Proper Term is Illegal Aliens...Not Immigrants

Dem's are adamant that we not interrupt their slave trade with Mexico. Have you noticed Dem's never claim to want illegals for a decent paying job, they want them working on Dem plantations making shit wages.
Here in Denver, they want to raise taxes to pay for free college tuition. But right now? A house in Boulder costs almost a million dollars. And we are talking about a liberal workers utopia and sanctuary for illegals...I am a NATIVE Coloradan and Boulder used to be a poor college town by anyone's standards. What the hell happened to Boulder? But they give sanctuary to illegal aliens...Rich white college educamcated exclusionististas, they hate poor white Americans so much more. Poor white Americans are not just TRASH, Poor Indigenous Anglo's are still human beings, too. We were born here too and we didn't ask for our heritage.
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The PEW Hispanic charitable trust. I listen to NPR too. I work with liberals, and the Koch brothers always seem like members of the freaking Illuminati. I see the huge influx poor Mexicans displacing American poor. When Americans have their kids taken from them and put in foster care , nobody cares. Everyone is lackadaisical about that. That isn't and crisis. Bad parenting we accept in America. Bad parenting by Mexicans dragging their kids into this, it a "humanitarian" crisis. It is ONLY when it suits liberals or pandering politicians.
Here in Denver, they want to raise taxes to pay for free college tuition. But right now? A house in Boulder costs almost a million dollars. And we are talking about a liberal workers utopia and sanctuary for illegals...I am a NATIVE Coloradan and Boulder used to be a poor college town by anyone's standards. What the hell happened to Boulder? But they give sanctuary to illegal aliens...Rich white college educamcated exclusionististas, they hate poor white Americans so much more. Poor white Americans are not just TRASH, Poor Indigenous Anglo's are still human beings, too. We were born here too and we didn't ask for our heritage.
Too many Californians moving there. They already fucked-up Oregon and Washington State. Just as New York liberals have ruined New Hampshire and Vermont. Also, 4-20 shit don’t help either.
Of course the criminal conspiracy in the MSM fails to use the "I" word as in "illegal" aliens and half of the time they refer to them as "migrants" although it's a one way trip.
It's like totally like WOW. Excusionistas. If you are hard working and are a legal immigrant, NOBODY has a problem with you. What we DO have a problem with is giving sanctuary to illegal aliens without our legal consensual agreement. I see the degradation of the
American worker without the consent of the average voter. What specific referendum , what laws gave legislators the right to give sanctuary to illegals? We bitch and whine about the treatment of illegals kids, but THIS little gem never seems to get answered. All of a sudden we get Sanctuary Cities...Out of the blue. Explain that to me. How did that just "happen"? No votes,like a rabbit pulled out of a magician's hat . POOF. How and why and by whom, things just don't magically happen like that.
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Here in Denver we have this Spanish only chanal La invorasora. That is a totally NEW "thing". The Invasion" channel No SAP in like, er, ENGLISH. Of course they (wink wink) mean that in a ironic way. I remember KBNO ( Espanol only) on the AM dial from 40 years ago and friends of mine's parents used listen to that religiously. And softly, not this in your face belligerent crappola loud bullshit Mexicans do now. Which is kinda the point here. Boom BOOM BOOM BOOM. Now.
My parents had KHOW. Hal and Charlie...Gogi Grant, soft and gentle music. But anyway. We are like 1000 miles from the Mexican border, I respect sentimentality and all.But not having it rammed down our throat against our will.
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