Prosecutors Recommend Up To 6 Months in Prison For Flynn

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
You are either too stupid to understand the point or just another bald faced partisan liar.

Either way, go fuck yourself and welcome to my ignore list, shit4brains.
Actually, no on the public defender. This is a federal level issue and needs federal council.
A public defender against the combined might of the FBI, the DoJ and the Mueller special prosecution staff.

Let me get this right. The FBI can lie to us but federal prosecutors want to put a retired Army General in prison for lying to the FBI. Is the world freaking upside down?
Let me get this right. The FBI can lie to us but federal prosecutors want to put a retired Army General in prison for lying to the FBI. Is the world freaking upside down?
Except that is not how it went. The Feds want to imprison Flynn for a lie that he did not tell, but was merely made up and put into Flynns 302 report. It is literally criminal what they are doing to that hero.

May God strengthen Durhams mind and aim to get all these bastards.
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1) They did not inform Flynn that he was involved in an interview pursuant to a criminal investigation. That means he was not under oath, nor was there any reason for him to believe he was obligated to tell them the complete Truth. That is entrapment at best, criminal fraud and extortion at worst.

2) Flynn was not read his Miranda rights. Does that even matter to Democrats any more?

3) Exculpatory evidence was not shared with the defense team prior to the bullshit plea offer. That makes or should make the deal invalid completely. That Brady material should have been shared BEFORE a plea de3al was offered. But that is typical of the Nazi Andy Weisman.

4) The FBI advised Flynn that an attorney was not needed, implying it was NOT a criminal investigation, hence the FBI lied to Flynn.

5) The 302 of the Flynn interview was altered to make Flynn look like he lied, but he did not lie at all. The FBI lied about what Flynn said then prosecuted him for things he never said but which were falsely placed in his 302 by a scumbag.

Now the DoJ wants him to get 6 months in prison? for doing something he did not do?

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton destroeyed more than 30,000 government documents, violated a dozen classified document storage laws that would put any of the rest of us peasants in prison the rest of our lives and she gets nothing at all.

We have a two tiered justice system and cock sucking Democrats are totally OK with that as long as its their people getting the pass.
The current motion to dismiss with prejudice is on the table. Until that motion is researched by the judge they can piss and moan all they want but Flynn wont be going to jail. The reduction is sentence is being seen as a "yea we violated his rights but....." and that will go over like a ton of bricks..
I find it very interesting that republicans believe that Clinton was rightly impeached because he lied about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who wasn't his wife on a deposition for a civil lawsuit.

When a republican is caught, charged and pleads guilty of lying to the FBI the republicans don't believe it's a crime even though it most certainly is.

You far right radical extremist republicans believe only democrats should face consequences for their actions and crimes.

It doesn't work that way here in the good old US of A.

You people can whine and cry all you want but all you're doing is showing that you believe it's ok for a republican to break the law but it's not ok for a democrat to break the law.
Dana, do you realize that your inability to comprehend big words does not mean that Flynn is guilty of ANYTHING, you stupid doofus?
The current motion to dismiss with prejudice is on the table. Until that motion is researched by the judge they can piss and moan all they want but Flynn wont be going to jail. The reduction is sentence is being seen as a "yea we violated his rights but....." and that will go over like a ton of bricks..
If this jack ass of a judge does not dismiss the case GOP needs to impeach his sorry ass next year when they take back the House.

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