Proof: The Russian Investigations are Phony and Partisan..

Yes, Mr. Flacaltenn realizes that, but anything to take the heat off the miscreants in this admin.
No -- I want to know if her and Green Party were HELPED by Russia to split the left-wing vote. And you knew that. Were speechless about WHY this isn't part of your witch hunt investigation and just had to say something.

That's easy to answer. NO !!

How do I know. From the russian intercepts. When they unmasked the names, Jill Stein wasn't one of them. This whole thing started when the NSA reported americans were talking with the Russian operatives, and discovered they all belonged to the Trump campaign.
I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..

Gotta first say -- I LOVE 3rd Party politics. Worked with the Green Party as an LParty representative on common issues. Spent many nights drinking and discussing politics with key Greens. Have NOTHING against Jill Stein. Don't believe she's guilty of much of anything other than being completely economically naive.

Who ELSE is at that table with Putin? Of course -- Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

How much was she paid to attend the RT Awards banquet? Why has her name NEVER BEEN MENTIONED in conjunction with the "The Russians are Coming to Get You" investigations? Did any of that money end up defraying campaign costs? What OTHER "contacts with High Level Russians" has she had?

Can't answer those questions? Can't show me where HER ass has been dragged thru the mud in rumors, leaks, investigations? Then --- there's PROOF --- this whole farce is a McCarthy style witchhunt.. Because OBVIOUSLY -- that woman at the table ALTERED the results of an election and caused Hillary to lose...

What this whole dust-up is -- is the pre-prepared ALIBI from the DNC and Dem Leadership all the way UP to Obama to cover THEIR Russian "connections" and more seriously as we're finding out in dribbles, the UNCONSCIONABLE abuse of Big Brother spying and leaking against political opponents..


So you think Jill Stein was also involved with the Trump/Russia collusion to throw the election?


No -- I want to know if her and Green Party were HELPED by Russia to split the left-wing vote. And you knew that. Were speechless about WHY this isn't part of your witch hunt investigation and just had to say something.

You do realize that Jill Stein has nothing to do with whether or not Trump and/or his people are guilty, right?

Sure looks to me that there may be GUILTIER parties with MORE evidence of "colluding with the Russians to influence an election" on the part of the woman sitting at Putin's table.

And AGAIN -- I'm playing devil's advocate here to make reason valuable again. NOT to get the GParty investigated or indicted. If the Trump Admin is being knee-capped for Russian collusion -- WHY has this ladies' name not even come up ONCE in TERABYTES of coverage of this "scandal"?

Because the investigation SOLE purpose is to monkey-wrench the current admin, and cover-up the SEVERE wrong-doings of turning Big Brother against a political opponent. The ONLY alibi Obama and crew have for the ILLEGAL use of the 702 Domestic Spy system is "alarming suspicions of colluding with the Russians".

They are not interested in finding ALL the possible collusion...
No -- I want to know if her and Green Party were HELPED by Russia to split the left-wing vote. And you knew that. Were speechless about WHY this isn't part of your witch hunt investigation and just had to say something.

That's easy to answer. NO !!

How do I know. From the russian intercepts. When they unmasked the names, Jill Stein wasn't one of them. This whole thing started when the NSA reported americans were talking with the Russian operatives, and discovered they all belonged to the Trump campaign.

That's dumb. They reverse searched to find Trump assoc dirt. Not GParty dirt. NOBODY EVER INTENDED to look.. That I guarantee. Because they don't care about assuring security of elections. They only want to castrate and neutralize the current Admin. AND cover-up their America - killing abuses of the most awesome Domestic Spying system ever to hit the planet. If the E. German Stassi had a Patriot Act Domestic Collection and Recording system -- the Berlin Wall would still be standing..
Because the investigation SOLE purpose is to monkey-wrench the current admin, and cover-up the SEVERE wrong-doings of turning Big Brother against a political opponent. The ONLY alibi Obama and crew have for the ILLEGAL use of the 702 Domestic Spy system is "alarming suspicions of colluding with the Russians".

They are not interested in finding ALL the possible collusion...

The intelligence agencies job is to protect America. Whether it's ISIS, or alQaeda, or the russians. They intercept their plots against the USA. When they found the russians plotting to disrupt the US elections, they unmasked who the russians were talking to, and found the names of Trump campaign associates coming up over and over again.

Had Jill Stein talked to the rrussian ambassor, her name would have been mentioned too, but she didn't.
Just quit sniffing my butt and tell me WHY Flynn being there or alll the AMERICAN JOURNALISTS not in that picture might be a different story?

Because for Flynn, there was more evidence than just a photo that he did something illegal.

For Stein, there wasn't.

Just what part of "There needs to be evidence" are you having such difficultly with?

And WHY her ass is not mentioned in ANY Congressional Hearings on this topic.

Because contrary to your kook conspiracy theory, the current investigations aren't about who made Clinton lose. They're about who did something illegal. To you, everything is always about attacking the EnemiesOfTheParty, so you assume others must think like you. They don't.

