Proof: The Russian Investigations are Phony and Partisan..

I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..

Gotta first say -- I LOVE 3rd Party politics. Worked with the Green Party as an LParty representative on common issues. Spent many nights drinking and discussing politics with key Greens. Have NOTHING against Jill Stein. Don't believe she's guilty of much of anything other than being completely economically naive.

Who ELSE is at that table with Putin? Of course -- Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

How much was she paid to attend the RT Awards banquet? Why has her name NEVER BEEN MENTIONED in conjunction with the "The Russians are Coming to Get You" investigations? Did any of that money end up defraying campaign costs? What OTHER "contacts with High Level Russians" has she had?

Can't answer those questions? Can't show me where HER ass has been dragged thru the mud in rumors, leaks, investigations? Then --- there's PROOF --- this whole farce is a McCarthy style witchhunt.. Because OBVIOUSLY -- that woman at the table ALTERED the results of an election and caused Hillary to lose...

What this whole dust-up is -- is the pre-prepared ALIBI from the DNC and Dem Leadership all the way UP to Obama to cover THEIR Russian "connections" and more seriously as we're finding out in dribbles, the UNCONSCIONABLE abuse of Big Brother spying and leaking against political opponents..


So you think Jill Stein was also involved with the Trump/Russia collusion to throw the election?

I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..
No, you didn't. Mother Jones did. You are taking credit for their work, including the photo you posted.
is Jill a former career military officer who signed an agreement to not accept payments from foreign countries

After You Go: Temporary Employment Restrictions |

That's not collusion with the Russians to alter an election is it? Sounds like an Administrative issue to me.
it's not collusion, it's just ILLEGAL for Flynn to do it the way he did...

and Comey never used the word collusion, he said coordinated....? Not certain what the actual difference is..???

It had nothing to do with "colluding or coordinating with the Russians". That's the bottom line. Straight Administrative detail work. OTH -- A socialist Prez candidate showing up at the SAME table with Putin in a picture widely posted to SUGGEST Flynn was colluding -- that's interesting. No? And begs the question, if you're gonna HAVE an investigation into Russian efforts to affect the election result -- what OTHER contact Stein or the Greens had. Don't you want to know that? When it's a more obvious EFFECT on the outcome of an election???
WHO SAID that Flynn was colluding with the enemy...uh, Russians?

Flynn is in trouble FOR BREAKING THE LAW....not for colluding with the Russians....and for LYING about his meetings and not reporting them, ACCORDING to the law and protocol for Ex Military Generals.

end of story....
Putin was kicked out of the G-8. Today he's probably sitting in the Kremlin laughing his ass off about how much fruit their plan to disrupt the american election has yielded.

Payback is a bitch - Vladimir Putin.
Flynn is in trouble FOR BREAKING THE LAW....not for colluding with the Russians....and for LYING about his meetings and not reporting them, ACCORDING to the law and protocol for Ex Military Generals.

end of story....

Actually it's just the beginning. Wiith all the meetings with the russian ambassador
in Trump tower, i'm surprised they didn't charge him a monthly maintenance fee.
How can this be purely partisan when the Republicans control every branch of government?
So if 6 of our intel agencies had the information about Russia possibly interfering in our elections........why didn't they do anything to block or protect it from happening??? They had atleast 6 months to come up with some kind of plan, yeah?
So if 6 of our intel agencies had the information about Russia possibly interfering in our elections........why didn't they do anything to block or protect it from happening??? They had atleast 6 months to come up with some kind of plan, yeah?

The russian attack was multifacited. It included fake news, collusion, hacking and other means. They would have had to shut down the internet to stop the russians.
I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..

Gotta first say -- I LOVE 3rd Party politics. Worked with the Green Party as an LParty representative on common issues. Spent many nights drinking and discussing politics with key Greens. Have NOTHING against Jill Stein. Don't believe she's guilty of much of anything other than being completely economically naive.

Who ELSE is at that table with Putin? Of course -- Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

How much was she paid to attend the RT Awards banquet? Why has her name NEVER BEEN MENTIONED in conjunction with the "The Russians are Coming to Get You" investigations? Did any of that money end up defraying campaign costs? What OTHER "contacts with High Level Russians" has she had?

