Proof Positive Libs are Dumb as Dirt "Teach Men Not To Rape"

teapartysamurai is often a reactionary wacko, nothing more, but on this topic, she is 100% right. Of course a woman has a right to defend herself, the 2nd is clear she can own a weapon for self defense.

Im suprised to see you say she is right. Granted, she is on this topic. but im still surprised.

Why be surprised? I am far more rational on constitutional issues than the reactionary or libertarian wings, Avatar.

You don't even know what it says, Fakey.
I saw this poor deluded woman and wondeted why she is stll alive. Women should just tell men not to do that anymore. Once the know they shouldn't, they will stop.

It is rather like a woman fleeing an assailant by hiding in the ladies restroom. She is sure he won't go in there. There is a sign on the door.

:confused:Only thing is the rapist would probably think he could get away with it. All he would have to do is take out a pen and cross out the WO on the sign saying WOMEN on the door.

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