Prosecutors Recommend Up To 6 Months in Prison For Flynn

1) They did not inform Flynn that he was involved in an interview pursuant to a criminal investigation. That means he was not under oath, nor was there any reason for him to believe he was obligated to tell them the complete Truth. That is entrapment at best, criminal fraud and extortion at worst.

2) Flynn was not read his Miranda rights. Does that even matter to Democrats any more?

3) Exculpatory evidence was not shared with the defense team prior to the bullshit plea offer. That makes or should make the deal invalid completely. That Brady material should have been shared BEFORE a plea de3al was offered. But that is typical of the Nazi Andy Weisman.

4) The FBI advised Flynn that an attorney was not needed, implying it was NOT a criminal investigation, hence the FBI lied to Flynn.

5) The 302 of the Flynn interview was altered to make Flynn look like he lied, but he did not lie at all. The FBI lied about what Flynn said then prosecuted him for things he never said but which were falsely placed in his 302 by a scumbag.

Now the DoJ wants him to get 6 months in prison? for doing something he did not do?

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton destroeyed more than 30,000 government documents, violated a dozen classified document storage laws that would put any of the rest of us peasants in prison the rest of our lives and she gets nothing at all.

We have a two tiered justice system and cock sucking Democrats are totally OK with that as long as its their people getting the pass.
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it. I have met several 3 Stars. None of them cowards or dumb asses. He signed Jim. You just read it. Don't worry about the 0 - 6 months. He keeps his rank and pension. He agreed and signed, having read it. There has to be consequences.
It's what happens when you run out of money for legal fees. Don't think that was the democrats intentions?
Politicians are willing to destroy any person that gets in the way.

No. To a man of his training, experience, educationa and caliber, there are always options til they put you in the bag.
Oops. fingers slipped on "education". Thought I could post this before spelling Nazis attacked.
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

And James Brady has flipped and is fully cooperating with Durhams investigation! roflmao.

Lot of Democrooks are going to PRISON, long time baby!

James Baker Flips and Sydney Powell Lowers the Boom

Last night, Ned Ryun, CEO and Founder of American Majority, appeared on One America News with host Jack Posobiec. The interview covered yesterday’s epic evidentiary tour de force in the Gen. Mike Flynn trial [more on that later] by badass attorney Sydney Powell and ended with Ryun’s startling claim that multiple former FBI/DOJ officials have confirmed to him that Baker is now a cooperating witness with Barr and Durham. Here is the vido clip of that interview, followed by a transcript:​
And James Brady has flipped and is fully cooperating with Durhams investigation! roflmao.

Lot of Democrooks are going to PRISON, long time baby!

James Baker Flips and Sydney Powell Lowers the Boom

Last night, Ned Ryun, CEO and Founder of American Majority, appeared on One America News with host Jack Posobiec. The interview covered yesterday’s epic evidentiary tour de force in the Gen. Mike Flynn trial [more on that later] by badass attorney Sydney Powell and ended with Ryun’s startling claim that multiple former FBI/DOJ officials have confirmed to him that Baker is now a cooperating witness with Barr and Durham. Here is the vido clip of that interview, followed by a transcript:​
I thought James Brady was dead?
So the judge closes her eyes and rejects the request for BRADY MATERIAL the FBI is not handing over, lol, can you fucking believe this?

BREAKING: Judge Rejects Flynn Lawyer Sidney Powell’s Request For Brady Material – Sets Sentencing For January 28 | CauseACTION Clarion

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan on Monday rejected Sidney Powell’s request for additional Brady Material and announced Flynn will be sentenced on January 28.

General Flynn was railroaded by the Deep State, FBI and crooked Mueller team — he has spent an exorbitant amount of money defending himself.

The FBI ambushed Flynn at the White House during the Trump transition and altered the 302 FBI reports from the ambush interview.

Flynn didn’t even has his lawyer with him because the FBI didn’t inform him that he was being targeted.​
1) They did not inform Flynn that he was involved in an interview pursuant to a criminal investigation. That means he was not under oath, nor was there any reason for him to believe he was obligated to tell them the complete Truth. That is entrapment at best, criminal fraud and extortion at worst.

2) Flynn was not read his Miranda rights. Does that even matter to Democrats any more?

