Proposed Law: requiring psych evaluations in custody battles


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
After Orono murder-suicide, a push to change custody laws

I find this tragic and agree with the family that more should be done with complaints of domestic, relationship and/or legal abuse.

I also have promoted a similar idea, to require screening and counseling after reports of such abuse, where both partners are required to counsel until the conflict or complaint is resolved to professional standards.

I believe this would reduce the crime rate, and allow more tax resources to go into education and preventative services, instead of wasting millions if not billions on prosecution and incarceration after crimes are committed.

However, one thing I found curious:
Did anyone else notice that society has tolerated men in battles, killing their spouses children and/or themselves, and just let it keep happening.

But here, when a woman does it, the mother, then suddenly
people bring up mental illness and demand screening.

Isn't it curious to you this didn't come up sooner with the
number of men who commit murder/suicide or both?

The sooner we take mental health screening seriously,
just like early diagnosis and treatment
for any other type of deadly disease, the better!

But it still seems odd that in this case, which compelled
and inspired legislative reform, it was the mother who killed her son
and herself.

Very sad, and I hope the family receives all the support
they need for healing of this tragedy, and for success in preventing
more such incidents in the future. More power and prayers to them!
Psychological evaluation isn't new for custody cases. I demanded it back in 82. It might have been unusual for the time, but certainly not unheard of.

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