Don;'t you realize how idiotic and juvenile that sounds given tthe OP and my comments. I'm embarrassed for you.. You just don't like me. Don't destroy yourself over that. Just answer the OP questions and we'll ALL be as far ahead on this as you are... :rolleyes:

And there's that expected meltdown, the one you always have when anyone shows that you're not even close to being the smartest guy in the room. You should work on that narcissism problem.

You're solely misinformed. The investigations are about the Russians TAMPERING with the US election process. Why not Jill Stein?

Did Jill Stein start churning out fake news stories? Did she release hacked computer files?

I really don't think you have a bridge here.

That's a whole nother thread. Because personally -- I never saw a Russian new story myself that would sway a single vote. IN FACT -- I doubt many of you actually have. There's been threads TRYING to find examples of this -- but they are as as dubious as the "Cher is Pregnant Again" headline on the Nat Enquirer at the supermarket aisle..

Go find a fake news thread if you're gonna change the topic..
That's dumb. They reverse searched to find Trump assoc dirt. Not GParty dirt. NOBODY EVER INTENDED to look.. That I guarantee. .

Actually looking for Trump associates in FISA intercepts is DUMB. It's like looking for the pope in a whore house. There is no expectation to find him there.

Instead they staked out the whore house, and Trump campaign associates walked in.
Yes, Mr. Flacaltenn realizes that, but anything to take the heat off the miscreants in this admin.

No -- I want my country back from the death match between 2 USELESS, and CORRUPT parties that stand for NOTHING now -- except attaining and holding power. And I'll welcome the Greens to help me do that. In reality -- Mr Rocks.
Yes, Mr. Flacaltenn realizes that, but anything to take the heat off the miscreants in this admin.

No -- I want my country back from the death match between 2 USELESS, and CORRUPT parties that stand for NOTHING now -- except attaining and holding power. And I'll welcome the Greens to help me do that. In reality -- Mr Rocks.

And you do that by attacking Jill Stein. You're a pile of ......
That's dumb. They reverse searched to find Trump assoc dirt. Not GParty dirt. NOBODY EVER INTENDED to look.. That I guarantee. .

Actually looking for Trump associates in FISA intercepts is DUMB. It's like looking for the pope in a whore house. There is no expectation to find him there.

Instead they staked out the whore house, and Trump campaign associates walked in.

You don't KNOW what they found by reverse searching on prominent Russians. I'm 100% certain that the Podesta Group and the Clinton Foundation and now most likely the GParty walked into MORE of them..

But of course -- you'll never hear any of that. That's "Classified Session" for congress at best and I HEAVILY doubt even the Intel Community leaders know the volume of ABUSE of that system that occurred over the last 5 or 6 years. But we DO KNOW that "requests" and "unmaskings" TRIPLED in the period from 2011 to 2016. And thats NOT from terrorist enquiries and analysis of the Big Brother databases..
Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

The flaw, of course, is you're assuming that every vote for Stein would have been, in her absence, a vote for Clinton. You can't make that case. It's highly plausible that absent the choice of Stein (or another Green) many if not most of those votes would not have bothered to vote at all.

The other flaw is that the Green Party regularly fields a candidate, and 2016 was no exception. And Stein I believe has run before too.

What flaw is that? You haven't addressed the central question and that is why is she never mentioned when for all of your faulty logic she DID have an effect on the election. And provably so.

Because the Russian government wasn't actively trying to put Jill Stein in the White House, her campaign manager wasn't in the pay of the President of the Ukraine, and her staff weren't setting up back channels to the Russian government.

Stein hadn't been promoting herself as a friend of Vladimir Putin either, nor was she taking in millions selling property to Russian oligarchs.
You don't KNOW what they found by reverse searching on prominent Russians. I'm 100% certain that the Podesta Group and the Clinton Foundation and now most likely the GParty walked into MORE of them..

The NSA found the Russians plotting to disrupt the American elections. Then they intercepted americans talking with the russians about the election. At that point they took the evidence to the DOJ nd FBI. They even included it in a PDB to Donald Trump. Which may explain why Trump stopped getting daily briefs, so he wouldn't have to be constantly reminded his campaign staff got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
Yes, Mr. Flacaltenn realizes that, but anything to take the heat off the miscreants in this admin.

No -- I want my country back from the death match between 2 USELESS, and CORRUPT parties that stand for NOTHING now -- except attaining and holding power. And I'll welcome the Greens to help me do that. In reality -- Mr Rocks.

And you do that by attacking Jill Stein. You're a pile of ......

I explained all that Radical Left. I'm a dedicated fan of 3rd party politics. Don't think the Greens have a prayer at math or economics. But I WANT THEM to be a viable alternative. I am NOT a pile of.....