3) Exculpatory evidence was not shared with the defense team prior to the bullshit plea offer. That makes or should make the deal invalid completely. That Brady material should have been shared BEFORE a plea de3al was offered. But that is typical of the Nazi Andy Weisman.

4) The FBI advised Flynn that an attorney was not needed, implying it was NOT a criminal investigation, hence the FBI lied to Flynn.

5) The 302 of the Flynn interview was altered to make Flynn look like he lied, but he did not lie at all. The FBI lied about what Flynn said then prosecuted him for things he never said but which were falsely placed in his 302 by a scumbag.

Now the DoJ wants him to get 6 months in prison? for doing something he did not do?

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton destroeyed more than 30,000 government documents, violated a dozen classified document storage laws that would put any of the rest of us peasants in prison the rest of our lives and she gets nothing at all.

We have a two tiered justice system and cock sucking Democrats are totally OK with that as long as its their people getting the pass.
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it. I have met several 3 Stars. None of them cowards or dumb asses. He signed Jim. You just read it. Don't worry about the 0 - 6 months. He keeps his rank and pension. He agreed and signed, having read it. There has to be consequences.
It's what happens when you run out of money for legal fees. Don't think that was the democrats intentions?
Politicians are willing to destroy any person that gets in the way.

No. To a man of his training, experience, educationa and caliber, there are always options til they put you in the bag.
Sure, sure....that's why he had to sell his house to pay for legal fees.
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.
I find it very interesting that republicans believe that Clinton was rightly impeached because he lied about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who wasn't his wife on a deposition for a civil lawsuit.

When a republican is caught, charged and pleads guilty of lying to the FBI the republicans don't believe it's a crime even though it most certainly is.

You far right radical extremist republicans believe only democrats should face consequences for their actions and crimes.

It doesn't work that way here in the good old US of A.

You people can whine and cry all you want but all you're doing is showing that you believe it's ok for a republican to break the law but it's not ok for a democrat to break the law.
I find it very interesting that republicans believe that Clinton was rightly impeached because he lied about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who wasn't his wife on a deposition for a civil lawsuit.

When a republican is caught, charged and pleads guilty of lying to the FBI the republicans don't believe it's a crime even though it most certainly is.

You far right radical extremist republicans believe only democrats should face consequences for their actions and crimes.

It doesn't work that way here in the good old US of A.

You people can whine and cry all you want but all you're doing is showing that it's ok for a republican to break the law but it's not ok for a democrat to break the law.
Stay tuned for the rest of the story, Dana. I'm sure it's already in this thread if you want to research on just how they manipulated Flynn.
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.

He will buy another one, if he doesn't have more than one, Meister. Financial problems can always be solved if you are not paralyzed, afraid of them. He's not the type to be scared long. Don't bleed for the General. He'll patch up his wounds, even self injuries.
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.

He will buy another one, if he doesn't have more than one, Meister. Financial problems can always be solved if you are not paralyzed, afraid of them. He's not the type to be scared long. Don't bleed for the General. He'll patch up his wounds, even self injuries.
For the love of God, what universe do you live in? It sure isn't reality.
This has nothing to do with Flynn's character. It's has everything to do with financing his legal fees.
The man had to sell the house that he and his wife were living in. Don't you understand what that means?????
You are just using conjecture about multiple dwellings.
Flynn owed $4,600,000 for legal fees. Now that might be chump change to you, But, for a retired person that is some serious change.
Now, just how long on his pension do you believe it would take to pay that sum back? Be honest
Flynn Owed $4.6 Million in Unpaid Legal Bills
Good grief!
White 6
Last edited:
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.

He will buy another one, if he doesn't have more than one, Meister. Financial problems can always be solved if you are not paralyzed, afraid of them. He's not the type to be scared long. Don't bleed for the General. He'll patch up his wounds, even self injuries.
For the love of God, what universe do you live in? It sure isn't reality.
This has nothing to do with Flynn's character. It's has everything to do with financing his legal fees.
The man had to sell the house that he and his wife were living in. Don't you understand what the means?????
You are just using conjecture about multiple dwellings.
Flynn owed $4,600,000 for legal fees. Now that might be chump change to you, But, for a retired person that is some serious change.
Now, just how long on his pension do you believe it would take to pay that sum back? Be honest
Flynn Owed $4.6 Million in Unpaid Legal Bills
Good grief!
White 6
geezus and i shake my head at what i owe....
You are making a case the Lt General Mike Flynn was too stupid to know he was innocent or too cowardly to fight? I don't buy it.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.

