Proof the IRS Didn't Target Just Conservatives

How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?

Tea Party rallies against Planned Parenthood.
How many times must this be said? Whether or not you believe it's 'thorough' or 'efficient' is irrelevant. The IRS objective is to go after tax cheats, regardless of affiliation. The IRS cannot go after a specific group of people simply because they are more likely to cheat on their taxes, any more than police can target specific minorities because they are more likely to commit crimes.

That is profiling.

The right has no problem with profiling if you are illegal, muslim or black.
I dont even need to use the race card here to make this argument look pathetic.

And? Wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it.

God you people make it way to easy to pick apart your arguments.

Its ok to profile until its myself being profiled.

Who exactly are 'you people?' Sounds like you've done a fair amount profiling yourself. And you haven't picked apart any argument. All you've managed to do was make a half-assed assumption, followed by a pathetic strawwman.

Try again...

Lol you people is a general term. Of course i profile. I'l profile you if you are a white dude who looks like a crack head looking to steal something. I'll profile you if you are a muslim, if you are latin, and if you are black. The difference is i own it and i am fair about it. Everyone profiles to a degree.

Nah, i'm not wrong, i'll just wait.
Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?

you are implying they did this for the President. You have zero evidence they did this for the President.
Its not a scandal. Its the rightwing whining like usual because they feel like they got Profiled. Tough shit. They looked into rightwing people a tiny bit harder than normal. Cry about it.
The reason you see people being let go or removed is because the left is weak. had this been Bush/Cheney, they would have simply said fuck you, it happened, deal with it.

I hope they profile these groups more. A lot of these people Like you who want to abolish the IRS completely should be profiled. You dont even realize you are giving them an excuse to look at you harder by wanting to have the IRS fully removed.

I know, i know thinking isnt a strong suit.

[ame=]IRS Scandal - President Obama loses Chris Matthews - YouTube[/ame]

:lmao: Game Over man!
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How many threads in total now claiming the IRS scandal isn't a scandal and honest really truly it really isn't a scandal and Issa is a bad man do we have going now?

I'm losing track. :lol:

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

Oh I'm sure that the IG was throwing a bitch fest too. :lmao:

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

By Brad Plumer, Published: May 14, 2013 at 5:47 pmE-mail the writer

This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.

Ineffective management:

1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months,

2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and

3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.

The full report of the Inspector General's obvious fakerage is at this link.


READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups
If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?

you are implying they did this for the President. You have zero evidence they did this for the President.
Its not a scandal. Its the rightwing whining like usual because they feel like they got Profiled. Tough shit. They looked into rightwing people a tiny bit harder than normal. Cry about it.
The reason you see people being let go or removed is because the left is weak. had this been Bush/Cheney, they would have simply said fuck you, it happened, deal with it.

I hope they profile these groups more. A lot of these people Like you who want to abolish the IRS completely should be profiled. You dont even realize you are giving them an excuse to look at you harder by wanting to have the IRS fully removed.

I know, i know thinking isnt a strong suit.

[ame=]IRS Scandal - President Obama loses Chris Matthews - YouTube[/ame]

:lmao: Game Over man!

why would i give a shit about Chris? You that weak that your opinion hinges on what a talking head says or doesnt say?
you are implying they did this for the President. You have zero evidence they did this for the President.
Its not a scandal. Its the rightwing whining like usual because they feel like they got Profiled. Tough shit. They looked into rightwing people a tiny bit harder than normal. Cry about it.
The reason you see people being let go or removed is because the left is weak. had this been Bush/Cheney, they would have simply said fuck you, it happened, deal with it.

I hope they profile these groups more. A lot of these people Like you who want to abolish the IRS completely should be profiled. You dont even realize you are giving them an excuse to look at you harder by wanting to have the IRS fully removed.

I know, i know thinking isnt a strong suit.

[ame=]IRS Scandal - President Obama loses Chris Matthews - YouTube[/ame]

:lmao: Game Over man!

why would i give a shit about Chris? You that weak that your opinion hinges on what a talking head says or doesnt say?

You should, because your lying through your liberal teeth! You've been trolling this thread for a while, and you are getting (pardon the slang) "yo ass beat" at every turn.
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Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

Oh I'm sure that the IG was throwing a bitch fest too. :lmao:

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

By Brad Plumer, Published: May 14, 2013 at 5:47 pmE-mail the writer

This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.

Ineffective management:

1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months,

2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and

3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.

The full report of the Inspector General's obvious fakerage is at this link.


READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

The right has no problem with profiling if you are illegal, muslim or black.
I dont even need to use the race card here to make this argument look pathetic.

And? Wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it.

God you people make it way to easy to pick apart your arguments.

Its ok to profile until its myself being profiled.

Who exactly are 'you people?' Sounds like you've done a fair amount profiling yourself. And you haven't picked apart any argument. All you've managed to do was make a half-assed assumption, followed by a pathetic strawwman.