Can't answer those questions? Can't show me where HER ass has been dragged thru the mud in rumors, leaks, investigations? Then --- there's PROOF --- this whole farce is a McCarthy style witchhunt.. Because OBVIOUSLY -- that woman at the table ALTERED the results of an election and caused Hillary to lose...

What this whole dust-up is -- is the pre-prepared ALIBI from the DNC and Dem Leadership all the way UP to Obama to cover THEIR Russian "connections" and more seriously as we're finding out in dribbles, the UNCONSCIONABLE abuse of Big Brother spying and leaking against political opponents..


So you think Jill Stein was also involved with the Trump/Russia collusion to throw the election?


No -- I want to know if her and Green Party were HELPED by Russia to split the left-wing vote. And you knew that. Were speechless about WHY this isn't part of your witch hunt investigation and just had to say something.
Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

The flaw, of course, is you're assuming that every vote for Stein would have been, in her absence, a vote for Clinton. You can't make that case. It's highly plausible that absent the choice of Stein (or another Green) many if not most of those votes would not have bothered to vote at all.

The other flaw is that the Green Party regularly fields a candidate, and 2016 was no exception. And Stein I believe has run before too.

Whats the significance of "they always run a candidate"? I'm not saying that she RAN just because of coordination and support from the Russians. I'm just saying that there are TONS of more evidence that she influenced absolute votes. And yet never has her name come up in the whole damn Russian investigation.. Motive and access.

As for the silly idea that any of the Greens would have voted for Trump or Gary Johnson, even if only 80% of her votes came from Clinton -- that's STILL the margin of victory in 3 states. Remember also -- the Greens TRIPLED their net pop vote in this election...

Nah, I think you're making leaps. You can choose 100%, 80%, 20%, anything you want but it's all guesswork.
I don't see how a Hillary Clinton voter would switch to Jill Stein given the stakes -- certainly not in a close state. I've cast a 3P vote like that in the past but I first made damn sure I did it in a deep red state where my vote meant nothing except the drop-in-the-bucket protest against the Duopoly that it was.

A far stronger case can be made that Stein voters genuinely wanted Jill Stein. There would be no other reason for them to do it in a swing state --- anyone who intended an anti-Clinton vote already had Rump as a choice.

We'll never know of course but I don't think you make a strong case assuming a Stein vote is a potential Clinton vote.

Wrong. It is not arguable that the Greens tripled the amount of votes they received. That is well known, thus your claim that she had no measurable effect is ridiculous.

Once AGAIN you need to go find a remedial reading course before you continue to embarrass yourself here.

I didn't claim Stein did or did not have a "measurable effect". That's the OP's point.

:banghead: Reading is a lost art.
This is simply ridiculous imho....comparing Jill Stein to Michael Flynn... Did Jill Stein call the Russian Ambassador 5 times on the Day pres Obama had sanctions placed on the Russians for interference in our election?

Did Jill Stein meet with the Russian Ambassador in Trump Tower with Kushner and ask for a secret channel way to speak with Putin/the Kremlin for Trump? WHY would he do that...?

And then lie about meeting with him?

Did Jill Stein have classified clearance and the opportunity to pass along US Secrets? Not saying flynn did, but he could have... Was Jill Stein an agent of a foreign power and neglect to legally report it, while also receiving TOP SECRET briefings daily?

THIS IS NOT a bogus investigation and the people claiming it is, don't have their heads screwed on straight...or have foolishly bought in to the Russian propaganda that made its way in to the right wing media...again, imho!
Stein didn't affect the results that much when it comes to the election, but she did affect it some, but no more than any third party candidate....

it sucks having 3rd party in the election because they can not win in the electoral process....especially with winner takes all electors.
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is Jill a former career military officer who signed an agreement to not accept payments from foreign countries

After You Go: Temporary Employment Restrictions |

That's not collusion with the Russians to alter an election is it? Sounds like an Administrative issue to me.
it's not collusion, it's just ILLEGAL for Flynn to do it the way he did...

and Comey never used the word collusion, he said coordinated....? Not certain what the actual difference is..???

