Propaganda Writ Large


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Oct 6, 2008
NPR just broadcast the story of a new memorial for "Peace and Justice, dedicated to the victims of lynching."

1."New Lynching Memorial Is A Space 'To Talk About All Of That Anguish'
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, opening Thursday, stands high on a hillside overlooking downtown Montgomery, Ala. Beyond the buildings you can see the winding Alabama River and hear the distant whistle of a train — the nexus that made the city a hub for the domestic slave trade.

...a life-size sculpture in bronze of six people in rusting shackles, including a mother with a baby in her arms.

"You see the agony and the anguish and the suffering in these figures," says Bryan Stevenson, founder and director of the Equal Justice Initiative, the non-profit legal advocacy group that created the memorial."
New Lynching Memorial Is A Space 'To Talk About All Of That Anguish'

Of course, this piece of slanted journalism is designed to gin up the angst and anger of black Americans.

Think these facts will be provided at the 'memorial'....or were mentioned by NPR/DNC????

2. What are the chances that mention will be made of the oldest racist organization in the nation....the Democrat Party.....

Antebellum Democrats lynched blacks....and Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill in the US Senate right up until mid-20th century.

And, of course, this: Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

3. Oh....and the Liberal/Democrat icon, LBJ????
He consistently voted against, and blocked Republican anti-lynching bills.
Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.”
Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

4. Democrats stopped every anti-lynching bill in the Senate...ever!

"On June 13, 2005, in a resolution sponsored by senators Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and George Allen of Virginia, together with 78 others, the US Senate formally apologized for its failure to enact this and other anti-lynching bills "when action was most needed."[3] From 1882-1968, "...nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress, and three passed the House. Seven presidents between 1890 and 1952 petitioned Congress to pass a federal law."[3] None was approved by the Senate because of the powerful opposition of the Southern Democratic voting bloc"
Senate Apologizes for Not Passing Anti-Lynching Laws

5. It was Republicans who overwhelmingly introduced, promoted, and passed every civil rights act from the end of the Civil War right up to and including the 1964 Civil Rights Act. President Eisenhower pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, written by Attorney General Herbert Brownell, guaranteeing black voting rights, to be enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice.

6. “Furthermore, as the Westminster College historian David W. Southern notes in his recent book, The Progressive Era and Race: Reform and Reaction, 1900–1917, the very worst of it—disfranchisement, segregation, race baiting, lynching—“went hand-in-hand with the most advanced forms of southern progressivism.”
Racism was the norm, not the exception, among the very crusaders romanticized by today’s activist left."
When Bigots Become Reformers

7. Yet nearly half a $billion of taxpayer money goes to this shill for the DNC.

"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

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