Proof the IRS Didn't Target Just Conservatives

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People plead the fifth all the time when they have nothing to hide.

Lol. Yes, even when the truth will clear them of all charges and allegations, people still like to plead the fifth as a sort of benign exercise of 5th amendment rights.

Totally common.


A mob on a witch hunt has a bad habit of finding what they are looking for. Just ask the women executed in Salem as witches.

When government and partisan hack witch hunters have the power to utterly destroy you, it is often prudent to take the Fifth.

The whole point of us having a Fifth amendment is to avoid the PRESUMPTION OF GUILT which the mob is clearly making.

Please provide proof of any "mob" at the congressional hearing. Please detail how a congressional committee could destroy an employ of the executive branch. This isn't a court of law. There are different rules. And when a public servant takes the 5th in a matter like this people are rightfully curious as to why.
No one died at Benghazi.
Fast and Furious was the name of a movie and no one died in Mexico.

Do you have evidence to support these strawman fallacies? Show us where someone claimed these things.

The GOP is just making this stuff up!

Well, we just saw you do it! It's become as natural as breathing to you.

It isn't any different from someone claiming the IRS did not target conservatives, after the IRS admitted to doing just that.
Your sarcasm meter needs adjustment.
Why are they targeting anyone?

Clearly you dont have a problem with the government targeting groups and people they see as political enemies, why is that?
Actually, they didn't "target" anyone. That's the point! Groups from both sides, and the middle, were further scrutinized. That's not "targeting". That's being thorough.

makes ya wonder then why all the democrats are bending assbackwards apologizing for the targeting of conservative groups. methinks you izzz a liar.
Lol. Yes, even when the truth will clear them of all charges and allegations, people still like to plead the fifth as a sort of benign exercise of 5th amendment rights.

Totally common.


A mob on a witch hunt has a bad habit of finding what they are looking for. Just ask the women executed in Salem as witches.

When government and partisan hack witch hunters have the power to utterly destroy you, it is often prudent to take the Fifth.

The whole point of us having a Fifth amendment is to avoid the PRESUMPTION OF GUILT which the mob is clearly making.

Please provide proof of any "mob" at the congressional hearing. Please detail how a congressional committee could destroy an employ of the executive branch. This isn't a court of law. There are different rules. And when a public servant takes the 5th in a matter like this people are rightfully curious as to why.

You really have no idea how government works, do you? You honestly do not know about the subpoena power of Congress and that Lerner was there under subpoena? You are ignorant of the fact she was testifying under oath?



ETA: As for the mob, you have GOT to be kidding.
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Why are they targeting anyone?

Clearly you dont have a problem with the government targeting groups and people they see as political enemies, why is that?
Actually, they didn't "target" anyone. That's the point! Groups from both sides, and the middle, were further scrutinized. That's not "targeting". That's being thorough.

So the IRS's admission means nothing.

From here on out, I will only listen to the liberal media and not the testimonies of those involved.
Nor do I accept the President's speech that labeled the behavior as an "outrage".
Synth is in full protect Obama at all cost meltdown mode. It's very entertaining.
A mob on a witch hunt has a bad habit of finding what they are looking for. Just ask the women executed in Salem as witches.

When government and partisan hack witch hunters have the power to utterly destroy you, it is often prudent to take the Fifth.

The whole point of us having a Fifth amendment is to avoid the PRESUMPTION OF GUILT which the mob is clearly making.

Please provide proof of any "mob" at the congressional hearing. Please detail how a congressional committee could destroy an employ of the executive branch. This isn't a court of law. There are different rules. And when a public servant takes the 5th in a matter like this people are rightfully curious as to why.

You really have no idea how government works, do you? You honestly do not know about the subpoena power of Congress and that Lerner was there under subpoena? You are ignorant of the fact she was testifying under oath?



It could be rightly argued that by saying anything to begin with she waived her Fifth amendment right. Also consider it wasnt a criminal hearing, it's arguable whether the Fifth amendment applied as people can be forced to testify against their interests in a civil matter.
they were being (thorough)...

my gawd...You ever expected to see people stand up for the IRS because they are now being investigated for abuse of their power?
I guess when they wipe out a person's life savings and everything they own, we can now call it them being, thorough
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As I said in my first post in this topic, it appears Synth has actually provided some strong circumstantial evidence the IRS branch placed conservative organizations under extraordinary scrutiny.

When conservative groups are more closely examined at a ratio of 2 to 1, that puts the IRS in a pretty damning light.

The only way to wriggle out from under this is to show conservative groups applied for tax exempt status at a similar ratio of 2 to 1.

I have strong doubts that will prove to be the case.
Why are they targeting anyone?