It had nothing to do with "colluding or coordinating with the Russians". That's the bottom line. Straight Administrative detail work. OTH -- A socialist Prez candidate showing up at the SAME table with Putin in a picture widely posted to SUGGEST Flynn was colluding -- that's interesting. No? And begs the question, if you're gonna HAVE an investigation into Russian efforts to affect the election result -- what OTHER contact Stein or the Greens had. Don't you want to know that? When it's a more obvious EFFECT on the outcome of an election???
WHO SAID that Flynn was colluding with the enemy...uh, Russians?

Flynn is in trouble FOR BREAKING THE LAW....not for colluding with the Russians....and for LYING about his meetings and not reporting them, ACCORDING to the law and protocol for Ex Military Generals.

end of story....

Listen up real closely. He was SPIED on in order to focus the investigation on the Russian connection. No Russia connection excuse --- then there's NO explanation or excuse why his communications were tapped. This isn't about Flynn.. Although you ask any leftist on this board what the evidence on Russian Collusion is and they'll say Manafort, Flynn, Sessions and now Kushner. Only ONE of those has any PRAYER of being valid. But there you go. It's Russia Russia Russia..

This thread is about the lady at the table who actually DID influence the election and helped Hillary to lose.. How much was SHE paid? How many other "surreptitious meetings" did she have with High Ranking Russians? And you can't get HIGHER than Putin.. Socialist on Socialist. Had more of a plausible outcome on the election than ANY Russian "fake news" story..

It's all phony if they DON'T investigate her..
Just quit sniffing my butt and tell me WHY Flynn being there or alll the AMERICAN JOURNALISTS not in that picture might be a different story?

Because for Flynn, there was more evidence than just a photo that he did something illegal.

For Stein, there wasn't.

Just what part of "There needs to be evidence" are you having such difficultly with?

And WHY her ass is not mentioned in ANY Congressional Hearings on this topic.

Because contrary to your kook conspiracy theory, the current investigations aren't about who made Clinton lose. They're about who did something illegal. To you, everything is always about attacking the EnemiesOfTheParty, so you assume others must think like you. They don't.

Don;'t you realize how idiotic and juvenile that sounds given tthe OP and my comments. I'm embarrassed for you.. You just don't like me. Don't destroy yourself over that. Just answer the OP questions and we'll ALL be as far ahead on this as you are... :rolleyes:

And there's that expected meltdown, the one you always have when anyone shows that you're not even close to being the smartest guy in the room. You should work on that narcissism problem.

You're solely misinformed. The investigations are about the Russians TAMPERING with the US election process. Why not Jill Stein?

Did Jill Stein start churning out fake news stories? Did she release hacked computer files?

I really don't think you have a bridge here.
This thread is about the lady at the table who actually DID influence the election and helped Hillary to lose..

Again ---- that's your assumption; you don't know that she (Stein) did that by design.

"By design" meaning that the whole point of her being a candidate -- not for the first time -- was to "influence the election" negatively to Clinton.

Which leads us to ---

It's all phony if they DON'T investigate her..

It's still not illegal to run for President against other candidates. By that definition, everybody who ran in the election "should be investigated for interfering with the Clinton (or whoever) campaign". That makes no sense.
This is simply ridiculous imho....comparing Jill Stein to Michael Flynn... Did Jill Stein call the Russian Ambassador 5 times on the Day pres Obama had sanctions placed on the Russians for interference in our election?

Did Jill Stein meet with the Russian Ambassador in Trump Tower with Kushner and ask for a secret channel way to speak with Putin/the Kremlin for Trump? WHY would he do that...?

And then lie about meeting with him?

Did Jill Stein have classified clearance and the opportunity to pass along US Secrets? Not saying flynn did, but he could have... Was Jill Stein an agent of a foreign power and neglect to legally report it, while also receiving TOP SECRET briefings daily?

THIS IS NOT a bogus investigation and the people claiming it is, don't have their heads screwed on straight...or have foolishly bought in to the Russian propaganda that made its way in to the right wing media...again, imho!

