Proof the globe is COOLING

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Ah, yes the global warming conspiracy. Bands of renege scientist using junk science have pulled the wool over the eyes of the national science academies of all the major industrialized countries, 95% of the active climate researchers, and 75 countries that are taking actions on global warming.

Do you actually believe that line of shit or does questioning your faith elicit an automatic pavlovian response from you? And to you really believe that any sort of a majority makes a scientific question true?
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Climate science and its long history of failed predictions, fear mongering, data tampering, and hand waving hysterics looks a lot like a hoax...if it looks like a hoax, quacks like a hoax and swims like a hoax, it is probably a hoax.
Then given perfect insulation, the flashlight will most certainly - eventually - cook the food.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Wow. I can't think of anything more appropriate to describe the complete lack of scientific knowledge being displayed here.

Just wow.....:(
Ah, yes the global warming conspiracy. Bands of renege scientist using junk science have pulled the wool over the eyes of the national science academies of all the major industrialized countries, 95% of the active climate researchers, and 75 countries that are taking actions on global warming.

Yes indeed. Who have been able to sell a fraud that has made them millions and if they can get these ridiculous laws passed BILLIONS of dollars. When in doubt follow the money.

Oh, and for the record...the financial institutions like Goldman Sachs who are likewise pushing this fraud are going to make TRILLIONS. For doing nothing other than clicking buttons on a computer.

How does that stack up vs. all the real work that the oil companies have to do to bring us the elixir of our modern life?

Think about it Flopper...
Then given perfect insulation, the flashlight will most certainly - eventually - cook the food.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Wow. I can't think of anything more appropriate to describe the complete lack of scientific knowledge being displayed here.

Just wow.....:(

Maybe you can sell him one of these on ebay..


The entire rest of the physics community believes the rock would fall in the direction of higher GRAVITY - but hey, we're all a bunch of morons that don't know what we're talking about - you're the super genius that is going to revolutionize the world! explain the precise mechanism by which gravity works.

Entropy, right? The rest of the physics community thinks that matter warps the space-time around it. Einstein never consulted you I guess.

BTW - if the rock is supposed to fall in the direction of higher entropy - why doesn't it fall up? You're a scientific genius and I'm sure are well aware that atmospheres aren't stable to convection if their entropy profiles increase as you go down.

When you provide that answer, and get back from collecting your Nobel, I will explain the precise mechanism that prevents cool objects from radiating towards warm objects.
I'm not interested in that.

I seriously just want to know how photons remember the temperature of the object that emitted them so they can avoid hitting something hotter afterwards.
please explain.
I mean, I would ask you to refer me to some physics textbook - BUT ALL THE PHYSICISTS IN THE WORLD ARE WRONG - AND YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS THE ANSWER - so that won't help. Please, enlighten us ignoramouses. I promise I won't tell my physicist friends about your amazing discovery without mentioning your name!

First, it is clear that you have studied little...
I only have a PhD. I'm not a natural born know it all like you.

one need only know that the second law says that energy can't move from a cool object to a warm object...

It doesn't actually say that. The 2nd law of thermo refers specifically to HEAT - not all forms of energy.

But you know that, I'm sure you're just joking.

EDIT - And the restriction that cold not flow to hot only applies when no work is performed. Otherwise it would be IMPOSSIBLE for AIR CONDITIONING to work AT ALL.

seriously though, you've got to explain how this photon memory shit works. What if a photon emitted from a 100 K body all of a sudden finds itself surrounded by 200k bodies? Does it just STOP?
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Ah, yes the global warming conspiracy. Bands of renege scientist using junk science have pulled the wool over the eyes of the national science academies of all the major industrialized countries, 95% of the active climate researchers, and 75 countries that are taking actions on global warming.

Do you actually believe that line of shit or does questioning your faith elicit an automatic pavlovian response from you? And to you really believe that any sort of a majority makes a scientific question true?
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Don't mess with SSDD..

He's a genius.

He knows more than all the world's physicists.
Entropy, right? The rest of the physics community thinks that matter warps the space-time around it. Einstein never consulted you I guess.

I didn't ask what science believes is happening, I asked for the mechanism by which it happens. How does it happen... I expected a bullshit answer from you rather than a simple admission that science doesn't really have any idea of how the mechanism of gravity works any more than science knows why energy doesn't move from cold to warm. It doesn't happen, but why? Who knows. If we can't explain the mechanism of something like gravity, how do you suppose we might explain the mechanism of energy transfer?

though, you've got to explain how this photon memory shit works. What if a photon emitted from a 100 K body all of a sudden finds itself surrounded by 200k bodies? Does it just STOP?

Sure...just as soon as you describe the mechanism by which gravity works....who knows, in the process, you might actually learn why energy can't move from cool to warm.