He will buy another one, if he doesn't have more than one, Meister. Financial problems can always be solved if you are not paralyzed, afraid of them. He's not the type to be scared long. Don't bleed for the General. He'll patch up his wounds, even self injuries.
For the love of God, what universe do you live in? It sure isn't reality.
This has nothing to do with Flynn's character. It's has everything to do with financing his legal fees.
The man had to sell the house that he and his wife were living in. Don't you understand what the means?????
You are just using conjecture about multiple dwellings.
Flynn owed $4,600,000 for legal fees. Now that might be chump change to you, But, for a retired person that is some serious change.
Now, just how long on his pension do you believe it would take to pay that sum back? Be honest
Flynn Owed $4.6 Million in Unpaid Legal Bills
Good grief!
White 6
That is way, way serious change. Still think he will come out OK. Republicans and supporters are and will be supporting his legal defense funding site. He could have done as well with a public defender, but that was the informed choice. I don't think he made it lightly.
Flynn was dead broke, his attorneys he had at the time were not giving him good advice and he was not given all the Brady material he was entitled to and which would likely have caused him to not plea.

And you think you or anyone else would have done better?

No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.

He will buy another one, if he doesn't have more than one, Meister. Financial problems can always be solved if you are not paralyzed, afraid of them. He's not the type to be scared long. Don't bleed for the General. He'll patch up his wounds, even self injuries.
For the love of God, what universe do you live in? It sure isn't reality.
This has nothing to do with Flynn's character. It's has everything to do with financing his legal fees.
The man had to sell the house that he and his wife were living in. Don't you understand what the means?????
You are just using conjecture about multiple dwellings.
Flynn owed $4,600,000 for legal fees. Now that might be chump change to you, But, for a retired person that is some serious change.
Now, just how long on his pension do you believe it would take to pay that sum back? Be honest
Flynn Owed $4.6 Million in Unpaid Legal Bills
Good grief!
White 6
That is way, way serious change. Still think he will come out OK. Republicans and supporters are and will be supporting his legal defense funding site. He could have done as well with a public defender, but that was the informed choice. I don't think he made it lightly.
Actually, no on the public defender. This is a federal level issue and needs federal council.
No, jim. If that man did not think he was guilty of something, He Would Not Plea.
Broke? A 3 star General with his retirement and benefits. Lack of sufficient cash-flow is temporary condition. Look how many time Donald Trump has been in bankruptcy court.
No, if guilty, I could not have done better. If innocent I Would Not Plea. You could ask anybody that knows me, civilian or military, there have been several occasions when I have been far to stubborn for my own good, when I was right.

He will buy another one, if he doesn't have more than one, Meister. Financial problems can always be solved if you are not paralyzed, afraid of them. He's not the type to be scared long. Don't bleed for the General. He'll patch up his wounds, even self injuries.
For the love of God, what universe do you live in? It sure isn't reality.
This has nothing to do with Flynn's character. It's has everything to do with financing his legal fees.
The man had to sell the house that he and his wife were living in. Don't you understand what the means?????
You are just using conjecture about multiple dwellings.
Flynn owed $4,600,000 for legal fees. Now that might be chump change to you, But, for a retired person that is some serious change.
Now, just how long on his pension do you believe it would take to pay that sum back? Be honest
Flynn Owed $4.6 Million in Unpaid Legal Bills
Good grief!
White 6
That is way, way serious change. Still think he will come out OK. Republicans and supporters are and will be supporting his legal defense funding site. He could have done as well with a public defender, but that was the informed choice. I don't think he made it lightly.
Actually, no on the public defender. This is a federal level issue and needs federal council.
If it that bad financially, Do you think he will reconsider funding offered?
— -- Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will not accept support from a new legal fund called the “Patriot Legal Expense Fund” established with President Donald Trump’s campaign funds to help his White House and campaign aides shoulder legal expenses related to the special counsel’s probe, a source close to Flynn told ABC News.

“General Flynn early on made a decision not to accept funds from President Trump, the Trump Organization, or the campaign, and has not accepted any funds from them,” the source said. “And he does not expect to accept any funds from the new entity.”

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