What does a clearance have to do with anything? No accusation ever in the investigation about trading State secrets. It's been all about access to RUSSIANS and collusion to fix an election. Stein had MOTIVE and ACCESS. That picture was used THOUSANDS of times on the web to slime Flynn. Why has Stein NEVER been mentioned when a CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT sits at the same table as Vlad Putin?? The GParty took advantage of the Bernie burn-out --- tripled their typical polling result and contributed GREATLY to the defeat of Clinton.

That's Russian Investigation material right there...
So if 6 of our intel agencies had the information about Russia possibly interfering in our elections........why didn't they do anything to block or protect it from happening??? They had atleast 6 months to come up with some kind of plan, yeah?

Same reason NONE of those agencies never looked at or analyzed the key evidence in the DNC break-in. Because the allegations in that phony Intel report fingering the Russians was all public knowledge boilerplate about generalized Russians actions since the Cold War and THIRD PARTY opinions from "experts" highly connected and loyal to the DNC.

You are correct. Another fact that points to this being a prepped DNC alibi to cover their Domestic spying on opposition candidates is that HAD THERE BEEN an unprecedented Russian attempt to interfere -- there would have been ADVISORIES issued to all political orgs by now on how to protect AGAINST those cyber attacks in the future. And again ---- crickets. Nothing. No advisories, no fixes for the problem..
Well, Mr. Flacaltenn, there are a lot more shoes to drop. Looks like this investigation may get into real serious matters rather soon.
I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..

Gotta first say -- I LOVE 3rd Party politics. Worked with the Green Party as an LParty representative on common issues. Spent many nights drinking and discussing politics with key Greens. Have NOTHING against Jill Stein. Don't believe she's guilty of much of anything other than being completely economically naive.

Who ELSE is at that table with Putin? Of course -- Jill Stein. A candidate for President of US that same year. A woman who actually DID influence the votes on election day and caused Hillary to lose 3 states. Because Hillary's margin of defeat in those KEY STATES was less than the votes for the Green Party. That is by definition, having the ability to ALTER the results of an election and DIRECTLY affect the votes..

How much was she paid to attend the RT Awards banquet? Why has her name NEVER BEEN MENTIONED in conjunction with the "The Russians are Coming to Get You" investigations? Did any of that money end up defraying campaign costs? What OTHER "contacts with High Level Russians" has she had?

Can't answer those questions? Can't show me where HER ass has been dragged thru the mud in rumors, leaks, investigations? Then --- there's PROOF --- this whole farce is a McCarthy style witchhunt.. Because OBVIOUSLY -- that woman at the table ALTERED the results of an election and caused Hillary to lose...

What this whole dust-up is -- is the pre-prepared ALIBI from the DNC and Dem Leadership all the way UP to Obama to cover THEIR Russian "connections" and more seriously as we're finding out in dribbles, the UNCONSCIONABLE abuse of Big Brother spying and leaking against political opponents..


So you think Jill Stein was also involved with the Trump/Russia collusion to throw the election?


No -- I want to know if her and Green Party were HELPED by Russia to split the left-wing vote. And you knew that. Were speechless about WHY this isn't part of your witch hunt investigation and just had to say something.

You do realize that Jill Stein has nothing to do with whether or not Trump and/or his people are guilty, right?
I've seen the pic below in DOZENS of threads about the alleged Flynn connection to Russia. There is SO much irony in that picture -- it burns my soul. I finally decided to point it out..
No, you didn't. Mother Jones did. You are taking credit for their work, including the photo you posted.

It was all negative about Flynn. How much HE got paid. About HIS failure to disclose. They have one quote from Stein in that piece and NEVER QUESTIONED her possible collusion.. In fact, collusion it was because Stein admits in the article ----

Stein said the soiree was "a great opportunity to lay out some of my foreign policy proposals and get Russian reactions to them."

Isn't that the same reason that an incoming Admin SHOULD be talking to Russian Ambassadors? Why is it that's OK Dokey for Stein to have that access, but a national crisis if the Trump Team does the same? I'm asking a lot of questions here. Would appreciate answers..

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