. Wh are these people that need to be taught to not rape passed out women?

Geeze Louise.
Education has already been proven to reduce rape.

No, nothing will stop the psychopaths, but the drunk guy with a passed out girlfriend? He isn't a monster, and education can prevent bad choices.

Sounds like just another symptom of societal breakdown... my parents taught me enough about basic respect for my fellow man that I didn't need to be educated to not rape. Wh are these people that need to be taught to not rape passed out women?

Geeze Louise.
We are at a 35 year low on rape, which peeked in the very early 70's. So, depending on your age there were most likely more rapists in your graduating college class, then mine:)
Education has already been proven to reduce rape.

No, nothing will stop the psychopaths, but the drunk guy with a passed out girlfriend? He isn't a monster, and education can prevent bad choices.

How on earth can you determine that?! We dont even have an accurate count of how many women are raped due to people not coming forward and false accusations. How can we possible prove anything reduces it?

And what exactly is education going to do to stop someone who is drunk? They aren't exactly thinking clearly if they are drunk.
Education has already been proven to reduce rape.

No, nothing will stop the psychopaths, but the drunk guy with a passed out girlfriend? He isn't a monster, and education can prevent bad choices.

How on earth can you determine that?! We dont even have an accurate count of how many women are raped due to people not coming forward and false accusations. How can we possible prove anything reduces it?

And what exactly is education going to do to stop someone who is drunk? They aren't exactly thinking clearly if they are drunk.

I have already proven that, the campaign "Dont be that guy" has been wildly successful at reducing rape in the cities that have adopted it.
teapartysamurai is often a reactionary wacko, nothing more, but on this topic, she is 100% right. Of course a woman has a right to defend herself, the 2nd is clear she can own a weapon for self defense.
Education has already been proven to reduce rape.

No, nothing will stop the psychopaths, but the drunk guy with a passed out girlfriend? He isn't a monster, and education can prevent bad choices.

How on earth can you determine that?! We dont even have an accurate count of how many women are raped due to people not coming forward and false accusations. How can we possible prove anything reduces it?

And what exactly is education going to do to stop someone who is drunk? They aren't exactly thinking clearly if they are drunk.

I have already proven that, the campaign "Dont be that guy" has been wildly successful at reducing rape in the cities that have adopted it.

With all due respect, that doesn't address any of the points I've mentioned. Simply saying "Ive already proven that" doesn't mean anything to me since I havent seen you prove anything.
teapartysamurai is often a reactionary wacko, nothing more, but on this topic, she is 100% right. Of course a woman has a right to defend herself, the 2nd is clear she can own a weapon for self defense.

Im suprised to see you say she is right. Granted, she is on this topic. but im still surprised.
How on earth can you determine that?! We dont even have an accurate count of how many women are raped due to people not coming forward and false accusations. How can we possible prove anything reduces it?

And what exactly is education going to do to stop someone who is drunk? They aren't exactly thinking clearly if they are drunk.

I have already proven that, the campaign "Dont be that guy" has been wildly successful at reducing rape in the cities that have adopted it.

With all due respect, that doesn't address any of the points I've mentioned. Simply saying "Ive already proven that" doesn't mean anything to me since I havent seen you prove anything.
I posted an article about its success and the significant drops in cities that have adopted it.
teapartysamurai is often a reactionary wacko, nothing more, but on this topic, she is 100% right. Of course a woman has a right to defend herself, the 2nd is clear she can own a weapon for self defense.

Im suprised to see you say she is right. Granted, she is on this topic. but im still surprised.

Why be surprised? I am far more rational on constitutional issues than the reactionary or libertarian wings, Avatar.
While I think she phrased that terribly. I also think education is an important part of rape prevention. Most rapes aren't your masked stranger in a dark alley, but a trusted friend, husband or lover.

And you think exposing them to a PowerPoint presentation about rape is going to make them stop?

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