Try again...

Lol you people is a general term. Of course i profile. I'l profile you if you are a white dude who looks like a crack head looking to steal something. I'll profile you if you are a muslim, if you are latin, and if you are black. The difference is i own it and i am fair about it. Everyone profiles to a degree.

Nah, i'm not wrong, i'll just wait.

So your entire pointless premise is that you are just a big a hypocrite as the individuals you are griping about, it's just that you are more 'fair' about it.

Its not a scandal...its the right throwing a bitch fest because they see another angle they can use their persecution complex fakerage.

If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?

you are implying they did this for the President. You have zero evidence they did this for the President.
Its not a scandal. Its the rightwing whining like usual because they feel like they got Profiled. Tough shit. They looked into rightwing people a tiny bit harder than normal. Cry about it.
The reason you see people being let go or removed is because the left is weak. had this been Bush/Cheney, they would have simply said fuck you, it happened, deal with it.

I hope they profile these groups more. A lot of these people Like you who want to abolish the IRS completely should be profiled. You dont even realize you are giving them an excuse to look at you harder by wanting to have the IRS fully removed.

I know, i know thinking isnt a strong suit.

Sure. It's just a coincidence that they were targeting enemies of the President. If you believe that, I've got a nice piece of swamp land to sell you.

It's not that they looked into right wing people a tiny bit. It's that they specifically targetted them in an attempt to intimidate them.

No one has been removed. In fact, the main people implicated so far have been given promotions.

And thinking might not be your strong suit, though I would hope that's not the case, but clearly the rest of us don't have the same problem.

Where there is smoke, there is fire.
If the IRS and other agencies abusing their power and targetting political enemies of the President isn't a scandal, what exactly is?

you are implying they did this for the President. You have zero evidence they did this for the President.
Its not a scandal. Its the rightwing whining like usual because they feel like they got Profiled. Tough shit. They looked into rightwing people a tiny bit harder than normal. Cry about it.
The reason you see people being let go or removed is because the left is weak. had this been Bush/Cheney, they would have simply said fuck you, it happened, deal with it.

I hope they profile these groups more. A lot of these people Like you who want to abolish the IRS completely should be profiled. You dont even realize you are giving them an excuse to look at you harder by wanting to have the IRS fully removed.

I know, i know thinking isnt a strong suit.

Sure. It's just a coincidence that they were targeting enemies of the President. If you believe that, I've got a nice piece of swamp land to sell you.

It's not that they looked into right wing people a tiny bit. It's that they specifically targetted them in an attempt to intimidate them.

No one has been removed. In fact, the main people implicated so far have been given promotions.

And thinking might not be your strong suit, though I would hope that's not the case, but clearly the rest of us don't have the same problem.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. all you have is your bias speculation that they did this for Obama. Thats a hoot. There is zero evidence behind your claim.

Good, i hope they give them raises a well. Fuck you people if you can't handle a little profiling. You deserve it.
Proof the IRS Didn't Target Just Conservatives

Almost one third of the tax-exemption applications selected for additional scrutiny by the IRS were from groups that were not conservative.


Close to a third of the advocacy groups named by the Internal Revenue Service as recipients of special scrutiny during tax-exempt application reviews were liberal or neutral in political outlook, a leading nonpartisan tax newsletter reported after conducting an independent analysis of data released by the agency.

All told, around 470 groups were flagged as "potential political cases" between 2010 and 2012, including 298 whose experiences were analyzed in a Treasury Department inspector general's report. Because the IRS by law must not name groups that have not yet been approved or which were rejected, only a subset of their names was made public in May by the agency -- 176 cases.

Of these, "the majority of the groups selected for extra scrutiny probably matched the political criteria the IRS used and backed conservative causes, the Tea Party, or limited government generally," wrote Martin A. Sullivan in a June 3 piece in Tax Notes, a newsletter published by the Tax Analysts group. "But a substantial minority -- almost one third of the subset -- did not fit that description."

Non-conservative advocacy groups given special scrutiny by the IRS in or after 2010 included the Coffee Party USA, the alternative to the Tea Party movement that got a bunch of press in 2010, as well as such explicitly progressive groups as the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada; Rebuild the Dream, founded by former Obama administration official Van Jones; and Progressives United Inc., which was founded by former Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold.

Also included in the special scrutiny were Progress Texas and Progress Missouri Inc.; Tie the Knot, which sells bow ties to raise money to promote same-sex marriage; and ProgressNow, which describes itself as "a year-round never-ending progressive campaign."

The targeting also rolled up centrist groups, such as the Across the Aisle Foundation -- the educational and cultural arm of No Labels, which worked to build momentum for an independent ticket for the presidency -- and politically neutral ones, such as The East Hampton Group for Good Government Inc., formed to encourage better leadership and management of the New York vacation town, and the League of Women Voters of Hawaii.

