Proof socialists hate pets!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
We hear a lot lately about socialists running for office here in the US for this election cycle!! Its become quite popular.....lots of promises of a near utopian society if their policies are adopted.

Who cant determine that these same candidates will never admit to having no care for the typical pet like a dog or a cat?

Check out what is happening in Venezuela.....a country that has gone big time socialist!! Things have gotten so bad that the people are leaving their pets for dead!!:ack-1::ack-1:

Top story on DRUDGE this morning btw! So damn sad........this is what happens then the politicians sell a bag of dog doo in the name of free stuff for everybody. The never ever tell the people about the costs.

Socialism is an unmitigated disaster.........look at what is happening in Sweden as crime and rape are going through the roof. And Sweden is only a pseudo-socialist country and quickly becoming a shithole!!

So vote socialist if you will.......but start thinking about the future of your pets my friends. Don't be a dick.:113:
Man what a bummer.

These people love their dogs but just can't afford to feed them.

Utopian Venezuela is far from a Utopia.
If the leftards assume the majority, take note of the number of veterinary clinics that close.

That's where pet neglect begins.

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