Prop 8 in California

That's entirely possible. He wouldn't be the first politician to say whatever he needed to in order to get elected. Just one of many.

Damn I hate the two party system.

I hate the ignorance more then anything in this country.

Not sure if any third party candidate supports Gay Marriage.
Which is precisely what he should NOT do. It is not the job of the President to decide state issues. It's bad enough Roe v. Wade will be allowed to stand.

I agree -

I could see legislation guaranteeing rights... The bugaboo is the word 'marriage'. If the conservatives want to give up a say in economic issues by alienating moderates who don't give a shit to protect that word in the various states, it is their loss.

Alright, it's a ban on unmarried couples from adopting but it's purpose is to prevent Gays from adopting.

That better? :eusa_whistle:


Now if you'll learn the difference between "then" and "than"; "your," "you're," and "yore"; and "it's" and "its", I'll be happy.

Now if you'll learn the difference between "then" and "than"; "your," "you're," and "yore"; and "it's" and "its", I'll be happy.

Then - Then the door opened.

Than - America is better than some countries.

Your - Your car is on fire.

You're - You're going to your car which is on fire.

Yore - Yore country history is long. (Never really used yore but I know it's a time long past)

It's - It's a lovely day.

Its - Its belong to me.


I know the difference. Though I may not always show it.
Then - Then the door opened.

Than - America is better than some countries.

Your - Your car is on fire.

You're - You're going to your car which is on fire.

Yore - Yore country history is long. (Never really used yore but I know it's a time long past)

It's - It's a lovely day.

Its - Its belong to me.


I know the difference. Though I may not always show it.

You got "yore" and "its" wrong. Go study and write me a ten page report on why I hate you.
You got "yore" and "its" wrong. Go study and write me a ten page report on why I hate you.

I never use Yore and Its is the possessive form of it.

The family cancelled its trip to Alaska.

That better?

And a ten page report on why you hate me? Asking for a bit much no? :lol:
Florida is also passing a ban on Gay Marriage.

I have a feeling that in 2010 or 2012, Rhode Island will be allowing a chance for Gay Marriage to become into law.

Both MA and CT have it.
This may force Obama to pass a federal law allowing gay marriage.... will be interesting. Not his highest priority, but certainly we should allow equal rights for ALL Americans.
on Jan 20th 2009 Obama will be in the wrong branch of government to do any such thing
Florida is also passing a ban on Gay Marriage.

I have a feeling that in 2010 or 2012, Rhode Island will be allowing a chance for Gay Marriage to become into law.

Both MA and CT have it.

Which is in violation of Federal law and therefore is null and void. See Supremacy Clause.
This may force Obama to pass a federal law allowing gay marriage.... will be interesting. Not his highest priority, but certainly we should allow equal rights for ALL Americans.
Banning Sodomite marriage is just the first step.

Next, we need to criminalize homosexuality and lock them up.
Banning Sodomite marriage is just the first step.

Next, we need to criminalize homosexuality and lock them up.

It's a sad thing for America that alot of people probably agree with you.

Luckily, not myself.
Is this thing really going to pass?

California propositions county-by-county map, margin of victory - Los Angeles Times

As I write this, it's 53.2% - 46.8% yes.

I understand the majority of counties counted first were Conservative though.
Are you kidding me? California is the leftmost state there is! But the fact that it will pass is proof that conservative ideas are still popular. I'm guessing it's the huge Hispanic Catholic vote pushing this. They don't like gays or abortion you know.
Don't worry though, liberal activist judges will circumvent the will of the people in this case by overturning it at the state level. We can't have any of that "Direct Democracy" now can we? The great unwashed masses haven't a clue do they?
I don't know if Obama ever said he was against gay marriage, but I was watched the Gay Issues Democratic Nomination Debate when it was on and I remember that Obama said he believed that every American should have equal rights while Hillary and Edwards said they believed in taditional marraige.
This would all be pretty much a non-issue if the homosexual community would simply drop the whole thing about marriage... their attempt to FORCE America to change the definition of marriage for them is ridiculous...

I think they could definitely get equal treatment under inheritance rights, spousal decisions, etc if they would simply accept the definition of marriage being between a man and a woman, and that a homosexual pairing could have the same rights but simply be called a union...

But no... this is not about equal rights... it is well into force and pushing an agenda... which does not bode well with the American public
This would all be pretty much a non-issue if the homosexual community would simply drop the whole thing about marriage... their attempt to FORCE America to change the definition of marriage for them is ridiculous...

I think they could definitely get equal treatment under inheritance rights, spousal decisions, etc if they would simply accept the definition of marriage being between a man and a woman, and that a homosexual pairing could have the same rights but simply be called a union...

But no... this is not about equal rights... it is well into force and pushing an agenda... which does not bode well with the American public

Actually, what it has to do with is equality. To call marriage between homosexuals something other than marriage is the samething as the "different but equal" policies after Jim Crowe but before the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s - and we all know that isn't equal.

This is an issue that is controversial for monotheists whose religious beliefs don't allow homosexuality. If we are going to live in a nation that abides by the separation of church and state then we really have an obligation to allow gay marriage. And if we are going to live in a nation that is truly free, then we must have equality for all people.

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