All of these groups were flagged by the IRS along with the Tea Party class of groups as "potential political cases" and were part of the 31 percent of groups given special scrutiny that were not clearly conservative.


Wingnuts: "But...but...but...OBAMA!!!!!" :lol:
You better watch it!

This kind of shit can get sent to the Badlands!
Oh I'm sure that the IG was throwing a bitch fest too. :lmao:

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

By Brad Plumer, Published: May 14, 2013 at 5:47 pmE-mail the writer

This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.

Ineffective management:

1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months,

2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and

3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.

The full report of the Inspector General's obvious fakerage is at this link.


READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups


I swear they're going into hyper overdrive to actually prove that liberalism is a mental disorder by continuing to desperately prove that "there's nothing see here with the IRS".

As I said in my first post in this topic, it appears Synth has actually provided some strong circumstantial evidence the IRS branch placed conservative organizations under extraordinary scrutiny.

When conservative groups are more closely examined at a ratio of 2 to 1, that puts the IRS in a pretty damning light.

The only way to wriggle out from under this is to show conservative groups applied for tax exempt status at a similar ratio of 2 to 1.

I have strong doubts that will prove to be the case.

It helps to look at the source data, linked to in the OP:

'Potential Political Cases'

In its report, TIGTA reviewed all 298 applications for tax-exempt status that were classified by IRS employees in Cincinnati as "potential political cases" from May 2010 through May 2012. Some of these were flagged for special attention because the words "Tea Party," "patriots,"or "9-12 project" were referenced in their case file or because their applications espoused policy positions that would be associated with conservative causes. "Potential political cases" is the term used by TIGTA. The IRS uses the term "advocacy cases," and before July 2011 it used the term "Tea Party cases." (See footnote 13 of the report.)

Of these 298 applications, TIGTA reported that 96 had "Tea Party," "patriots," or "9-12 project" in their names (Figure 4). TIGTA, however, made no determination as to which of the 298 were selected based on the organization's policy positions (footnote 18). The TIGTA report also found that 89 of these applications were for 501(c)(3) status, and the remaining 209 were for 501(c)(4) status.

The 176 Who Made It Through

On May 15 the IRS released a list of 176 advocacy organizations that were approved for tax-exempt status. This group of applications should have considerable overlap with the 298 that were the subject of the TIGTA report. But there are two differences. First, the TIGTA list covers organizations regardless of whether there was subsequent approval. The later IRS list only includes organizations receiving approval. By law, the IRS may only disclose information from organizations that have received approval.

Second, the TIGTA list does not include applications received after May 2012. The later IRS list could include organizations whose applications were received by the IRS office in Cincinnati after May 2012.

In a separate May 15 release, the IRS said the total number of advocacy cases it has handled since the selection began in May 2010 is approximately 470. This suggests that approximately 172 applications (that is, 470 minus 298) have been filed after the end of the application period examined by TIGTA.

Of the 176 organizations the IRS has approved, Tax Analysts counted 46 that had either "Tea Party," "patriots," or "9-12 project" in their name. The table released by the IRS indicated that 136 of all approved organizations were awarded 501(c)(4) status, 39 received 501(c)(3) status, and one was granted 501(c)(6) status.


With all of these caveats, the results of the Tax Analysts review of these organizations are the following: 46 with Tea Party, Patriots, or 9/12 in their name, 76 other conservative organizations, 48 nonconservative organizations, and six organizations about which we can make no determination. A table with brief descriptions of the 48 nonconservative groups appears below.

Ultimately, to address the question whether the IRS's review of applications for tax-exempt status has had a disparate impact on one side of the political spectrum or the other, we will need to know more about the overall pool of advocacy groups applying for tax exemption. For example, if there were a surge in the creation of potentially political conservative organizations in the last few years (that was disproportionate to the creation of nonconservative organizations), more conservative groups would be targeted than nonconservative groups even if there were no political bias among IRS officials. Looking at the makeup of exemption-approved groups tells us nothing about bias unless we know the makeup of the group from which they were selected.



So, to review:

176 groups were approved.

46 with Tea Party, Patriots, or 9/12 in their name

76 other conservative organizations

48 nonconservative organizations

six organizations about which we can make no determination

If the IRS was targeting teabagger groups, why did they approve 46 of them?

If they are targeting conservatives, why did an additional 76 of them get approved?

When I was demanding voter ID for EVERYONE, you fucking claimed I was targeting just blacks.

Now, conservatives are being targeted and you claim that they scrutinized everyone.

The only problem with your false narrative is the fact that the IRS has admitted to doing it, and they admitted it out of the blue, when practically no one was even paying attention.

Ask yourself. Why did they do that? What is so horrible that the IRS is willing to admit to criminal behavior ahead of exposure of...............??

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