Proof the IRS Didn't Target Just Conservatives

how dishonest can they be bringing up groups from...2010

they'll do anything to pull the wool over your eyes..
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The IRS didnt target anyone. No one died at Benghazi. Susan Rice never said a Youtube video was responsible for the rioting. The AG never had reporter Rosen's phone wiretapped. The Justice Dept never monitored phone logs at AP. Fast and Furious was the name of a movie and no one died in Mexico.

See. The GOP is just making this stuff up! It. Never. Happened.
and obama didn't run gun to Mexican terrorist without the knowledge of the Mexican government.
At a lawyers' conference in Washington, Lois Lerner, a senior IRS career employee who overseas tax exempt organizations, admitted that agency employees singled out particular groups for extra scrutiny using key words with political overtones.

"They used names like tea party or patriots. And they selected cases simply because the application had those names in the title. That was wrong. The IRS would like to apologize for that," said Lerner.

Lerner's statement contradicts testimony given in March 2012 by then-commissioner of the IRS Douglas Shulman.
IRS apologizes for targeting tea party organizations - CBS News

and yet you continue to deny...
Why are they targeting anyone?

Clearly you dont have a problem with the government targeting groups and people they see as political enemies, why is that?
Actually, they didn't "target" anyone. That's the point! Groups from both sides, and the middle, were further scrutinized. That's not "targeting". That's being thorough.

How many times must this be said? Whether or not you believe it's 'thorough' or 'efficient' is irrelevant. The IRS objective is to go after tax cheats, regardless of affiliation. The IRS cannot go after a specific group of people simply because they are more likely to cheat on their taxes, any more than police can target specific minorities because they are more likely to commit crimes.

That is profiling.

How many of the Liberal groups have been waiting two years or longer for either an approval or disapproval of their request?
This is like the 11th Syntha has started trying to spin the IRS story.

Then the next day another damaging piece of evidence comes out, or someone else gets fired.

But it's always entertaining to watch liberals hopelessly try to save their party.

How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.
Why are they targeting anyone?

Clearly you dont have a problem with the government targeting groups and people they see as political enemies, why is that?
Actually, they didn't "target" anyone. That's the point! Groups from both sides, and the middle, were further scrutinized. That's not "targeting". That's being thorough.

How many times must this be said? Whether or not you believe it's 'thorough' or 'efficient' is irrelevant. The IRS objective is to go after tax cheats, regardless of affiliation. The IRS cannot go after a specific group of people simply because they are more likely to cheat on their taxes, any more than police can target specific minorities because they are more likely to commit crimes.

That is profiling.

The right has no problem with profiling if you are illegal, muslim or black.
I dont even need to use the race card here to make this argument look pathetic.
God you people make it way to easy to pick apart your arguments.

Its ok to profile until its myself being profiled.
Actually, they didn't "target" anyone. That's the point! Groups from both sides, and the middle, were further scrutinized. That's not "targeting". That's being thorough.

How many times must this be said? Whether or not you believe it's 'thorough' or 'efficient' is irrelevant. The IRS objective is to go after tax cheats, regardless of affiliation. The IRS cannot go after a specific group of people simply because they are more likely to cheat on their taxes, any more than police can target specific minorities because they are more likely to commit crimes.

That is profiling.

The right has no problem with profiling if you are illegal, muslim or black.
I dont even need to use the race card here to make this argument look pathetic.

And? Wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it.

God you people make it way to easy to pick apart your arguments.

Its ok to profile until its myself being profiled.

Who exactly are 'you people?' Sounds like you've done a fair amount profiling yourself. And you haven't picked apart any argument. All you've managed to do was make a half-assed assumption, followed by a pathetic strawwman.

Try again...
This is like the 11th Syntha has started trying to spin the IRS story.

Then the next day another damaging piece of evidence comes out, or someone else gets fired.

But it's always entertaining to watch liberals hopelessly try to save their party.

How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

And how many Liberal groups have been on hold for two years, three years, or longer to get either an approval or denial of their application?
This is like the 11th Syntha has started trying to spin the IRS story.

Then the next day another damaging piece of evidence comes out, or someone else gets fired.

But it's always entertaining to watch liberals hopelessly try to save their party.

How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?
The IRS had a big blowout a few years back in Anaheim, CA that cost taxpayers $4 million. Probably more but we’ll never know since THEY DON’T HAVE RECEIPTS. Hey everyone, next year feel free to take a $4 million expense deduction from your taxes. No biggie, the IRS says no receipts necessary.

Now contrast this to the House hearing yesterday where conservatives testified about IRS abuse. Three Tea Party groups were asked about their annual budgets. Two of the three said their budgets averaged less than $5,000. The third was in the red because of legal fees fighting IRS harassment. But let’s just take the high-end figure of 5K. That one IRS conference would fund a similar Tea Party organization for 800 YEARS!

Abraham Lincoln ended his Gettysburg Address with: “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” Government today is of the arrogant, by the powerful and for the very few. Sadly Mr. Lincoln, that government you once spoke of has indeed perished from the Earth.
The Inspector General for the Treasury Department found that the IRS unfairly targeted conservative groups but our USMB Liberals are still running around saying that the IRS did nothing wrong.

Some one cue twilight zone music.

How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?

A scandal is for someone like him would be when a conservative shouts frrrrreeeeeedooom! at the top of his lungs, in a room full of liberals. A shitstorm would most likely ensue.
The Inspector General for the Treasury Department found that the IRS unfairly targeted conservative groups but our USMB Liberals are still running around saying that the IRS did nothing wrong.

Some one cue twilight zone music.


Your wish is my command!

[ame=]Twilight Zone Opening THEME MUSIC 1962 Rod Serling - YouTube[/ame]
This is like the 11th Syntha has started trying to spin the IRS story.

Then the next day another damaging piece of evidence comes out, or someone else gets fired.

But it's always entertaining to watch liberals hopelessly try to save their party.

How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

Oh I'm sure that the IG was throwing a bitch fest too. :lmao:

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

By Brad Plumer, Published: May 14, 2013 at 5:47 pmE-mail the writer

This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.

Ineffective management:

1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months,

2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and

3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.

The full report of the Inspector General's obvious fakerage is at this link.


READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups
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How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?

you are implying they did this for the President. You have zero evidence they did this for the President.
Its not a scandal. Its the rightwing whining like usual because they feel like they got Profiled. Tough shit. They looked into rightwing people a tiny bit harder than normal. Cry about it.
The reason you see people being let go or removed is because the left is weak. had this been Bush/Cheney, they would have simply said fuck you, it happened, deal with it.

I hope they profile these groups more. A lot of these people Like you who want to abolish the IRS completely should be profiled. You dont even realize you are giving them an excuse to look at you harder by wanting to have the IRS fully removed.

I know, i know thinking isnt a strong suit.

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