Rather than wonder what sort of memory a photon has, like wondering how a rock knows which way to might wonder why the 100K body doesn't radiate towards the 200K might wonder if photons might find yourself contemplating waves and their sometimes canceling might find yourself wondering all sorts of things that science at present can't answer and simply doesn't know.
Do you actually believe that line of shit or does questioning your faith elicit an automatic pavlovian response from you? And to you really believe that any sort of a majority makes a scientific question true?
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Don't mess with SSDD..

He's a genius.

He knows more than all the world's physicists.

I know a hoax when I see one so clearly I am not as gullible as you.
I expected a bullshit answer from you rather than a simple admission that science doesn't really have any idea of how the mechanism of gravity works any more than science knows why energy doesn't move from cold to warm. It doesn't happen, but why?

Your kook theory faces the teensy little problem that it does happen, and we observe it happening. Energy, on an atomic scale, happily moves from cool to warm. Only a handful of barking kooks say otherwise, kooks whose misunderstanding of the Second Law is so complete that they don't even understand how it's based on statistics.

Sure...just as soon as you describe the mechanism by which gravity works...

How it works, not the important part. The important part is that the mechanism of gravity is consistent. In contrast, you can't even describe what the mechanism of your kook theory is. We keep asking for specifics on exactly when photons will disappear in you kook theory, and why your kook theory is allowed to violate the conservation of energy rule that nothing else in the universe can violate, and you just wave you hands around and say "None of that matters! You can't explain gravity!".

Until you specifically describe the exact circumstances under which photons will disappear and re-appear in mid-flight, you don't have a theory. You have a mythology. You don't need to say "why", but you do need to describe "what".
Then given perfect insulation, the flashlight will most certainly - eventually - cook the food.

Wow. I can't think of anything more appropriate to describe the complete lack of scientific knowledge being displayed here.

Indeed. Westwall here is so incompetent at the physics and logic, he believes adding an ever-increasing amount of energy to a system that never loses energy will not raise the temperature. As deniers go, Westwall is ... about average. Meaning dumb as a post. He's just funnier because he actually believes he's smart.

By the way, LED flashlights make SSDD's stupid theory look even dumber. There's nothing temperature-related in an LED, it's just electrons emitting a photon when they jump down the band gap of the semiconductor. I await SSDD's creative explanation as to why we can clearly see that an LED flashlight can shine light through an oven window and into the oven.
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Then given perfect insulation, the flashlight will most certainly - eventually - cook the food.

Wow. I can't think of anything more appropriate to describe the complete lack of scientific knowledge being displayed here.

Indeed. Westwall here is so incompetent at the physics and logic, he believes adding an ever-increasing amount of energy to a system that never loses energy will not raise the temperature. As deniers go, Westwall is ... about average. Meaning dumb as a post. He's just funnier because he actually believes he's smart.

By the way, LED flashlights make SSDD's stupid theory look even dumber. There's nothing temperature-related in an LED, it's just electrons emitting a photon when they jump down the band gap of the semiconductor. I await SSDD's creative explanation as to why we can clearly see that an LED flashlight can shine light through an oven window and into the oven.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Insulation is only capable of keeping the temperature at the level of the initiator of that temperature. And there it can only maintain it most certainly can't RAISE the temperature ABOVE the source.

Those are called "perpetual motion machines" and really, you might want to read up on those...:eusa_whistle:
Insulation is only capable of keeping the temperature at the level of the initiator of that temperature.

Wow. That's not right. That's not even wrong. It's so darn stupid, it would have to get less stupid to even rise to the level of wrong.

And there it can only maintain it most certainly can't RAISE the temperature ABOVE the source.

Go wrap a space heater in a blanket. After all, according to your theory, the temperature can't get hotter than normal, and the normal temperature, even of the heating elements, is way below the ignition point of fabric. So it can't start a fire. That is, at least according to Westwall physics.

It doesn't matter where the energy came from, or what the temperature of the emitter is. If the energy in the system keeps increasing, temperature of the system will keep going up, and up, and up.

Those are called "perpetual motion machines" and really, you might want to read up on those...

In order to pull off the condescending act successfully, you have to be smart. You're not.

This time, you're failing at understanding what a perpetual motion machine is. An object getting hotter when you add more energy is not perpetual motion, and our mere earth logic can't explain where you got such a bizarre idea.

What does violate physics is your claim that adding energy doesn't raise temperature. That means you're saying energy just magically disappears. During your doctoral education, did nobody ever inform you about the law of conservation of energy? Your kook theory brazenly violates that law, which means your kook theory is garbage.

Now, for the amusement of us all, please proceed to dig in deeper. After all, one of your most charming qualities is your pathological inability to admit an error.
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