The entire point of this thread is to highlight the hypocrisy and idiocy of the ASSERTIONS that have been made that political challengers CANNOT contact or discuss with foreign govts. This is EXPECTED and totally legal. And YET -- Care4All is still bleating that Flynn talked to Russian diplomats 4 times as THO --- it's treasonous or something. It's not. And this investigation is a distraction and the ALIBI for Obama and crew to have SPIED on his political opposition (likely more than just team Trump, might include other GOP candidates as well). And that right there is TREASON and would destroy this Republic if that is not fixed and punished....

THAT"s "my angle"... I want BOTH parties to kill each other off. But NOT take the Republic down with them. They need to be ridiculed and punished for caring not about us and our security -- but ONLY about obtaining and retaining power..
The entire point of this thread is to highlight the hypocrisy and idiocy of the ASSERTIONS that have been made that political challengers CANNOT contact or discuss with foreign govts. This is EXPECTED and totally legal. And YET -- Care4All is still bleating that Flynn talked to Russian diplomats 4 times as THO --- it's treasonous or something. It's not.

Flynn didn't just talk to the russians, which is legal, but he broke at least three US laws in order to do so. Lied on his security clearance, and lied to the FBI.
Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

The flaw, of course, is you're assuming that every vote for Stein would have been, in her absence, a vote for Clinton. You can't make that case. It's highly plausible that absent the choice of Stein (or another Green) many if not most of those votes would not have bothered to vote at all.

The other flaw is that the Green Party regularly fields a candidate, and 2016 was no exception. And Stein I believe has run before too.

What flaw is that? You haven't addressed the central question and that is why is she never mentioned when for all of your faulty logic she DID have an effect on the election. And provably so.

Because the Russian government wasn't actively trying to put Jill Stein in the White House, her campaign manager wasn't in the pay of the President of the Ukraine, and her staff weren't setting up back channels to the Russian government.

Stein hadn't been promoting herself as a friend of Vladimir Putin either, nor was she taking in millions selling property to Russian oligarchs.

So much you're not getting here. Clinton's campaign manager was lobbying for SberBank which literally OWNS 1/3 of Russian assets. Kinda "trumps" lobbying for a prez of the Ukraine -- doesn't it? You seem to be ignoring a whole lot of details that would create painful cognitive dissonance in your head.

That's why you don't understand that Stein BRAGGING about "having access to Top Russian officials to discuss HER foreign policy and get their reaction" went right thru your ears... Vlad Putin INTRODUCED HER and gave her access to those officials. Can you tell me why SHE (who helped to ACTUALLY STEAL votes from Hillary) -- is NEVER MENTIONED in the "Russia Russia Russia" investigations??
The entire point of this thread is to highlight the hypocrisy and idiocy of the ASSERTIONS that have been made that political challengers CANNOT contact or discuss with foreign govts. This is EXPECTED and totally legal. And YET -- Care4All is still bleating that Flynn talked to Russian diplomats 4 times as THO --- it's treasonous or something. It's not.

Flynn didn't just talk to the russians, which is legal, but he broke at least three US laws in order to do so. Lied on his security clearance, and lied to the FBI.

Already covered that.. That's Administrative details. NOT a National security crisis of the first order..
He never "lied" to the FBI. He made omissions and errors on a clearance renewal. Happens a lot. Doesn't prove intent to lie. And he was just formerly the Chief SPY for the Pentagon. Guy is NOT a security risk..
So much you're not getting here. Clinton's campaign manager was lobbying for SberBank which literally OWNS 1/3 of Russian assets.

The Podesta group were registered lobbyists, and fully operating within the law. They did so publicly and with government approval. Trump associates lobbied illegally, lied about it.
Already covered that.. That's Administrative details. NOT a National security crisis of the first order..
Are you retarded? Someone who is national security advisor under possible blackmail by the russians is a national security crisis.

Remember, while Flynn was in the white house, Trump's plan to arm the Kurds against ISIS was stopped by Flynn as head of the national security team. Once Flynn was kicked out, Trump's plan to arm the Kurds is being put into effect.

Flynn got $450,000 from the Turks to prevent Trump from arming the Kurds.

Chew on that quid pro ho.
So much you're not getting here. Clinton's campaign manager was lobbying for SberBank which literally OWNS 1/3 of Russian assets.

The Podesta group were registered lobbyists, and fully operating within the law. They did so publicly and with government approval. Trump associates lobbied illegally, lied about it.

Oh really? How many crooked Russian Oligarchs with ties to the Kremlin were his bosses directing his lobbying. How many assets of Vladmir Putin did SberBank Directly own? Why don't you want to know WHO he talked to in Russia. Probably several MILLION Russian business, govt orgs, and shady dealers being represented by Podesta Group.. You know for a fact that ONE of these several million Russian interested didn't want to MONITOR the Clinton Campaign to see if Podesta was pushing Clinton to EASE SANCTIONS? To not arm the Ukranians?

If Russians "hacked the DNC" -- there's literally a MILLION suspects connected to SberBank that would want to spy on the Clinton Campaign and PUSH Podesta to influence Clinton.. .

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