Clearly you dont have a problem with the government targeting groups and people they see as political enemies, why is that?
Actually, they didn't "target" anyone. That's the point! Groups from both sides, and the middle, were further scrutinized. That's not "targeting". That's being thorough.

my dog knows more about Sunday school than you know about being thorough
Proof the IRS Didn't Target Just Conservatives

Almost one third of the tax-exemption applications selected for additional scrutiny by the IRS were from groups that were not conservative.


Close to a third of the advocacy groups named by the Internal Revenue Service as recipients of special scrutiny during tax-exempt application reviews were liberal or neutral in political outlook, a leading nonpartisan tax newsletter reported after conducting an independent analysis of data released by the agency.

All told, around 470 groups were flagged as "potential political cases" between 2010 and 2012, including 298 whose experiences were analyzed in a Treasury Department inspector general's report. Because the IRS by law must not name groups that have not yet been approved or which were rejected, only a subset of their names was made public in May by the agency -- 176 cases.


All that is true.

Still, it was the IRS, the most justifiably hated agency in government even though all these people do is execute official policy. IRS employees are the sort of bureaucrats that kept Nazi Germany functioning long after it's spoil date, only stupider and weaker than the "good" Germans.

Some have pointed out that IRS officials "confessed". No question about it, that is also true.

What hasn't been pointed out is that the top twenty or thirty IRS administrators would also confess to being involved in the disappearance of Judge Crater and/or that the Judge is now safely on board a UFO headed back to Planet Utopia in the Ambrosia Galaxy.

Too many bureaucrats are the sort of people who became bureaucrats because they are not adult enough to be constructively confrontational. Cattle are more up front than typically found among the backstabbing passive-aggressive oxygen burners undermining human cultures at large from deep inside enforcement systems.

While there is no question almost all the groups intended to defraud taxpayers, it still gladdens my heart to see a political grenade rolled into the top hierarchy of any government office.
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Why are they targeting anyone?

Clearly you dont have a problem with the government targeting groups and people they see as political enemies, why is that?
Actually, they didn't "target" anyone. That's the point! Groups from both sides, and the middle, were further scrutinized. That's not "targeting". That's being thorough.

Then why did they say they did?

What WOULD be interesting to know is if the IRS asked the liberal organizations to provide donor lists as they asked the right wing groups to do.
Non-conservative advocacy groups given special scrutiny by the IRS in or after 2010 included the Coffee Party USA, the alternative to the Tea Party movement that got a bunch of press in 2010, as well as such explicitly progressive groups as the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada; Rebuild the Dream, founded by former Obama administration official Van Jones; and Progressives United Inc., which was founded by former Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold.

Facts few conservatives will acknowledge, of course; as they don’t conform to the right’s contrived narrative.
Non-conservative advocacy groups given special scrutiny by the IRS in or after 2010 included the Coffee Party USA, the alternative to the Tea Party movement that got a bunch of press in 2010, as well as such explicitly progressive groups as the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada; Rebuild the Dream, founded by former Obama administration official Van Jones; and Progressives United Inc., which was founded by former Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold.

Facts few conservatives will acknowledge, of course; as they don&#8217;t conform to the right&#8217;s contrived narrative.

Can you find a conservative who said all left wing organizations which applied for tax free status were given a free pass?


Then your point fails.

According to the OP, right wing organizations were given extra scrutiny at a ratio of 2 to 1!

That is the very definition of extraordinary.
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Non-conservative advocacy groups given special scrutiny by the IRS in or after 2010 included the Coffee Party USA, the alternative to the Tea Party movement that got a bunch of press in 2010, as well as such explicitly progressive groups as the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada; Rebuild the Dream, founded by former Obama administration official Van Jones; and Progressives United Inc., which was founded by former Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold.

Facts few conservatives will acknowledge, of course; as they don&#8217;t conform to the right&#8217;s contrived narrative.

well dang, I thought it was 2013..
Non-conservative advocacy groups given special scrutiny by the IRS in or after 2010 included the Coffee Party USA, the alternative to the Tea Party movement that got a bunch of press in 2010, as well as such explicitly progressive groups as the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada; Rebuild the Dream, founded by former Obama administration official Van Jones; and Progressives United Inc., which was founded by former Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold.

Facts few conservatives will acknowledge, of course; as they don’t conform to the right’s contrived narrative.

well dang, I thought it was 2013..

The issue is about organizations which received scrutiny by the IRS in years past.
What WOULD be interesting to know is if the IRS asked the liberal organizations to provide donor lists as they asked the right wing groups to do.
They didnt. How do we know? If they had the leftists would be up in arms about it and the administration's apologists would be pointing to it as proof they were fair.

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